I've several of them running, and cancelled a few I'm unable to use optimally at the moment, as I'm working in a different niche.
Is this a bad move in the eyes of Google
I get google alerts for Amazon and google. I just delete them. So time for me to unsubscribe
Google Alerts is just for your own information. What I mean is that you want Google to notify you about updates, news and publications of the topic you're interested in.
Deleting and creating them has nothing to do with your own website's ranking and SEO in general.
Delete as you please. :)
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Does cancelling google alerts give a bad name?
I've several of them running, and cancelled a few I'm unable to use optimally at the moment, as I'm working in a different niche.
Is this a bad move in the eyes of Google
That shouldn't affect your rankings or anything, but... it is Google, so you never know ;-)
I get google alerts for Amazon and google. I just delete them. So time for me to unsubscribe
Google Alerts is just for your own information. What I mean is that you want Google to notify you about updates, news and publications of the topic you're interested in.
Deleting and creating them has nothing to do with your own website's ranking and SEO in general.
Delete as you please. :)
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......if it's already there, and seemingly unchangeable?
Thanks in Advance!
Cheers, Therese
First off, if it is unchangeable, then how can it be cropped?
But to answer your question, yes. The majority of images used in WP themes are either CC0 or Public Domain licenses.
Elaborate on what you mean Theresa, is it an image you have uploaded or is it a permanent image?
I have already inserted it.
I get from Dan's answer, that I'll need to delete it and add one from library, was able to crop that one!☺
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Can I crop an image on a front page in wordpress?
......if it's already there, and seemingly unchangeable?
Thanks in Advance!
Cheers, Therese
First off, if it is unchangeable, then how can it be cropped?
But to answer your question, yes. The majority of images used in WP themes are either CC0 or Public Domain licenses.
Elaborate on what you mean Theresa, is it an image you have uploaded or is it a permanent image?
I have already inserted it.
I get from Dan's answer, that I'll need to delete it and add one from library, was able to crop that one!☺
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From the training here at WA, I've always had the impression that I need to put a keyword in there....
But other sources suggest that Alt Text is for those with impaired
Hi Therese,
Kyle did mentioned in the training that it would be best for search engines to know what your images are. I would add the alt text to all images you include on your website as well as your post.
Alt Text is important to go toward indexing/ranking and need to explain the image (basically say what you see)
Guy read my post I just put up about keywords. Some people say you can put your keywords in the box some say no. Read my post. I also sent a help message to google to get a better clarification on the subject. I hope it won't take a week to get an answer.
Funny, I too have always had the same impression from WA training..
Alt text = Great place for image description
Image file name = Perfect place for keyword
Alt text is best used to describe the picture - This part is usually purely intended to improve user experience ONLY.
For keywords - I'd use a keyword in file name:
That part your audience usually don't see at all & that's also what makes it absolutely great place for keywords - It's 100% intended to help robots / search engines only
I add synonyms of keywords describing the image in the alt text. The purpose of the alt text is to describe the subject of the image in case the image does not render properly when the page loads.
I put a description of the image in the alt text and the keyword goes in the image file name. Why? Because this is how I understood it from WA training and comments and so on.
No keywords there in general, Alt Text is supposed to describe the picture. If the keyword happens to be there in order to describe the picture, fine, otherwise do not put on purpose. Google is clear about it. See here What to put in Alt Text in images - Yoast knows it better
It does not matter if you put a keyword in however It helps search engines understand what an image is about. Alternate text is also very helpful in case images on a page cannot be found.
I choose an image in which the keyword would make sense. Then for the other images I use a variation of the key phrase with words about the image too.
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Keyword in alt text yes or no?
From the training here at WA, I've always had the impression that I need to put a keyword in there....
But other sources suggest that Alt Text is for those with impaired
Hi Therese,
Kyle did mentioned in the training that it would be best for search engines to know what your images are. I would add the alt text to all images you include on your website as well as your post.
Alt Text is important to go toward indexing/ranking and need to explain the image (basically say what you see)
Guy read my post I just put up about keywords. Some people say you can put your keywords in the box some say no. Read my post. I also sent a help message to google to get a better clarification on the subject. I hope it won't take a week to get an answer.
Funny, I too have always had the same impression from WA training..
Alt text = Great place for image description
Image file name = Perfect place for keyword
Alt text is best used to describe the picture - This part is usually purely intended to improve user experience ONLY.
For keywords - I'd use a keyword in file name:
That part your audience usually don't see at all & that's also what makes it absolutely great place for keywords - It's 100% intended to help robots / search engines only
I add synonyms of keywords describing the image in the alt text. The purpose of the alt text is to describe the subject of the image in case the image does not render properly when the page loads.
I put a description of the image in the alt text and the keyword goes in the image file name. Why? Because this is how I understood it from WA training and comments and so on.
