About steviec92
Rank 2907
1,078 followers Joined March 2017
Hi there! I'm Stephen and I live in Glasgow, Scotland but am originally from the Highlands. I'm a maths teacher. My passions in life are hiking, exploring, travelling





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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hello WA Community!

I'v been working slowly but steadily on my hiking blog for the last couple of years. While I've not had a huge amount of time to dedicate to it and ha

Hey Stevie,

If you wanted to flow outside the box, you could link hiking to health and longevity on one website with creative writing with ease.

But, you definitely must know your target audience.

However, since you have 50+ articles to place on a health site, starting a new blog should not present a problem.

Remember there exist E.A.T. standards from Google for health sites.

Bottom line is it all depends on where your passion lies in reference to promoting content.

I am sure with your intelligence you will do what is best for your situation.

Have a great weekend.

Blessings always

Hi Stephen, I tend to agree with Danny and think you should probably start a new blog to attract those people specifically looking for health and longevity.

All the best,


You should start a new blog. People who visit your current blog are looking for info on hiking and other associated related hiking topics. If they see info on health they probably will leave your site and you could lose the traffic you already have.

Start a new blog and and use those 50+ articles.

I wrote an article on researching a niche to see if it will be a popular one. Go to Google Trends and search your niche. Check the the 12 month and 5 year graph and if the niche increases or stays steady, it will be a great niche.


If you're into something that's working, why change it. It might be time to create another website. Jim

Like Twack not as experienced as you. I would have a separate blog and set it up primarily for health and longevity and have a sub niche in that site for hiking. It would seem logical since hiking leads better towards health and and longevity. Keep building your hiking site and have articles on the new site lead to it for those who purely are more into just that. Just a thought. I myself looking towards a health/ fitness site that will lead to my site on nutrition etc. Food for thought.

I am way to inexperienced to offer any concrete advice. As you have an established blog/site with 'traffic' and a following, you could 'promote' a new site within your own. You could have a 'feature' page with snippets taken from your 'Health and longevity' site. I like the thrill of setting up and building. Just my thoughts.

I am sure now that a narrow niche site is a bad idea in the long run, pity I did not know this a few years ago. There are so many nicheless sites around that are incredibly successful and outrank my micro niche sites posts.

However, these two niches are not so close. Imagine you have a newsletter and send posts from one niche to people who subscribed because of the other niche. You will see unsubscribe notifications regularly. I see this in my site which I had to expand into yet another sub-niche because of the lack of material to write about.

It would be different if your site would be truly nicheless, subscribers would realize this from the beginning and they would know that various stuff may arrive in a newsletter. With such 2 sub-niches only, it does not look great to me.

Thanks a lot for your response!

Yes I totally understand your point. The thing is my site only has about 65 posts so it’s still quite beginner. That’s why I’m thinking I could maybe merge the topics and make it into more of a ‘health and longevity’ blog

Health might imply also various stuff for exercises but the hiking part could also expand into outdoor equipment. I have several outdoor equipment sites and one also includes a sub-niche with mountaineering. So I would go broad and you would never run out of material.

But think also about your existing url and site name. They probably do not fit the expansion you have in mind.

Joining the thread as I’m interested to hear other views on this too.....

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Should I start a new blog or continue with my current one?

Should I start a new blog or continue with my current one?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hello WA Community!

I'v been working slowly but steadily on my hiking blog for the last couple of years. While I've not had a huge amount of time to dedicate to it and ha

Hey Stevie,

If you wanted to flow outside the box, you could link hiking to health and longevity on one website with creative writing with ease.

But, you definitely must know your target audience.

However, since you have 50+ articles to place on a health site, starting a new blog should not present a problem.

Remember there exist E.A.T. standards from Google for health sites.

Bottom line is it all depends on where your passion lies in reference to promoting content.

I am sure with your intelligence you will do what is best for your situation.

Have a great weekend.

Blessings always

Hi Stephen, I tend to agree with Danny and think you should probably start a new blog to attract those people specifically looking for health and longevity.

All the best,


You should start a new blog. People who visit your current blog are looking for info on hiking and other associated related hiking topics. If they see info on health they probably will leave your site and you could lose the traffic you already have.

