About Mahevash
Rank 9270
1,065 followers Joined December 2013
Hello! Thanks for checking out my profile! My name is Mahevash. I am an IT engineering graduate who always dreamt of being self-employed and what with





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi, everybody. About a month back, I had said that I had to leave WA due to my first job. Well, at that time, I hadn't really got it as the last round was left, but I was sure o

Aww!! sorry to see you go, funny I want to leave full time work and yo the reverse wow but like I said will miss you when yo gone

That's life! And you can always contact me on my email id:)
Good luck!

Congrats on the new job , looking forward to see your return ...TO your success in all you do ...

Thank you:)
I had sent you a PM, hope you received it?

ugh nasty flu... Congrats on getting a new job that fast though! Have fun and take care! :)

Thank you! You take care too! Good luck with all your upcoming ventures:)

Congrats on your new job. Sorry to hear you need to leave. I wish you all the best. Debbie

Thanks, Debbie. I am sorry as well...thank you and good luck to you too.

Congratulations on your new job and I hope you will be back here with us in the foreseeable future.

Thanks, Charlene! Hope to be back soon:)

Such a shame! :(

Anyways good luck with your new job and we hope to see you back soon! :)


I know right?
thank you and will be back asap!
take care and good luck:)

Good Luck to you.

Thank you

good luck.


Good luck to you!

Thank you!

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Update-This is the end of my WA journey...for now.

Update-This is the end of my WA journey...for now.

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi, everybody. About a month back, I had said that I had to leave WA due to my first job. Well, at that time, I hadn't really got it as the last round was left, but I was sure o

Aww!! sorry to see you go, funny I want to leave full time work and yo the reverse wow but like I said will miss you when yo gone

That's life! And you can always contact me on my email id:)
Good luck!

Congrats on the new job , looking forward to see your return ...TO your success in all you do ...

Thank you:)
I had sent you a PM, hope you received it?

ugh nasty flu... Congrats on getting a new job that fast though! Have fun and take care! :)

Thank you! You take care too! Good luck with all your upcoming ventures:)

Congrats on your new job. Sorry to hear you need to leave. I wish you all the best. Debbie

Thanks, Debbie. I am sorry as well...thank you and good luck to you too.

Congratulations on your new job and I hope you will be back here with us in the foreseeable future.

Thanks, Charlene! Hope to be back soon:)

Such a shame! :(

Anyways good luck with your new job and we hope to see you back soon! :)


I know right?
thank you and will be back asap!
take care and good luck:)

Good Luck to you.

Thank you

good luck.


Good luck to you!

Thank you!

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Here are the links to all my accounts so far-

Facebook -

Great idea :-)
Mine are:

FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Healthy-Point/1411311919086453 (you can like it, if you want!)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHealthyPoint

I'll add you!
Cheers :-)

Thanks and added:)

Have connected with you Francesco! Lydia.

Thanks Lydia! Regards

following you.
mine - https://www.facebook.com/healthylifestylediary

connected with you with them all except fb do not have business page with them

Thank you:)


this could be a bit tricky, while there is a platform inside WA to share G+ accounts, i'm not sure about a blog asking for contact information..But here is a like to "Spam is a no no"


number 9 and 11 :

Asking for personal contact information
Soliciting communication outside of the Wealthy Affiliate platform

Just a friendly FYI is all :-)

Thank you for the link:)
i guess I will just PM Carson and see what he has to say

Spamming is definitely not allowed, but connecting socially is not asking for personal info the way I see it. Kyle encourages us to start following him and Carson on not just G+ but also Pinterest. Kyle is also a friend of mine on FB, and I often engage in discussions with him.

I would think telephone numbers and email addresses are personal in nature and would be cautious in parting with those.

Just my thoughts.


I agree, on all social media platforms you have the option to keep your contact info private

Following you:)

Followed you g+ and t.

Thank you, will add you soon

nice idea doing that, very good so all of us connecet together as each
other and get more link.

