About lane2000
Rank 72850
1,547 followers Joined December 2013
Hello, my name is Carrie, and I live in Illinois. I joined WA to learn as much as I can about online marketing and building





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Would someone be able to explain what a "child theme" is?

And also when and why it is necessary?

You live and learn, I didn't know this either. Good question.

A struggle that has to be had, really- do it once and you can forget it....Great comments from the community another reminder of just how fab this joint is..

Great information below!

You can use a plugin to make your CSS edits and when your parent theme updates your changes will not be lost. https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-custom-css/

Also didn't mention that some themes have a CSS (cascading style sheets) function customized into the theme, so you can make all you edits there opposed to downloading a CSS plugin. You only need a Child theme if you are going to make edits to files such as the header.php or footer.php files.

Most premium themes don't require a child theme it's generally the free themes that would require that option should you need to commit to a lot of CSS edits.

If you need to make general CSS edits then the plugin as mentioned before will be sufficient to do this.

Live and learn Blue Dot. I didn't know what CSS stands for, but I think all my posts are in CSS without me even doing anything, duh!

The references suggested below tell you all about what child themes are and why they are used but are more useful if you are planning on developing themes yourself.

However, as some people have said, because the main benefit is that if you make bespoke changes to the look and feel of your theme you will be making them to the child theme (if it is one of the themes that uses a parent/child theme framework) and not the main theme framework (parent).

Should the theme developer then issue an upgrade to the main framework you can upload it without losing your bespoke changes.

Not all themes are build around the parent/child theme concept. Most of the themes you'll get which includes probably all of the free ones and a lot of the paid ones don't have child themes with them.

The Genesis suite does and is a good example of how parent/child themes work. To use a Genesis theme you have to upload the genesis framework (parent) as well as whatever Genesis child theme you want to use.

You will also come across skins which work in a similar way to child themes in that they provide a different look and feel and sit on top of the underlying framework.

Thanks didn know that either

Wow, I didn't know that existed. Glad you asked the question!

Or to put it in other words: parent theme is a framework which enables functionality but doesn't bother with fancy display. While child theme is an extension / practical usage of the framework with all the bells and whistles...

Jump to http://barefootrunninghaven.com, scroll to the bottow and click on the links on the right.

The short of it: A WordPress child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes allow you to modify, or add to the functionality of that parent theme. A child theme is the safest and easiest way to modify an existing theme, whether you want to make a few tiny changes or extensive changes. Instead of modifying the theme files directly, you can create a child theme and override within.

Why use a Child Theme?
Here are a few reasons:

If you modify an existing theme and it is updated, your changes will be lost. With a child theme, you can update the parent theme (which might be important for security or functionality) and still keep your changes.
It can speed up development time.
It’s a great way to get started if you are just learning WordPress theme development.

thanks for all this good info!

It's great to have members that so knowledgeable in website technicalities.

Hi Carrie, I googled this and found an explanation from word press. I believe this will shed some light on the subject. Hope it helps

Maybe this is something I don´t know ;)
Best regards

Thanks WJC and forsthomas, child theme explained in this page.

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Child Theme

Child Theme

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Would someone be able to explain what a "child theme" is?

And also when and why it is necessary?

You live and learn, I didn't know this either. Good question.

A struggle that has to be had, really- do it once and you can forget it....Great comments from the community another reminder of just how fab this joint is..

Great information below!

You can use a plugin to make your CSS edits and when your parent theme updates your changes will not be lost. https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-custom-css/

Also didn't mention that some themes have a CSS (cascading style sheets) function customized into the theme, so you can make all you edits there opposed to downloading a CSS plugin. You only need a Child theme if you are going to make edits to files such as the header.php or footer.php files.

Most premium themes don't require a child theme it's generally the free themes that would require that option should you need to commit to a lot of CSS edits.

If you need to make general CSS edits then the plugin as mentioned before will be sufficient to do this.

Live and learn Blue Dot. I didn't know what CSS stands for, but I think all my posts are in CSS without me even doing anything, duh!

The references suggested below tell you all about what child themes are and why they are used but are more useful if you are planning on developing themes yourself.

However, as some people have said, because the main benefit is that if you make bespoke changes to the look and feel of your theme you will be making them to the child theme (if it is one of the themes that uses a parent/child theme framework) and not the main theme framework (parent).

Should the theme developer then issue an upgrade to the main framework you can upload it without losing your bespoke changes.

Not all themes are build around the parent/child theme concept. Most of the themes you'll get which includes probably all of the free ones and a lot of the paid ones don't have child themes with them.

