About DIGGER12
Rank 27
10,429 followers Joined October 2013
Hello everyone. I'm originally from Massachusetts, moved to N. California in 2005. I have tried many things, spent many dollars trying to make





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

It used to show when I was creating pins, but I can't find it there or anywhere else, and it's getting a little frustrating.

I tried Pinterest help, I tried google, I t

I somehow got a hold of an old version so I couldn't see the Tagging Topics or whatever that thing is called. I probably clicked the wrong button somewhere, but what a frustrating couple of days. Thanks to Jay for sorting it out :-) Thank all you guys for your replies, and going down the rabbit hole LOL :-)

That's fabulous and super happy for you :)

Maybe this will help explain a little better ( thanks Jay its off one of your trainings :-))
The part where you add the topics. This is what is missing and I can't find it.

Those are Tags, Kerri. See my last message to you. 😎

Yes, what im saying is that bar is not showing up. It is just not there.

This is all that shows, no topic tag bar ?

I know why now because you are using Create Pin for Ad, click the one below that says Organic then Create Pin, you should see everything there

Its not turned on, I checked, but I'll check again. It still wasn't there a minute ago.

Mine has both, Create Pin for Ad, and Organic Create PIn, the organic one has tags not the Create Pin for Ad-

I have tried both, i just dont get it. I'll keep looking, it is probably some button, toggle that I hit by mistake.

If all else fails, reboot your system and start over. I wish to wiggle my nose like Tabitha in the Bewitched TV show (the 1960s and 1970s its show) to get to your home and help you. There is no way to toggle it off, its always there.

That is definitely an "Ad-only Pin" - it says it at the top.

You need to create an Organic Pin, it should give you that option in your Business Hub

I love that show, Brenda! We watch reruns all the time! 😎

This thread is a prime example of how awesome the super-helpful WA community really is! 😎😎

Yes. My mother knew Elizabeth Montgomery. My mother grew up in Los Angeles near Beverly Hills; she graduated from Hollywood High School. My grandpa, my mother's father, owned a dry cleaning business for several Hollywood studios for movie stars. My mother grew up seeing many Hollywood stars and even went to school with them. My mother could have been an actress or a model. At the time, she was into fashion and modeling, but they would not hire my mother because of her hearing loss, just like me. My grandpa was also friends with Agnes Moorehead. Elizabeth knew some sign language. In my mother's high school yearbook was Natalie Wood, her classmate, and many other movie stars. Too bad that Hollywood wouldn't accept Deaf actors until after Marlee Matlin starred in Children of Lessor God with William Hurt; from then on, more and more Deaf actors and actresses have been accepted in Hollywood.

Thanks I have tried both, im just not seeing it no matter what I do.

Me too! I like the first Darren though :-)

That is weird. sounds like its a bug you should report it to Pinterest

Yes, there were two of them. Dick York and Dick Sargent.

Hmm, can you show us a screenshot of what you see with an organic pin?

Wow, that's quite a story, Brenda!! Your mom sounds amazing! That really sucks that they wouldn't hire deaf actors back then; what's wrong with people???

I absolutely love Agnes Moorehead as Endora! So many whacky characters, like Uncle Arthur and Dr. Bombay - who I suppose I'm a lot like, except that I'm medically competent! Lol πŸ˜‚

Yeah, I like the first Darren better than the second one, too. I love all those TV shows from back then, like Green Acres, I Dream of Genie, The Addams Family, The Munsters, etc. Lol 😎

I think we should have WA categories for TV Shows, Movies, and Guitar Playing! Lol 😎

Yeah, this brings back many memories of the show. The nosy neighbor made me laugh. It's so funny.

Good idea, LOL! We went off the tangent here now into the rabbit hole

Gladys Kravitz & and her husband Abner! 😎

I'm off to get some lunch with my wife. 😎

Yes, I liked "Derwood" number one LOL, and of course Sam's mom was a kick too.

Thanks again, have a great day :-)

Yes ! me too

enjoy your lunch

Same to you, Kerri! 😎

Thanks, we will! 😎

I tried filling it all out as well, and it is still not showing up.

Kerri, which browser are you using? I see yours has an ad-only pin toggle while mine doesn't on Google Chrome Browser. That's what I notice, you don't have alt text or the tags, while mine shows all of them. Some are missing so file the report I noticed your browser is not new they might be not the correct version which is why those fields are missing

Chrome browser should have this version that's on my Mac- might be different for PC if you use PC

Version 126.0.6478.127 (Official Build) (arm64)

Report: https://help.pinterest.com/en/contact

Im on google chrome too, good idea, i'll check it out thanks :-)

Hi Kerri

Chrome is supposed to auto-update to the latest version each time you close and reopen it.

Updates can be released on different schedules in various geographic locations.

Frank 🎸

Hey Frank :-) Yes lol, I should. I think it is updated. Come to find out, Ninjay figured it out for me. I was on Create PIN instead of Create IDEA PIN; it showed up when I clicked on the right one. ( forehead slap), I guess the other one is old. I haven't figure out how to fix the old pins but EH, moving on, now I know to click on the Cread Idea Pin :-) THank for all your help

You’re welcome, Kerri. 😎😎

Hi - you mean this?

Yes Ma'am !

It is all of a sudden not showing up on mine.

Try emptying your cache and using another browser, Kerri.

ARGH lol this is so frustrating, I will give that a shot, thanks Frank.

Have you clicked to create a Pin for an Ad?

I don't think it shows up when you do that.

I'll try anything at this point. Thanks.

you are right it is suppose to be create pin under organic, the Pin for Ad does not have the tag there

here is screenshot hope u see it now

Sorry I wasn't clear, thanks for the into, but I was looking for the topic bar when you are creating a pin, you can add up to 10 of them.