Start a new blog and and use those 50+ articles.

I wrote an article on researching a niche to see if it will be a popular one. Go to Google Trends and search your niche. Check the the 12 month and 5 year graph and if the niche increases or stays steady, it will be a great niche.


If you're into something that's working, why change it. It might be time to create another website. Jim

Like Twack not as experienced as you. I would have a separate blog and set it up primarily for health and longevity and have a sub niche in that site for hiking. It would seem logical since hiking leads better towards health and and longevity. Keep building your hiking site and have articles on the new site lead to it for those who purely are more into just that. Just a thought. I myself looking towards a health/ fitness site that will lead to my site on nutrition etc. Food for thought.

I am way to inexperienced to offer any concrete advice. As you have an established blog/site with 'traffic' and a following, you could 'promote' a new site within your own. You could have a 'feature' page with snippets taken from your 'Health and longevity' site. I like the thrill of setting up and building. Just my thoughts.

I am sure now that a narrow niche site is a bad idea in the long run, pity I did not know this a few years ago. There are so many nicheless sites around that are incredibly successful and outrank my micro niche sites posts.

However, these two niches are not so close. Imagine you have a newsletter and send posts from one niche to people who subscribed because of the other niche. You will see unsubscribe notifications regularly. I see this in my site which I had to expand into yet another sub-niche because of the lack of material to write about.

It would be different if your site would be truly nicheless, subscribers would realize this from the beginning and they would know that various stuff may arrive in a newsletter. With such 2 sub-niches only, it does not look great to me.

Thanks a lot for your response!

Yes I totally understand your point. The thing is my site only has about 65 posts so it’s still quite beginner. That’s why I’m thinking I could maybe merge the topics and make it into more of a ‘health and longevity’ blog

Health might imply also various stuff for exercises but the hiking part could also expand into outdoor equipment. I have several outdoor equipment sites and one also includes a sub-niche with mountaineering. So I would go broad and you would never run out of material.

But think also about your existing url and site name. They probably do not fit the expansion you have in mind.

Joining the thread as I’m interested to hear other views on this too.....

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asked in
Video Marketing

Hi there everyone!

I've not asked a question on here in a while. I've been working hard on my website and following all the advice of all you incredibly helpful WAers.

There again there are great answers here but if you are into health persay then you are helping others and backing up your work with people that hold authority.

On these Videos, they have a share because they want you to share the news. But if you are working on something like exercising you want to create authority so your viewers follow you.

There is quite a difference it all depends on what you are creating. If the video is not sharing friendly you will not be able to use it because the owner will not have a share posted.

I hope this helps
always a better way Linda

Thanks Linda 😊 I appreciate your help.

Hey Stephen,

Google searching your question I can understand your confusion (see 1st screen print below) but if you really pay attention to the wording of that boxed search result, you can spot the keywords are "it is clearly against copyright laws to embed an INFRINGING youTube video in your...".

In other words, let's say I uploaded a clip from a Soni movie that I have converted from a DVD, to my YouTube channel... and then you took the embed code from that movie clip and pasted it on to you web page.

What the post by turbofuture.com is saying is that in this case we would then BOTH become libel for breaking a copyright law, and we BOTH stand to be sued by the movie owner.

If you are concerned as to which movie trailers to use then simply make sure WHO owns the movie (Soni, Disney, etc.) and then look for their movie trailer on YouTube, but do not use just anyone's movie trailer. (see 2nd screen print below)

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you 😊 this helps a lot. I’ll look for the proper movie trailer then as opposed to any. I appreciate you taking the time to do that!

I think the sharing features are there for a reason. Share away. If the person who makes the video does not want it shared, then surely that is their option to make it 'unshareable'. I share and embedd any video that I feel can enhance my post or page.

Thanks Maddy 😊 that’s also what I was thinking, just wanting some WA clarification as it always helps!

Steve, you can use any video on your website to embed it, which is not a problem, but how I see it is like this, doing that, CAN take your viewer away from your site and to the other persons site, as we have the attention span of a knat!