The Genesis suite does and is a good example of how parent/child themes work. To use a Genesis theme you have to upload the genesis framework (parent) as well as whatever Genesis child theme you want to use.

You will also come across skins which work in a similar way to child themes in that they provide a different look and feel and sit on top of the underlying framework.

Thanks didn know that either

Wow, I didn't know that existed. Glad you asked the question!

Or to put it in other words: parent theme is a framework which enables functionality but doesn't bother with fancy display. While child theme is an extension / practical usage of the framework with all the bells and whistles...

Jump to http://barefootrunninghaven.com, scroll to the bottow and click on the links on the right.

The short of it: A WordPress child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes allow you to modify, or add to the functionality of that parent theme. A child theme is the safest and easiest way to modify an existing theme, whether you want to make a few tiny changes or extensive changes. Instead of modifying the theme files directly, you can create a child theme and override within.

Why use a Child Theme?
Here are a few reasons:

If you modify an existing theme and it is updated, your changes will be lost. With a child theme, you can update the parent theme (which might be important for security or functionality) and still keep your changes.
It can speed up development time.
It’s a great way to get started if you are just learning WordPress theme development.

thanks for all this good info!

It's great to have members that so knowledgeable in website technicalities.

Hi Carrie, I googled this and found an explanation from word press. I believe this will shed some light on the subject. Hope it helps

Maybe this is something I don´t know ;)
Best regards

Thanks WJC and forsthomas, child theme explained in this page.

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asked in
Getting Started

Good morning!

Back on Level 2, Lesson 3 I ran into a snag and I would like to get it straightened out so I am hoping someone here knows the answer to this.

The domai


Sorry Carrie...that's how it works!

Bummer :>)

Carrie, Trialynn will walk you through the forwarding process. e-mail always goes to domain.

Mail only goes to your domain. You cannot change the extension of your mail. You can forward it. PM me for more info.

Going to now...thought I had this morning but I guess it never went through.

Hey Carrie,
Maybe I don't understand well, but you can also forward your current email to your other domain by clicking on "New Forward" tab under the Email section.

Hi lane2000,

I seem to be getting you wrong. What do you mean by saying the domain name has to be the same as the website? Are you referring to the niche, that the domain name should reflect the niche market one is in?
Sorry I could not help here


I read in comments somewhere on here where Kyle says to buy a domain name that is the same name as your website. I had already bought my domain by that time though and my domain name is not going to work as a website name.

Hi lane2000,

Very true the best thing to do is to have a domain name that reflects what your website does. But not all the websites follow that and they are very successful too.

E.g. Let us take Amazon.com domain name. If one has never heard of Amazon before they would not know what happens on the Amazon website.

My understanding why it is beneficial to use a domain name that reflects what your site does is because of branding. It is easier to get known when your name reflects what you do than following Amazon, MacDonald and so on way.

So if the domain name you purchased broadly represents what you do, you might want to use it for the start and move the content later if you still want to.

If you want someone to have a look at the domain name first you can do a live chat or ask for technical help before spending more money on another purchase.

Good luck to you, all the best


Hi Carrie.

You can register a new domain name - and then use the "Move" option in Build My Website to transfer the current one, to the new domain.

I hope this helps?

All the best, Mark

What do you mean by "register" a new domain? Does that mean purchasing a new domain and moving the website over to it?

Hi - yes.

You'll need to buy a new domain, and point it to WAs name servers. It will then appear in the list in Build My Website.

You can then click on the Move link - on the same line as your "old" website (with the domain name you don't want to use) - that will let you then select the new domain to transfer your website to.

All the best, Mark

I would maybe raise a support ticket and ask the tech support people (under build my website)

The email is from the domain name, you can't change it sorry.

Oh wow, that is what I was afraid of. Really wish I would have known that when I bought it.

You can't just change it as and when you like. You need to buy it from a domain registrar. Perhaps you can change your site title instead.

Nope, I will have to buy a new domain, I cannot change my website name to the domain name.

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Domain specific email

Domain specific email

asked in
Getting Started

Good morning!

Back on Level 2, Lesson 3 I ran into a snag and I would like to get it straightened out so I am hoping someone here knows the answer to this.

The domai


Sorry Carrie...that's how it works!

Bummer :>)

Carrie, Trialynn will walk you through the forwarding process. e-mail always goes to domain.

Mail only goes to your domain. You cannot change the extension of your mail. You can forward it. PM me for more info.

