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3,392 followers Joined May 2009
Hi, I am new at online anything, so I need this to teach me. I like many sports and right now golf is the one





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

The (AGT) Americas Got Talent show on TV? Did you know that a past winner said he only gets $20,000 a year. If that is the way it is, it really is a sham. Look at all the money

I think the real money for Matt Franco is in the Las Vegas contract, not the $1M. Plus that gets him all kinds of other opportunities. Hey, $20k a year buys him a lot of cards!

Yep it could be great --I just think to take 40 years to pay the winner is wrong when the others get paid the amounts they do each week or month.

The man who won a few years back Kevin Skinner ( the chicken catcher ) had a few things about the Vegas thing too, like they stop it half way through and he had to go out on the road with very little help. Just Google him and look at what happen for the first two years.

His PR was left to him --bad videos and more--

Anyone who wins should do much better and if they need help AGT should help they--The judges get more than the winner---

I know we all though around hear they got the million and that is the way they talk about on the show.

Thanks for posting
Coach Ed

OMG, who has time to watch? I haven't had the TV since Sat. Retirement is hard work. LOL

Funny, my sentiments exactly..

LOL ---LOL --Yep

and can you imagine that some of the pro football players are getting paid around $750,000.00 per week to sit out - go figure

Don't get me started on that one. I will say on the side of the players at they are like the contestants at AGT and do get the rewards of their show. The contestants on AGT don't, just the few that do, at the top or maybe some are seen and contacted by agents. I am sure that some do and even the agent takes advantage of them too.

It is like a big pyramid scheme---the ones that started it make 90% of the money.

Thanks for posting !!!

Coach Ed

I don't watch it, but it doesn't surprise me. Everything on those shows is geared to making money for the show. The big winner takes all, in most cases. Coming in 2nd doesn't get you much, but I think what they do it for is the recognition going forward.

Yep they do it to be seen and I get that as well. I just think that they should say it up front in big words that they get the money over 40 years. What they are paying is about the interest on a million dollars, they are very smart.

thanks for posting !!!

Coach Ed

If I were getting 20,000 dollars a year I would not be complaining.When I was out and working in a department store I got just under 8,000 pounds a year.I suppose compared to what others are getting on AGT that seems a little mean.

I happen to notice what you said about the chicken catcher.I know this is not exactly the same what we are talking about but I am suffering with bad depression mental illness and I could be doing with my pension now,unfortunately I am eligible to get this at 65;I could be dead then.Why can you got the money you paid into your pension scheme now when you need,instead of someone else reaping the benefit,s of it.

Hi Tomtitty, Yes you are hitting on what I am thinking as well. I not saying AGT is doing anything different than others.

yes--it is a sign of what they are on the inside. What would that show be like if people stopped watching or stopped auditioning, it would fold.

It is like the lottery I guess? People can buy a $ 1,000,000,000 worth of hope each week for just one dollar. There are many that spend all their money buying them though and go with out food.

Thanks for posting

Coach Ed

You know the old saying. All that glitters is not gold. Is seems like too many things are shown to be one thing but end up being something else entirely. That saying, I do like the show and I guess an extra $20,000 wouldn't be bad. In fact, I wouldn't mind an extra $20,000. Unfortunately, my talent of talking too much wouldn't get votes I don't believe :)

That is funny --Yep I like to talk as well--we all would like extra money. I am thinking of all the ones that don't get anything but if they know and they still go forward --O-well It is on them I guess. I Think of things more of helping the ones that try hard to make it but don't and could use a helping hand from their efforts

Thanks for posting.

Coach Ed



No I did not know that?

the terms states it's $1,000,000 paid out over 40 years...which comes out to $25,000 per year. It's not a sham. All the contestants are well aware of this term before signing on to compete in AGT

Okay--but to me 40 years---most will died before they get it--the man called the chicken catcher really has a lot to say about how he really had a bad time of it after winning.

