About PMindra
Rank 1067
2,549 followers Joined May 2016
Greetings and welcome to my home online. I have been here since 2016. I like it here. A Bit About Me: I am Sukhinder Paul Birth Place: India District Hoshiarpur 1959.





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi, WA community.
I just created a new site using the “Generate Press Theme.”
I completed and published the “Privacy Policy”, “About”

The "Body Font" should always be consistent to what you have customized it for.

The only reason it would change once customized is if you are accidentally doing it manually.

You'll notice when you type in "edit mode" in WordPress to the right-hand side you have the option to make text small, medium, or large.

If one of these has been clicked on (whether intentionally or not), this will change the size of your text.

In order to customize the font size across your entire website with GeneratePress

Go to:

Your Dashboard/Back Office

Hover over APPEARANCE in the left-hand side menu


Then on the next page (which will show a menu on the left and your website homepage on the right) click on TYPOGRAPHY

This is where you can change font size, line heights, paragraph height, and even the size of your H1, H2, H3 tags, etc.

Thank you, Partha,
I'll give it a go.

Thank you Partha.
I figured it out with your guidance and am good to go.

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Can we adjust/change/fine tune the "body font" in our wordpress themes?

Can we adjust/change/fine tune the "body font" in our wordpress themes?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi, WA community.
I just created a new site using the “Generate Press Theme.”
I completed and published the “Privacy Policy”, “About”

The "Body Font" should always be consistent to what you have customized it for.

The only reason it would change once customized is if you are accidentally doing it manually.

You'll notice when you type in "edit mode" in WordPress to the right-hand side you have the option to make text small, medium, or large.

If one of these has been clicked on (whether intentionally or not), this will change the size of your text.

In order to customize the font size across your entire website with GeneratePress

Go to:

Your Dashboard/Back Office

Hover over APPEARANCE in the left-hand side menu


Then on the next page (which will show a menu on the left and your website homepage on the right) click on TYPOGRAPHY

This is where you can change font size, line heights, paragraph height, and even the size of your H1, H2, H3 tags, etc.

Thank you, Partha,
I'll give it a go.

Thank you Partha.
I figured it out with your guidance and am good to go.

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi Wealthy Affiliate Community.
I have a siterubix site from back in 2016.
I kind of proved that siterubix works.
The site ranks on the 1st page under various searches

Hi WA Community.
Can we change fonts/font sizes on our websites and if so, how?

Which fonts are you talking about? The main body or like for titles and such?

The main Body.

I will have to research that one, it may be pre-determined by the theme you have chosen.

Allow me some time and I will get back to you, and maybe someone else will also know.

Our community is vast and super smart.

Hi, Stacie.
I'm mostly interested in reducing the text size and not the actual text.
Take your time...no hurry whatsoever.

Thank you.



Hey Paul,

Uncheck "Allow people to submit comments on new posts'... See screen print below...

If there's no need of your site to appear in search results, CHECK the 'Discourage search engines from indexing this site' so that comment bots will no longer be able to find your website... See screen print below...

And, if you no longer want to have that site available to you, as your sure you'll never need it any time soon, here's a video to show you how to delete your WA hosted website: Hope you find this helpful.

To the rescue.
Thanks. I got it.

If you're not doing anything with the site at all you can just delete it via your Site Manager. Or, if you want to make it so that comments must be held for moderation before they go on your website then you can do this from your WP back office under Settings>Discussion.

Hey Eric.
You are awesome.
I am going to keep that particular site going.
It is proof that a "Site Rubix" site can rank.

My kind of problem is that I have a lot of stuff that wants to be placed on my site.

I do not want it placed because it is non-essential.

Currently, siterubix site's are no longer able to be indexed. They're essentially "rough draft" sites for members to practice on before moving them over to their .com site. 👍🏼

Keep up the good work, Paul!

Google D9clube.
My listing is 4 or 5 down.