Going to now...thought I had this morning but I guess it never went through.

Hey Carrie,
Maybe I don't understand well, but you can also forward your current email to your other domain by clicking on "New Forward" tab under the Email section.

Hi lane2000,

I seem to be getting you wrong. What do you mean by saying the domain name has to be the same as the website? Are you referring to the niche, that the domain name should reflect the niche market one is in?
Sorry I could not help here


I read in comments somewhere on here where Kyle says to buy a domain name that is the same name as your website. I had already bought my domain by that time though and my domain name is not going to work as a website name.

Hi lane2000,

Very true the best thing to do is to have a domain name that reflects what your website does. But not all the websites follow that and they are very successful too.

E.g. Let us take Amazon.com domain name. If one has never heard of Amazon before they would not know what happens on the Amazon website.

My understanding why it is beneficial to use a domain name that reflects what your site does is because of branding. It is easier to get known when your name reflects what you do than following Amazon, MacDonald and so on way.

So if the domain name you purchased broadly represents what you do, you might want to use it for the start and move the content later if you still want to.

If you want someone to have a look at the domain name first you can do a live chat or ask for technical help before spending more money on another purchase.

Good luck to you, all the best


Hi Carrie.

You can register a new domain name - and then use the "Move" option in Build My Website to transfer the current one, to the new domain.

I hope this helps?

All the best, Mark

What do you mean by "register" a new domain? Does that mean purchasing a new domain and moving the website over to it?

Hi - yes.

You'll need to buy a new domain, and point it to WAs name servers. It will then appear in the list in Build My Website.

You can then click on the Move link - on the same line as your "old" website (with the domain name you don't want to use) - that will let you then select the new domain to transfer your website to.

All the best, Mark

I would maybe raise a support ticket and ask the tech support people (under build my website)

The email is from the domain name, you can't change it sorry.

Oh wow, that is what I was afraid of. Really wish I would have known that when I bought it.

You can't just change it as and when you like. You need to buy it from a domain registrar. Perhaps you can change your site title instead.

Nope, I will have to buy a new domain, I cannot change my website name to the domain name.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I FINALY set up a Google Plus profile today. I see alot of people here who have it on their WA profile, how do you do that?

I still dont see my google plus link on my profile... does anyone else?

I see it now at the top of this discussion.

The g+is not showing on my profile still have not seen it how long do it take i must be anxious.

As it turns out, I don't think it shows up there.

oh i see Just had to click on it .

https://plus.google.com/u/0/101146521676376052760 Copy and pasted mine but it is not highlighted.is something wrong ?

is that your google+ are you sure?

Were you able to get this working?

When you go to your "about" page in Google+ you will find your Google+ link in the browser. It should look something like this (mine)

I havent done it either

it was easy and took about 5 minutes

Have u done it yet???

No not jet but i have start to meet other wa members on my g+ profil

Hi Carrie. I noticed that you don't have your Google+ account listed on your page yet. Are you still having trouble? Follow James and Karina's advice. We are all here to help you!

I had to do leave unexpectedly but Im back now!

Actually, I this was in Level 2, Lesson #9. Kyle tells you exactly how to do it if you're still confused.

Well, congrats! I guess it's necessary for me to do that as well and you've set an example for me. Thanks! :D

I actually like the looks of Google Plus better than FB so far but it is an adjustment trying to navigate a new site.

Go to G+ and click on your little icon to view your Profile. Then copy and paste the URL up to the last number to here. Here you need to click on your little icon up top and select account settings. You cane paste in your URL there.

Here is what mine looks like: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102828767990421443594

Ok, I'm going to go try this... wish me luck! ha ha

You can DO IT!! 8)

Hmm... I dont see a URL on my profile

Once your on your G+ profile page grab the URL from the address bar up top. From the start to the last number.

Hi there,

you need to click in to your profile...and when you're on your profile, you will see these numbers on the web-address-field (where you type any website address)

Hope this helps :)

Oh duh! I see my URL now!

hahaha, love that last response :)

Ok I went into account settings and pasted my link, then saved it. I thought I did it right but my google sign isnt showing on my profile...

Double check the URL, make sure you got the whoole thing down to the last number and nothing after that.

If it looks right, maybe it just needs time to update in the system?

Ok, I will check my URL again and if it looks right, I will give it til morning and see if it works itself out.

I see it there too but I dont see it when u go to my profile, do u?

I do not see it on your profile, but I don't see it on mine either. Thinking it just shows on discussions and blogs that you create maybe.