Thanks for let us know --- If you know you can't say anything about it. I guess they pay everyone else so much they can't give the million to the winner all at once. I bet most of the watchers think they get it all at one time. LOL

it's actually in the tiny fine print of the closing credits when the show ends. If you DVR it, you will see it at the very end.

I've watched the past 4-5 seasons of AGT and don't recall a chicken catcher winning it

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Who watched the americas got talent last night?

Who watched the americas got talent last night?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

The (AGT) Americas Got Talent show on TV? Did you know that a past winner said he only gets $20,000 a year. If that is the way it is, it really is a sham. Look at all the money

I think the real money for Matt Franco is in the Las Vegas contract, not the $1M. Plus that gets him all kinds of other opportunities. Hey, $20k a year buys him a lot of cards!

Yep it could be great --I just think to take 40 years to pay the winner is wrong when the others get paid the amounts they do each week or month.

The man who won a few years back Kevin Skinner ( the chicken catcher ) had a few things about the Vegas thing too, like they stop it half way through and he had to go out on the road with very little help. Just Google him and look at what happen for the first two years.

His PR was left to him --bad videos and more--

Anyone who wins should do much better and if they need help AGT should help they--The judges get more than the winner---

I know we all though around hear they got the million and that is the way they talk about on the show.

Thanks for posting
Coach Ed

OMG, who has time to watch? I haven't had the TV since Sat. Retirement is hard work. LOL

Funny, my sentiments exactly..

LOL ---LOL --Yep

and can you imagine that some of the pro football players are getting paid around $750,000.00 per week to sit out - go figure

Don't get me started on that one. I will say on the side of the players at they are like the contestants at AGT and do get the rewards of their show. The contestants on AGT don't, just the few that do, at the top or maybe some are seen and contacted by agents. I am sure that some do and even the agent takes advantage of them too.

It is like a big pyramid scheme---the ones that started it make 90% of the money.

Thanks for posting !!!

Coach Ed

I don't watch it, but it doesn't surprise me. Everything on those shows is geared to making money for the show. The big winner takes all, in most cases. Coming in 2nd doesn't get you much, but I think what they do it for is the recognition going forward.

Yep they do it to be seen and I get that as well. I just think that they should say it up front in big words that they get the money over 40 years. What they are paying is about the interest on a million dollars, they are very smart.

thanks for posting !!!

Coach Ed

If I were getting 20,000 dollars a year I would not be complaining.When I was out and working in a department store I got just under 8,000 pounds a year.I suppose compared to what others are getting on AGT that seems a little mean.

I happen to notice what you said about the chicken catcher.I know this is not exactly the same what we are talking about but I am suffering with bad depression mental illness and I could be doing with my pension now,unfortunately I am eligible to get this at 65;I could be dead then.Why can you got the money you paid into your pension scheme now when you need,instead of someone else reaping the benefit,s of it.

Hi Tomtitty, Yes you are hitting on what I am thinking as well. I not saying AGT is doing anything different than others.

yes--it is a sign of what they are on the inside. What would that show be like if people stopped watching or stopped auditioning, it would fold.

It is like the lottery I guess? People can buy a $ 1,000,000,000 worth of hope each week for just one dollar. There are many that spend all their money buying them though and go with out food.

Thanks for posting

Coach Ed

You know the old saying. All that glitters is not gold. Is seems like too many things are shown to be one thing but end up being something else entirely. That saying, I do like the show and I guess an extra $20,000 wouldn't be bad. In fact, I wouldn't mind an extra $20,000. Unfortunately, my talent of talking too much wouldn't get votes I don't believe :)

That is funny --Yep I like to talk as well--we all would like extra money. I am thinking of all the ones that don't get anything but if they know and they still go forward --O-well It is on them I guess. I Think of things more of helping the ones that try hard to make it but don't and could use a helping hand from their efforts

Thanks for posting.

Coach Ed



No I did not know that?

the terms states it's $1,000,000 paid out over 40 years...which comes out to $25,000 per year. It's not a sham. All the contestants are well aware of this term before signing on to compete in AGT

Okay--but to me 40 years---most will died before they get it--the man called the chicken catcher really has a lot to say about how he really had a bad time of it after winning.

