About kholmes
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Hello everyone! My name is Kim and I am 49 yrs old and happy to be here! My primary focus when going





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Anybody come across a problem with your widgets for ads in your side bar not showing properly?

I started with a Google Adsense ad in the footer not showing, only shaded bo

Everytime I have any problems even closely related to yours, everyone says to clear my cache and make sure my browser is updated. Might be worth a shot Kim! (-:

Did that, I did find that my ads from Google created a new problem and I couldn't view my editor content under visual mode for all posts and pages....I had to do a system restore from earlier time and date...
Google Adsense was having some issues the other day, so I am not going to use those ads again...I couldn't retrieve the code and they said to try back later...which I did and then that is when more problems happened....so I just deleted them...will try them out again when I get a chance, create new ones later one. Thanks for your help...and yes I did try doing all that and more....appreciate your reply. :))

Ya' know Kim, you and I seem to always have problems that never have easy fixes. What's that about? )-; LOL!!!

Lol, I know what you mean!! :))

mine took a few days to show up

Just wanted to say it is nice to see you Kim! :)

Thanks, was taking a break and trying to figure out what was next.....dealing with heart surgery and getting a second opinion on my options right now.

That is wise! Do you stick with mds'?

Yes Kim, some of your ads are showing up OK, but there are a couple that are just blank blocks. I looked at the coding in those blocks and the AdSense script is actually not there.
Check the scripting in your widget against the scripting that Adsense has given you. There is probably a dot or slash or space in the wrong place. Scripting and coding has no wriggle room at all, every dot and tiddle must be in exactly the right place.

I will check, that is a bit weird since I copied and pasted the code...also, I deleted one of the Amazon ads and its still showing in the preview, but gone in the widgets.....a bit strange on that one.

You know, there's a really good book WORDPRESS FOR DUMMIES - ALL-IN-ONE that covers just about everything. It's almost 900 pages of really good info and you might want to look into it. Available from Amazon, it could turn into your bible. Lots of times none of us can answer a question that's asked here - and often we just don't have time to look it up. I'm guilty. Or give me until Monday and I'll be happy to do it.

Did you refresh your browser

Did all that and then some...thanks.

Wow that does not sound right I am confused also, sorry can not help you

I know, tech support wasn't very helpful...seems they worked fine until just recently....it is weird that is for sure.

Have you added any new plugins or maybe deactivate each one to test maybe.

Haven't done much of anything in the last month, I added one new post and not much else other that I did deactivate and remove the 301 redirect plugin, that may be a problem....but its gone...so not sure how that would affect it either.

That plugin might be why you are having these problems because it was picking up and redirecting a stuff to your site. Can ask support if they can reinstall your site from the previous time

Thanks Tommy. :))

Don't use them.

Not exactly the same Kim but may be your solution. I too had a problem with wordpress not being able to submit a post because the was missing information. It took about a week before wordpress corrected it automatically.

Thanks Ken.

Hi Kim, we haven't been in touch for a wee while.
I used to get the gey blank sometimes and I found out that the problem was usually that I got one tiny detail wrong. Another thing was that, that particular Ad was no longer available and a grey blank was the way you were supposed to know that. Sorry I can't be of more help but check the codes you are inserting into your widegets and you just might find some little thing wrong with it.
Have a nice evening.

Mine are still cream color and I just added them, not sure what is going on....may be the new WordPress update.....well since the latest update...they were working fine and updating fine until I got the update, plus my theme had an update....may be an issue there...not sure.

Yes I had that problem once with an ad for photography, I couldnot remove the ad, removed the text widget, but the add stayed on the site, I tried everything, added the ad again, in a new widget, removed it again, the bugger would not go, spend hours on it, and suddenly it disapeared, don't know why

Thanks Loes, doesn't sound very promising...Lol! I sent tech support a ticket, but they said to ask the community or Kyle/Carson.......So I started with the community.

Hope anyone has a great sollution, I like to hear that!

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Why my ads are not showing or deleting right?

Why my ads are not showing or deleting right?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Anybody come across a problem with your widgets for ads in your side bar not showing properly?