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My Google Plus

My Google Plus

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I FINALY set up a Google Plus profile today. I see alot of people here who have it on their WA profile, how do you do that?

I still dont see my google plus link on my profile... does anyone else?

I see it now at the top of this discussion.

The g+is not showing on my profile still have not seen it how long do it take i must be anxious.

As it turns out, I don't think it shows up there.

oh i see Just had to click on it .

https://plus.google.com/u/0/101146521676376052760 Copy and pasted mine but it is not highlighted.is something wrong ?

is that your google+ are you sure?

Were you able to get this working?

When you go to your "about" page in Google+ you will find your Google+ link in the browser. It should look something like this (mine)

I havent done it either

it was easy and took about 5 minutes

Have u done it yet???

No not jet but i have start to meet other wa members on my g+ profil

Hi Carrie. I noticed that you don't have your Google+ account listed on your page yet. Are you still having trouble? Follow James and Karina's advice. We are all here to help you!

I had to do leave unexpectedly but Im back now!

Actually, I this was in Level 2, Lesson #9. Kyle tells you exactly how to do it if you're still confused.

Well, congrats! I guess it's necessary for me to do that as well and you've set an example for me. Thanks! :D

I actually like the looks of Google Plus better than FB so far but it is an adjustment trying to navigate a new site.

Go to G+ and click on your little icon to view your Profile. Then copy and paste the URL up to the last number to here. Here you need to click on your little icon up top and select account settings. You cane paste in your URL there.

Here is what mine looks like: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102828767990421443594

Ok, I'm going to go try this... wish me luck! ha ha

You can DO IT!! 8)

Hmm... I dont see a URL on my profile

Once your on your G+ profile page grab the URL from the address bar up top. From the start to the last number.

Hi there,

you need to click in to your profile...and when you're on your profile, you will see these numbers on the web-address-field (where you type any website address)

Hope this helps :)

Oh duh! I see my URL now!

hahaha, love that last response :)

Ok I went into account settings and pasted my link, then saved it. I thought I did it right but my google sign isnt showing on my profile...

Double check the URL, make sure you got the whoole thing down to the last number and nothing after that.

If it looks right, maybe it just needs time to update in the system?

Ok, I will check my URL again and if it looks right, I will give it til morning and see if it works itself out.

I see it there too but I dont see it when u go to my profile, do u?

I do not see it on your profile, but I don't see it on mine either. Thinking it just shows on discussions and blogs that you create maybe.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Is it ok to create a website using my WA account if the website has nothing to do with affiliate marketing? I'm assuming that is not an issue or frowned upon in anyway but does

I believe it would not be a problem. If you are still uncertain send either Kyle or Carson an email. They would be happy to answer that question for you. Good luck in your journeys. Sherrie

@canuck Congrats that is awesome! I was kind of leaning towards buying our own anyway so I think I will.

WA gives away websites to non-members. They are not restricted to WA information pages. You can definitely create a website promoting a small transport company.

My husband owns a small transport company and would like a website for it. It would be a simple one with just a bit of information about what we do. Should I buy my own domain, or just use site rubix?

I would suggest you buying a good domain name, this will help your website to rank higher and be more recognizable. For instance I did a website for a local client who owns a towing company and we went with our own domain name. He is now ranked #1 for his main keyword phrase, in a city of almost 2 Million people ;)

It really depends on IF and HOW you plan on promoting it. For example: I set up a siterubix site for my band as a place to send our Facebook friends to see our schedule. I don't need the site rank at all.
However, You could optimize your site targeting a local keyword and you may even have some advertising opportunities from other local non-competing businesses. You may want to use a .com in that situation.

Yes, i'm pretty sure you can - selling products or whatever. The courses are just for us to learn as much as we can and to apply them to our websites.

You can do websites for local business also. Or for your own business. For example I have my website for my own small business. ourvineyardcottage.com I can't imagine why not.

From what I understand, you want to create a niche that enriches people's lives or helps them with an issue. Based on that, I'd say yes you can.

This wouldn't be a "niche" website, it is for a small business that my husband owns.

I believe you're still good to go.

One of the bonuses of the membership is that you can host as many websites as you like, saving you at least $10/month. I'll transfer my websites over once my contract has ended at the hosting company.

Yes you can. I intend offer to small business owners a website and host it here. Need to know which theme most suitable for business. Is free theme advisable?

What do you mean by "free theme"?

The Wordpress theme we using are free theme. There are paid theme which have more feature and look nice.