Thank you. Yes, and we can also become a more close-knit community in this way:)

I like your idea. I've just followed you on Twitter.

Cool! Followed you back:)

You certainly are a busy little lady and my congratulations to you on your site and achievements It is plain that you have some very firm beliefs, I have one that is paramount.....That is to try at all times to treat others as I would like to be treated. Yes I know that has been written in different forms in different books but that is mine lol All the best to you

Thank you sir, really appreciate it:)
yes I do and I hope that if some of them are misbeliefs they get weeded out!
that is a wonderful belief, now if only more people followed it the world would be so much better!

Kyle has encouraged us to share our google plus accounts, so I thought why not share all social accounts? If it is not permitted, I am truly sorry.

We are absolutely allowed to share our accounts here. Many other members have blogged about the same thing. Will add mine to the top! Lydia.

I didn't think we were allowed to give out our personal connections, but maybe I'm wrong. Think I'll wait & see what others say first. If nothing else, it may be possible to do so my PM to each individual on our networks. We'll see...

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Let's connect - share all your social media accounts here

Let's connect - share all your social media accounts here

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Here are the links to all my accounts so far-

Facebook -

Great idea :-)
Mine are:

FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Healthy-Point/1411311919086453 (you can like it, if you want!)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHealthyPoint

I'll add you!
Cheers :-)

Thanks and added:)

Have connected with you Francesco! Lydia.

Thanks Lydia! Regards

following you.
mine - https://www.facebook.com/healthylifestylediary

connected with you with them all except fb do not have business page with them

Thank you:)


this could be a bit tricky, while there is a platform inside WA to share G+ accounts, i'm not sure about a blog asking for contact information..But here is a like to "Spam is a no no"


number 9 and 11 :

Asking for personal contact information
Soliciting communication outside of the Wealthy Affiliate platform

Just a friendly FYI is all :-)

Thank you for the link:)
i guess I will just PM Carson and see what he has to say

Spamming is definitely not allowed, but connecting socially is not asking for personal info the way I see it. Kyle encourages us to start following him and Carson on not just G+ but also Pinterest. Kyle is also a friend of mine on FB, and I often engage in discussions with him.

I would think telephone numbers and email addresses are personal in nature and would be cautious in parting with those.

Just my thoughts.


I agree, on all social media platforms you have the option to keep your contact info private

Following you:)

Followed you g+ and t.

Thank you, will add you soon

nice idea doing that, very good so all of us connecet together as each
other and get more link.

Thank you. Yes, and we can also become a more close-knit community in this way:)

I like your idea. I've just followed you on Twitter.

Cool! Followed you back:)

You certainly are a busy little lady and my congratulations to you on your site and achievements It is plain that you have some very firm beliefs, I have one that is paramount.....That is to try at all times to treat others as I would like to be treated. Yes I know that has been written in different forms in different books but that is mine lol All the best to you

Thank you sir, really appreciate it:)
yes I do and I hope that if some of them are misbeliefs they get weeded out!
that is a wonderful belief, now if only more people followed it the world would be so much better!

Kyle has encouraged us to share our google plus accounts, so I thought why not share all social accounts? If it is not permitted, I am truly sorry.

We are absolutely allowed to share our accounts here. Many other members have blogged about the same thing. Will add mine to the top! Lydia.

I didn't think we were allowed to give out our personal connections, but maybe I'm wrong. Think I'll wait & see what others say first. If nothing else, it may be possible to do so my PM to each individual on our networks. We'll see...

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I got a message from a guy requesting me to talk to him via phone regarding WA. I asked fellow WA members what to do and received the very pragmatic advice that I must not do an

Always be safe. Don't give out any private details of your life.

Surely won't do it again!

Ah, damn. Sorry to hear that :(

Thanks, Steve. At least I learnt a lesson and everyone reading this will also be more careful.