I started with a Google Adsense ad in the footer not showing, only shaded bo

Everytime I have any problems even closely related to yours, everyone says to clear my cache and make sure my browser is updated. Might be worth a shot Kim! (-:

Did that, I did find that my ads from Google created a new problem and I couldn't view my editor content under visual mode for all posts and pages....I had to do a system restore from earlier time and date...
Google Adsense was having some issues the other day, so I am not going to use those ads again...I couldn't retrieve the code and they said to try back later...which I did and then that is when more problems happened....so I just deleted them...will try them out again when I get a chance, create new ones later one. Thanks for your help...and yes I did try doing all that and more....appreciate your reply. :))

Ya' know Kim, you and I seem to always have problems that never have easy fixes. What's that about? )-; LOL!!!

Lol, I know what you mean!! :))

mine took a few days to show up

Just wanted to say it is nice to see you Kim! :)

Thanks, was taking a break and trying to figure out what was next.....dealing with heart surgery and getting a second opinion on my options right now.

That is wise! Do you stick with mds'?

Yes Kim, some of your ads are showing up OK, but there are a couple that are just blank blocks. I looked at the coding in those blocks and the AdSense script is actually not there.
Check the scripting in your widget against the scripting that Adsense has given you. There is probably a dot or slash or space in the wrong place. Scripting and coding has no wriggle room at all, every dot and tiddle must be in exactly the right place.

I will check, that is a bit weird since I copied and pasted the code...also, I deleted one of the Amazon ads and its still showing in the preview, but gone in the widgets.....a bit strange on that one.

You know, there's a really good book WORDPRESS FOR DUMMIES - ALL-IN-ONE that covers just about everything. It's almost 900 pages of really good info and you might want to look into it. Available from Amazon, it could turn into your bible. Lots of times none of us can answer a question that's asked here - and often we just don't have time to look it up. I'm guilty. Or give me until Monday and I'll be happy to do it.

Did you refresh your browser

Did all that and then some...thanks.

Wow that does not sound right I am confused also, sorry can not help you

I know, tech support wasn't very helpful...seems they worked fine until just recently....it is weird that is for sure.

Have you added any new plugins or maybe deactivate each one to test maybe.

Haven't done much of anything in the last month, I added one new post and not much else other that I did deactivate and remove the 301 redirect plugin, that may be a problem....but its gone...so not sure how that would affect it either.

That plugin might be why you are having these problems because it was picking up and redirecting a stuff to your site. Can ask support if they can reinstall your site from the previous time

Thanks Tommy. :))

Don't use them.

Not exactly the same Kim but may be your solution. I too had a problem with wordpress not being able to submit a post because the was missing information. It took about a week before wordpress corrected it automatically.

Thanks Ken.

Hi Kim, we haven't been in touch for a wee while.
I used to get the gey blank sometimes and I found out that the problem was usually that I got one tiny detail wrong. Another thing was that, that particular Ad was no longer available and a grey blank was the way you were supposed to know that. Sorry I can't be of more help but check the codes you are inserting into your widegets and you just might find some little thing wrong with it.
Have a nice evening.

Mine are still cream color and I just added them, not sure what is going on....may be the new WordPress update.....well since the latest update...they were working fine and updating fine until I got the update, plus my theme had an update....may be an issue there...not sure.

Yes I had that problem once with an ad for photography, I couldnot remove the ad, removed the text widget, but the add stayed on the site, I tried everything, added the ad again, in a new widget, removed it again, the bugger would not go, spend hours on it, and suddenly it disapeared, don't know why

Thanks Loes, doesn't sound very promising...Lol! I sent tech support a ticket, but they said to ask the community or Kyle/Carson.......So I started with the community.

Hope anyone has a great sollution, I like to hear that!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have 3 pages and 3 posts that I did originally when I started my site that contain all the Amazon boxes and the others have the carousel widgets, which slows down my site. I k

Glad you asked this question. I'd feel more comfortable redoing than deleting.

I think I would rather remove URL and delete them...I guess what ever one feels comfortable with as you said.

I'm glad you asked this question Kim! I wouldn't have known the answer. :)

Looks like more than one idea, but I think removing URL and deleting them is best since they are not that relevant.

Interesting discussion!

You can go into google webmaster tools. Click on your site then in the site dashboard click on Google index. Under that you will see the option to remove URLs. You can enter those pages you don't want indexed in there. After which you can just delete the pages. Someone please correct me if i am wrong.