Thanks for let us know --- If you know you can't say anything about it. I guess they pay everyone else so much they can't give the million to the winner all at once. I bet most of the watchers think they get it all at one time. LOL

it's actually in the tiny fine print of the closing credits when the show ends. If you DVR it, you will see it at the very end.

I've watched the past 4-5 seasons of AGT and don't recall a chicken catcher winning it

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asked in
Getting Started

I am asking so others will read and know the answer. I also want others thoughts on this as well.


Coach Ed

I understood we were not allowed to use wealthy affiliate as a means to promote or re sell our own products. If this was the case it would be more like a re seller forum.

I think your product idea sounds great but clickbank or similar is the place to find re sellers.

Thanks for you thought Russ --That is not what is being ask. I am not looking for members to be affiliates . Just how anyone would go about it all --I been here for over 5 years and would never promote my-self to members to sell anything but WA.

Thanks ---but you need to re read my question--If anyone is confused I will get them right about it. No Harm --No --foul !!!

Is there anything I can help you with--- please let me know ?

Coach Ed

Fair enough Ed, I'll re visit that!

Good question Ed....I am interested in this too....thankyou giludi and leoemery. ...sunshiny smiles...Amanda

Thanks --Shawn posted a great answer and it will help us--click on his link !!!


I'm looking into JVzoo.com for doing this kind of thing.

Let us know what you find out if you can --Thanks


Thanks to all who have commented already !!!

My product will be my Videos with PDFs for personal and business coaching to help those who are looking for help of any kind. They will be backed up by email and Phone coaching.

I would like to do both sell and find affiliates to sell. I will be holding
off-line seminars locally and on-line webinars.

I am a ways off before I can promote it all.

I would like any and all who has thoughts comment, more the better. It may help us all who are thinking about the same type stuff. Like that word stuff, it covers everything.

For the advise already, thanks.

Coach Ed

As giludi and leoemery have suggested, Clickbank is the best if your products are digital ones that customers can download and use. You might like to check out Clickbank and how vendors should prepare their products for sale through them. Depending what your product is, you will probably never get short of affiliates promoting your products.

Thank you so much for your imput !!!I will check in to it !!!


Clickbank is a good place, and you can perhaps pm some of our members here at WA. But I didn't had a good experience for searching affiliates at WA.

Thank you for your info. It all matters when we are brain storming.


What is your product? What is your site(s)?
We can all promote it if it fits. Did you make a banner?
Is it all ready to promote. I'm in.

Thanks, but we don;t promote our-self --just WA==I want to find what others know about how to do it--how they would go about is all.

Thanks for wanting to help though.

Coach Ed

Is it a digital product or physical product?

If it is a digital product you can become a vendor with Click Bank - your product will then be part of the click bank affiliate network.

If it is a physical product you can apply to the different affiliate networks such as share-a-sale or commission junction.

Either way everything is taken care of for you - payments, refunds, affiliate commissions - everything -

You also have the option of running your own affiliate program - This is more hands on. You can do this using affiliate software from http://www.idevdirect.com/

Thanks LEO !!! I will check them out. You are always willing to share !!!

Coach Ed

No worries -

Could you list your items/site on share a sale or one of the others and pay a commission the same way we are doing here promoting other products?

Yes. Amazon also allows you to sell your items for a low per piece fee.

I am also interested in the comments here

Good we are getting some --hope it helps you !!!

Coach Ed

See more comments

How to get affiliates to promote my product i am creating ?

How to get affiliates to promote my product i am creating ?

asked in
Getting Started

I am asking so others will read and know the answer. I also want others thoughts on this as well.


Coach Ed

I understood we were not allowed to use wealthy affiliate as a means to promote or re sell our own products. If this was the case it would be more like a re seller forum.

I think your product idea sounds great but clickbank or similar is the place to find re sellers.

