About Brooklyn2008
Rank 9529
4,556 followers Joined February 2016
Hi my name is Nicki and I am brand new to WA and building websites, with a little bit of experience with online marketing. I spend





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asked in
Getting Started

Hi Kyle,

Just a quick question. I was wondering what happened to our old Keyword Tool saved lists. I had a ton of saved keywords in a few different files, and now that

Hey Nicki,

You can still get to the tool and lists here:

At least last I checked a few days ago. I was panicked when I thought they were gone too. I really wish they would keep the tool in place.

Hi Brooklyn. I think that's a quest best for SiteSupport. Hope it turns out well. Take care.

Old keyword tool saved lists?

Old keyword tool saved lists?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi Kyle,

Just a quick question. I was wondering what happened to our old Keyword Tool saved lists. I had a ton of saved keywords in a few different files, and now that

Hey Nicki,

You can still get to the tool and lists here:

At least last I checked a few days ago. I was panicked when I thought they were gone too. I really wish they would keep the tool in place.

Hi Brooklyn. I think that's a quest best for SiteSupport. Hope it turns out well. Take care.

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I want to put in stars for a post that I'm rating airlines, and I want to finish each review with a star rating out of 5. Where can I find images or something where I can add

Hi Brooklyn, not sure about this. Irv.

Thank you for asking. Now I know where to find it.

Michael (Ultimateless) has you covered :)

You're back! Welcome back ;-)

I have no clue but I just wanted to say hi.

hahah thanks Liz! Yup I'm back and busier than ever. I hope you are doing well :)

I think we want to be careful on how many plug-ins we put on our site. I read to not have more than 5. I think the reasoning was because of Google indexing or something...but it did say not to have more than 5

Here is a good training by Zarina:

The same place I found them for myself. use your search engine (I use Yahoo) and type in "5 star ratings logo photos". Hit enter and, when the page comes up, move over to the bar and click on images. You will have all the stars you want.

No plugins - I like that. Thanks Ian :)


Thanks for raising that question (:
I was wondering about the same thing.
Plus I discovered some themes have something similar to rating system plugins in their default packages.
Works either way, seems like we have many options which is good news.


Try one of the review plugins - eg https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-review/

awesome, thanks! Is this for people to review my post, or for me to post a review?
I found one plugin for people to be able to review my post, but that's not what I'm looking for.

Never mind, I just checked it out. This is great, thanks!!! :)

There is a plugin called the kk star ratings

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Where can I find stars for a rating system?

Where can I find stars for a rating system?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I want to put in stars for a post that I'm rating airlines, and I want to finish each review with a star rating out of 5. Where can I find images or something where I can add

Hi Brooklyn, not sure about this. Irv.

Thank you for asking. Now I know where to find it.

Michael (Ultimateless) has you covered :)

You're back! Welcome back ;-)

I have no clue but I just wanted to say hi.

hahah thanks Liz! Yup I'm back and busier than ever. I hope you are doing well :)

I think we want to be careful on how many plug-ins we put on our site. I read to not have more than 5. I think the reasoning was because of Google indexing or something...but it did say not to have more than 5

Here is a good training by Zarina:

The same place I found them for myself. use your search engine (I use Yahoo) and type in "5 star ratings logo photos". Hit enter and, when the page comes up, move over to the bar and click on images. You will have all the stars you want.

No plugins - I like that. Thanks Ian :)


Thanks for raising that question (:
I was wondering about the same thing.
Plus I discovered some themes have something similar to rating system plugins in their default packages.
Works either way, seems like we have many options which is good news.


Try one of the review plugins - eg https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-review/

awesome, thanks! Is this for people to review my post, or for me to post a review?
I found one plugin for people to be able to review my post, but that's not what I'm looking for.

Never mind, I just checked it out. This is great, thanks!!! :)

There is a plugin called the kk star ratings

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I now have a plethora of affiliates that I'm marketing for, and I've noticed that some of the products I could actually benefit from while on my trips - especially Australia.

In my case, I usually purchase the food products, but often get processing and cooking products from the manufacturer, asking me to see what I think about it.

That's a pretty sweet deal! I think I'm going to email them and let them know that I'm going to Peru and Aussie, and see what they say. Worst case I buy them, write a review and make some commission!
Thanks for your help :)

If you're going to OZ, check out Aussie Bum men's wear. It is unique.

Start by asking manufacturers, and review the cheaper products tat you buy.
And research products you dont own and as you review it you could say that your reviewing to see if it is worth buying.

Very good point! Thanks Mike :)


Hi Nicki, Great potential in your question. I imagine inquiries for free products from merchant is overwhelming for some of them. Though I've read some site owners, by commenting on a affiliate post, and once known in that niche, do get free products. But that leaves out those just beginning!
Picking up free products can take some time, but free or greatly reduced pricing is fantastic. As a member of the Amazon Review Club, AMZ Review Trader, you have the opportunity to get a great deal on products; you provide a verified review on on their system. Just an idea you could run with.