That’s great man. In the past you could rank with siterubix, but now that they’re no-index there’s really no need to hold onto an older site as proof that sitetubix can rank since it no longer can. Especially if you’re not doing anything with it. 👍🏼 But keep up your work and determination on your main site!

All good.

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What do I do to get rid of unsolicitated leftovers on one of my sites?

What do I do to get rid of unsolicitated leftovers on one of my sites?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi Wealthy Affiliate Community.
I have a siterubix site from back in 2016.
I kind of proved that siterubix works.
The site ranks on the 1st page under various searches

Hi WA Community.
Can we change fonts/font sizes on our websites and if so, how?

Which fonts are you talking about? The main body or like for titles and such?

The main Body.

I will have to research that one, it may be pre-determined by the theme you have chosen.

Allow me some time and I will get back to you, and maybe someone else will also know.

Our community is vast and super smart.

Hi, Stacie.
I'm mostly interested in reducing the text size and not the actual text.
Take your time...no hurry whatsoever.

Thank you.



Hey Paul,

Uncheck "Allow people to submit comments on new posts'... See screen print below...

If there's no need of your site to appear in search results, CHECK the 'Discourage search engines from indexing this site' so that comment bots will no longer be able to find your website... See screen print below...

And, if you no longer want to have that site available to you, as your sure you'll never need it any time soon, here's a video to show you how to delete your WA hosted website: Hope you find this helpful.

To the rescue.
Thanks. I got it.

If you're not doing anything with the site at all you can just delete it via your Site Manager. Or, if you want to make it so that comments must be held for moderation before they go on your website then you can do this from your WP back office under Settings>Discussion.

Hey Eric.
You are awesome.
I am going to keep that particular site going.
It is proof that a "Site Rubix" site can rank.

My kind of problem is that I have a lot of stuff that wants to be placed on my site.

I do not want it placed because it is non-essential.

Currently, siterubix site's are no longer able to be indexed. They're essentially "rough draft" sites for members to practice on before moving them over to their .com site. 👍🏼

Keep up the good work, Paul!

Google D9clube.
My listing is 4 or 5 down.

That’s great man. In the past you could rank with siterubix, but now that they’re no-index there’s really no need to hold onto an older site as proof that sitetubix can rank since it no longer can. Especially if you’re not doing anything with it. 👍🏼 But keep up your work and determination on your main site!

All good.

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asked in
Getting Started

Hi, Support.
I have a domain called paulmindra.com
I recently deleted that site and now I cannot find it in my back office.
What have I done wrong? I would like to use

I see you've created your new site now, so presumably everything's under way.

Yeah, Phil.
Back to Kindergarten to learn the new system.
Thanks for chiming in.

Go to your website manager, click on domains. Select domain and create new website!


Thanks Rudy.
Brain Fart on my end.
That's what I did.




you should be able to create a new site via sitemanager and select that domain....
it should be listed under sitedomains...

Thanks feigner.
That's what I did.

no worries Paul
nice to see you still around...

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Where would I find my site?

Where would I find my site?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi, Support.
I have a domain called paulmindra.com
I recently deleted that site and now I cannot find it in my back office.
What have I done wrong? I would like to use

I see you've created your new site now, so presumably everything's under way.

Yeah, Phil.
Back to Kindergarten to learn the new system.
Thanks for chiming in.

Go to your website manager, click on domains. Select domain and create new website!


Thanks Rudy.
Brain Fart on my end.
That's what I did.




you should be able to create a new site via sitemanager and select that domain....
it should be listed under sitedomains...

Thanks feigner.
That's what I did.

no worries Paul
nice to see you still around...

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

All of my sites are created with that theme.
I tried to create yet another siterubix site using that theme but it does not appear as "Hiero."
Thanking in advance,

Thank you, Abie.

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Hiero by "athemes." is it still suppoerted. my id is 39cb2d34?

Hiero by "athemes." is it still suppoerted. my id is 39cb2d34?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

All of my sites are created with that theme.
I tried to create yet another siterubix site using that theme but it does not appear as "Hiero."
Thanking in advance,

Thank you, Abie.

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