That was what I thought I should do before I remove them...also with Bing I was reminded. Thanks. :))

I tried to remove links a few weeks ago, and it crashed my computer! I would hesitate to remove Anything, let alone a hole page. Can't you just edit it/them into something else and hit update?

That is never a problem for me, I just did a factory restore on my computer not too long ago...Lol...I know the ins and outs on how to fix a system, just didn't want to mess up Google indexing and ranking...:)))

I definitely panicked. No recent back-up and no restore knowledge what-so-ever

If your computer crashed during something you did in your browser, that is just a coincidence. Removing URL's from Google that Google cached but no longer exist is actually recommended.

Yes I did, thank you. :))

I would agree with that. :))

I did it here with on of my sites, not my browser. One of my affiliates sites halted their program until after the 1st of the year, then they'll be back. When I went to my page editor to remove the links, things flashed and then went blank! Freaked me out, to say the least. Not just my websites, but my whole computer!


The is no physical way those two things are connected. Trust me. :)

That sounds like a drag.

OK. But just this once! Seriously though, Thanks for the tip.

It was. Glad yours is OK now.

Hi Kim, Our websites should be in constant stages of change. May I suggest that you remodel these unwanted pages a post into something that you like.

Thank you. :))

Kim - agree with Sam. I hate removing old content because they're what gives your site authority. It is really the widget and amazon boxes and images that are slowing it down. Remove those and keep the content. Or add some update to the content to get bonus points from Google for "fresh" content :)

Yes, that is an idea...thanks. Kim :))

If you want to get rid of them completely, do the following.

Go to Google Webmaster and >Remove URL AND Cache
Do same at BING

Then do the 301 redirect (i use Simple 301 Redirect plugin)

and trash the pages and posts


I saw the remove URL in Google before, I have the plugin already...thanks for your help. :))

Thanks John! I've never thought of deleting posts, I do updates. Now I know what to do if I have to dump them completely.

Remove it but do a 301 redirect. So if anyone does find the page in search they get sent to another page on your site automatically and not a 404 error page.

Take a look at one of the redirection plugins that do this for you.

I added the 301 redirect plug in just recently, is that all I need then.

Yep, should send anyone clicking on the old URL to the new one you have set up. Try it by cut & pasting the old URL into your browser, should see you are redirected to the new URL automatically.

Can also remove the old URL from the list that the search engines have indexed - see Mackiejw comment.

Thank you. :)

As far as I know you can sort this out via webmasters watch Jays video in certification training course 5, its in lesson 3 I think

Thanks. :))

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What is the best way to handle pages or posts you dont want?

What is the best way to handle pages or posts you dont want?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have 3 pages and 3 posts that I did originally when I started my site that contain all the Amazon boxes and the others have the carousel widgets, which slows down my site. I k

Glad you asked this question. I'd feel more comfortable redoing than deleting.

I think I would rather remove URL and delete them...I guess what ever one feels comfortable with as you said.

I'm glad you asked this question Kim! I wouldn't have known the answer. :)

Looks like more than one idea, but I think removing URL and deleting them is best since they are not that relevant.

Interesting discussion!

You can go into google webmaster tools. Click on your site then in the site dashboard click on Google index. Under that you will see the option to remove URLs. You can enter those pages you don't want indexed in there. After which you can just delete the pages. Someone please correct me if i am wrong.

That was what I thought I should do before I remove them...also with Bing I was reminded. Thanks. :))

I tried to remove links a few weeks ago, and it crashed my computer! I would hesitate to remove Anything, let alone a hole page. Can't you just edit it/them into something else and hit update?

That is never a problem for me, I just did a factory restore on my computer not too long ago...Lol...I know the ins and outs on how to fix a system, just didn't want to mess up Google indexing and ranking...:)))

I definitely panicked. No recent back-up and no restore knowledge what-so-ever

If your computer crashed during something you did in your browser, that is just a coincidence. Removing URL's from Google that Google cached but no longer exist is actually recommended.

Yes I did, thank you. :))

I would agree with that. :))

I did it here with on of my sites, not my browser. One of my affiliates sites halted their program until after the 1st of the year, then they'll be back. When I went to my page editor to remove the links, things flashed and then went blank! Freaked me out, to say the least. Not just my websites, but my whole computer!


