About WilliamBH
Rank 21695
2,877 followers Joined July 2016
Hey .. This is William. I have been in and around computers since .. well it is too long ago to say :) And an





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asked in
Getting Started

If I do not renew my premium membership can my domains names continue to be hosted at Wealthy Affiliate? I understand that my website will no longer be hosted but what about th

hi William, your domains can still be stored at wa and you still get direct access to the sitedomains page to 'service' your domains....https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/domains
use your standard wa login to access it

as others have said your site will come off the internet once the payment period ends...

the website will not be transfered with the domain so any information you want to save for the future then please get in touch with sitesupport to get a backup so you may restore the site in the future...they use updraft as their backup plugin.

Nope negative.

In such an event and for any websites hosted here, you need to arrange alternative hosting for your website before your subscription ceases, as you would be locked out of the platform; site support backups are only available for 60 days.

You can never revert back to being a starter.

You may reach out to site support for a backup of your websites.

Also, domain names must have passed the grace period of 60 days.

The website as no problem. The question was only about the domains.

If what you say is true it really sucks ... but thank you.

You may be able to access the domain area, by yeah hosting is included with a premium subscription to the platform.

So if you want to discontinue, I advise the above.

Thank you but you have not answered my question ... I have stated each time that I am referring to the domains not the websites ... so the real answer is that you don't actually know!

Thank you.

Thank you for your notes.

When you transfer your hosting, you would point your domains to another server provider or, better still, transfer them to another registrar. You would pay an additional year upfront, and one year more gets added to your domains, provided they have passed the 60-day grace period.

This way, your domains are out, and you can access them via your new registrar if you are thinking of not returning to WA.

I would contact site support here for further instructions

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Premium membership renewal and domain names?

Premium membership renewal and domain names?

asked in
Getting Started

If I do not renew my premium membership can my domains names continue to be hosted at Wealthy Affiliate? I understand that my website will no longer be hosted but what about th

hi William, your domains can still be stored at wa and you still get direct access to the sitedomains page to 'service' your domains....https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/domains
use your standard wa login to access it

as others have said your site will come off the internet once the payment period ends...

the website will not be transfered with the domain so any information you want to save for the future then please get in touch with sitesupport to get a backup so you may restore the site in the future...they use updraft as their backup plugin.

Nope negative.

In such an event and for any websites hosted here, you need to arrange alternative hosting for your website before your subscription ceases, as you would be locked out of the platform; site support backups are only available for 60 days.

You can never revert back to being a starter.

You may reach out to site support for a backup of your websites.

Also, domain names must have passed the grace period of 60 days.

The website as no problem. The question was only about the domains.

If what you say is true it really sucks ... but thank you.

You may be able to access the domain area, by yeah hosting is included with a premium subscription to the platform.

So if you want to discontinue, I advise the above.

Thank you but you have not answered my question ... I have stated each time that I am referring to the domains not the websites ... so the real answer is that you don't actually know!

Thank you.

Thank you for your notes.

When you transfer your hosting, you would point your domains to another server provider or, better still, transfer them to another registrar. You would pay an additional year upfront, and one year more gets added to your domains, provided they have passed the 60-day grace period.

This way, your domains are out, and you can access them via your new registrar if you are thinking of not returning to WA.

I would contact site support here for further instructions

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I am totally lost on this concept .. I just want to make sure the tools I am using will handle it sufficiently. I do not want to be doing it manually.

I read some old Po

Hey William,

If you mean sitelinks like those shown in the screen print below, yes.

If yes, then I will send you a URL in a private message so you can see the successful experiment that I conducted, along with my results.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hey William. This topic seems a little technical for sure. I’ve used Yoast structured data blocks for how to and FAQs. Other members use a separate plugin to add the review stars and such. Although for general snippets, sometimes Google will do it anyway for you, without needing a plugin. Jay did a training on this a few years back.

Hi! This may lead you to the answer to your question more effectively than I can. Cheers!

Is all in one seo sufficient for structured data?

Is all in one seo sufficient for structured data?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I am totally lost on this concept .. I just want to make sure the tools I am using will handle it sufficiently. I do not want to be doing it manually.

I read some old Po

Hey William,

If you mean sitelinks like those shown in the screen print below, yes.

If yes, then I will send you a URL in a private message so you can see the successful experiment that I conducted, along with my results.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hey William. This topic seems a little technical for sure. I’ve used Yoast structured data blocks for how to and FAQs. Other members use a separate plugin to add the review stars and such. Although for general snippets, sometimes Google will do it anyway for you, without needing a plugin. Jay did a training on this a few years back.

Hi! This may lead you to the answer to your question more effectively than I can. Cheers!

