Would anyone recommend paid Twitter campaigns in order to increase reach?
I did a paid Facebook campaign recently and all I ended up with was a bunch of likes (1, 600) th
I have tried PPC before on facebook and I two got a bunch of likes and no sales and it cost me like $100 bucks totally not worth it,you can get like 100,000 people to visit your website for like $100 bucks on adf.ly.com but I can't guarantee you will get any sales.
If you want to get likes on facebook you can do it all for free just check out my training http://tinyurl.com/hcmhegy
Thanks for sharing. The link to adf.ly.com dint work on my system. Please could you check that it's working. cheers
yes, it's working, I copied the URL when I went there https://adf.ly/ try this one. good luck if you have any questions feel free to ask or I use youtube you will find the answers there
Just by your last statement "'....1,600 likes that led to very few conversions." - tells me that FB ads are working for you. like they use to say "it's a numbers game".
Hi leoemery...I think you missed the point. In order to get his few conversions he first had to get 1,600 likes or it took 1,600 likes to make a few sales.
Did not miss the point, likes are not conversions, likes made him little money - a person can click the ad and not like the page - also you don't even need a facebook page to run a PPC campaign on FB
Here's how: Just know these ads will only appear in the right column, if you want them in the news feed then you need a page
I would think that short effective content in tweets pushed out in great numbers would be a very effective shotgun blast in any market.
I wouldn't pay for Twitter ads. Doing it that way you get all kind of people to your site also get spam followers. Usually doing it that way a system drums up business from a place and sends it to you. Better to follow people on your own and interact with them. Build a relationship that way.
Just from what I gather from a observation point of view, in my opinion Twitter is more of a "situational" update tool, where Facebook is more of a community type of environment to where your connection to that certain audience you seek can be better captured.
Like I said, that is just my opinion. Let me know how things work for you to see if my opinion is on track.
Thanks for the conversation point.
Hey Mac, I have been tweeting for over 3 months now. I have had over 150 clicks so far. So far I have had 3 referrals but not sure if they came from Twitter.
For me I will continue to tweet, there is a great exposure and building trust is my target for longer term recruitment.
Give it a try. I have paid about £10 for a campaign and got around 9 clicks from it.
All the best in tweeting.
Hi there IG,
Thanks for the info and for sharing your experience. Yes I saw an ad on Twitter today recommending a campaign for greater reach, so that got me wondering. Definitely worth a try I'd say.
Seems you're making some good referrals there, keep up the great work!
It can be a bit of time consuming but you can do like 2 tweets a day to start with. Best of luck
Hi Mac I am now trying face book business and in the last three days
It seems to be going ok and then next week I will try Twitter and see the difference
Thanks for your contribution, Paul. All the best with your campaigns... and let us know how you go!
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Twitter ads - are they worth it?
Would anyone recommend paid Twitter campaigns in order to increase reach?
I did a paid Facebook campaign recently and all I ended up with was a bunch of likes (1, 600) th
This is why you have to work hard by focussing on people who are in your niche...going to sites where they are and making comments, following etc...bit by bit building up a network of people who will then take an interest in you and your product...there is no easy way. None of us, you included, just buy because an ad appears. We all have to work to win business and get others to talk about the great experience they had with our business through social media..it's work!
I have tried PPC before on facebook and I two got a bunch of likes and no sales and it cost me like $100 bucks totally not worth it,you can get like 100,000 people to visit your website for like $100 bucks on adf.ly.com but I can't guarantee you will get any sales.
If you want to get likes on facebook you can do it all for free just check out my training http://tinyurl.com/hcmhegy
Thanks for sharing. The link to adf.ly.com dint work on my system. Please could you check that it's working. cheers
yes, it's working, I copied the URL when I went there https://adf.ly/ try this one. good luck if you have any questions feel free to ask or I use youtube you will find the answers there
Just by your last statement "'....1,600 likes that led to very few conversions." - tells me that FB ads are working for you. like they use to say "it's a numbers game".