Thanks for you thought Russ --That is not what is being ask. I am not looking for members to be affiliates . Just how anyone would go about it all --I been here for over 5 years and would never promote my-self to members to sell anything but WA.

Thanks ---but you need to re read my question--If anyone is confused I will get them right about it. No Harm --No --foul !!!

Is there anything I can help you with--- please let me know ?

Coach Ed

Fair enough Ed, I'll re visit that!

Good question Ed....I am interested in this too....thankyou giludi and leoemery. ...sunshiny smiles...Amanda

Thanks --Shawn posted a great answer and it will help us--click on his link !!!


I'm looking into JVzoo.com for doing this kind of thing.

Let us know what you find out if you can --Thanks


Thanks to all who have commented already !!!

My product will be my Videos with PDFs for personal and business coaching to help those who are looking for help of any kind. They will be backed up by email and Phone coaching.

I would like to do both sell and find affiliates to sell. I will be holding
off-line seminars locally and on-line webinars.

I am a ways off before I can promote it all.

I would like any and all who has thoughts comment, more the better. It may help us all who are thinking about the same type stuff. Like that word stuff, it covers everything.

For the advise already, thanks.

Coach Ed

As giludi and leoemery have suggested, Clickbank is the best if your products are digital ones that customers can download and use. You might like to check out Clickbank and how vendors should prepare their products for sale through them. Depending what your product is, you will probably never get short of affiliates promoting your products.

Thank you so much for your imput !!!I will check in to it !!!


Clickbank is a good place, and you can perhaps pm some of our members here at WA. But I didn't had a good experience for searching affiliates at WA.

Thank you for your info. It all matters when we are brain storming.


What is your product? What is your site(s)?
We can all promote it if it fits. Did you make a banner?
Is it all ready to promote. I'm in.

Thanks, but we don;t promote our-self --just WA==I want to find what others know about how to do it--how they would go about is all.

Thanks for wanting to help though.

Coach Ed

Is it a digital product or physical product?

If it is a digital product you can become a vendor with Click Bank - your product will then be part of the click bank affiliate network.

If it is a physical product you can apply to the different affiliate networks such as share-a-sale or commission junction.

Either way everything is taken care of for you - payments, refunds, affiliate commissions - everything -

You also have the option of running your own affiliate program - This is more hands on. You can do this using affiliate software from http://www.idevdirect.com/

Thanks LEO !!! I will check them out. You are always willing to share !!!

Coach Ed

No worries -

Could you list your items/site on share a sale or one of the others and pay a commission the same way we are doing here promoting other products?

Yes. Amazon also allows you to sell your items for a low per piece fee.

I am also interested in the comments here

Good we are getting some --hope it helps you !!!

Coach Ed

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have never received a message like this;

( error loading operating system )

I help people who can't fix there PC-- at no cost--- because they have no money to get

Just do the repair/reinstall as suggested below. If that doesn't work change that battery on the motherboard. If it then works fine why bother upgrading the OS? As long as you have an up to date anti-virus suite you don't need to worry about "support". It's just an excuse for MS to get us to part with more cash. If you had a fault with your car engine you wouldn't take it out and put a new engine in unless you absolutely had to!

Get yourself windows 7,it seems to me that you have had your time with window,s xp,besides it is correct that microsoft do not support xp anymore.

sounds like you are getting plenty of help all the best

Ms does not support XP anymore...you are getting a not so subtle push to upgrade...MS is like that!!!

Hi, the other comments have lots of good advice. Taking the assumption that your computer is getting old your hard-drive may be on its way out which I recently experienced on my laptop. I suggest that you use an external hard-drive to back-up your PC as soon as you get your Windows disk to repair the problem and then replace the internal hard-drive. You can then use your back-up to restore your PC to its previous state. I did lose a few installed programs but most of my data was still there when I did this. Hope this helps. ~Marion

This article will walk you through.


Or, send me a PM and I can provide you with a couple of links to some videos. I can't post them here as the system doesn't allow. Alternatively, do a search on YouTube and you will find some videos that will guide you.