Yes it is. A lot of members have sites hosted with WA that are nothing to do with affiliate marketing. :) Beverley

I figured it was ok since I do pay for a membership here and all but I had never heard anyone talk about it so I just needed to make sure. Thank you

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Is it ok to create a website using my WA account if the website has nothing to do with affiliate marketing? I'm assuming that is not an issue or frowned upon in anyway but does

I believe it would not be a problem. If you are still uncertain send either Kyle or Carson an email. They would be happy to answer that question for you. Good luck in your journeys. Sherrie

@canuck Congrats that is awesome! I was kind of leaning towards buying our own anyway so I think I will.

WA gives away websites to non-members. They are not restricted to WA information pages. You can definitely create a website promoting a small transport company.

My husband owns a small transport company and would like a website for it. It would be a simple one with just a bit of information about what we do. Should I buy my own domain, or just use site rubix?

I would suggest you buying a good domain name, this will help your website to rank higher and be more recognizable. For instance I did a website for a local client who owns a towing company and we went with our own domain name. He is now ranked #1 for his main keyword phrase, in a city of almost 2 Million people ;)

It really depends on IF and HOW you plan on promoting it. For example: I set up a siterubix site for my band as a place to send our Facebook friends to see our schedule. I don't need the site rank at all.
However, You could optimize your site targeting a local keyword and you may even have some advertising opportunities from other local non-competing businesses. You may want to use a .com in that situation.

Yes, i'm pretty sure you can - selling products or whatever. The courses are just for us to learn as much as we can and to apply them to our websites.

You can do websites for local business also. Or for your own business. For example I have my website for my own small business. ourvineyardcottage.com I can't imagine why not.

From what I understand, you want to create a niche that enriches people's lives or helps them with an issue. Based on that, I'd say yes you can.

This wouldn't be a "niche" website, it is for a small business that my husband owns.

I believe you're still good to go.

One of the bonuses of the membership is that you can host as many websites as you like, saving you at least $10/month. I'll transfer my websites over once my contract has ended at the hosting company.

Yes you can. I intend offer to small business owners a website and host it here. Need to know which theme most suitable for business. Is free theme advisable?

What do you mean by "free theme"?

The Wordpress theme we using are free theme. There are paid theme which have more feature and look nice.

Yes it is. A lot of members have sites hosted with WA that are nothing to do with affiliate marketing. :) Beverley

I figured it was ok since I do pay for a membership here and all but I had never heard anyone talk about it so I just needed to make sure. Thank you

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asked in
Email Marketing

What is the scoop on auto responder's? It seems the general consensus is that Aweber is a good choice?

I've been using GVO for about $10/month. Works OK and the training on how to use is pretty good. I've heard a lot about Aweber here so I am going to check it out....

Hi Carrie,
I use Getresponse, and it I realty like it.
When I compared both Aweber and Getresponse,
I found that for equal service, Getresponse was cheaper for a list
up to 1000 subscribers.
You can try it free for 30 days, and at one point, they should
send you an email with a 25% rebate !
I paid 110$ for one year.
Here is my affiliate link if you want to try it: http://gr8.com/pr/3OBg

Thank you, I will check this out.

I have been using a free auto responder called "Listwire". They are fairly new and don't have much in terms of training but it seems to do everything Aweber can do. And I don't have the monthly cost while I'm figuring out how I want to utilize it.

I can certainly understand the appeal of free!

Right, the great thing about the internet is the amount of free tools. Google has really changed things with the whole free market thing. It seems that just about any program you want has a free alternative now.

I gotta say they are not all created equal though. I was using Gimp for all my Photoshop needs until I could afford Photoshop. The difference is like night and day in terms of quality.

But I still think it's awesome that there are so many free programs, gives people just starting out the tools they need and a fighting chance.

Yes, Aweber is a good choice! It is professional and comes with a ton of training. So, not only do you get a great product, but your knowledge will grow as well.
I would think that as soon as you would like to collect emails and market to them would be the time to purchase the service.

