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Hi, I am Joe. This program and organization are awesome! The wealth of information and training material for developing an online business is beyond





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I've been using the BackWPup plugin for 7 months now flawlessly on multiple sites. Today, on only one of my sites, when I go to initiate a manual backup I get the message "You do

Have not used it Joe

Thanks Bill. I solved the issue!

You may want to check out this link: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/coolcity/blog/backwpup-v-updraftplus-why-i-now-use-the-latter

I also had BackWpUp working, but last month it did not perform the automatic backup to Dropbox and I found out that part of the reason was that WA support had disabled CRON jobs on my account; however, once they reenabled them (with a warning that BackWpUp stores temp files on the WA server, so I'd need to ensure to clean them up after each backup), I was still getting an error.

I eventually switched over to UpdraftPlus and have my backups going to Google Drive.

Thanks Patrick ... appreciated. All's well now!

I'm glad that you were able to resolve your issue.

I'm curious to know how you resolved it and if you are using BackWpUp to store your backups to Dropbox. As mentioned above, I was unable to resolve the issue with BackWpUp, though I liked the plugin and prefered using Dropbox to Google Drive.

Hi Patrick. BackWpUp and Dropbox has worked flawlessly for me for over 7 months on multiple websites until yesterday. I found a plugin I recently installed to be causing the problem. It's all fine now.

Joe, what was the plugin that caused the problem? I am now having this issue after adding a few plugins.

Sorry that was a year ago... I don't remember... :-(

I have not been having any problems, maybe if you go to the official plugin site they can assist you

Thanks Katie ... I found the issue. All's well now!

I use dropbox, and have no issues. But I see you have some good answers

My problem had been with Updraft plus. It quit backing up my site about 2 weeks ago.

Hey Ade! My problem turned out to be a conflicting plugin ... maybe the same reason! Good luck...

I submitted a ticket but no solution yet.

Did you see response from Patrick007 below? Might help you...

I think the problem is with Dropbox. I'll check Patrick's response. Thanks!

Did you try backing up to a directory to see if it could be a Dropbox problem? Also, try removing the plugin and reinstalling it.

Thanks Andre. All good with DropBox ... but I will try and re-install and see what happens.

just installed and it works fine, make sure your backup folder has the right permissions

Thanks Wayne. It's been working for 7 months. From the site I get the error I did a backup a few days ago. All is good with DropBox. It's working on other sites ... so I am stuck with how to fix this issue...

let it sit till morning, it might fix itself :)

Thanks Shawn ... it already did! I found a conflicting plugin...

Glad you figured it out :)

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Anyone having a problem with the backwpup plugin?

Anyone having a problem with the backwpup plugin?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I've been using the BackWPup plugin for 7 months now flawlessly on multiple sites. Today, on only one of my sites, when I go to initiate a manual backup I get the message "You do

Have not used it Joe

Thanks Bill. I solved the issue!

You may want to check out this link: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/coolcity/blog/backwpup-v-updraftplus-why-i-now-use-the-latter

I also had BackWpUp working, but last month it did not perform the automatic backup to Dropbox and I found out that part of the reason was that WA support had disabled CRON jobs on my account; however, once they reenabled them (with a warning that BackWpUp stores temp files on the WA server, so I'd need to ensure to clean them up after each backup), I was still getting an error.

I eventually switched over to UpdraftPlus and have my backups going to Google Drive.

Thanks Patrick ... appreciated. All's well now!

I'm glad that you were able to resolve your issue.

I'm curious to know how you resolved it and if you are using BackWpUp to store your backups to Dropbox. As mentioned above, I was unable to resolve the issue with BackWpUp, though I liked the plugin and prefered using Dropbox to Google Drive.

Hi Patrick. BackWpUp and Dropbox has worked flawlessly for me for over 7 months on multiple websites until yesterday. I found a plugin I recently installed to be causing the problem. It's all fine now.

