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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I have my own products and I'd like to set up my own 50% commision for referrals, how do I set up a referral scheme.

Thanks for bring this to us

see you have had some good advice wish you success with this

Thank you for your question.

you're welcome.

You've peaked my interest. PM me when you get it set up and can explain the product/referral program

OK Jeannette

I PM you ;-)

hey archan can we see it? :)

no your not allowed to show stuff like that it gets your discussion deleted,

Brilliant information, thanks

Clickbank will charge you $49 one time fee to list products with them. They are less friendly to IM products than they are to non IM these days. As such their restrictions are much greater.

The advantage of ClickBank is that they handle all of the affiliate logistics for you. You may want to consider offering the max commission (75%) as that tends to attract more affiliates. If you get 100 stellar affiliates because of the fact that you were offering at 75% that is better than getting only say 20 at the 50% level. But that's entirely up to you.

Read through their guidelines carefully as you want to get everything correct right from the start as it can take a bit of time to approve you and if they reject it you'll have to go through the wait time again. Of course that could have changed recently as I know they are making changes. I haven't listed with them for a while.

Best Regards,

Thanks Jim, I think you've explained that really well, I will at least have that option now, once again thanks.

Would have to know more about this one to be of any help. Type of service etc........

I can say it's a membership service like a club.

Hey Derek,

Membership programs can be really lucrative but get a bit complicated with respect to managing members. That's not to say it's impossible but one way that you could start off is by using your Autoresponder to drip feed the content to your members. Than as you get more members you can start to implement membership via plugins etc. This really has two benefits.

1) Why spend all the time and effort (and often money) getting a membership system in place when people aren't subscribing? Hopefully when you get it going that won't happen but you have to be ready for it just the same.

2) Since the membership will be new, when people see that there aren't that many members signed up they are going to wonder about the validity of the program.

Implementing a drip feed system with your autoresponder alleviates both of these concerns.

Another item of note, make sure however you set up your membership, you make it very clear (and hopefully easy) for people to cancel their membership. The FTC is really cracking down lately on these types of programs where people have a difficult time cancelling or instructions are unclear. They refer to these programs as continuity programs. I can't offer any legal advice on this so you will need to do some checking on your own.

Best Regards,

are you going to offer this say on Clickbank or amazon? they have an affiliate program in place.

not sure yet as it's not downloadable it's more of a service.

Have you tried talking to clickbank?

that would make me a vendor, do you have to pay for it.

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referral program

referral program

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I have my own products and I'd like to set up my own 50% commision for referrals, how do I set up a referral scheme.

Thanks for bring this to us

see you have had some good advice wish you success with this

Thank you for your question.

you're welcome.

You've peaked my interest. PM me when you get it set up and can explain the product/referral program

OK Jeannette

I PM you ;-)

hey archan can we see it? :)

no your not allowed to show stuff like that it gets your discussion deleted,

Brilliant information, thanks

Clickbank will charge you $49 one time fee to list products with them. They are less friendly to IM products than they are to non IM these days. As such their restrictions are much greater.

The advantage of ClickBank is that they handle all of the affiliate logistics for you. You may want to consider offering the max commission (75%) as that tends to attract more affiliates. If you get 100 stellar affiliates because of the fact that you were offering at 75% that is better than getting only say 20 at the 50% level. But that's entirely up to you.

Read through their guidelines carefully as you want to get everything correct right from the start as it can take a bit of time to approve you and if they reject it you'll have to go through the wait time again. Of course that could have changed recently as I know they are making changes. I haven't listed with them for a while.

Best Regards,

Thanks Jim, I think you've explained that really well, I will at least have that option now, once again thanks.

Would have to know more about this one to be of any help. Type of service etc........

I can say it's a membership service like a club.

Hey Derek,

Membership programs can be really lucrative but get a bit complicated with respect to managing members. That's not to say it's impossible but one way that you could start off is by using your Autoresponder to drip feed the content to your members. Than as you get more members you can start to implement membership via plugins etc. This really has two benefits.

1) Why spend all the time and effort (and often money) getting a membership system in place when people aren't subscribing? Hopefully when you get it going that won't happen but you have to be ready for it just the same.

2) Since the membership will be new, when people see that there aren't that many members signed up they are going to wonder about the validity of the program.