What might be a better idea is to do your own video on the subject someone else has covered, so you brand you and then you can encourage people onto your own list

Its important to build your own list as this will be your bread and butter,

Does that make sense : )

It does make sense! Thank you very much for your help 😊

Hi Steve,

I like the globe behind your head. I take it either you are a great traveler, or just an international man?

He enjoys reading maps and learning about the world and the universe.

I guess that makes him an international man at heart.

I like to think I’m both! A traveller and a global citizen 😊

You are very correct 😊

Thank you Stevie.👍

Stephen is both Angele, he is an international man and a great traveller.

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What is the deal with using youtube videos on our website?

What is the deal with using youtube videos on our website?

asked in
Video Marketing

Hi there everyone!

I've not asked a question on here in a while. I've been working hard on my website and following all the advice of all you incredibly helpful WAers.

There again there are great answers here but if you are into health persay then you are helping others and backing up your work with people that hold authority.

On these Videos, they have a share because they want you to share the news. But if you are working on something like exercising you want to create authority so your viewers follow you.

There is quite a difference it all depends on what you are creating. If the video is not sharing friendly you will not be able to use it because the owner will not have a share posted.

I hope this helps
always a better way Linda

Thanks Linda 😊 I appreciate your help.

Hey Stephen,

Google searching your question I can understand your confusion (see 1st screen print below) but if you really pay attention to the wording of that boxed search result, you can spot the keywords are "it is clearly against copyright laws to embed an INFRINGING youTube video in your...".

In other words, let's say I uploaded a clip from a Soni movie that I have converted from a DVD, to my YouTube channel... and then you took the embed code from that movie clip and pasted it on to you web page.

What the post by turbofuture.com is saying is that in this case we would then BOTH become libel for breaking a copyright law, and we BOTH stand to be sued by the movie owner.

If you are concerned as to which movie trailers to use then simply make sure WHO owns the movie (Soni, Disney, etc.) and then look for their movie trailer on YouTube, but do not use just anyone's movie trailer. (see 2nd screen print below)

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you 😊 this helps a lot. I’ll look for the proper movie trailer then as opposed to any. I appreciate you taking the time to do that!

I think the sharing features are there for a reason. Share away. If the person who makes the video does not want it shared, then surely that is their option to make it 'unshareable'. I share and embedd any video that I feel can enhance my post or page.

Thanks Maddy 😊 that’s also what I was thinking, just wanting some WA clarification as it always helps!

Steve, you can use any video on your website to embed it, which is not a problem, but how I see it is like this, doing that, CAN take your viewer away from your site and to the other persons site, as we have the attention span of a knat!

What might be a better idea is to do your own video on the subject someone else has covered, so you brand you and then you can encourage people onto your own list

Its important to build your own list as this will be your bread and butter,

Does that make sense : )

It does make sense! Thank you very much for your help 😊

Hi Steve,

I like the globe behind your head. I take it either you are a great traveler, or just an international man?

He enjoys reading maps and learning about the world and the universe.

I guess that makes him an international man at heart.

I like to think I’m both! A traveller and a global citizen 😊

You are very correct 😊

Thank you Stevie.👍

Stephen is both Angele, he is an international man and a great traveller.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey everyone!

Just a quick question today, regarding my domain name.

I've had my blog up and running for almost a year now. When I started off, my domain name was

No you can't change the name. You would have to get a new domain name and use the move feature in the domain panel. An automatic redirect would be created that would point all your old content to the new domain. If it really bothers you then do it. I has a similar problem recently and I'm glad I did it. It was annoying me.

Yeah I get what you're saying. I think I'll just stick with my original name. Changing it seems more hassle than it's worth!

I believe you should change it, it's what a lot of pros would say.

A big brand can do that because they're a big brand, we already know who they're and what they do or sell.

For a new "Brand" if your domain name is not related to your niche, it can be confusing.

If you don't want to change, you should at least have a catchphrase under your logo or somewhere on your website that says what is your business.

You can also have a header image on your homepage and landing page that indicates or give an idea of the nature of your business.

Today peoples don't stay very long on a new website, from what I know they only stay something like 6S, if in this short time they don't know what is your business, they will leave.

Hope this answer can clarify things a little for you.

Good Luck.


Thanks a lot for your help!

I think I'll go with the catchphrase idea. As I say, it is semi-related to my niche, just not completely.