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi everyone ... I am just doing some research. What are the books that you recommend for Success in 2020. It would be heloful if you could recommend 3+.

Cheers, William.<

I'm going to recommend two that go kinda hand in hand as I'm going through both of them at the moment.

The original Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon hill. It's likely you've already read it as so many entrepreneurs recommend it, but it's for a good reason. In case you are not familiar, in a nutshell it's about how ideas, imagination, and desire are the driving force behind any successful business and how they can seemingly transform the world so that it works in your favor.

The other book is Synchronicities by Kirby Surprise. It gives a great scientific reasoning to why and how our thinking affects the world around us (and why the stuff in Think and grow rich actually works). I'm not going to spoil the book for you, but I'll give a hint: The thing you think is the world around you is actually an imperfect construct by your brain. The real world is something much more fascinating.

Keep in mind, I'm an engineer with a very scientific world view. I don't believe in pseudoscientific myths and magical thinking, but these two books have gotten me questioning everything I know about how the world works. The message in them is THAT powerful.

I'm also interested in what other folks will recommend so a great question!

Great input Jukka ... I really appreciate you taking the time to reply and for your valuable input. I will use it if it is ok will you. Cheers, William.

Not a problem William! Glad I could help.

Joseph Sugarman's The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful Advertising and Marketing Copy from One of America's Top Copywriters

Great suggestion Glen, I really appreciate it. Cheers, William.

My favorite at the moment is "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. I have the Audible and Kindle versions. I also picked up the Summary book (free to read on Kindle Unlimited).

As for the other two...
- Mindset: "The New Psychology of Success" by Carol Dweck
- "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.

Thanks Suzanne, appreciate your input, I will add it to my list. Cheers, William.

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What are the top success books to read for 2020?

What are the top success books to read for 2020?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi everyone ... I am just doing some research. What are the books that you recommend for Success in 2020. It would be heloful if you could recommend 3+.

Cheers, William.<

I'm going to recommend two that go kinda hand in hand as I'm going through both of them at the moment.

The original Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon hill. It's likely you've already read it as so many entrepreneurs recommend it, but it's for a good reason. In case you are not familiar, in a nutshell it's about how ideas, imagination, and desire are the driving force behind any successful business and how they can seemingly transform the world so that it works in your favor.

The other book is Synchronicities by Kirby Surprise. It gives a great scientific reasoning to why and how our thinking affects the world around us (and why the stuff in Think and grow rich actually works). I'm not going to spoil the book for you, but I'll give a hint: The thing you think is the world around you is actually an imperfect construct by your brain. The real world is something much more fascinating.

Keep in mind, I'm an engineer with a very scientific world view. I don't believe in pseudoscientific myths and magical thinking, but these two books have gotten me questioning everything I know about how the world works. The message in them is THAT powerful.

I'm also interested in what other folks will recommend so a great question!

Great input Jukka ... I really appreciate you taking the time to reply and for your valuable input. I will use it if it is ok will you. Cheers, William.

Not a problem William! Glad I could help.

Joseph Sugarman's The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful Advertising and Marketing Copy from One of America's Top Copywriters

Great suggestion Glen, I really appreciate it. Cheers, William.

My favorite at the moment is "Atomic Habits" by James Clear. I have the Audible and Kindle versions. I also picked up the Summary book (free to read on Kindle Unlimited).

As for the other two...
- Mindset: "The New Psychology of Success" by Carol Dweck
- "Extreme Ownership" by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.

Thanks Suzanne, appreciate your input, I will add it to my list. Cheers, William.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

We have a fitness business running classes in Parks. Our "office" is in our home and I don't want that address published on Google My Business (GMB). I know I can chose not to

Hey William,

The "gurus" are correct.

However, you MIGHT be able to find a workaround if you contact Darren Shaw at Whitespark.com and explain this to him asking for his suggestion.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you Trish .. is he easy to get too and will reply? Does he know you .. can I use your name if you do?

Cheers, William.

Feel free to use my name if you wish William but you don't have to. I'm certain that Darren will reply to your cry for help. He'll see this as an awesome challenge, I'm SURE of it.

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How to handle address mis-match with gmb and citations?

How to handle address mis-match with gmb and citations?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

We have a fitness business running classes in Parks. Our "office" is in our home and I don't want that address published on Google My Business (GMB). I know I can chose not to

Hey William,

The "gurus" are correct.

However, you MIGHT be able to find a workaround if you contact Darren Shaw at Whitespark.com and explain this to him asking for his suggestion.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you Trish .. is he easy to get too and will reply? Does he know you .. can I use your name if you do?

Cheers, William.

Feel free to use my name if you wish William but you don't have to. I'm certain that Darren will reply to your cry for help. He'll see this as an awesome challenge, I'm SURE of it.

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