The is no physical way those two things are connected. Trust me. :)

That sounds like a drag.

OK. But just this once! Seriously though, Thanks for the tip.

It was. Glad yours is OK now.

Hi Kim, Our websites should be in constant stages of change. May I suggest that you remodel these unwanted pages a post into something that you like.

Thank you. :))

Kim - agree with Sam. I hate removing old content because they're what gives your site authority. It is really the widget and amazon boxes and images that are slowing it down. Remove those and keep the content. Or add some update to the content to get bonus points from Google for "fresh" content :)

Yes, that is an idea...thanks. Kim :))

If you want to get rid of them completely, do the following.

Go to Google Webmaster and >Remove URL AND Cache
Do same at BING

Then do the 301 redirect (i use Simple 301 Redirect plugin)

and trash the pages and posts


I saw the remove URL in Google before, I have the plugin already...thanks for your help. :))

Thanks John! I've never thought of deleting posts, I do updates. Now I know what to do if I have to dump them completely.

Remove it but do a 301 redirect. So if anyone does find the page in search they get sent to another page on your site automatically and not a 404 error page.

Take a look at one of the redirection plugins that do this for you.

I added the 301 redirect plug in just recently, is that all I need then.

Yep, should send anyone clicking on the old URL to the new one you have set up. Try it by cut & pasting the old URL into your browser, should see you are redirected to the new URL automatically.

Can also remove the old URL from the list that the search engines have indexed - see Mackiejw comment.

Thank you. :)

As far as I know you can sort this out via webmasters watch Jays video in certification training course 5, its in lesson 3 I think

Thanks. :))

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I wasn't quite doing the keyword search right when I first created my site, then I placed a select few that I saved in Jaaxy on several pages, and of course now I am out of sear

I find this question a curiosity. I don't see how saving the words through Jaaxy can gain search engine power so there must be something I don't quite understand. I do know watching one of Kyle's tutorials he demonstrated how phrases other then our keyword phrase may get ranked on Google, and sure enough when I experimented on day I found pages ranked on pages other then just the one they were ranked on for their keywords! Christa

What I did was saved them in Jaaxy, and wrote them down in my composition notebook. paper work is still useful today

I agree, I have one also...Lol!

Did you let your starter membership with Jaaxy expire? I did because I couldn't afford 19.00 a month. But I still do not completely understand the keyword theory.

Well, I used all my searches, and I just paid for the yearly here...can't have everything all at once. I understand it to a certain degree, but still trying to understand the connection that Jaaxy has with Google ranking is all.....

I am of the understanding that google as well as Jaaxy will give you results of what is searched for at the time you do your initial search. Whatever the next month search queries are may or may not change.
I am like you. If I find particular keyword phrase I like I save it. Whether or not the results change I can't say, because I'm lazy and don't double check with current results.
You may be onto something though. Thanks for nudging me to recheck my results.

Okay, Lol...glad I could help you out..and thanks for the feed back! :))

I think you can, that's what I have been doing..

Thanks. :)

Hi Kim.

If I understand your question correctly - does saving keywords in Jaaxy affect the results in the SERPS?

Searching for them, I would say (without certainty about how Jaaxy works) - yes - I am assuming Jaaxy is querying Google etc in the same way as a normal visitor would. And therefore G etc is treating a search from Jaaxy as a "search from a visitor"

It may be worth PM'ing Jay - I believe he oversees Jaaxy - to get a 100% view - but a search on Google through whatever tool, is a search on Google - and that will reflect in their results I would expect.

Cheers, Mark

Thanks Mark. :))

I don't think so.

I always save mine

I dont' know, but I'll answer your question with another question - how did you find "Article Power", where is that?

I was searching in the WA keyword tool, one of the columns states the article power there. :)

Yes, I was worried in the beginning that I might be doing the keywords wrong. Over time, however I got indexed and ranked as my site's trust grew.

Can I ask what you were doing that you felt was not effective? I have not heard of anything about saving keywords within Jaaxy will increase search value. Hopefully you can figure it out. Many blessings. :)))

I was just checking to see if there was any more boosting power to what I have already done, I have 304 URL's indexed with Google, I don't seem to be having a problem with that. I also found out that when I thought I removed myself from tracking that I hadn't, I accidentally put in dashes instead of periods for my IP address...oops. I did get good traffic over the holiday weekend, just added 3 Adsense ads on the 26th and 27th and made me $2.93 cent...lol....now its dropped of to pennies and less traffic....maybe just an online slow down from the holiday...just been watching it carefully.