I would just leave it as it is. I don’t think the domain name actually makes that much difference to your readers. If you are desperate to change it you can do a redirect to your new name but it is probably more trouble than its worth.
With Grace and Gratitude

Thanks, Karen.

I will definitely heed your advice and just leave it as it is.

You cannot change your domain name. You can only delete it, which is probably not wise until the yearly subscription expires. But if you do get a new domain name and use it, you will be starting over again to rank.
In my opinion, I think for us smaller time players it is best we have a domain name associated with our niche. Big brands have the name and people search for their name in SE and not their niche products. We differ because we don't have the name and must rely on our niche.
You could get another domain name that relates to your niche but keep your current one active until you are happy that you are ranking with your new domain. You could also link posts from your old website to your new one and vice versa.
Good luck!!!


If you do delete your old website, I am not sure how long it takes for Google to unrecognize your posts content so you can use them in the new website.
I am not sure if I am right here but this is what I would do before deleting the old website. I would go through all the posts I want to use from the old site and delete the content. I would then get Google to crawl those pages or posts so Google recognizes the content is gone. That way you should be able to use them on your new website and won't be penalized for actual plagiarising your own content.

Cheers, Brad!

I'll definitely take your advice and just leave it as it is.

A domain name isn't going to affect how you rank - this used to be the case before. Not anymore.

I would leave it otherwise your years worth of work will be 'lost'.

Thanks, Jackie. :) I'll definitely leave it.

I don't believe you can change a domain name. You can create a new one and re-create the content from the previous one...or you can redirect the current site to a new one. It's a personal preference as to whether or not to change...I guess it depends on the traffic. All the best.

Thanks, Debbie! I'll definitely leave it how it is.

I would leave it. You have spent most of the last year trying to build up recognition of that domain. Changing it would have some impact on your efforts.

Thanks! I'll definitely leave it.

Hi Stephen, yes, you are completely right it's not necessarily a problem if your domain name is semi-related to your niche.
I would only change it if you feel you only get little traffic due to the domain name, which would be hard to tell.
Generally, I would stick with it as otherwise, your site might lose its ranking and domain authority.

Thanks a lot, Sammy. I'll definitely stick with my domain and keep doing what I'm doing!

It's not a good idea to change your domain. If you do you will lose page rank on your posts and pages. If you had just put it up that wouldn't be as big of an issue.

I'm not sure how a domain redirect would work for you either but I'll throw that idea out as someone else might have done that.

That would be buying a domain and using a forward to the current one.

- Glen B

Thanks, Glen. I'll take your advice and leave it as it is.

You've been up for a while and are you ranking? I don't know for sure but I'd be worried about changing your site URL after such a long time.

My thought exactly Scott. An aged site will win out over an new domain name easily. Providing unique, quality content is far more important in this case.

Yeah, you're right! I'm ranking pretty well so I'll definitely leave it as it is. Thanks. :)

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Should I change my domain name or leave it?

Should I change my domain name or leave it?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey everyone!

Just a quick question today, regarding my domain name.

I've had my blog up and running for almost a year now. When I started off, my domain name was

No you can't change the name. You would have to get a new domain name and use the move feature in the domain panel. An automatic redirect would be created that would point all your old content to the new domain. If it really bothers you then do it. I has a similar problem recently and I'm glad I did it. It was annoying me.

Yeah I get what you're saying. I think I'll just stick with my original name. Changing it seems more hassle than it's worth!

I believe you should change it, it's what a lot of pros would say.

A big brand can do that because they're a big brand, we already know who they're and what they do or sell.

For a new "Brand" if your domain name is not related to your niche, it can be confusing.

If you don't want to change, you should at least have a catchphrase under your logo or somewhere on your website that says what is your business.

You can also have a header image on your homepage and landing page that indicates or give an idea of the nature of your business.

Today peoples don't stay very long on a new website, from what I know they only stay something like 6S, if in this short time they don't know what is your business, they will leave.

Hope this answer can clarify things a little for you.

Good Luck.


Thanks a lot for your help!

I think I'll go with the catchphrase idea. As I say, it is semi-related to my niche, just not completely.