Those are tags. Tags dear! Just like Frank said not topic bar, you will need to zoom out your screen, yeah Diane answered, yes tag bar the only way to see it go to your browser and click view and then find zoom out, zoom out about couple of times you will see the tag, and like everyone else says cache your data and reboot everything then start over the tag prompt is there on all of mine just like Diane shows. Thank goodness for a great community here of great minds. You have to put a photo there and then start typing but zoom out your browser did help me to find it.

I get that. I'm saying it is not showing up. SIGH, it's just not there. I put an image in my last reply to Frank. I zoomed in until I was dizzy, lol. It is probably a button I hit or something, but it's getting frustrating.

Kerri, there are two ways, one is Create Pin for Ad, that's the one that does not have the tag bar at all. Go to bottom that says Organic, Create PIn, the tags are there

Hi Kerri

This is the search bar I like to use in Pinterest:

It gives me everything I need to know about selecting pin categories, boards, keywords, etc. 😎

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Sorry I wasn't clear, thanks for the into, but I was looking for the topic bar when you are creating a pin, you can add up to 10 of them.

Lovely! πŸ€˜πŸŽ‰

You may have to select the magnifying glass at the top of the page to get the search bar.

Or, do you mean "Boards' (see arrow 1 in image) or Tags (arrow 2)??

Thanks, Abie - Enjoy! 😎

Yes Sir! it is not showing on mine , Tagged Topic :-) jeesh it would help if I could talk right lol.

That IMAGE is STRIKINGLY HOT lol I am amazed at that PIN lol

Try emptying your browser and server cache and using a different browser, Kerri.

Hahaha, Thanks, Abie! πŸ™

It's from DALL-E 3.

Don't tell me you didn't know that most sharks play guitar! You did, right?? Lol πŸ˜‚ 🦈 🎸

This specific shark is KILLING IT lol - Incredible! :)


Yeah, he's a pretty good player, but I taught him everything he knows! Lol 😎

Youre Nutty, Frank as always; perhaps you ought to be called Dr. Nutty Guitar Lair -create a big peanut and have the Shark with a guitar loud blast speakers and break it into its oblivion that shows nuts shards everywhere! LOL-try that see if it works

I bet you did... Wow Wow Really Wow!! 😎

:) LOL

Hahaha, that might actually be a pretty good idea! 😎

I'm glad I made you laugh, Brenda. It really is the best medicine! 🀣 πŸ’Š

Rock On! 🀘 πŸ₯
Frank 🎸

Of course, or create Mr. Peanut (the one from the Planters Peanut ad ?) playing the guitar, but the Shark photo now blasted Mr. Peanut out. Is it possible to create that in Dalle-E? Yes, it's hilarious; laughter is the best medicine of all time.

πŸ˜‚ 🀣

You have a great imagination, Brenda! I like that!! πŸ‘πŸ‘

I can create anything in DALL-E 3 and put the individual images in an app to create an animation with sound. It can be exported as a GIF file to make it fast-loading.

Keep on laughing! I try to find at least one thing to laugh about every day. You'll probably live longer, too! 😎

That's how to Pin on Pinterest :) That's a serious example ALL must follow LOL

THANKS, Abie! πŸ™πŸ™

You are awesomely welcome, Frank! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


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Dose anyone know where the topic search bar went went ?

Dose anyone know where the topic search bar went went ?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

It used to show when I was creating pins, but I can't find it there or anywhere else, and it's getting a little frustrating.

I tried Pinterest help, I tried google, I t

I somehow got a hold of an old version so I couldn't see the Tagging Topics or whatever that thing is called. I probably clicked the wrong button somewhere, but what a frustrating couple of days. Thanks to Jay for sorting it out :-) Thank all you guys for your replies, and going down the rabbit hole LOL :-)

That's fabulous and super happy for you :)

Maybe this will help explain a little better ( thanks Jay its off one of your trainings :-))
The part where you add the topics. This is what is missing and I can't find it.

Those are Tags, Kerri. See my last message to you. 😎

Yes, what im saying is that bar is not showing up. It is just not there.

This is all that shows, no topic tag bar ?

I know why now because you are using Create Pin for Ad, click the one below that says Organic then Create Pin, you should see everything there

Its not turned on, I checked, but I'll check again. It still wasn't there a minute ago.

Mine has both, Create Pin for Ad, and Organic Create PIn, the organic one has tags not the Create Pin for Ad-

I have tried both, i just dont get it. I'll keep looking, it is probably some button, toggle that I hit by mistake.

If all else fails, reboot your system and start over. I wish to wiggle my nose like Tabitha in the Bewitched TV show (the 1960s and 1970s its show) to get to your home and help you. There is no way to toggle it off, its always there.

That is definitely an "Ad-only Pin" - it says it at the top.

You need to create an Organic Pin, it should give you that option in your Business Hub

I love that show, Brenda! We watch reruns all the time! 😎

This thread is a prime example of how awesome the super-helpful WA community really is! 😎😎

Yes. My mother knew Elizabeth Montgomery. My mother grew up in Los Angeles near Beverly Hills; she graduated from Hollywood High School. My grandpa, my mother's father, owned a dry cleaning business for several Hollywood studios for movie stars. My mother grew up seeing many Hollywood stars and even went to school with them. My mother could have been an actress or a model. At the time, she was into fashion and modeling, but they would not hire my mother because of her hearing loss, just like me. My grandpa was also friends with Agnes Moorehead. Elizabeth knew some sign language. In my mother's high school yearbook was Natalie Wood, her classmate, and many other movie stars. Too bad that Hollywood wouldn't accept Deaf actors until after Marlee Matlin starred in Children of Lessor God with William Hurt; from then on, more and more Deaf actors and actresses have been accepted in Hollywood.