I am glad you stopped him--the online world is full of those types ---always know who is asking for your number or asking you to call them back----If I have not ask someone to call me I don't take the calls. If someone start down a road I don't like in an email I end there--delete right then. It was good you asked but next time if those you ask here at WA tell what to do with it --just do it ---They know --the ones you said you asked are some of the best here.

If you ever need help again just ask again but do take their advise--

coach Ed

Good call. Yessir!

Take care, Mahevash! You never know what people are capable of.

Sure I will. Really appreciate your concern, Ade:)

Yup, it's an important lesson, never give out your personal details, and no-one here at WA should solicit them, it's a breach of the rules
https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/wealthy-affiliate-the-open-education-project/spam-is-a-no-no Also, a few Members get hassled because they don't purchase domain privacy from their registrars, so their details are public on places like http://www.internic.net/whois.html and callers pretend to be from WA. Nasty! Rich.

True that. I sincerely hope nobody makes this mistake. Wow, had no idea domain registrars could be so openly unethical! Thank you for the links.

Be careful my Luvly!

We all have to be careful, Manie!

Thank you for sharing.

You're welcome, Lori:)

Email or Skype would have been a better option I think.

Going forward, email is definitely the only option I am going to consider.

Yes, there are SO many creeps out there!!!! He probably saw your photo and thought you were easy prey. Women need to be extra careful. I hope you have caller ID and won't answer again. This is such a sad commentary on our society these days.

See, this is what happens when I try to give people a chance...just kidding! Hmm, I guess so...
Thank you for your concern, Debbi:) I had given him my cellphone number and have now blocked him.
Seriously, what is wrong with people?

Lesson learned. If you ever feel you need one then I suggest one that you pay for by the minute. Like a Tracfone. That way you can keep your private number private. That is what I use just in case I do need to call someone.

Totally! Thank you for the great suggestion, Sherion.

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WARNING: Do not give out your phone number

WARNING: Do not give out your phone number

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I got a message from a guy requesting me to talk to him via phone regarding WA. I asked fellow WA members what to do and received the very pragmatic advice that I must not do an

Always be safe. Don't give out any private details of your life.

Surely won't do it again!

Ah, damn. Sorry to hear that :(

Thanks, Steve. At least I learnt a lesson and everyone reading this will also be more careful.

I am glad you stopped him--the online world is full of those types ---always know who is asking for your number or asking you to call them back----If I have not ask someone to call me I don't take the calls. If someone start down a road I don't like in an email I end there--delete right then. It was good you asked but next time if those you ask here at WA tell what to do with it --just do it ---They know --the ones you said you asked are some of the best here.

If you ever need help again just ask again but do take their advise--

coach Ed

Good call. Yessir!

Take care, Mahevash! You never know what people are capable of.

Sure I will. Really appreciate your concern, Ade:)

Yup, it's an important lesson, never give out your personal details, and no-one here at WA should solicit them, it's a breach of the rules
https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/wealthy-affiliate-the-open-education-project/spam-is-a-no-no Also, a few Members get hassled because they don't purchase domain privacy from their registrars, so their details are public on places like http://www.internic.net/whois.html and callers pretend to be from WA. Nasty! Rich.

True that. I sincerely hope nobody makes this mistake. Wow, had no idea domain registrars could be so openly unethical! Thank you for the links.

Be careful my Luvly!

We all have to be careful, Manie!

Thank you for sharing.

You're welcome, Lori:)

Email or Skype would have been a better option I think.

Going forward, email is definitely the only option I am going to consider.

Yes, there are SO many creeps out there!!!! He probably saw your photo and thought you were easy prey. Women need to be extra careful. I hope you have caller ID and won't answer again. This is such a sad commentary on our society these days.

See, this is what happens when I try to give people a chance...just kidding! Hmm, I guess so...
Thank you for your concern, Debbi:) I had given him my cellphone number and have now blocked him.
Seriously, what is wrong with people?

Lesson learned. If you ever feel you need one then I suggest one that you pay for by the minute. Like a Tracfone. That way you can keep your private number private. That is what I use just in case I do need to call someone.