I would just leave it as it is. I don’t think the domain name actually makes that much difference to your readers. If you are desperate to change it you can do a redirect to your new name but it is probably more trouble than its worth.
With Grace and Gratitude

Thanks, Karen.

I will definitely heed your advice and just leave it as it is.

You cannot change your domain name. You can only delete it, which is probably not wise until the yearly subscription expires. But if you do get a new domain name and use it, you will be starting over again to rank.
In my opinion, I think for us smaller time players it is best we have a domain name associated with our niche. Big brands have the name and people search for their name in SE and not their niche products. We differ because we don't have the name and must rely on our niche.
You could get another domain name that relates to your niche but keep your current one active until you are happy that you are ranking with your new domain. You could also link posts from your old website to your new one and vice versa.
Good luck!!!


If you do delete your old website, I am not sure how long it takes for Google to unrecognize your posts content so you can use them in the new website.
I am not sure if I am right here but this is what I would do before deleting the old website. I would go through all the posts I want to use from the old site and delete the content. I would then get Google to crawl those pages or posts so Google recognizes the content is gone. That way you should be able to use them on your new website and won't be penalized for actual plagiarising your own content.

Cheers, Brad!

I'll definitely take your advice and just leave it as it is.

A domain name isn't going to affect how you rank - this used to be the case before. Not anymore.

I would leave it otherwise your years worth of work will be 'lost'.

Thanks, Jackie. :) I'll definitely leave it.

I don't believe you can change a domain name. You can create a new one and re-create the content from the previous one...or you can redirect the current site to a new one. It's a personal preference as to whether or not to change...I guess it depends on the traffic. All the best.

Thanks, Debbie! I'll definitely leave it how it is.

I would leave it. You have spent most of the last year trying to build up recognition of that domain. Changing it would have some impact on your efforts.

Thanks! I'll definitely leave it.

Hi Stephen, yes, you are completely right it's not necessarily a problem if your domain name is semi-related to your niche.
I would only change it if you feel you only get little traffic due to the domain name, which would be hard to tell.
Generally, I would stick with it as otherwise, your site might lose its ranking and domain authority.

Thanks a lot, Sammy. I'll definitely stick with my domain and keep doing what I'm doing!

It's not a good idea to change your domain. If you do you will lose page rank on your posts and pages. If you had just put it up that wouldn't be as big of an issue.

I'm not sure how a domain redirect would work for you either but I'll throw that idea out as someone else might have done that.

That would be buying a domain and using a forward to the current one.

- Glen B

Thanks, Glen. I'll take your advice and leave it as it is.

You've been up for a while and are you ranking? I don't know for sure but I'd be worried about changing your site URL after such a long time.

My thought exactly Scott. An aged site will win out over an new domain name easily. Providing unique, quality content is far more important in this case.

Yeah, you're right! I'm ranking pretty well so I'll definitely leave it as it is. Thanks. :)

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hey there my friends!

I hope you're all having an excellent week.

I've noticed in the last week or so that I haven't been receiving any comments on the platform.

Yep, and I think it's because of the sharing posts that we're referred to during training.

This gives others less reason to comment twice to just get one in return. Hopefully, this doesn't keep happening.

Well, Jessie, as far as the "give and take comment thread", the problem lies in the fact that, even though Kyle stipulates giving 3 comments to get 1 comment, most WA folks see it as a way to just give 1 comment to get 1 comment.

Since there is no way to ensure everyone follows the rules, it has snowballed into a cheaper, easier way to get comments.

Personally, I prefer the SiteComments platform. And, I hope something can be done to revive it!

Recently, I left a comment on the "give and take comment thread" that addresses my concerns.


Good point.

Read this recent blog post of mine:

hmm that is strange, I have been away myself the last 3 days as my computer crashed...but will do more on site comments..let me know your website and will go over it and comment

Been through the same thing recently, Stephen.

There doesn't seem to be as many folks giving comments on the SiteComments platform these days.

I've found that if I only put one post at a time up for comments, they seem to come within a few days.

However, if I put 3 or 4 posts out there, they seem to sit forever - and, then I get the WA refund PM.