I think that if you boot from your Windows disk, it will allow you to fix the error causing the no start. Since you are talking XP, I assume the PC is very old. My first guess is that the CMOS battery has died, which is very common. It usually a common CR2032 which you can buy anywhere. If you reinstall Windows and the machine keeps acting up, replace the CMOS button battery on the motherboard. Should be a $5 fix. (actually, I bought a package of 5 at the dollar store for a buck)
Try a reinstall and, if the computer keeps failing, replace the CMOS battery. Hopefully, that is all you need to try. Good luck.

insert the disk, and restart the computer so it boots from the CD. Let it boot through until it asks if you want to install, select yes, then it will go through and do a quick check, and ask if you want to install a fresh copy of windows or repair the installation, select REPAIR and let it run through.
This should repair the boot files. Another option is to boot to a DOS prompt and run SFC /SCANNOW which will scan all system files and repair or replace ones that have been corrupted

Hi Coach, long time no speak!!
It is my understanding that if the operating system will not load, a complete re-install will be necessary. I do hope there is another solution!

It's not that big a deal though, you can easily reinstall the OS without it affecting anything else except your basic settings.

I called microsoft support for this problem and they asked for $99 to help me unistall and reinstall remotely with a one year warranty. This is my problem and I didn't uninstall yet because I have some old files not backed up. What is the fastest way to save those files.

Just save to a memory card or buy an external drive which you can buy very cheaply nowadays.

It isn't difficult to reinstall, in fact if you pop in the original disc a screen should pop up asking you if you want to reinstall amongst other options. If you don't have the original you can probably get a copy cheaply, or go to a local PC repair shop if you're really not confident who will charge you a fraction of what MS are asking.

As far as I can remember you don't need to uninstall or wipe your hard drive though, just select the "Repair windows" option.

Hey, Gary. So nice to hear from you! Thanks for the input. Well, I've been out for a long while. But I'm glad to be reconnected. Anyway, I tried the "repair windows" option but it didn't work. I was told that I have to uninstall/reintall. I still have my original and I can do it anytime. I guess, I have no choice but to save my files in a hard drive. I also have the hard drive...hahaha. I've been very busy to do all these stuff.

As far as I know - and please somebody correct me if I am wrong - you can uninstall and reinstall the operating system without it affecting your files, though of course you should have a backup in any event.

That is what I am not sure of. That's why I didn't do anything yet because my daughter told me that I will lose my files if I will uninstall. Gotta wait for some feedbacks here.

I'm a bit tied up at the moment to look myself, but failing the absence of any more replies, just type something like "reinstall windows" into Google, there are lots of help resources out there.

Yeah, will do. Thanks, Gary!

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I need it help or a windows xp reinstall experience ?

I need it help or a windows xp reinstall experience ?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have never received a message like this;

( error loading operating system )

I help people who can't fix there PC-- at no cost--- because they have no money to get

Just do the repair/reinstall as suggested below. If that doesn't work change that battery on the motherboard. If it then works fine why bother upgrading the OS? As long as you have an up to date anti-virus suite you don't need to worry about "support". It's just an excuse for MS to get us to part with more cash. If you had a fault with your car engine you wouldn't take it out and put a new engine in unless you absolutely had to!

Get yourself windows 7,it seems to me that you have had your time with window,s xp,besides it is correct that microsoft do not support xp anymore.

sounds like you are getting plenty of help all the best

Ms does not support XP anymore...you are getting a not so subtle push to upgrade...MS is like that!!!

Hi, the other comments have lots of good advice. Taking the assumption that your computer is getting old your hard-drive may be on its way out which I recently experienced on my laptop. I suggest that you use an external hard-drive to back-up your PC as soon as you get your Windows disk to repair the problem and then replace the internal hard-drive. You can then use your back-up to restore your PC to its previous state. I did lose a few installed programs but most of my data was still there when I did this. Hope this helps. ~Marion

This article will walk you through.