Hi leoemery...I think you missed the point. In order to get his few conversions he first had to get 1,600 likes or it took 1,600 likes to make a few sales.
Did not miss the point, likes are not conversions, likes made him little money - a person can click the ad and not like the page - also you don't even need a facebook page to run a PPC campaign on FB
Here's how: Just know these ads will only appear in the right column, if you want them in the news feed then you need a page
I would think that short effective content in tweets pushed out in great numbers would be a very effective shotgun blast in any market.
I wouldn't pay for Twitter ads. Doing it that way you get all kind of people to your site also get spam followers. Usually doing it that way a system drums up business from a place and sends it to you. Better to follow people on your own and interact with them. Build a relationship that way.
Just from what I gather from a observation point of view, in my opinion Twitter is more of a "situational" update tool, where Facebook is more of a community type of environment to where your connection to that certain audience you seek can be better captured.
Like I said, that is just my opinion. Let me know how things work for you to see if my opinion is on track.
Thanks for the conversation point.
Hey Mac, I have been tweeting for over 3 months now. I have had over 150 clicks so far. So far I have had 3 referrals but not sure if they came from Twitter.
For me I will continue to tweet, there is a great exposure and building trust is my target for longer term recruitment.
Give it a try. I have paid about £10 for a campaign and got around 9 clicks from it.
All the best in tweeting.
Hi there IG,
Thanks for the info and for sharing your experience. Yes I saw an ad on Twitter today recommending a campaign for greater reach, so that got me wondering. Definitely worth a try I'd say.
Seems you're making some good referrals there, keep up the great work!
It can be a bit of time consuming but you can do like 2 tweets a day to start with. Best of luck
Hi Mac I am now trying face book business and in the last three days
It seems to be going ok and then next week I will try Twitter and see the difference
Thanks for your contribution, Paul. All the best with your campaigns... and let us know how you go!
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Hi folks,
I'm creating a WA screencast training video (using Jing) but can't seem to upload it:
Sorry! Invalid file extension.
Please try anothe
The more I learn, the more I realise how little I know. Looks like you got some great responses, Mac. Good luck with your video.
I use Camtasia (ask me for my affiliate link (◠‿◕✿) but a free alternative is screencast-o-matic https://screencast-o-matic.com/home
What is the file extension? When I create images with paint.net, it gives them a .pdn extension - I have to save them as PNG for it to work. Make sure you are saving as a .jpg, .png, etc.
Apologies, I just re-read your question and I now realize you're talking about a VIDEO. My point still stands in regards to potentially having a strange file name like .pdn, but that's probably the first thing you checked anyway. Sorry for not reading better! Hope you get this sorted, sir.
That's fine, Polycount, all good info! I think I'm on to it. It seems Jing has to be used in conjunction with Screencast.com. Thanks again for you contribution!
Here is another helpful link for you.
Jing saves its video captures as ,swf (Flash video) files. As far as I can tell, those files can't be uploaded to WA.
You may be able to convert the file to mp4 format and upload that file:
Read through this information. It seems to have many solutions based information.
I hope this helps let me know plz. Thank you
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Can't upload screencast to training?
Hi folks,
I'm creating a WA screencast training video (using Jing) but can't seem to upload it:
Sorry! Invalid file extension.
Please try anothe
The more I learn, the more I realise how little I know. Looks like you got some great responses, Mac. Good luck with your video.
I use Camtasia (ask me for my affiliate link (◠‿◕✿) but a free alternative is screencast-o-matic https://screencast-o-matic.com/home
What is the file extension? When I create images with paint.net, it gives them a .pdn extension - I have to save them as PNG for it to work. Make sure you are saving as a .jpg, .png, etc.
Apologies, I just re-read your question and I now realize you're talking about a VIDEO. My point still stands in regards to potentially having a strange file name like .pdn, but that's probably the first thing you checked anyway. Sorry for not reading better! Hope you get this sorted, sir.
That's fine, Polycount, all good info! I think I'm on to it. It seems Jing has to be used in conjunction with Screencast.com. Thanks again for you contribution!