Thanks I have tried both, im just not seeing it no matter what I do.

Me too! I like the first Darren though :-)

That is weird. sounds like its a bug you should report it to Pinterest

Yes, there were two of them. Dick York and Dick Sargent.

Hmm, can you show us a screenshot of what you see with an organic pin?

Wow, that's quite a story, Brenda!! Your mom sounds amazing! That really sucks that they wouldn't hire deaf actors back then; what's wrong with people???

I absolutely love Agnes Moorehead as Endora! So many whacky characters, like Uncle Arthur and Dr. Bombay - who I suppose I'm a lot like, except that I'm medically competent! Lol πŸ˜‚

Yeah, I like the first Darren better than the second one, too. I love all those TV shows from back then, like Green Acres, I Dream of Genie, The Addams Family, The Munsters, etc. Lol 😎

I think we should have WA categories for TV Shows, Movies, and Guitar Playing! Lol 😎

Yeah, this brings back many memories of the show. The nosy neighbor made me laugh. It's so funny.

Good idea, LOL! We went off the tangent here now into the rabbit hole

Gladys Kravitz & and her husband Abner! 😎

I'm off to get some lunch with my wife. 😎

Yes, I liked "Derwood" number one LOL, and of course Sam's mom was a kick too.

Thanks again, have a great day :-)

Yes ! me too

enjoy your lunch

Same to you, Kerri! 😎

Thanks, we will! 😎

I tried filling it all out as well, and it is still not showing up.

Kerri, which browser are you using? I see yours has an ad-only pin toggle while mine doesn't on Google Chrome Browser. That's what I notice, you don't have alt text or the tags, while mine shows all of them. Some are missing so file the report I noticed your browser is not new they might be not the correct version which is why those fields are missing

Chrome browser should have this version that's on my Mac- might be different for PC if you use PC

Version 126.0.6478.127 (Official Build) (arm64)

Report: https://help.pinterest.com/en/contact

Im on google chrome too, good idea, i'll check it out thanks :-)

Hi Kerri

Chrome is supposed to auto-update to the latest version each time you close and reopen it.

Updates can be released on different schedules in various geographic locations.

Frank 🎸

Hey Frank :-) Yes lol, I should. I think it is updated. Come to find out, Ninjay figured it out for me. I was on Create PIN instead of Create IDEA PIN; it showed up when I clicked on the right one. ( forehead slap), I guess the other one is old. I haven't figure out how to fix the old pins but EH, moving on, now I know to click on the Cread Idea Pin :-) THank for all your help

You’re welcome, Kerri. 😎😎

Hi - you mean this?

Yes Ma'am !

It is all of a sudden not showing up on mine.

Try emptying your cache and using another browser, Kerri.

ARGH lol this is so frustrating, I will give that a shot, thanks Frank.

Have you clicked to create a Pin for an Ad?

I don't think it shows up when you do that.

I'll try anything at this point. Thanks.

you are right it is suppose to be create pin under organic, the Pin for Ad does not have the tag there

here is screenshot hope u see it now

Sorry I wasn't clear, thanks for the into, but I was looking for the topic bar when you are creating a pin, you can add up to 10 of them.

Those are tags. Tags dear! Just like Frank said not topic bar, you will need to zoom out your screen, yeah Diane answered, yes tag bar the only way to see it go to your browser and click view and then find zoom out, zoom out about couple of times you will see the tag, and like everyone else says cache your data and reboot everything then start over the tag prompt is there on all of mine just like Diane shows. Thank goodness for a great community here of great minds. You have to put a photo there and then start typing but zoom out your browser did help me to find it.

I get that. I'm saying it is not showing up. SIGH, it's just not there. I put an image in my last reply to Frank. I zoomed in until I was dizzy, lol. It is probably a button I hit or something, but it's getting frustrating.

Kerri, there are two ways, one is Create Pin for Ad, that's the one that does not have the tag bar at all. Go to bottom that says Organic, Create PIn, the tags are there

Hi Kerri

This is the search bar I like to use in Pinterest:

It gives me everything I need to know about selecting pin categories, boards, keywords, etc. 😎

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Sorry I wasn't clear, thanks for the into, but I was looking for the topic bar when you are creating a pin, you can add up to 10 of them.

Lovely! πŸ€˜πŸŽ‰

You may have to select the magnifying glass at the top of the page to get the search bar.

Or, do you mean "Boards' (see arrow 1 in image) or Tags (arrow 2)??

Thanks, Abie - Enjoy! 😎

Yes Sir! it is not showing on mine , Tagged Topic :-) jeesh it would help if I could talk right lol.

That IMAGE is STRIKINGLY HOT lol I am amazed at that PIN lol

Try emptying your browser and server cache and using a different browser, Kerri.

Hahaha, Thanks, Abie! πŸ™

It's from DALL-E 3.

Don't tell me you didn't know that most sharks play guitar! You did, right?? Lol πŸ˜‚ 🦈 🎸

This specific shark is KILLING IT lol - Incredible! :)


Yeah, he's a pretty good player, but I taught him everything he knows! Lol 😎

Youre Nutty, Frank as always; perhaps you ought to be called Dr. Nutty Guitar Lair -create a big peanut and have the Shark with a guitar loud blast speakers and break it into its oblivion that shows nuts shards everywhere! LOL-try that see if it works

I bet you did... Wow Wow Really Wow!! 😎

:) LOL

Hahaha, that might actually be a pretty good idea! 😎

I'm glad I made you laugh, Brenda. It really is the best medicine! 🀣 πŸ’Š

Rock On! 🀘 πŸ₯
Frank 🎸

Of course, or create Mr. Peanut (the one from the Planters Peanut ad ?) playing the guitar, but the Shark photo now blasted Mr. Peanut out. Is it possible to create that in Dalle-E? Yes, it's hilarious; laughter is the best medicine of all time.