Joe, what was the plugin that caused the problem? I am now having this issue after adding a few plugins.

Sorry that was a year ago... I don't remember... :-(

I have not been having any problems, maybe if you go to the official plugin site they can assist you

Thanks Katie ... I found the issue. All's well now!

I use dropbox, and have no issues. But I see you have some good answers

My problem had been with Updraft plus. It quit backing up my site about 2 weeks ago.

Hey Ade! My problem turned out to be a conflicting plugin ... maybe the same reason! Good luck...

I submitted a ticket but no solution yet.

Did you see response from Patrick007 below? Might help you...

I think the problem is with Dropbox. I'll check Patrick's response. Thanks!

Did you try backing up to a directory to see if it could be a Dropbox problem? Also, try removing the plugin and reinstalling it.

Thanks Andre. All good with DropBox ... but I will try and re-install and see what happens.

just installed and it works fine, make sure your backup folder has the right permissions

Thanks Wayne. It's been working for 7 months. From the site I get the error I did a backup a few days ago. All is good with DropBox. It's working on other sites ... so I am stuck with how to fix this issue...

let it sit till morning, it might fix itself :)

Thanks Shawn ... it already did! I found a conflicting plugin...

Glad you figured it out :)

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Can anyone recommend a good plugin to import Amazon products into your website? I found a few, however, they are not compatible with WA Hosting because of the limit that is impose

@Justintrump here on WA Did a great article on an Amazon plugin I've been using myself. If you have any questions just ask him. He is pretty good at getting back to people.


I didn't know if you already found a good one or not yet or even heard of EasyAzon but it truly is a great plug in and I found it threw him. His articles are also very informative.


Hello Joe,

Maybe you could try Prosociate 2.0 plugin. Very cool plugin actually. It's the same owner for WP Zon Builder & much more powerful that that.

If you don't know it yet, pls see my ideas below. If you know it already, pls just ignore my message.

I've just installed it in my test site to see how it works. I installed with WA hosting but need to contact support for unlocking some functions. WA hosting server will not allow fetching data from third party site.

I installed it & it works good (after getting support from WA hosting). For some reasons, the product picture does not show up.

I also installed it in my Bluehost account & it works better. Everything works extremely well.

We need to have Woocommerce plugin also. It's integrated with Prosociate 2.0 plugin.

Just some thoughts flowing in my mind & I just type it out. Maybe you find it hard to understand at some point :).

Best of luck! Vuong

Hey Vuong thanks for the reply! I did purchase Prosociate 2 and installed with WooCommerce. This all looked amazing as it was just what I was looking for! But then I ran into the same thing you did with the product images.

I contacted Support regarding increasing the php memory limit and here is what they told me:

"WA does not allow custom PHP setting and changing PHP limits on client request.

WA blocks all outgoing connections to remote servers by default, and we do not allow plugin/them that require time to time outgoing connections, Auto site builders, plugins which fetch/scrape data from other sites.

It seems that your plugin imports/bulk imports products, synchronizes so it cannot be allowed as per our policy."

So this just won't work with WA hosting...

Oh...thanks for sharing your case.

Without product images showed up, it's USELESS to use with WA hosting. Maybe I will send feedback to Kyle regarding this issue.
Otherwise, WA hosting features in here is not useful at all: unable to customize features, unable to...

I purchased Prosociate 2.0 for three main reasons:
1. Recommended from Mike Johnson, the "no BS" & trusted Internet marketer. Every product he recommends, I buy. He stands strong behind this product.
2. From the same owner of WP Zon Builder.
3. It works really well when fetching Amazon products & almost everything can be automated.

Thanks Vuong! Yes, it would be great if WA hosting would accommodate automation plugins! Especially as it applies to Affiliate Marketing!
Cheers my friend,

I used Amazon widget supplied by Amazon and they worked just fine. You can also link Amazon link to your post directly, no need for additional plugins

Thanks Gordi! My problem is I am not interested in Widget ads ... I am looking to populate a "Marketplace" page with 100+ ads. Was hoping this could be done with a little automation!

WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates is a very nice one.

Hey Lambros! Are you using this plugin on WA hosting with success?
Thanks, Joe

Why not just use Amazon Widgits? They work very well and should be not be a problem with WA as Amazon hosts them. If you take a look at one of my pages, you will see I added Amazon books using their widgits. Other products would be the same. They are on the right side of this page http://www.dsconrad.com/genealogy/the-planters.html

Thanks Dave! Will check it out...
Enjoy the weekend.

No problem, Joe. If you are an Amazon affiliate, the widgets are available to you. Choose a product and they will give you the code. Simply paste that code where you want the ad to show. Remember that it will have to be uploaded and live in order to show the advertised product properly. Regards

Thanks Dave. Problem is I am not looking for a widget ad. I'm looking to do a "Marketplace" page with 100+ products for a specific niche...

You could use the amazon shop itself, customize to your website. Take a look at my amazon shops here:

Thanks Giludi! I will definitely check it out...

Great looking site! What theme are you using?
Thanks, Joe

Im not sure what you are looking for exactly, but if you have an affiliate account established with amazon already, you should be able to get links for products of your choosing, then insert them manually into your posts/pages. Does that help?

Yes it does Joe thanks ... guess I'm getting lazy and was looking for some automation LOL!

I would have thought so. Craig (labman) just informed me that my Amazon ads are coming up blank on his computer and I set them up exactly as I have learned here and from Amazon.

I have been told that his ad blocker keeps them from appearing.
Don - www.timberghostlabs.com tell if they do for you.

I watched the video Craig sent me and I responded. Just waiting for another bit of info.

Hey Don ... nice site. Your Title needs to be darker though.

I see your ads OK on Safari...


Thanks. I've been told more and more about the color. Guess majority rules. I will change it.
Thank you!

I see the Leash and an e-collar with the ad blocker. Without it, I see two additional ones for the Tritronics and Sport Dog collar.

Figures...30' training lead and e-collar are not from Amazon.
Doesn't matter now. I think I have to start all over. Gonna give it a rest and see if Kyle or wordpress get back to me.

Hey Don:
Your ads look OK to me!

Of the few I have tried, none really worked and some even hurt the rankings of my site. I would avoid them.

Try using the techniques I outline here. https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/amazon-links-adding-and-editing-your-amazon-links

Thanks Craig for a good honest answer! I will most definitely review your training ... actually I should have searched for that first before asking!

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Recommended plugin for amazon affiliates anyone?

Recommended plugin for amazon affiliates anyone?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Can anyone recommend a good plugin to import Amazon products into your website? I found a few, however, they are not compatible with WA Hosting because of the limit that is impose

@Justintrump here on WA Did a great article on an Amazon plugin I've been using myself. If you have any questions just ask him. He is pretty good at getting back to people.


I didn't know if you already found a good one or not yet or even heard of EasyAzon but it truly is a great plug in and I found it threw him. His articles are also very informative.


Hello Joe,

Maybe you could try Prosociate 2.0 plugin. Very cool plugin actually. It's the same owner for WP Zon Builder & much more powerful that that.

If you don't know it yet, pls see my ideas below. If you know it already, pls just ignore my message.

I've just installed it in my test site to see how it works. I installed with WA hosting but need to contact support for unlocking some functions. WA hosting server will not allow fetching data from third party site.

I installed it & it works good (after getting support from WA hosting). For some reasons, the product picture does not show up.

I also installed it in my Bluehost account & it works better. Everything works extremely well.

We need to have Woocommerce plugin also. It's integrated with Prosociate 2.0 plugin.

Just some thoughts flowing in my mind & I just type it out. Maybe you find it hard to understand at some point :).

Best of luck! Vuong

Hey Vuong thanks for the reply! I did purchase Prosociate 2 and installed with WooCommerce. This all looked amazing as it was just what I was looking for! But then I ran into the same thing you did with the product images.