Or, send me a PM and I can provide you with a couple of links to some videos. I can't post them here as the system doesn't allow. Alternatively, do a search on YouTube and you will find some videos that will guide you.

I think that if you boot from your Windows disk, it will allow you to fix the error causing the no start. Since you are talking XP, I assume the PC is very old. My first guess is that the CMOS battery has died, which is very common. It usually a common CR2032 which you can buy anywhere. If you reinstall Windows and the machine keeps acting up, replace the CMOS button battery on the motherboard. Should be a $5 fix. (actually, I bought a package of 5 at the dollar store for a buck)
Try a reinstall and, if the computer keeps failing, replace the CMOS battery. Hopefully, that is all you need to try. Good luck.

insert the disk, and restart the computer so it boots from the CD. Let it boot through until it asks if you want to install, select yes, then it will go through and do a quick check, and ask if you want to install a fresh copy of windows or repair the installation, select REPAIR and let it run through.
This should repair the boot files. Another option is to boot to a DOS prompt and run SFC /SCANNOW which will scan all system files and repair or replace ones that have been corrupted

Hi Coach, long time no speak!!
It is my understanding that if the operating system will not load, a complete re-install will be necessary. I do hope there is another solution!

It's not that big a deal though, you can easily reinstall the OS without it affecting anything else except your basic settings.

I called microsoft support for this problem and they asked for $99 to help me unistall and reinstall remotely with a one year warranty. This is my problem and I didn't uninstall yet because I have some old files not backed up. What is the fastest way to save those files.

Just save to a memory card or buy an external drive which you can buy very cheaply nowadays.

It isn't difficult to reinstall, in fact if you pop in the original disc a screen should pop up asking you if you want to reinstall amongst other options. If you don't have the original you can probably get a copy cheaply, or go to a local PC repair shop if you're really not confident who will charge you a fraction of what MS are asking.

As far as I can remember you don't need to uninstall or wipe your hard drive though, just select the "Repair windows" option.

Hey, Gary. So nice to hear from you! Thanks for the input. Well, I've been out for a long while. But I'm glad to be reconnected. Anyway, I tried the "repair windows" option but it didn't work. I was told that I have to uninstall/reintall. I still have my original and I can do it anytime. I guess, I have no choice but to save my files in a hard drive. I also have the hard drive...hahaha. I've been very busy to do all these stuff.

As far as I know - and please somebody correct me if I am wrong - you can uninstall and reinstall the operating system without it affecting your files, though of course you should have a backup in any event.

That is what I am not sure of. That's why I didn't do anything yet because my daughter told me that I will lose my files if I will uninstall. Gotta wait for some feedbacks here.

I'm a bit tied up at the moment to look myself, but failing the absence of any more replies, just type something like "reinstall windows" into Google, there are lots of help resources out there.

Yeah, will do. Thanks, Gary!

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am looking for the best one for Spanish and a few other languages to add to my website so they can read it.

If you have one that really works let me know, please.

Do not use Google. It translates words not the language. I know personally with attempting to use it to learn French. English and other languages composes sentences differently. Google will translate the words but not the sentence structure so it will appear strange in French. The plugin idea looks good. All the best. Debbie

Thanks ---I will look at the others then!!!

If you want to do your own translations... you can install a plugin called polylang. It has worked really well for me. Im currently posting on English and Spanish. But you can choose more languages

Do you have a website I could look at to see how it comes out?

Thanks, I am looking at the plugin.

Yes: financiallyindependenttips.com
You can choose where to put the language switcher. Ive set it on the sidebar as a widget

Thanks ---That may be it ---It worked well on your site !!!

I don't know why everybody likes google, my personal opinion french-english/english french or german-english/english-german is horrible. With these translations your visitors can at least laugh, whatever your content is. But I don't know any better or less worst.

Hey maybe a good lol would help --


I don't know if this will help you Coach, but I seen someone do a video, and showed how they use a translator on their site. This might help


Will look at it---Thanks

Looked at it---no sound to it.