πŸ˜‚ 🀣

You have a great imagination, Brenda! I like that!! πŸ‘πŸ‘

I can create anything in DALL-E 3 and put the individual images in an app to create an animation with sound. It can be exported as a GIF file to make it fast-loading.

Keep on laughing! I try to find at least one thing to laugh about every day. You'll probably live longer, too! 😎

That's how to Pin on Pinterest :) That's a serious example ALL must follow LOL

THANKS, Abie! πŸ™πŸ™

You are awesomely welcome, Frank! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


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asked in
Getting Started

I had an issue logging in this morning. An option was to let support migrate to the latest PHP8 server. However, there were some potential problems that could happen. Has anyo

They moved one of my websites over as I was having problems logging in. I've never had a problem since the migration.

Thank you :-)

Move mine yesturday, smooth sailing :-) Site support is always awesome, they were even better with this ( kinda nerve wracking) migration.

I'm glad to hear everything went smoothly. Yes, site support is awesome.

We can move you over to PHP 8+ servers. If you request it, the move will be made and we have many instances running PHP 8 and all new websites are put on it. The issue with existing websites is that sometimes there are conflicts between older plugins/themes and the newer versions of PHP, so that is why we don't automatically move people over.

I hope this clarifies, but you can definitely make the request and the transition over is quick and it usually happens without you noticing anything at all on your end.

I don't understand, but that's me. I'm concerned about issues that could happen, not from WA, but my luck in general ( Murphys law over here). They can make a copy of how it is before correct, in case the black cloud over my head follows lol :-)
Do you think I should do it, and what should I ask support about making a copy or what is it called, so I can go back if I have to ?

Yeah, you can ask them to back up your website onto a .siterubix.com staging website before the move, but typically there aren't any issues with the move. That is up to you though, but you could just let them know you want them to have a back-up of your website just in case and they should be able to take care of that for you. ;)

Okay, thank you, fingers crossed :-)

Let me know how things work out for you! :)

Site support was AWESOME, they answered all my ( probably dumb ) questions, and migrated it with no issues :-)
I was already back on my this morning, up and running smooooth. They should have a 10-star rating system. Lol I'd give them 11. This was a little nerve-wracking, but they were right there the whole way.

Awesome, if you get a chance you should blog post about this to let others within the community know. I will also forward that message and blog post to the SiteSupport team. ;)

Hi Kerri, I believe you have to request it. I made the request, but I have not heard back about whether or not the move has been made. I will follow up on that.

Yes support said I can request, and mention some potential issues, I dont want to mess up my site. I was trying to see how it works etc.

Yes, that's how you do it. Thats what I did so now waiting.

They started yesturday, and it was done by the time I logged in this morning, as always support was amazing. I hope you get yours and get your issues sortedout too.

Yeah they are amazing!😻

Yes some months back. My site is now at PHP 8.1.18
If I remember right, it took about 24 hours for the move to happen. I've had no resultant problems, and various problems that had been developing before the move were solved.

Thank you for your reply, appreciated .

You're welcome, Kerri!

THanks for your input in made me feel better :-) They migrated yesterday and it went great.

Can you ask support for a previous copy of your website before the update? I am sure they'll be able to help.

Yes, but I'm looking for information from anyone who has done it or knows anything about it.

Oh, I see, that's cool :) I don't believe I have actually.

k thanks


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Has anyone migrated to the latest php8 server.?

Has anyone migrated to the latest php8 server.?

asked in
Getting Started

I had an issue logging in this morning. An option was to let support migrate to the latest PHP8 server. However, there were some potential problems that could happen. Has anyo

They moved one of my websites over as I was having problems logging in. I've never had a problem since the migration.

Thank you :-)

Move mine yesturday, smooth sailing :-) Site support is always awesome, they were even better with this ( kinda nerve wracking) migration.

I'm glad to hear everything went smoothly. Yes, site support is awesome.

We can move you over to PHP 8+ servers. If you request it, the move will be made and we have many instances running PHP 8 and all new websites are put on it. The issue with existing websites is that sometimes there are conflicts between older plugins/themes and the newer versions of PHP, so that is why we don't automatically move people over.

I hope this clarifies, but you can definitely make the request and the transition over is quick and it usually happens without you noticing anything at all on your end.

I don't understand, but that's me. I'm concerned about issues that could happen, not from WA, but my luck in general ( Murphys law over here). They can make a copy of how it is before correct, in case the black cloud over my head follows lol :-)
Do you think I should do it, and what should I ask support about making a copy or what is it called, so I can go back if I have to ?

Yeah, you can ask them to back up your website onto a .siterubix.com staging website before the move, but typically there aren't any issues with the move. That is up to you though, but you could just let them know you want them to have a back-up of your website just in case and they should be able to take care of that for you. ;)

Okay, thank you, fingers crossed :-)

Let me know how things work out for you! :)

Site support was AWESOME, they answered all my ( probably dumb ) questions, and migrated it with no issues :-)
I was already back on my this morning, up and running smooooth. They should have a 10-star rating system. Lol I'd give them 11. This was a little nerve-wracking, but they were right there the whole way.

Awesome, if you get a chance you should blog post about this to let others within the community know. I will also forward that message and blog post to the SiteSupport team. ;)

Hi Kerri, I believe you have to request it. I made the request, but I have not heard back about whether or not the move has been made. I will follow up on that.