Implementing a drip feed system with your autoresponder alleviates both of these concerns.

Another item of note, make sure however you set up your membership, you make it very clear (and hopefully easy) for people to cancel their membership. The FTC is really cracking down lately on these types of programs where people have a difficult time cancelling or instructions are unclear. They refer to these programs as continuity programs. I can't offer any legal advice on this so you will need to do some checking on your own.

Best Regards,

are you going to offer this say on Clickbank or amazon? they have an affiliate program in place.

not sure yet as it's not downloadable it's more of a service.

Have you tried talking to clickbank?

that would make me a vendor, do you have to pay for it.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

If you have your own social network site, then you can profit from all the ads on it, you could do a niche social network site, maybe a craft or other niche type of site. I wond

yes you can do a face book fan page. and have people join your

"social network. Have fivrr .com create it for you

Thank you Paul.

With all this social media posting, and reading, when do we find time to work on our websites?

It is a website.

SNS,Is it hot now?
It is not hard build that a site,but take much effort to run

Thank you Bluewell.

hmmm don't know --- interesting question.

Thanks Bill.

Hi archan, why not join Linkedin, I have connections with people in the same industry as mine, so we get to share our sites and news updates. If you belong to an industry or trade, then Linkednin is a greta place to be.

Thanks for that Jen.

do you mean like this ? http://wordpress.org/themes/custom-community

Thanks I'll take a look at that.

Hey Derek, have you looked at this plugin (Question and Answer Forum) as I think that maybe what you are looking for.

Thanks Rich.

I was just wondering if there was a theme or plug in that would set a site up to work as a social site. I haven't looked too hard, as I'm building a different site first, but I as definitely interested in the answer to your question.
All the best,

There is a community theme that you can install, I had a quick look at it before, but don't know much about it yet.

I think the great thing about this type of site is all of the people are certain targets for your ads.

Yes you can do this. Facebook is changing. I have my niche set up on facebook as a community page. Some of the pages, depending on how you set it up may charge you promotional fees. This is why I set mine up as a community page. You also have to pay for ads and I do not think you can use your own advertising on FB without paying.
I may be wrong, but it's something to look into if you want to set up a FB account for business or advertising

No not on FB, separate, your own social network site devoted to a niche, so you are not competing with facebook, but getting people to discus the niche and all of the trappings involved with that niche.

What makes you think anyone can tell you what kind of site you have. It rarely anything but money that controls this sort of thing

What I mean is you can set up a facebook type of site, just for a certain topic, like cycling or knitting. you can then put ads on it.

Not actually on FB, but your own FB type site? I do not see why not! But you were asking if anyone already had one. I know a guy that has a travel site and sells space on his site to related type businesses. It is just basically a website!

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Does anyone have a social network site

Does anyone have a social network site

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

If you have your own social network site, then you can profit from all the ads on it, you could do a niche social network site, maybe a craft or other niche type of site. I wond

yes you can do a face book fan page. and have people join your

"social network. Have fivrr .com create it for you

Thank you Paul.

With all this social media posting, and reading, when do we find time to work on our websites?

It is a website.

SNS,Is it hot now?
It is not hard build that a site,but take much effort to run

Thank you Bluewell.

hmmm don't know --- interesting question.

Thanks Bill.

Hi archan, why not join Linkedin, I have connections with people in the same industry as mine, so we get to share our sites and news updates. If you belong to an industry or trade, then Linkednin is a greta place to be.

Thanks for that Jen.

do you mean like this ? http://wordpress.org/themes/custom-community

Thanks I'll take a look at that.

Hey Derek, have you looked at this plugin (Question and Answer Forum) as I think that maybe what you are looking for.

Thanks Rich.

I was just wondering if there was a theme or plug in that would set a site up to work as a social site. I haven't looked too hard, as I'm building a different site first, but I as definitely interested in the answer to your question.
All the best,

There is a community theme that you can install, I had a quick look at it before, but don't know much about it yet.

I think the great thing about this type of site is all of the people are certain targets for your ads.

Yes you can do this. Facebook is changing. I have my niche set up on facebook as a community page. Some of the pages, depending on how you set it up may charge you promotional fees. This is why I set mine up as a community page. You also have to pay for ads and I do not think you can use your own advertising on FB without paying.
I may be wrong, but it's something to look into if you want to set up a FB account for business or advertising

No not on FB, separate, your own social network site devoted to a niche, so you are not competing with facebook, but getting people to discus the niche and all of the trappings involved with that niche.