I contacted Support regarding increasing the php memory limit and here is what they told me:

"WA does not allow custom PHP setting and changing PHP limits on client request.

WA blocks all outgoing connections to remote servers by default, and we do not allow plugin/them that require time to time outgoing connections, Auto site builders, plugins which fetch/scrape data from other sites.

It seems that your plugin imports/bulk imports products, synchronizes so it cannot be allowed as per our policy."

So this just won't work with WA hosting...

Oh...thanks for sharing your case.

Without product images showed up, it's USELESS to use with WA hosting. Maybe I will send feedback to Kyle regarding this issue.
Otherwise, WA hosting features in here is not useful at all: unable to customize features, unable to...

I purchased Prosociate 2.0 for three main reasons:
1. Recommended from Mike Johnson, the "no BS" & trusted Internet marketer. Every product he recommends, I buy. He stands strong behind this product.
2. From the same owner of WP Zon Builder.
3. It works really well when fetching Amazon products & almost everything can be automated.

Thanks Vuong! Yes, it would be great if WA hosting would accommodate automation plugins! Especially as it applies to Affiliate Marketing!
Cheers my friend,

I used Amazon widget supplied by Amazon and they worked just fine. You can also link Amazon link to your post directly, no need for additional plugins

Thanks Gordi! My problem is I am not interested in Widget ads ... I am looking to populate a "Marketplace" page with 100+ ads. Was hoping this could be done with a little automation!

WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates is a very nice one.

Hey Lambros! Are you using this plugin on WA hosting with success?
Thanks, Joe

Why not just use Amazon Widgits? They work very well and should be not be a problem with WA as Amazon hosts them. If you take a look at one of my pages, you will see I added Amazon books using their widgits. Other products would be the same. They are on the right side of this page http://www.dsconrad.com/genealogy/the-planters.html

Thanks Dave! Will check it out...
Enjoy the weekend.

No problem, Joe. If you are an Amazon affiliate, the widgets are available to you. Choose a product and they will give you the code. Simply paste that code where you want the ad to show. Remember that it will have to be uploaded and live in order to show the advertised product properly. Regards

Thanks Dave. Problem is I am not looking for a widget ad. I'm looking to do a "Marketplace" page with 100+ products for a specific niche...

You could use the amazon shop itself, customize to your website. Take a look at my amazon shops here:

Thanks Giludi! I will definitely check it out...

Great looking site! What theme are you using?
Thanks, Joe

Im not sure what you are looking for exactly, but if you have an affiliate account established with amazon already, you should be able to get links for products of your choosing, then insert them manually into your posts/pages. Does that help?

Yes it does Joe thanks ... guess I'm getting lazy and was looking for some automation LOL!

I would have thought so. Craig (labman) just informed me that my Amazon ads are coming up blank on his computer and I set them up exactly as I have learned here and from Amazon.

I have been told that his ad blocker keeps them from appearing.
Don - www.timberghostlabs.com tell if they do for you.

I watched the video Craig sent me and I responded. Just waiting for another bit of info.

Hey Don ... nice site. Your Title needs to be darker though.

I see your ads OK on Safari...


Thanks. I've been told more and more about the color. Guess majority rules. I will change it.
Thank you!

I see the Leash and an e-collar with the ad blocker. Without it, I see two additional ones for the Tritronics and Sport Dog collar.

Figures...30' training lead and e-collar are not from Amazon.
Doesn't matter now. I think I have to start all over. Gonna give it a rest and see if Kyle or wordpress get back to me.

Hey Don:
Your ads look OK to me!

Of the few I have tried, none really worked and some even hurt the rankings of my site. I would avoid them.

Try using the techniques I outline here. https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/amazon-links-adding-and-editing-your-amazon-links

Thanks Craig for a good honest answer! I will most definitely review your training ... actually I should have searched for that first before asking!

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