Estoy casi seguro de que Google es la mejor. :)

You said-----> I am pretty sure that Google is the best. :)


Do a google search on "spanish translators" then check for reviews on the programs you found. Then just figure out which one will work best for you.

Have done that--just wanted to see if anyone here has one that works well so I can use the best one on websites for my clients.


I just updated my question.:

I am looking for the best one for Spanish and a few other languages to add to my website so they can read it.

Sure wish I could help you with this one, Coach Ed. Like you, I'm interested in hearing what experience our WA community has with this. God Bless!

A fellow in Sweden that I communicate with uses Google. It seems not bad when I read his correspondence

I did find the Google one and add it --thanks --I am not sure if it is the best one.

Ummm... not the best idea! Having worked in Russia for a few years, Google Translate has given us many good laughs and a lot of confusion! There's no context with Google Translate and that can lead to a lot of misunderstanding...

Hi Sara, Which one do you know is best?

I really don't know. Hebrew and Russian are the only 2 languages that I generally need to translate, but I know both of them well enough that I use Google Translate as a helper. I generally know when things aren't correct and fix them myself.

I don't really have experience using a translating tool in general. Sorry :( But, I would recommend checking out a couple of polyglot sites that recommend great translating tools. You might be able to find what you need there...

I do not know any language translator,s but I do know that Rosetta Stone does a great range of language courses.Perhaps you might want to try one out.

Thanks---looking for plugins----

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What language translator is the best to use?

What language translator is the best to use?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I am looking for the best one for Spanish and a few other languages to add to my website so they can read it.

If you have one that really works let me know, please.

Do not use Google. It translates words not the language. I know personally with attempting to use it to learn French. English and other languages composes sentences differently. Google will translate the words but not the sentence structure so it will appear strange in French. The plugin idea looks good. All the best. Debbie

Thanks ---I will look at the others then!!!

If you want to do your own translations... you can install a plugin called polylang. It has worked really well for me. Im currently posting on English and Spanish. But you can choose more languages

Do you have a website I could look at to see how it comes out?

Thanks, I am looking at the plugin.

Yes: financiallyindependenttips.com
You can choose where to put the language switcher. Ive set it on the sidebar as a widget

Thanks ---That may be it ---It worked well on your site !!!

I don't know why everybody likes google, my personal opinion french-english/english french or german-english/english-german is horrible. With these translations your visitors can at least laugh, whatever your content is. But I don't know any better or less worst.

Hey maybe a good lol would help --


I don't know if this will help you Coach, but I seen someone do a video, and showed how they use a translator on their site. This might help


Will look at it---Thanks

Looked at it---no sound to it.

Estoy casi seguro de que Google es la mejor. :)

You said-----> I am pretty sure that Google is the best. :)


Do a google search on "spanish translators" then check for reviews on the programs you found. Then just figure out which one will work best for you.

Have done that--just wanted to see if anyone here has one that works well so I can use the best one on websites for my clients.


I just updated my question.:

I am looking for the best one for Spanish and a few other languages to add to my website so they can read it.

Sure wish I could help you with this one, Coach Ed. Like you, I'm interested in hearing what experience our WA community has with this. God Bless!

A fellow in Sweden that I communicate with uses Google. It seems not bad when I read his correspondence

I did find the Google one and add it --thanks --I am not sure if it is the best one.

Ummm... not the best idea! Having worked in Russia for a few years, Google Translate has given us many good laughs and a lot of confusion! There's no context with Google Translate and that can lead to a lot of misunderstanding...

Hi Sara, Which one do you know is best?

I really don't know. Hebrew and Russian are the only 2 languages that I generally need to translate, but I know both of them well enough that I use Google Translate as a helper. I generally know when things aren't correct and fix them myself.

I don't really have experience using a translating tool in general. Sorry :( But, I would recommend checking out a couple of polyglot sites that recommend great translating tools. You might be able to find what you need there...

I do not know any language translator,s but I do know that Rosetta Stone does a great range of language courses.Perhaps you might want to try one out.

Thanks---looking for plugins----

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