That's a great idea that I didn't think of. I will check that out for sure! Thanks so much for letting me know :)

Hi Nicki...how did you get approval to market affiliate products?

I did! I'm with Shareasale and so far I've been approved with 6 different affiliate companies and just waiting on approval for a few more.

I'm familiar with them - I should stop by and see what's new. Thanks.

i would certainly ask manufacturers, certainly I know of one WA member who got a free washing machine for a review. Particularly if you have Google analytics installed and can prove your traffic

lol wow that's pretty cool to get a free washing machine just to write a review about it! They must have been in good with the vendor! I will definitely try asking for some freebies. Doesn't hurt!

It was a lady who had a site about grandma's bringing up their grandkids

You'd need to be well known to get a merchant to send you something for free in return for a review. So at first you'll need to either buy them or do what most people do and just review them based on other reviews. See:

Part of me was wondering that! I could see people with a lot of traffic who sell a lot, getting free things from their vendors. But it's worth a shot really. Yo just never know! I'm sure I won't get a free plane ticket or anything like that, but I may get a $6 head pillow for the plane! lol

Very interesting question, Nicki.

Thanks! It's always great hearing everyone's suggestions :)

Outstanding question Nicki. Thanks, Steve

Thanks Steve! That was kind of you to say :)

A good point Nicki and one which I would be interested to see the answer to. Most of us would be happy to write a fair and honest review if the item is cheap or free 0 I know I would do so! :)

Yeah no kidding eh! Well, I'm going to try and see what they say. You just never know...

i have requested products from certain merchants but no response. Some i want to buy from anyway, so I will do that, but some are too pricey. So for now, I just review based on other's feedback online and do my best.

Yeah, I will end up buying them anyways because they are cheap and I could really use a few things that they have to offer, So worse case I may make some commission off of my purchase. Better than buying it at Walmart! lol :)

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How do you get products to write reviews?

How do you get products to write reviews?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I now have a plethora of affiliates that I'm marketing for, and I've noticed that some of the products I could actually benefit from while on my trips - especially Australia.

In my case, I usually purchase the food products, but often get processing and cooking products from the manufacturer, asking me to see what I think about it.

That's a pretty sweet deal! I think I'm going to email them and let them know that I'm going to Peru and Aussie, and see what they say. Worst case I buy them, write a review and make some commission!
Thanks for your help :)

If you're going to OZ, check out Aussie Bum men's wear. It is unique.

Start by asking manufacturers, and review the cheaper products tat you buy.
And research products you dont own and as you review it you could say that your reviewing to see if it is worth buying.

Very good point! Thanks Mike :)


Hi Nicki, Great potential in your question. I imagine inquiries for free products from merchant is overwhelming for some of them. Though I've read some site owners, by commenting on a affiliate post, and once known in that niche, do get free products. But that leaves out those just beginning!
Picking up free products can take some time, but free or greatly reduced pricing is fantastic. As a member of the Amazon Review Club, AMZ Review Trader, you have the opportunity to get a great deal on products; you provide a verified review on on their system. Just an idea you could run with.

That's a great idea that I didn't think of. I will check that out for sure! Thanks so much for letting me know :)

Hi Nicki...how did you get approval to market affiliate products?

I did! I'm with Shareasale and so far I've been approved with 6 different affiliate companies and just waiting on approval for a few more.

I'm familiar with them - I should stop by and see what's new. Thanks.

i would certainly ask manufacturers, certainly I know of one WA member who got a free washing machine for a review. Particularly if you have Google analytics installed and can prove your traffic

lol wow that's pretty cool to get a free washing machine just to write a review about it! They must have been in good with the vendor! I will definitely try asking for some freebies. Doesn't hurt!

It was a lady who had a site about grandma's bringing up their grandkids

You'd need to be well known to get a merchant to send you something for free in return for a review. So at first you'll need to either buy them or do what most people do and just review them based on other reviews. See:

Part of me was wondering that! I could see people with a lot of traffic who sell a lot, getting free things from their vendors. But it's worth a shot really. Yo just never know! I'm sure I won't get a free plane ticket or anything like that, but I may get a $6 head pillow for the plane! lol

Very interesting question, Nicki.

Thanks! It's always great hearing everyone's suggestions :)

Outstanding question Nicki. Thanks, Steve

Thanks Steve! That was kind of you to say :)

A good point Nicki and one which I would be interested to see the answer to. Most of us would be happy to write a fair and honest review if the item is cheap or free 0 I know I would do so! :)

Yeah no kidding eh! Well, I'm going to try and see what they say. You just never know...

i have requested products from certain merchants but no response. Some i want to buy from anyway, so I will do that, but some are too pricey. So for now, I just review based on other's feedback online and do my best.

Yeah, I will end up buying them anyways because they are cheap and I could really use a few things that they have to offer, So worse case I may make some commission off of my purchase. Better than buying it at Walmart! lol :)

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