Yes support said I can request, and mention some potential issues, I dont want to mess up my site. I was trying to see how it works etc.

Yes, that's how you do it. Thats what I did so now waiting.

They started yesturday, and it was done by the time I logged in this morning, as always support was amazing. I hope you get yours and get your issues sortedout too.

Yeah they are amazing!😻

Yes some months back. My site is now at PHP 8.1.18
If I remember right, it took about 24 hours for the move to happen. I've had no resultant problems, and various problems that had been developing before the move were solved.

Thank you for your reply, appreciated .

You're welcome, Kerri!

THanks for your input in made me feel better :-) They migrated yesterday and it went great.

Can you ask support for a previous copy of your website before the update? I am sure they'll be able to help.

Yes, but I'm looking for information from anyone who has done it or knows anything about it.

Oh, I see, that's cool :) I don't believe I have actually.

k thanks


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asked in
Getting Started

I recently promoted pins on Pinterest, I checked the stats today,
Notice the "UP" percentages ...

29.35k UP 7776%


HI this is Raymond, I really need some help here I am stuck. I wrote something yesterday, but I never got any replies. I hope someone can help me. I am trying to get keywords for my niche, I found one with very little to QSR. I am watching when he is switching to Add an Article. When I tried, it does not work cannot get to add an article. I know he was moving the cursor around quite a bit, but I did not remember him start clicking on anything I really need advance. I hope someone can give me some advice and help me. thank you, Raymond.

Great job, Kerri! Those are excellent results. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

I haven't promoted any pins yet, but I'll definitely be doing that at some point. Up till now, I've just been having fun creating pins and analyzing data.

P.S. I'll never "get up all in your grill." I'm a nice guy! Lol πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Keep Rockin' It On Pinterest! 🀘πŸ”₯🀘
Frank 🎸

Keep on rocking on the guitar while I drum with ya! πŸ˜€πŸ‘

Haha, I’m looking forward to it, Brenda! πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ₯πŸŽΈ 🎢

lol thanks Frank :-)

You're welcome, Kerri. 😎

Frank 🎸

Some Great info! Thank you!


Hi - I am a huge fan of Pinterest, and have 3 accounts, each one to a different website.

I typically schedule 4 to 12 pins every day, and realistically, if not using paid ads, you need to post daily.

I also create video pins, and these get a much higher rate of engagement.

Awesome thanks :-)

I did think about spending some money to promote one pin that gets a lot of impressions. I can't do it until after June 3rd. I see some traffic but not enough outbound clicks for organic pins. I have not had many organic results. I am getting impressions, yes, but no clicks to my site. Maybe your experience here will help me see if I can promote a couple of pins doing the paid version that has a higher number of impressions.

Yeah, I'll be happy to let you know how it turns out. I was getting a flat liner before, it was just sad. I wasn't getting anywhere with Facebook or X, I thought I'd try Pinterest, then asses and PIVOT :-)
Ive been watching Vitalitys videos on PPC and others. Doint one at a time, but keep looking and learning.

Alright sounds good to me! PIVOT yes ma'am will do. πŸ˜€

Lol, I don't know if our a FRIENDS fan or not, but every time i hear "PIVOT" I can't help but laugh out loud, ..... if your not, then it makes no sense LOL

I PIVOT every day when transferring from bed to my electric wheelchair. Go Pivot your cats! LOL

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Can pinterest give positive results ?

Can pinterest give positive results ?

asked in
Getting Started

I recently promoted pins on Pinterest, I checked the stats today,
Notice the "UP" percentages ...

29.35k UP 7776%


HI this is Raymond, I really need some help here I am stuck. I wrote something yesterday, but I never got any replies. I hope someone can help me. I am trying to get keywords for my niche, I found one with very little to QSR. I am watching when he is switching to Add an Article. When I tried, it does not work cannot get to add an article. I know he was moving the cursor around quite a bit, but I did not remember him start clicking on anything I really need advance. I hope someone can give me some advice and help me. thank you, Raymond.

Great job, Kerri! Those are excellent results. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

I haven't promoted any pins yet, but I'll definitely be doing that at some point. Up till now, I've just been having fun creating pins and analyzing data.

P.S. I'll never "get up all in your grill." I'm a nice guy! Lol πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Keep Rockin' It On Pinterest! 🀘πŸ”₯🀘
Frank 🎸

Keep on rocking on the guitar while I drum with ya! πŸ˜€πŸ‘

Haha, I’m looking forward to it, Brenda! πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ₯πŸŽΈ 🎢

lol thanks Frank :-)

You're welcome, Kerri. 😎

Frank 🎸

Some Great info! Thank you!


Hi - I am a huge fan of Pinterest, and have 3 accounts, each one to a different website.

I typically schedule 4 to 12 pins every day, and realistically, if not using paid ads, you need to post daily.

I also create video pins, and these get a much higher rate of engagement.

Awesome thanks :-)

I did think about spending some money to promote one pin that gets a lot of impressions. I can't do it until after June 3rd. I see some traffic but not enough outbound clicks for organic pins. I have not had many organic results. I am getting impressions, yes, but no clicks to my site. Maybe your experience here will help me see if I can promote a couple of pins doing the paid version that has a higher number of impressions.

Yeah, I'll be happy to let you know how it turns out. I was getting a flat liner before, it was just sad. I wasn't getting anywhere with Facebook or X, I thought I'd try Pinterest, then asses and PIVOT :-)
Ive been watching Vitalitys videos on PPC and others. Doint one at a time, but keep looking and learning.