How do you know when it is the right time to collect emails? :>)

As soon as you are ready to communicate or correspond with your leads/customers/readers/followers. Let's say that you currently run a dispatch service.... you could load all of your customers emails into your autoresponder and produce a monthly newsletter that was full of tips, knowledge, rates and other info with the goal of staying at the top of peoples go to list.
Or for example I am big on mlm so as soon as I get an email, or a lead enters this info a auto pilot advertising campaign goes into effect.
I currently do not run a niche blog, which is why I am here at WA, but I would plan to adjust the above examples to fit that accordingly.
These are just two examples... auto responding can be tweaked im so many ways.
For instance... let's say that you habe am amazing niche blog that sells fish gravel. Your auto responder could send a thankyou for joining our email list, thank you for purchasing, inform current and potential customers of sales and other products they might enjoy, explain the value of only using organic fish gravel etc...
The time not to buy an auto responder is before you are ready to actually use it as it does come with a monthly bill.
Pretty much limited only by your imagination. Hope this helps

Oh, and anytime is good to collect emails even if you are not ready to mail out to them.

Thank you for all of the detailed information!


I have used trafficwave and aweber and I prefer aweber as well. Rich

Thank you... at what point in the process does it make sense to sign up for one?

I have only been through a couple of the courses so far, therefore, not sure if there is a particular spot in the training. However, with this being said the purpose of an autoresponder is to collect someones email otherwise known as building a list. So in MHO the time would be when you start receiving traffic to your site. Rich

according to my knowledge the Aweber is the first choice for many people also I planned to go with the same as well

Lane for what i know.. the best one .. yes its Aweber....

Aweber is very popular and my personal choice. I've also used getresponse. Both seem to have all the same features but I find Aweber easier to use.

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asked in
Email Marketing

What is the scoop on auto responder's? It seems the general consensus is that Aweber is a good choice?

I've been using GVO for about $10/month. Works OK and the training on how to use is pretty good. I've heard a lot about Aweber here so I am going to check it out....

Hi Carrie,
I use Getresponse, and it I realty like it.
When I compared both Aweber and Getresponse,
I found that for equal service, Getresponse was cheaper for a list
up to 1000 subscribers.
You can try it free for 30 days, and at one point, they should
send you an email with a 25% rebate !
I paid 110$ for one year.
Here is my affiliate link if you want to try it: http://gr8.com/pr/3OBg

Thank you, I will check this out.

I have been using a free auto responder called "Listwire". They are fairly new and don't have much in terms of training but it seems to do everything Aweber can do. And I don't have the monthly cost while I'm figuring out how I want to utilize it.

I can certainly understand the appeal of free!

Right, the great thing about the internet is the amount of free tools. Google has really changed things with the whole free market thing. It seems that just about any program you want has a free alternative now.

I gotta say they are not all created equal though. I was using Gimp for all my Photoshop needs until I could afford Photoshop. The difference is like night and day in terms of quality.

But I still think it's awesome that there are so many free programs, gives people just starting out the tools they need and a fighting chance.

Yes, Aweber is a good choice! It is professional and comes with a ton of training. So, not only do you get a great product, but your knowledge will grow as well.
I would think that as soon as you would like to collect emails and market to them would be the time to purchase the service.

How do you know when it is the right time to collect emails? :>)

As soon as you are ready to communicate or correspond with your leads/customers/readers/followers. Let's say that you currently run a dispatch service.... you could load all of your customers emails into your autoresponder and produce a monthly newsletter that was full of tips, knowledge, rates and other info with the goal of staying at the top of peoples go to list.
Or for example I am big on mlm so as soon as I get an email, or a lead enters this info a auto pilot advertising campaign goes into effect.
I currently do not run a niche blog, which is why I am here at WA, but I would plan to adjust the above examples to fit that accordingly.
These are just two examples... auto responding can be tweaked im so many ways.
For instance... let's say that you habe am amazing niche blog that sells fish gravel. Your auto responder could send a thankyou for joining our email list, thank you for purchasing, inform current and potential customers of sales and other products they might enjoy, explain the value of only using organic fish gravel etc...
The time not to buy an auto responder is before you are ready to actually use it as it does come with a monthly bill.
Pretty much limited only by your imagination. Hope this helps

Oh, and anytime is good to collect emails even if you are not ready to mail out to them.

Thank you for all of the detailed information!


I have used trafficwave and aweber and I prefer aweber as well. Rich

Thank you... at what point in the process does it make sense to sign up for one?

I have only been through a couple of the courses so far, therefore, not sure if there is a particular spot in the training. However, with this being said the purpose of an autoresponder is to collect someones email otherwise known as building a list. So in MHO the time would be when you start receiving traffic to your site. Rich

according to my knowledge the Aweber is the first choice for many people also I planned to go with the same as well

Lane for what i know.. the best one .. yes its Aweber....

Aweber is very popular and my personal choice. I've also used getresponse. Both seem to have all the same features but I find Aweber easier to use.

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