Totally! Thank you for the great suggestion, Sherion.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

The themes of my website http://internetbreadandbutter.com/ are

find your calling

make money online


Can I make this work?

Please check it ou

Your website looks great,well done.

Thanks, Mark!

Looking good ---keep it up ---when it starts getting visitors then you will know more --Have a great day--

Thank you! I know, just wanted to see if all the themes tie-in. Have yourself a great day as well!

Your site is getting better all the time and I am glad you have kept going.

Thank you so much, Gregory!

Hi Mahevash, your internet bread and butter website is your creation and you really want it to work and it will. Give it your best shot.
I wish you much success.

Thanks for the inspiration, Ade:)

Yes, it makes a lot of sense!

Thank you:)

good job, the more "you" your site gets, the better it gets- you are the driver and you come across well- good job...Andy

Thank you for the awesome comment, Andy!

Thank you, Squirrell. I doubt I would be good at proofreading as I tend to overuse commas! Great to know you think my content is genuine:)

Glad you are still working on your site, not that you need much work to do. Your English has given you a trade online, which you could put into good use "proofreading" as a side line. Any way your content is very true and you should continue to follow what is good for you

Thank you, Steen:)

This work i like the struktur on your page

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Does my website make sense?

Does my website make sense?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

The themes of my website http://internetbreadandbutter.com/ are

find your calling

make money online


Can I make this work?

Please check it ou

Your website looks great,well done.

Thanks, Mark!

Looking good ---keep it up ---when it starts getting visitors then you will know more --Have a great day--

Thank you! I know, just wanted to see if all the themes tie-in. Have yourself a great day as well!

Your site is getting better all the time and I am glad you have kept going.

Thank you so much, Gregory!

Hi Mahevash, your internet bread and butter website is your creation and you really want it to work and it will. Give it your best shot.
I wish you much success.

Thanks for the inspiration, Ade:)

Yes, it makes a lot of sense!

Thank you:)

good job, the more "you" your site gets, the better it gets- you are the driver and you come across well- good job...Andy

Thank you for the awesome comment, Andy!

Thank you, Squirrell. I doubt I would be good at proofreading as I tend to overuse commas! Great to know you think my content is genuine:)

Glad you are still working on your site, not that you need much work to do. Your English has given you a trade online, which you could put into good use "proofreading" as a side line. Any way your content is very true and you should continue to follow what is good for you

Thank you, Steen:)

This work i like the struktur on your page

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I am interested in selling my website internetbreadandbutter.com as I am going to take up my very first job soon and want to focus solely on it.

But first, I need to know

I think you should keep it and work on it when you can. Even if it's once a month or once every six months. I think your site is great. Wish you the best! Evelyn

Thank you, Evelyn:)

I ran your website name through http://www.urlappraisal.net/ and it comes up with a value of $46.00.
And through http://instica.com/ $70.50
I'm not sure how much you can read into these values, but it's an interesting exercise.

This is as there is no real PR, traffic, age of site, and other factors. Good info!

Thank you for doing that and the links

I think you have a good start. Why don't you just keep it for a while and do it in your spare time. Someone might be interested in buying the domain name. I think you've been given places to sell. Good luck to you whatever you decide.

Thank you, Debbi.

I left a comment on your website

Thank you for your comment!

Hi Mahevash
Think your site is very interesting it looks as if you have worked very hard on it, i would if I was you keep it for the future, You can easily find out how it is worth online, but from what I know it has to have
for it to be of any value

Hey there!
Thank you and I did work pretty hard, but I have some other commitments along with my job due to which I am positive I will not be able to find enough time to work on my website.
Why oh why doesn't content have any importance?

Thank you for your comment, Janice:)

the metric for sites is generally from 12 to 20 times earnings, from what I recall. The higher end for sites which show good conversions and solid other metrics, such as steadily rising traffic, and a niche which is trending...There are lots of places to sell sites, from Ebay to Godaddy, to auction sites. As things stand, your site has low intrinsic value for the above reasons...assuming that you have not as yet monetised it....