Alright sounds good to me! PIVOT yes ma'am will do. πŸ˜€

Lol, I don't know if our a FRIENDS fan or not, but every time i hear "PIVOT" I can't help but laugh out loud, ..... if your not, then it makes no sense LOL

I PIVOT every day when transferring from bed to my electric wheelchair. Go Pivot your cats! LOL

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asked in
Getting Started

In Jaaxy you have
Starter ( this is the get 30 free searches when you sign up I'm guessing)

In Wealthy Affiliate

I messed around with canva for a few minutes and I think I have a decent fix.

ok if you say so, I still think Jaaxy Pro should be called Jaaxy Lite for Premium members but its your website your decision . You will confuse your prospects that's my opinion because inside WA the upgrade version shows Jaaxy LITE -

how about a deal

Jaaxy Lite (Pro)- how's that?

good plan, thanks.

I understand your concern, because I’ve heard a confused mind does not buy.

Yes, I would agree, eye for detail :-)

Jaaxy Pricing Page is calling then Starter Lite Enterprise

Ignore that- that's outdated information. I would remove it and replace it with the current pricing chart.

Jaaxy Starter
Jaaxy Lite (Pro) $49.00 a month
Jaaxy Enterprise $99 a month

I don't think Kyle and Carson has gotten around to changing Jaaxy landing page feature yet. It's overdue for a change.

Yes its confusing, but we should stick to the pricing chart table that is shown inside of WA.

I don't want to have something that is confusing....

i tried fixing it, how dose it look ?

Deal is

Jaaxy Lite (former name Pro), how's that or

Jaaxy Lite (Pro)


Jaaxy Lite

Way overdue Brenda as I said probably not on their radar list as not many would use the tool as a separate function as there are many other keyword tools that offer more for around the same price as Enterprise

Where is my tea? πŸ˜† nice to see you, Andre! You are right most would not use Jaaxy as a stand alone keyword tool. Ahref has changed their pricing too, now requires you to buy credits most cost over 1k for that. Same as SemRush, costly so comparing those two along with the Lite and Enterprise it's a steal for less per year with WA membership as its included as you mentioned the cost savings. That is what I would focus on too.


Aw, thanks! πŸ˜€


The page is here


I was going to show you the screenshot, but Trish beat me to it, the same screenshot that she has so I won't put my screenshot there

instead, you can go to the link above.

There is no jaxy pricing per see it includes with membership if they want to pay for it not as a member, then it will cost them to get access I think I can't remember the cost though.

Okay I guess im clear as mud.
They are calling one Lite and the other Pro...
I'm doing a post, and in it, I'm using a screenshot of Jaaxy, and for WA, that includes Jaaxy... they are called different things, which would be confusing.

Hi Kerri many years ago we had a tool here called keyword research tool and Jaaxy was at the time a separate tool one would need to pay for member or non member.

Later WA decided to do away with the keyword research tool and replace it with either Jaaxy lite for premium and Jaaxy Enterprise for Plus members.

It was also available to purchase as a keyword research tool even if you were not a member which still is available that way and you get a commission for that.

There is real difference between the name pro and lite they just never got around to changing it to one name.

Both should be called either pro or lite just like Enterprise is the same name for paid members or non members who wish to use the program outside of WA

Not any more. The words are different now. Jaaxy Starter, Jaaxy Lite, Jaaxy Enterprise, that's it. That's all you need to show your prospects in the link I mentioned and Trish mentioned. Andre mentioned the words are different now, so follow what is being said in the pricing chart. It's as simple as that.

Thanks. Maybe they are still planning on updating it - I'll figure out a workaround. Thanks, Andre

That's what I'm saying - I thought I asked it clearly maybe I didn't . Ill figure something out.

No probs Kerri not sure when or if they think it is important enough to change as it has been like that for many years and nothing has been done since then. Perhaps not on their radar list

When I did a post on my website relating to Jaaxy I focused more on the cost of the plan if not a member compared to the free inclusion of being a paid member of WA where Jaaxy is included.

Enterprise outside of WA is $999 while as a plus member, you paid only the membership and have it included thus saving you $999.

So rather than worrying about pro or lite with the name focus more on the savings instead.

:-) I messed around with Canva and just fixed it; they have a lot of major updates happening all the time, so no worries on this end.

cool thanks for the advice

You are welcome Kerri

Hey Kerri,

Not sure where you're seeing what you've stated.

Can you please show some screen print(s), because the one I've share below, doesn't state what you have here.

Thanks I see that, but what I was saying was the when you go into Jaaxy Pricing it is
Starter / Pro/ Enterprise where in WA its called Lite.

Yup :) There's a pro. (see image)

Where did you find the Jaaxy pricing listed, Kerri?

When visiting the Jaaxy site, I could find no link to prices anywhere. See screen print...

And from my Jaaxy access I can see no link to prices either... thus my confusion with your question.

Mind you, I'm using a desktop computer.

Sorry I just saw this.

No problem Kerri, and now knowing this... I cannot see any reason to believe there'd be any sort of confusion.

Both the WA membership and the Jaaxy membership are totally separate entities/services in which, you could be a member of Jaaxy and NOT a member of the WA community.

So, personally... I see no real reason to make them 'wear' the same labels on the different packages offered. The inclusions are what really matters, does it not?

Heck, even I offer different services with different labels to the packages from my local business. So, I truly don't see how anyone would be confused.

Perfect thank you, and sorry about the delay :-) I appreciate it.

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Hey all I have a question about how jaaxy is descriped in jaaxy and how it is in wa?