No keywords there in general, Alt Text is supposed to describe the picture. If the keyword happens to be there in order to describe the picture, fine, otherwise do not put on purpose. Google is clear about it. See here What to put in Alt Text in images - Yoast knows it better
It does not matter if you put a keyword in however It helps search engines understand what an image is about. Alternate text is also very helpful in case images on a page cannot be found.
I choose an image in which the keyword would make sense. Then for the other images I use a variation of the key phrase with words about the image too.
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Is it possible to save a full backup into Dropbox?
Thank you!
Hey Therese,
You might find this post very helpful: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/how-to-backup-your-wordpress-website-to-dropbox-using-plugins
Hey Therese,
That one got me curious as well.
The answer is yes, absolutely..
If you'd like to store it in your Dropbox cloud storage as XML document, you can.
Do you mean stored as in 'saved inside' or stored as in a replacement for a web server aka, 'run from' dropbox?
Your answers are, Yes and No, kind of.
You can store it that's for sure and you can place all your backups and documents in there too, it's fantastic for that.
You can kind of run a website, depending on what you need it to do.
Here's the problem, dropbox cannot perform any server-side stuff, as there is no regular web server to power your actual site, thus it can only perform client side stuff, ie, inside your browser which is fine for some things, like static pages.
With regards to WordPress and other similar CMS or data driven sites, the other issue, of course, there is no database server either, so you would require a database server that allows remote connections as opposed to 'localhost' only connection or internal network connections. Which poses you some issues in a number of ways, mainly speed and security.
You can, of course, extend dropbox a number of ways, see here for some ideas... https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/09/creating-websites-with-dropbox-powered-hosting-tools/
It all gets very messy and rather pointless to my mind, dropbox is designed as a storage point, not a stand in web server, just use a host, even a cheap one is better than hosting your site @dropbox if you plan on giving the public access to it, plus (don't know if this is still the case) I believe you need to have a paid up subscription to do this anyway.
You have a premium membership, so am confused, if you would want to run a site as a publicly accessible entity, why use dropbox? Just add another site to your hosting it is designed specifically for the job of, oddly enough, hosting websites.
Thank you for your detailled answer, Neil!
For me, I would not work on the site from within Dropbox, I'm so glad I've got WA and WP and hosting for that!
For me, it would just be the classic Save and Restore, in case something happens to my site.
I hope I understood you correctly☺☺☺
Hi Therese, that's ideal, as an additional place to store your site and database backups.
Best wishes...
Yes, as long as there is enough room in the Dropbox. I have upgraded and have a terrabyte in mine, so plenty of room for multiple sites.
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Can a website be stored in dropbox?
Is it possible to save a full backup into Dropbox?
Thank you!
Hey Therese,
You might find this post very helpful: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/tips-tricks/how-to-backup-your-wordpress-website-to-dropbox-using-plugins
Hey Therese,
That one got me curious as well.
The answer is yes, absolutely..
If you'd like to store it in your Dropbox cloud storage as XML document, you can.
Do you mean stored as in 'saved inside' or stored as in a replacement for a web server aka, 'run from' dropbox?
Your answers are, Yes and No, kind of.
You can store it that's for sure and you can place all your backups and documents in there too, it's fantastic for that.
You can kind of run a website, depending on what you need it to do.
Here's the problem, dropbox cannot perform any server-side stuff, as there is no regular web server to power your actual site, thus it can only perform client side stuff, ie, inside your browser which is fine for some things, like static pages.
With regards to WordPress and other similar CMS or data driven sites, the other issue, of course, there is no database server either, so you would require a database server that allows remote connections as opposed to 'localhost' only connection or internal network connections. Which poses you some issues in a number of ways, mainly speed and security.
You can, of course, extend dropbox a number of ways, see here for some ideas... https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/09/creating-websites-with-dropbox-powered-hosting-tools/
It all gets very messy and rather pointless to my mind, dropbox is designed as a storage point, not a stand in web server, just use a host, even a cheap one is better than hosting your site @dropbox if you plan on giving the public access to it, plus (don't know if this is still the case) I believe you need to have a paid up subscription to do this anyway.
You have a premium membership, so am confused, if you would want to run a site as a publicly accessible entity, why use dropbox? Just add another site to your hosting it is designed specifically for the job of, oddly enough, hosting websites.
Thank you for your detailled answer, Neil!
For me, I would not work on the site from within Dropbox, I'm so glad I've got WA and WP and hosting for that!
For me, it would just be the classic Save and Restore, in case something happens to my site.
I hope I understood you correctly☺☺☺
Hi Therese, that's ideal, as an additional place to store your site and database backups.
Best wishes...
Yes, as long as there is enough room in the Dropbox. I have upgraded and have a terrabyte in mine, so plenty of room for multiple sites.
That shouldn't affect your rankings or anything, but... it is Google, so you never know ;-)