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Hi, I'm Gary, a UK member used to selling on ebay and Amazon but hoping to set up a successful affiliate marketing site, the main





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

The reason I'm asking is that ALL the major sites in any niche clearly use the same content for reviews of items where there are different colour options.

In otherwords wh

the link Domw gives explains it all good for me to know to

This will also help: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/66359

Yes, that covers what I'm looking for, thanks.


I've just done a post on this that might clear things up a little more


To a point yes, although I don't understand what All in One SEO does to prevent it.

"You can enable Canonical URL’s in the General section of the All In One SEO plugin section. You will want to tick it so that it generate canonical URL’s for your entire site. That is what will prevent duplicate content."

How? What does it do to tell Google to crawl one page but not another with the same content?

Matt Cutts, head of Google webspam team, on duplicate content:

It's important to realize that if you look at content on the web, something like 25 or 30 percent of all of the web's content is duplicate content. … People will quote a paragraph of a blog and then link to the blog, that sort of thing. So it's not the case that every single time there's duplicate content it's spam, and if we made that assumption the changes that happened as a result would end up probably hurting our search quality rather than helping our search quality.

Yes, pretty much the point I'm making, that just because I have duplicated something doesn't mean it's spam and should not be considered as such.

Similar content is ok, even using the same keywords in multiple posts is ok, but if you are duplicating exact content that's not good for your ranking.

Their ranking may be good enough to not worry about it or possibly they do some kind of "do not follow" thingy to the crawlers and dont index it?

We're not talking similar, we're talking 100% exact copies with the only difference being the colour of the item. you have all seen them, where you select your colour and get taken to a completely different page with the selected colour on it, but otherwise identical in every way.

That's the thing, we're told that exact content duping isn't good but nobody seems to know why. Yet big companies, even those that set up new sites, all do it. Every single one of them.

Some of these companies spend fortunes on SEO so why would they do it if it's that bad?

It also ties in with something I heard from a CEO of an international corporation recently that it's a big myth that search engines read the whole content of a page or post, they only the first 160 words which is why the first 160 is so important. That makes sense to me in a lot of ways. You often see content high in search results where the first part of the blog relates to what you searched for but the rest of it is about something completely different. It's the second time I've heard that said recently - the other time was from an affiliate marketing manager.

I think the only way to know is try it and see what happens. It could be OK depending on what the content is. Or you could not index the other pages.

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How big a deal is repeat content on your own site?

How big a deal is repeat content on your own site?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

The reason I'm asking is that ALL the major sites in any niche clearly use the same content for reviews of items where there are different colour options.

In otherwords wh

the link Domw gives explains it all good for me to know to

This will also help: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/66359

Yes, that covers what I'm looking for, thanks.


I've just done a post on this that might clear things up a little more


To a point yes, although I don't understand what All in One SEO does to prevent it.

"You can enable Canonical URL’s in the General section of the All In One SEO plugin section. You will want to tick it so that it generate canonical URL’s for your entire site. That is what will prevent duplicate content."

How? What does it do to tell Google to crawl one page but not another with the same content?

Matt Cutts, head of Google webspam team, on duplicate content:

It's important to realize that if you look at content on the web, something like 25 or 30 percent of all of the web's content is duplicate content. … People will quote a paragraph of a blog and then link to the blog, that sort of thing. So it's not the case that every single time there's duplicate content it's spam, and if we made that assumption the changes that happened as a result would end up probably hurting our search quality rather than helping our search quality.

Yes, pretty much the point I'm making, that just because I have duplicated something doesn't mean it's spam and should not be considered as such.

Similar content is ok, even using the same keywords in multiple posts is ok, but if you are duplicating exact content that's not good for your ranking.

Their ranking may be good enough to not worry about it or possibly they do some kind of "do not follow" thingy to the crawlers and dont index it?

We're not talking similar, we're talking 100% exact copies with the only difference being the colour of the item. you have all seen them, where you select your colour and get taken to a completely different page with the selected colour on it, but otherwise identical in every way.

That's the thing, we're told that exact content duping isn't good but nobody seems to know why. Yet big companies, even those that set up new sites, all do it. Every single one of them.

Some of these companies spend fortunes on SEO so why would they do it if it's that bad?

It also ties in with something I heard from a CEO of an international corporation recently that it's a big myth that search engines read the whole content of a page or post, they only the first 160 words which is why the first 160 is so important. That makes sense to me in a lot of ways. You often see content high in search results where the first part of the blog relates to what you searched for but the rest of it is about something completely different. It's the second time I've heard that said recently - the other time was from an affiliate marketing manager.

I think the only way to know is try it and see what happens. It could be OK depending on what the content is. Or you could not index the other pages.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

A total scumbag I have had issues with on ebay has left a negative feedback on there - big deal - but has also left a vindictive and partly untrue review on Google+.


Good luck. I'd like to know how it turns out with Google too. It doesn't seem right that you wouldn't be able to report someone for abuse, spam or harassment.

I know, especially as the issue was relating to an ebay transaction rather than the website which sells related but completely different items.

You know, I don't think there is a way. I've been told that the person putting the review up, can change it, but I've also heard the person getting the review, is stuck with it. I would suggest hunting down the right department there as a start. You may be in it for the long haul!
Sorry to hear the news. I would be very interested in finding this out myself!

The strange thing is I keep adding a reply yet the reply keeps disappearing. Part of the reply is in the form of the abusive and threatening message he sent me on ebay, and I can only assume that Google is filtering it out because of the abusive text.

I've tried looking for the right department, that's just it, there isn't one. Strange that we're expected to behave professionally yet Google can behave how they please

No, I know all about ebay Cathy, I've traded on there for years. This is relating to a comment/review he left on Google about my business, not the comment he left on ebay feedback. I appreciate you are trying to help.

This may help. http://resolutioncenter.ebay.com/

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How do i complain to google about a bad review?

How do i complain to google about a bad review?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

A total scumbag I have had issues with on ebay has left a negative feedback on there - big deal - but has also left a vindictive and partly untrue review on Google+.


Good luck. I'd like to know how it turns out with Google too. It doesn't seem right that you wouldn't be able to report someone for abuse, spam or harassment.

I know, especially as the issue was relating to an ebay transaction rather than the website which sells related but completely different items.

You know, I don't think there is a way. I've been told that the person putting the review up, can change it, but I've also heard the person getting the review, is stuck with it. I would suggest hunting down the right department there as a start. You may be in it for the long haul!
Sorry to hear the news. I would be very interested in finding this out myself!

The strange thing is I keep adding a reply yet the reply keeps disappearing. Part of the reply is in the form of the abusive and threatening message he sent me on ebay, and I can only assume that Google is filtering it out because of the abusive text.

I've tried looking for the right department, that's just it, there isn't one. Strange that we're expected to behave professionally yet Google can behave how they please

No, I know all about ebay Cathy, I've traded on there for years. This is relating to a comment/review he left on Google about my business, not the comment he left on ebay feedback. I appreciate you are trying to help.

This may help. http://resolutioncenter.ebay.com/

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