Here is another helpful link for you.
Jing saves its video captures as ,swf (Flash video) files. As far as I can tell, those files can't be uploaded to WA.
You may be able to convert the file to mp4 format and upload that file:
Read through this information. It seems to have many solutions based information.
I hope this helps let me know plz. Thank you
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Does anyone here know much about WP 4.5.2, and if so would you recommend upgrading?
....and to me. I just got an email telling me that one of my websites have been upgraded to 4.5.2. Vel
I just received an e-mail stating that one of my sites upgraded to WP 4.5.2 automatically! I'm going to check it now...hope all is good!
If you've already updated to 4.5 or 4.5.1 then no worries. 4.5.2 is just a security update. If you're still on 4.4.2 then the usual caution applies.
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Wordpress 4.5.2 - is upgrading advisable?
Does anyone here know much about WP 4.5.2, and if so would you recommend upgrading?
....and to me. I just got an email telling me that one of my websites have been upgraded to 4.5.2. Vel
I just received an e-mail stating that one of my sites upgraded to WP 4.5.2 automatically! I'm going to check it now...hope all is good!
If you've already updated to 4.5 or 4.5.1 then no worries. 4.5.2 is just a security update. If you're still on 4.4.2 then the usual caution applies.
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Hello Folks,
So my website menu is currently taking up two lines.
Any ideas how I can limit this to one line to make it look more tidy, and so that the drop-down me
Hi Thomas, there've been several suggestions already. I just give another one: how about NOT use any Capitalized letters in your menu items? I mean just use all normal letters in your menus (same way as bluehost website for ex.). This way your menu items will not occupy much space.
That's also a very good consideration, Vuong. Perhaps I'll give this a try and let you know how it goes. Thanks for the suggestion!
Good ideas. Kyle mentioned early in the training about possibly moving the privacy policy to the footer. I don't think you can shorten the title without affecting the permalink.
Thank you both, Wrs and NanMarie. Yes I did see some training on changing permalinks recently (it has to be done carefully) - I bookmarked it to favourites, so I'll go check it out again then make the necessary adjustments! Cheers.
Hi Thomas,
menus will break up if you crowd them.
As far as I know some themes allow you to do some CSS changes to the menu (maybe all?). However, looking at your menu picture you've posted here, I'd simply adjust the wording to shrink it.
Here's how I'd shorten it:
Legit Ways To Earn Money Online - Home ==> shorten to "Home". More than sufficient and what's mostly used.
Getting Started: My 7 Coolest SEO Tips ==> shorten to either "Getting Started" or "7 SEO Tips"
My Wealthy Affiliate Review ==> shorten to "Wealthy Affiliate Review", "#1 Recommendation" or if you have other reviews change to "Reviews" and list them there.
Niche And Affiliate Websites ==> shorten to "Niche Websites"
I can't see what else you wrote where it starts with "Building W". I guess it's meant to be Building Websites. If so, I'd shorten it to "Build a Website".
As others said, if you have your privacy policy and disclaimers there, remove them and put them in the footer of your website.
Just my 2 cents. :)
Thanks for the tips, Nicole, very comprehensive and thorough!
I think I'll do exactly what you've suggested, it makes good sense to do so!
Again, thanks for taking the time to assist here.
You don't need the privacy policy on the menu and maybe shorten title of each page on your menu. Hope that may help!
That's true, in fact readers probably don't want to see the privacy policy in the top menu, it kind gets in the way I guess. Thanks Ecowarrior!
Thanks looking forward to see others comments. The community will find away to your likings.
Good Question Mac, I have the same problem and will stay tuned. I 'll have to chek out what Tony said.
Some interesting ideas but changing page titles would affect your page rank, or am I missing something?
You could do what I did and that was to combine some menu items creating only one line of menu items.
Let me know if this helps,
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How to limit website menu to one line?
Hello Folks,
So my website menu is currently taking up two lines.