I just posted a sensitizing article about that sorry plight some few minutes ago.
You're very right. We feed on Likes and On Comments but with our many followers, not ever 1% likes or Comments. It's not fair.
That selfish attitude must ceased immediately on this great platform.
Many thanks Stevie

Boaz Ethan

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Is there a problem with sitecomments?

Is there a problem with sitecomments?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hey there my friends!

I hope you're all having an excellent week.

I've noticed in the last week or so that I haven't been receiving any comments on the platform.

Yep, and I think it's because of the sharing posts that we're referred to during training.

This gives others less reason to comment twice to just get one in return. Hopefully, this doesn't keep happening.

Well, Jessie, as far as the "give and take comment thread", the problem lies in the fact that, even though Kyle stipulates giving 3 comments to get 1 comment, most WA folks see it as a way to just give 1 comment to get 1 comment.

Since there is no way to ensure everyone follows the rules, it has snowballed into a cheaper, easier way to get comments.

Personally, I prefer the SiteComments platform. And, I hope something can be done to revive it!

Recently, I left a comment on the "give and take comment thread" that addresses my concerns.


Good point.

Read this recent blog post of mine:

hmm that is strange, I have been away myself the last 3 days as my computer crashed...but will do more on site comments..let me know your website and will go over it and comment

Been through the same thing recently, Stephen.

There doesn't seem to be as many folks giving comments on the SiteComments platform these days.

I've found that if I only put one post at a time up for comments, they seem to come within a few days.

However, if I put 3 or 4 posts out there, they seem to sit forever - and, then I get the WA refund PM.


I just posted a sensitizing article about that sorry plight some few minutes ago.
You're very right. We feed on Likes and On Comments but with our many followers, not ever 1% likes or Comments. It's not fair.
That selfish attitude must ceased immediately on this great platform.
Many thanks Stevie

Boaz Ethan

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey guys,

I know this is my second question in quick succession but it's something that's really been bugging me with some of my review posts.

This morning I finali

umm hmm... a question whenyou insert the image do you go through the wordpress QA of what size you want the image to be? if not then delete the image and go through the QA and choose the size you wane

It's like Triblu said that I think you have a theme related problem.

Tried and True


Hey Stephen,

First, I would suspect this issue is somehow theme related... so I would contact support for your theme, explaining what you have here.

If that proves wrong... which I highly suspect it IS theme related... then you could contact Amazon's support staff for their thoughts on this issue.

Hope this helps you.

Hello, hello, Stephen,

I checked out your website and I really enjoyed reading the newest addition. The net head cover. Awesome review. I really don't think that the crimping of the netting will make much of big difference in terms of impeding your sight.

Good job.

Becky :)

Apparently this is the size we get from Amazon and we just have to put up with it unfortunately.

Don't have an Amazon account .do you have the image optimizer plugin.not sure .hope someone with an account helps.

Hey Courtney, the Amazon images remain on Amazon so there is no need to optimize them... and, we couldn't if we wanted to because the images are not on the same server as our websites.

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Why are associates images so small sometimes?

Why are associates images so small sometimes?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey guys,

I know this is my second question in quick succession but it's something that's really been bugging me with some of my review posts.

This morning I finali

umm hmm... a question whenyou insert the image do you go through the wordpress QA of what size you want the image to be? if not then delete the image and go through the QA and choose the size you wane

It's like Triblu said that I think you have a theme related problem.

Tried and True


Hey Stephen,

First, I would suspect this issue is somehow theme related... so I would contact support for your theme, explaining what you have here.

If that proves wrong... which I highly suspect it IS theme related... then you could contact Amazon's support staff for their thoughts on this issue.

Hope this helps you.

Hello, hello, Stephen,

I checked out your website and I really enjoyed reading the newest addition. The net head cover. Awesome review. I really don't think that the crimping of the netting will make much of big difference in terms of impeding your sight.

Good job.

Becky :)

Apparently this is the size we get from Amazon and we just have to put up with it unfortunately.

Don't have an Amazon account .do you have the image optimizer plugin.not sure .hope someone with an account helps.

Hey Courtney, the Amazon images remain on Amazon so there is no need to optimize them... and, we couldn't if we wanted to because the images are not on the same server as our websites.

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