Awesome to hear your success over the holidays too. I too noticed I am getting regular hits on my adsense ads. One thing I get confused about is although I am indexed, sometimes it says a page is not ranked... but then I check analytics and someone found me organically in search engines from keyword search and led to that page... I find that odd indeed because I would have to be ranked. Perhaps not all data is showing correctly. :)))

A page can be found, I think that just means the bots haven't crawled the page yet and indexed it. There are a few things I find odd about Google anyways...lol. :))

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Is it better to have keywords saved in jaaxy?

Is it better to have keywords saved in jaaxy?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I wasn't quite doing the keyword search right when I first created my site, then I placed a select few that I saved in Jaaxy on several pages, and of course now I am out of sear

I find this question a curiosity. I don't see how saving the words through Jaaxy can gain search engine power so there must be something I don't quite understand. I do know watching one of Kyle's tutorials he demonstrated how phrases other then our keyword phrase may get ranked on Google, and sure enough when I experimented on day I found pages ranked on pages other then just the one they were ranked on for their keywords! Christa

What I did was saved them in Jaaxy, and wrote them down in my composition notebook. paper work is still useful today

I agree, I have one also...Lol!

Did you let your starter membership with Jaaxy expire? I did because I couldn't afford 19.00 a month. But I still do not completely understand the keyword theory.

Well, I used all my searches, and I just paid for the yearly here...can't have everything all at once. I understand it to a certain degree, but still trying to understand the connection that Jaaxy has with Google ranking is all.....

I am of the understanding that google as well as Jaaxy will give you results of what is searched for at the time you do your initial search. Whatever the next month search queries are may or may not change.
I am like you. If I find particular keyword phrase I like I save it. Whether or not the results change I can't say, because I'm lazy and don't double check with current results.
You may be onto something though. Thanks for nudging me to recheck my results.

Okay, Lol...glad I could help you out..and thanks for the feed back! :))

I think you can, that's what I have been doing..

Thanks. :)

Hi Kim.

If I understand your question correctly - does saving keywords in Jaaxy affect the results in the SERPS?

Searching for them, I would say (without certainty about how Jaaxy works) - yes - I am assuming Jaaxy is querying Google etc in the same way as a normal visitor would. And therefore G etc is treating a search from Jaaxy as a "search from a visitor"

It may be worth PM'ing Jay - I believe he oversees Jaaxy - to get a 100% view - but a search on Google through whatever tool, is a search on Google - and that will reflect in their results I would expect.

Cheers, Mark

Thanks Mark. :))

I don't think so.

I always save mine

I dont' know, but I'll answer your question with another question - how did you find "Article Power", where is that?

I was searching in the WA keyword tool, one of the columns states the article power there. :)

Yes, I was worried in the beginning that I might be doing the keywords wrong. Over time, however I got indexed and ranked as my site's trust grew.

Can I ask what you were doing that you felt was not effective? I have not heard of anything about saving keywords within Jaaxy will increase search value. Hopefully you can figure it out. Many blessings. :)))

I was just checking to see if there was any more boosting power to what I have already done, I have 304 URL's indexed with Google, I don't seem to be having a problem with that. I also found out that when I thought I removed myself from tracking that I hadn't, I accidentally put in dashes instead of periods for my IP address...oops. I did get good traffic over the holiday weekend, just added 3 Adsense ads on the 26th and 27th and made me $2.93 cent...lol....now its dropped of to pennies and less traffic....maybe just an online slow down from the holiday...just been watching it carefully.

Awesome to hear your success over the holidays too. I too noticed I am getting regular hits on my adsense ads. One thing I get confused about is although I am indexed, sometimes it says a page is not ranked... but then I check analytics and someone found me organically in search engines from keyword search and led to that page... I find that odd indeed because I would have to be ranked. Perhaps not all data is showing correctly. :)))

A page can be found, I think that just means the bots haven't crawled the page yet and indexed it. There are a few things I find odd about Google anyways...lol. :))

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