Any ideas how I can limit this to one line to make it look more tidy, and so that the drop-down me
Hi Thomas, there've been several suggestions already. I just give another one: how about NOT use any Capitalized letters in your menu items? I mean just use all normal letters in your menus (same way as bluehost website for ex.). This way your menu items will not occupy much space.
That's also a very good consideration, Vuong. Perhaps I'll give this a try and let you know how it goes. Thanks for the suggestion!
Good ideas. Kyle mentioned early in the training about possibly moving the privacy policy to the footer. I don't think you can shorten the title without affecting the permalink.
Thank you both, Wrs and NanMarie. Yes I did see some training on changing permalinks recently (it has to be done carefully) - I bookmarked it to favourites, so I'll go check it out again then make the necessary adjustments! Cheers.
Hi Thomas,
menus will break up if you crowd them.
As far as I know some themes allow you to do some CSS changes to the menu (maybe all?). However, looking at your menu picture you've posted here, I'd simply adjust the wording to shrink it.
Here's how I'd shorten it:
Legit Ways To Earn Money Online - Home ==> shorten to "Home". More than sufficient and what's mostly used.
Getting Started: My 7 Coolest SEO Tips ==> shorten to either "Getting Started" or "7 SEO Tips"
My Wealthy Affiliate Review ==> shorten to "Wealthy Affiliate Review", "#1 Recommendation" or if you have other reviews change to "Reviews" and list them there.
Niche And Affiliate Websites ==> shorten to "Niche Websites"
I can't see what else you wrote where it starts with "Building W". I guess it's meant to be Building Websites. If so, I'd shorten it to "Build a Website".
As others said, if you have your privacy policy and disclaimers there, remove them and put them in the footer of your website.
Just my 2 cents. :)
Thanks for the tips, Nicole, very comprehensive and thorough!
I think I'll do exactly what you've suggested, it makes good sense to do so!
Again, thanks for taking the time to assist here.
You don't need the privacy policy on the menu and maybe shorten title of each page on your menu. Hope that may help!
That's true, in fact readers probably don't want to see the privacy policy in the top menu, it kind gets in the way I guess. Thanks Ecowarrior!
Thanks looking forward to see others comments. The community will find away to your likings.
Good Question Mac, I have the same problem and will stay tuned. I 'll have to chek out what Tony said.
Some interesting ideas but changing page titles would affect your page rank, or am I missing something?
You could do what I did and that was to combine some menu items creating only one line of menu items.
Let me know if this helps,
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Hi folks,
Just wondering how you go about sharing website links on Google Plus (I know this is not directly WA-related, but..).
I've had a bit of trouble with G+ in
Thank you AussieJeff. Yes it's generated some interesting ideas and discussion. Thanks for checking it out.
I usually just post the link on the little link tab and then write a blurb about it.
What I would like to know is how to add the G+ link to our WA posts. I've seen others do it and I'm sure it's really easy. i just haven't figured it out yet. :)
Yeah I think writing a blurb when posting a link can make all the difference. It engages people more so than just link spamming also.
Do you have "Tweet, Like, Google+1 and Share" plug-in installed on your site? Or "Sociable". All you have to do is hit the G+1 and you can like our own webpages or posts to G+. Cheers. :)
Yeah I have that on my site. I mean on here. When we write blogs on WA, I'd love to share them on G+ to engage more traffic and create a stronger presence. :)
Maybe it's the "affiliate link" button. That would make the most sense I think. Ugh that was a dumb question that I basically just answered myself while talking to myself!! Hahaha
Thanks for your help and being apart of my solo chat LOL :)
No probs, you do want to be careful with sharing some affiliate links on G+ as Katie has said. I almost got myself banned in the past for simply pasting a link and had to appeal the decision to get back on: Google warning: content has recently violated our policies? Cheers!