Hey all I have a question about how jaaxy is descriped in jaaxy and how it is in wa?

asked in
Getting Started

In Jaaxy you have
Starter ( this is the get 30 free searches when you sign up I'm guessing)

In Wealthy Affiliate

I messed around with canva for a few minutes and I think I have a decent fix.

ok if you say so, I still think Jaaxy Pro should be called Jaaxy Lite for Premium members but its your website your decision . You will confuse your prospects that's my opinion because inside WA the upgrade version shows Jaaxy LITE -

how about a deal

Jaaxy Lite (Pro)- how's that?

good plan, thanks.

I understand your concern, because I’ve heard a confused mind does not buy.

Yes, I would agree, eye for detail :-)

Jaaxy Pricing Page is calling then Starter Lite Enterprise

Ignore that- that's outdated information. I would remove it and replace it with the current pricing chart.

Jaaxy Starter
Jaaxy Lite (Pro) $49.00 a month
Jaaxy Enterprise $99 a month

I don't think Kyle and Carson has gotten around to changing Jaaxy landing page feature yet. It's overdue for a change.

Yes its confusing, but we should stick to the pricing chart table that is shown inside of WA.

I don't want to have something that is confusing....

i tried fixing it, how dose it look ?

Deal is

Jaaxy Lite (former name Pro), how's that or

Jaaxy Lite (Pro)


Jaaxy Lite

Way overdue Brenda as I said probably not on their radar list as not many would use the tool as a separate function as there are many other keyword tools that offer more for around the same price as Enterprise

Where is my tea? πŸ˜† nice to see you, Andre! You are right most would not use Jaaxy as a stand alone keyword tool. Ahref has changed their pricing too, now requires you to buy credits most cost over 1k for that. Same as SemRush, costly so comparing those two along with the Lite and Enterprise it's a steal for less per year with WA membership as its included as you mentioned the cost savings. That is what I would focus on too.


Aw, thanks! πŸ˜€


The page is here


I was going to show you the screenshot, but Trish beat me to it, the same screenshot that she has so I won't put my screenshot there

instead, you can go to the link above.

There is no jaxy pricing per see it includes with membership if they want to pay for it not as a member, then it will cost them to get access I think I can't remember the cost though.

Okay I guess im clear as mud.
They are calling one Lite and the other Pro...
I'm doing a post, and in it, I'm using a screenshot of Jaaxy, and for WA, that includes Jaaxy... they are called different things, which would be confusing.

Hi Kerri many years ago we had a tool here called keyword research tool and Jaaxy was at the time a separate tool one would need to pay for member or non member.

Later WA decided to do away with the keyword research tool and replace it with either Jaaxy lite for premium and Jaaxy Enterprise for Plus members.

It was also available to purchase as a keyword research tool even if you were not a member which still is available that way and you get a commission for that.

There is real difference between the name pro and lite they just never got around to changing it to one name.

Both should be called either pro or lite just like Enterprise is the same name for paid members or non members who wish to use the program outside of WA

Not any more. The words are different now. Jaaxy Starter, Jaaxy Lite, Jaaxy Enterprise, that's it. That's all you need to show your prospects in the link I mentioned and Trish mentioned. Andre mentioned the words are different now, so follow what is being said in the pricing chart. It's as simple as that.

Thanks. Maybe they are still planning on updating it - I'll figure out a workaround. Thanks, Andre

That's what I'm saying - I thought I asked it clearly maybe I didn't . Ill figure something out.

No probs Kerri not sure when or if they think it is important enough to change as it has been like that for many years and nothing has been done since then. Perhaps not on their radar list

When I did a post on my website relating to Jaaxy I focused more on the cost of the plan if not a member compared to the free inclusion of being a paid member of WA where Jaaxy is included.

Enterprise outside of WA is $999 while as a plus member, you paid only the membership and have it included thus saving you $999.

So rather than worrying about pro or lite with the name focus more on the savings instead.

:-) I messed around with Canva and just fixed it; they have a lot of major updates happening all the time, so no worries on this end.

cool thanks for the advice

You are welcome Kerri

Hey Kerri,

Not sure where you're seeing what you've stated.

Can you please show some screen print(s), because the one I've share below, doesn't state what you have here.

Thanks I see that, but what I was saying was the when you go into Jaaxy Pricing it is
Starter / Pro/ Enterprise where in WA its called Lite.

Yup :) There's a pro. (see image)

Where did you find the Jaaxy pricing listed, Kerri?

When visiting the Jaaxy site, I could find no link to prices anywhere. See screen print...

And from my Jaaxy access I can see no link to prices either... thus my confusion with your question.

Mind you, I'm using a desktop computer.

Sorry I just saw this.

No problem Kerri, and now knowing this... I cannot see any reason to believe there'd be any sort of confusion.

Both the WA membership and the Jaaxy membership are totally separate entities/services in which, you could be a member of Jaaxy and NOT a member of the WA community.

So, personally... I see no real reason to make them 'wear' the same labels on the different packages offered. The inclusions are what really matters, does it not?

Heck, even I offer different services with different labels to the packages from my local business. So, I truly don't see how anyone would be confused.

Perfect thank you, and sorry about the delay :-) I appreciate it.

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asked in
Getting Started

They suddenly come up with a container that is 0x0, so my images aren't fitting anymore. I did follow training in Smush, and it is optimizing the library and has been since yes

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.

Hi Kerri

You can only use one image compression plugin at a time.

I find that Imagify works best, but use the one you like most.

Frank 🎸

Yup the Digs learned that one the hard way :-)
Thanks Frank

You're welcome, Kerri. 😎

Frank 🎸

I agree with you Frank :)

Thanks to you Frank I use Imagify too. I stopped having images issues after I got rid of Smush and Kraken. No problems with it. Im happy about that! πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸŽΈπŸŽΈ

That's really fabulous, Brenda :) MeepMeep....