That is a business based perspective and observation.

Good reply.

Schooled! Thank you!

Hi - Nice site but why would you sell it as you can work on it in your spare time and gradually build it out. You have a great start and now with a pay check coming in you can work it when you like and later on have a second income. Who knows later down the road it may easily replace your job income. Good Luck on whatever you choose to do. As far as price I would have no idea it would depend on traffic and sales I imagine.

My thoughts echo Traveller... could be a great option for the future. I never believe in putting all eggs in one basket so to speak :)

Hmmm...I know but I really don't want to overwhelm myself....thanks for your reply.

Extenuating circumstances!

Derek has a good thought for you. Don't know how it works selling a WebSite. Should be doable for you to sell your site.

Thank you, Bill:)

You can auction your Website here for a fee of one dollar

Hey, Derek. Thanks for replying. However, my questions remain unanswered-
"would YOU buy my website? If yes, how much would you be willing to pay for it?"
Let me know:)

I haven't got a clue, but if you go to sitereport.com and type in your website they put a value based on your traffic, if you don't I will have a look later. I hope this is some help to you.

Thank you for the link, Derek.

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Would you buy my website?

Would you buy my website?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I am interested in selling my website internetbreadandbutter.com as I am going to take up my very first job soon and want to focus solely on it.

But first, I need to know

I think you should keep it and work on it when you can. Even if it's once a month or once every six months. I think your site is great. Wish you the best! Evelyn

Thank you, Evelyn:)

I ran your website name through http://www.urlappraisal.net/ and it comes up with a value of $46.00.
And through http://instica.com/ $70.50
I'm not sure how much you can read into these values, but it's an interesting exercise.

This is as there is no real PR, traffic, age of site, and other factors. Good info!

Thank you for doing that and the links

I think you have a good start. Why don't you just keep it for a while and do it in your spare time. Someone might be interested in buying the domain name. I think you've been given places to sell. Good luck to you whatever you decide.

Thank you, Debbi.

I left a comment on your website

Thank you for your comment!

Hi Mahevash
Think your site is very interesting it looks as if you have worked very hard on it, i would if I was you keep it for the future, You can easily find out how it is worth online, but from what I know it has to have
for it to be of any value

Hey there!
Thank you and I did work pretty hard, but I have some other commitments along with my job due to which I am positive I will not be able to find enough time to work on my website.
Why oh why doesn't content have any importance?

Thank you for your comment, Janice:)

the metric for sites is generally from 12 to 20 times earnings, from what I recall. The higher end for sites which show good conversions and solid other metrics, such as steadily rising traffic, and a niche which is trending...There are lots of places to sell sites, from Ebay to Godaddy, to auction sites. As things stand, your site has low intrinsic value for the above reasons...assuming that you have not as yet monetised it....

That is a business based perspective and observation.

Good reply.

Schooled! Thank you!

Hi - Nice site but why would you sell it as you can work on it in your spare time and gradually build it out. You have a great start and now with a pay check coming in you can work it when you like and later on have a second income. Who knows later down the road it may easily replace your job income. Good Luck on whatever you choose to do. As far as price I would have no idea it would depend on traffic and sales I imagine.

My thoughts echo Traveller... could be a great option for the future. I never believe in putting all eggs in one basket so to speak :)

Hmmm...I know but I really don't want to overwhelm myself....thanks for your reply.

Extenuating circumstances!

Derek has a good thought for you. Don't know how it works selling a WebSite. Should be doable for you to sell your site.

Thank you, Bill:)

You can auction your Website here for a fee of one dollar

Hey, Derek. Thanks for replying. However, my questions remain unanswered-
"would YOU buy my website? If yes, how much would you be willing to pay for it?"
Let me know:)

I haven't got a clue, but if you go to sitereport.com and type in your website they put a value based on your traffic, if you don't I will have a look later. I hope this is some help to you.

Thank you for the link, Derek.

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