Hmm good to know. But I thought that was what that link was there for - to share links to sites? Something I'll have to look more into so I don't anger the Google lords lol
Thanks Tom :)
I read your blog, and yeah, I could see how that would violate their posting rules. I guess that would be like me posting a link to sky scanner for flight deals. I'm sure they wouldn't like that!! Lol
Yeah that was a while back, I know better now. They also don't like when you click the G+1 share icon on your own webpages more than once, which I did by accident. :P
Lmfao!!!!!. You were really poking the bull there with Google eh?? Too funny. At least you learned your lesson. And now I can make note of what not to do from your trials with them! :)
You can add share buttons to your website, I have social media feather, and when you click on it your link is directly ready for sharing.
I do use hootlet too, the free account give you the possibility to share your link to three sites at once, ideal! One click to share any post or webpage on multiple Social Media And here is a training from PJ, how to fill in your SEO all in one, so there will be automatically an image displayed too Facebook Sharing - No Image Displayed
Excellent, thanks very much Loes!
I do currently have the icons on my site, seems more efficient if they can be shared simultaneously though!
I'll check it out and let you know how I go with it. Best
Hootsuite lets you share your content simultaneously to your social media. I use it to share mine with my google+, twitter, and other social media.
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How should you share links on google plus?
Hi folks,
Just wondering how you go about sharing website links on Google Plus (I know this is not directly WA-related, but..).
I've had a bit of trouble with G+ in
Thank you AussieJeff. Yes it's generated some interesting ideas and discussion. Thanks for checking it out.
I usually just post the link on the little link tab and then write a blurb about it.
What I would like to know is how to add the G+ link to our WA posts. I've seen others do it and I'm sure it's really easy. i just haven't figured it out yet. :)
Yeah I think writing a blurb when posting a link can make all the difference. It engages people more so than just link spamming also.
Do you have "Tweet, Like, Google+1 and Share" plug-in installed on your site? Or "Sociable". All you have to do is hit the G+1 and you can like our own webpages or posts to G+. Cheers. :)
Yeah I have that on my site. I mean on here. When we write blogs on WA, I'd love to share them on G+ to engage more traffic and create a stronger presence. :)
Maybe it's the "affiliate link" button. That would make the most sense I think. Ugh that was a dumb question that I basically just answered myself while talking to myself!! Hahaha
Thanks for your help and being apart of my solo chat LOL :)
No probs, you do want to be careful with sharing some affiliate links on G+ as Katie has said. I almost got myself banned in the past for simply pasting a link and had to appeal the decision to get back on: Google warning: content has recently violated our policies? Cheers!
Hmm good to know. But I thought that was what that link was there for - to share links to sites? Something I'll have to look more into so I don't anger the Google lords lol
Thanks Tom :)
I read your blog, and yeah, I could see how that would violate their posting rules. I guess that would be like me posting a link to sky scanner for flight deals. I'm sure they wouldn't like that!! Lol
Yeah that was a while back, I know better now. They also don't like when you click the G+1 share icon on your own webpages more than once, which I did by accident. :P
Lmfao!!!!!. You were really poking the bull there with Google eh?? Too funny. At least you learned your lesson. And now I can make note of what not to do from your trials with them! :)
You can add share buttons to your website, I have social media feather, and when you click on it your link is directly ready for sharing.
I do use hootlet too, the free account give you the possibility to share your link to three sites at once, ideal! One click to share any post or webpage on multiple Social Media And here is a training from PJ, how to fill in your SEO all in one, so there will be automatically an image displayed too Facebook Sharing - No Image Displayed
Excellent, thanks very much Loes!
I do currently have the icons on my site, seems more efficient if they can be shared simultaneously though!
I'll check it out and let you know how I go with it. Best
Hootsuite lets you share your content simultaneously to your social media. I use it to share mine with my google+, twitter, and other social media.
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This is why you have to work hard by focussing on people who are in your niche...going to sites where they are and making comments, following etc...bit by bit building up a network of people who will then take an interest in you and your product...there is no easy way. None of us, you included, just buy because an ad appears. We all have to work to win business and get others to talk about the great experience they had with our business through social media..it's work!
I agree..and that was my point exactly!