Yup! Au Revoir! πŸ˜€

Take care, Brenda :) πŸŽ‰πŸ™

Thanks, Abie! πŸ™

Have a fabulous weekend! πŸ₯³

Frank 🀘🎸

You're very welcome, Brenda. I'm so glad that worked out for you! 😎😎

Enjoy a Rockin' Weekend! 🀘πŸ₯
Frank 🎸

Hey Frank, I have a question: Did you use an API Key? When you activated Imagify? Do I need one?


I had to use API key πŸ”‘ for Imagify. Frank can answer this too I am sure its the same answer as mine. I got it when I logged into my account then copy and paste it in the Imagify plugin settings.

Okay thanks; I just jumped into the question and asked lol :-)

Great! We are a great community! All is good I hope! 🀞

Not at the moment, but hanging in there. Thanks, it wasn't as hard to do the API Key as I thought. I also wanted to check and make sure it was something I SHOULD DO :-)


Hi Kerri

Yes, I use an Imagify API key, for the paid version. Set it up the way Brenda explained below. 😎

Frank 🎸

@BrendaMZ, Awesome notes here :)

Thanks, Abie! 😎

Happy Tuesday! πŸ₯³
Frank 🀘🎸

Thanks :) I appreciate it.

Thanks Frank,

You’re welcome, Kerri. 😎

Frank 🎸

Kerri get rid of Smush use Imagify! Smush does that to me too something wrong with it. Try Imagify. I been using it ever since it works

yeah, it's the plugin that goes wonky; Imagify works beautifully. You will like it.

Definitely an operator error in there somewhere, I'm sure :-) it usually is me I did or didn't do something right.

do you still have Kraken I added that when I first started, I wonder if having 2 might be messing them up ?

Kraken needs to be removed, smush needs to be removed, and only use Imagify; you will need to cache your website go to Site Manger then details look for Blue. button to cache then chache your browser and start ova got it?

I didn't think about it, having kraken too might have messed up the smush... thanks :-)Got it lol

fingers, eyes, legs and ears crossed this fixes it

if not sent me a PM I can walk you through it

Yup, totally :)


MeepMeep :) 🀣🀣

Go go go! Zoommm! πŸ˜€ have a great weekend! πŸ‘‹πŸ»

MeepMeep....................Aye, aye! πŸ¦†πŸ¦…πŸ¦…You too, Brenda! Have a FANTASTIC weekend. MeepMeep!!!

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I am having an issue with my images?

I am having an issue with my images?

asked in
Getting Started

They suddenly come up with a container that is 0x0, so my images aren't fitting anymore. I did follow training in Smush, and it is optimizing the library and has been since yes

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.

Hi Kerri

You can only use one image compression plugin at a time.

I find that Imagify works best, but use the one you like most.

Frank 🎸

Yup the Digs learned that one the hard way :-)
Thanks Frank

You're welcome, Kerri. 😎

Frank 🎸

I agree with you Frank :)

Thanks to you Frank I use Imagify too. I stopped having images issues after I got rid of Smush and Kraken. No problems with it. Im happy about that! πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸŽΈπŸŽΈ

That's really fabulous, Brenda :) MeepMeep....

Yup! Au Revoir! πŸ˜€

Take care, Brenda :) πŸŽ‰πŸ™

Thanks, Abie! πŸ™

Have a fabulous weekend! πŸ₯³

Frank 🀘🎸

You're very welcome, Brenda. I'm so glad that worked out for you! 😎😎

Enjoy a Rockin' Weekend! 🀘πŸ₯
Frank 🎸

Hey Frank, I have a question: Did you use an API Key? When you activated Imagify? Do I need one?


I had to use API key πŸ”‘ for Imagify. Frank can answer this too I am sure its the same answer as mine. I got it when I logged into my account then copy and paste it in the Imagify plugin settings.

Okay thanks; I just jumped into the question and asked lol :-)

Great! We are a great community! All is good I hope! 🀞

Not at the moment, but hanging in there. Thanks, it wasn't as hard to do the API Key as I thought. I also wanted to check and make sure it was something I SHOULD DO :-)


Hi Kerri

Yes, I use an Imagify API key, for the paid version. Set it up the way Brenda explained below. 😎

Frank 🎸

@BrendaMZ, Awesome notes here :)

Thanks, Abie! 😎

Happy Tuesday! πŸ₯³
Frank 🀘🎸

Thanks :) I appreciate it.

Thanks Frank,

You’re welcome, Kerri. 😎

Frank 🎸

Kerri get rid of Smush use Imagify! Smush does that to me too something wrong with it. Try Imagify. I been using it ever since it works

yeah, it's the plugin that goes wonky; Imagify works beautifully. You will like it.

Definitely an operator error in there somewhere, I'm sure :-) it usually is me I did or didn't do something right.

do you still have Kraken I added that when I first started, I wonder if having 2 might be messing them up ?

Kraken needs to be removed, smush needs to be removed, and only use Imagify; you will need to cache your website go to Site Manger then details look for Blue. button to cache then chache your browser and start ova got it?

I didn't think about it, having kraken too might have messed up the smush... thanks :-)Got it lol

fingers, eyes, legs and ears crossed this fixes it

if not sent me a PM I can walk you through it

Yup, totally :)


MeepMeep :) 🀣🀣

Go go go! Zoommm! πŸ˜€ have a great weekend! πŸ‘‹πŸ»

MeepMeep....................Aye, aye! πŸ¦†πŸ¦…πŸ¦…You too, Brenda! Have a FANTASTIC weekend. MeepMeep!!!

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