What makes you think anyone can tell you what kind of site you have. It rarely anything but money that controls this sort of thing

What I mean is you can set up a facebook type of site, just for a certain topic, like cycling or knitting. you can then put ads on it.

Not actually on FB, but your own FB type site? I do not see why not! But you were asking if anyone already had one. I know a guy that has a travel site and sells space on his site to related type businesses. It is just basically a website!

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi there WAers

I'm getting ranked on Google page 2 for a few pages on scamsting.com

Does anyone have any ideas that I could

More great content!

So it's OK to add more content to an already established page.

Definitely, it helps it stay fresh and current! No downside at all!

Thanks Terea.

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Google Page Ranking 2 Not Good Enough

Google Page Ranking 2 Not Good Enough

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi there WAers

I'm getting ranked on Google page 2 for a few pages on scamsting.com

Does anyone have any ideas that I could

More great content!

So it's OK to add more content to an already established page.

Definitely, it helps it stay fresh and current! No downside at all!

Thanks Terea.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Is there a plugin that I could use, thanks.

I have this sorted now, thanks to everyone for helping.

I am picking up so much info from all these answers to your question Thanks!

Sorry Im trying to get the banners on the side bar and media links to add to my sites so people can share!lol...I'm a bit lost sorry

I used Jetpack plugin. Then go to widgets & drag & drop text or images or whatever you want into the sidebar. Its so cool & easy & simple! Blessings, Terry.

Are your sites hosted on WA?

No, but it doesn't matter where your sites are hosted. If they are created with WordPress, you have access to a gad-zillion plugins on WordPress.org. Just get a free account.

Its just as well they are not as we are not allowed Jetpack at WA.

What do you mean archan? Its just another plugin that is usable for WordPress. WAU uses WordPress to design our websites. As long as you sign up for FREE, you have access to all of WordPress's free plugins & free themes.
Maybe I missed something--let me know. Because I installed & am using the plugin.

I am pretty sure that WA hosting doesn't allow Jetpack. There are a few things on Jetpack I like, which is why I asked.

I use the Custom Sidebars plugin (by WPMudev). It works great.

I think thats the one I've just got. Thanks.

how do you get the banners as part of the content on pages or blogs

you can find everithing in your need.Best Free & Premium Themes for websites.

Thank you.

Hi there, I've got custom sidebars and woothemes, so I have a look at both, many thanks.

I have certain banner on certain pages. Here is some training on it. I hope this helps. I insert the banners in the widget.


Thanks Sherion.

That is a great resource Mary, I was curious about this also! Thanks for the answer.

Awesome. I've also been curious about this. Thanks Sherion :)

http://www.woothemes.com/woosidebars/ :) R.

Thank you @RICH

Great info @RICH, I can't wait to get a Microsoft based system so I can apply some of these tools!

Hi Derek.

Yes, you can use this one (there are others): https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-sidebars/

All the best, Mark

Hi Mark, I've gone with custom sidebars, is there a tutorial on it.

Hey Derek, not sure if this is what you are looking for, but I found a video on first question of this link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-sidebars/faq/

Thanks Rich.

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How can I get different banners on the sidebar for different pages

How can I get different banners on the sidebar for different pages

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Is there a plugin that I could use, thanks.

I have this sorted now, thanks to everyone for helping.

I am picking up so much info from all these answers to your question Thanks!

Sorry Im trying to get the banners on the side bar and media links to add to my sites so people can share!lol...I'm a bit lost sorry

I used Jetpack plugin. Then go to widgets & drag & drop text or images or whatever you want into the sidebar. Its so cool & easy & simple! Blessings, Terry.

Are your sites hosted on WA?

No, but it doesn't matter where your sites are hosted. If they are created with WordPress, you have access to a gad-zillion plugins on WordPress.org. Just get a free account.

Its just as well they are not as we are not allowed Jetpack at WA.

What do you mean archan? Its just another plugin that is usable for WordPress. WAU uses WordPress to design our websites. As long as you sign up for FREE, you have access to all of WordPress's free plugins & free themes.
Maybe I missed something--let me know. Because I installed & am using the plugin.