About forsthomas
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Hello, I´m Thomas, from Sweden. I´ve had bad times, for the last 6-7 years my/our family economy had been a disaster. I had a Company, met some





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hello my dear WA friends, now I have had my Baccarat site for about 7 month and I would really appreciate if I could have some reflections about it, I have made some Changes and

Have you tried white background? Just to see what it would look like? I think it would make reading much easier. I agree with other comments about too many colors. Good writing.

I would like to make a couple comments. Honestly I think your site is too dark. Using the black background with multi-color fonts makes it hard to read for me. You may want to consider changing your color scheme to something a little more simpler for your readers to get the information they are after. Remember some people are colorblind and may have major issues reading the multi-colors.

Secondly, your site is focused on baccarat then you have a lone page for WA. Promoting WA is a great idea, BUT I would promote WA on a site solely for WA. That way people wont look at your site right off and say he is just trying to make money off of us. He is trying to help us.

Hi Thomas. All good comments below about the design and appearance. But good content!

Hi Thomas. I think that the gist of all comments below point to a design issue on your site. None of us are born with graphic design and layout skills, but if folks are commenting negatively on your chosen design, perhaps you should look at another niche related WP theme. By doing this, the layout, colors and fonts would have produced by a theme designer.

Remember, people mustn't have ANY negative issues as they land on your page as Trialynn remarks below.

Keeping it simple and easy to read is usually the best outcome. We are all our own masters of design!

I see you got some great suggestions. You are going in the right direction, but I agree with too much on the front page and difficult to read
This was posted a few days ago and these videos are very helpful. It is a version of Jay's hot seat that he does sometimes on Friday's Wabiners (Live Video Classes.) I learned a lot from these videos and I re-watch Jay's Hot Seats and always learn from suggestions on others sites on what to do and what not to do.

I have now changed abit, it´s more what I call "Lady" it´s Pink fonts, much better I hope and more sexxxxy ;)


Hi Thomas. Don't want to be negative but as already been stated - site needs an urgent overhaul. Current colour actually makes it unreadable. I don't know whether you have been tracking your bounce rate at all but I imagine it is quite high. The font is also far too small.

I did read a post - be careful of your use of capital letters. They are all over the place and are distracting - eg the word 'casino' doesn't require a capital letter unless it's at the beginning of a sentence.

Your post "Asian Casino Hotel" - needs more information. You really need to offer your readers 'value' and you're not doing it in this post. Personally I wouldn't just say "He told me to just write a bit about it on my Baccarat site and now I did" - There's so much more you could tell people (even if you haven't visited it yourself). :) Beverley

Hi BIS thanks for your reflections, about that with Asian hotel I was in a bad shape physically when I wrote that one, I just felt I needed to write something and he had just told me this on FB so I didn´t have more to write in that moment, but when he get to me next time I shall put in some pics from this hotel, there this HUGE casino is :)
And I also want to make those capital letter here and there to make people to see just that Word, it´s just that and it has nothing with a grammating thing :)
best regards

Hello Tom. I took a quick look at your site and the main things I would do is change the colours and make the font a bit bigger. The site looks a bit cluttered anyway with its three columns and looooong tabs and the red on black isn't easy to read. But since you want to keep the red, make the font a bit bigger. And I would definitely take out the blue colour completely.

I personally would also have a static home page telling people what they can find on your site so that they can quickly see what you offer. At the moment, what they see when they come to your site depends on the headline of your last blog post, and if that were to say 'Asian Casino Hotel' I would immediately click away thinking (as Trialynn did) that I had come to a travel site.

I do like your writing style, and, just like Andy nomda ploom I love the content. I will read some more when I have time and give you feedback on where you can improve the English.

Take care.

At first I thought it was a city, this Baccarat, then I saw a price of 299 then I had to search for what it was. This took me probably about 15 seconds - not long?
It is recommended that a customer be able to do 3 thing in less than 3 seconds
1. What is it about? Baccarat
2, What is it talking about? How to make money
3. What do I get? A chance to make money

If you can get this across to your customer in 5 seconds or less, you will probably keep him 3 seconds is much better.

I could not figure out what you were suggesting I do except buy something for 299.

Just something to think about! This is not my opinion, it is what I learned in school. Please do as you wish with this information.

I´m not really sure about what you mean about "city", it´s a site to learn people more about The game Baccarat and how it works and I don´t Think people who go to my site looking for Another thing that gambling and aspecielly looking for more info about Baccarat, so I understand that, if you don´t know anything about gambling and Baccarat you have hard to see what it is about :)
Best regards

You are correct, I have no idea about gambling, except the very popular ones here in the US. Like Poker, Blackjack, Horse and Dog Racing. Have been to Las Vegas, but only used the one armed bandits!

Then you should try my Baccarat system next time you go to Las Vegas ;)
Have a great week

Have you tried it? Does it really work? Even for gambling dummies? What games is it made to work on? I can't believe you have me asking about gambling! Have a wonderful week!

Ha ha :D It´s only work on The game called Baccarat or in Europé called Punto Banco, That´s the game James Bond playing in one of his first Movies. It´s a game hard to understand but with my system even a newbie can use it it´s very simple.
You could if you want read more about the game on my, My CITY ... I ment my Baccarat site ;)
Have a nice day
Now I have to go out for a while

love the content, love you too, Thomas, but you knew that!

Red/green combo is not good in my view:
red/green colour blindness is the most common ( I think )
It is a little difficult to see clearly...

Otherwise, all good!


ok I understand that about Red and green, but I wanted a Black background and then I wanted the sexy color RED ;)
So that´s why it is like it is, but I´ll see what I can do about that.


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My Baccarat site after 7 month

My Baccarat site after 7 month

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hello my dear WA friends, now I have had my Baccarat site for about 7 month and I would really appreciate if I could have some reflections about it, I have made some Changes and

Have you tried white background? Just to see what it would look like? I think it would make reading much easier. I agree with other comments about too many colors. Good writing.

I would like to make a couple comments. Honestly I think your site is too dark. Using the black background with multi-color fonts makes it hard to read for me. You may want to consider changing your color scheme to something a little more simpler for your readers to get the information they are after. Remember some people are colorblind and may have major issues reading the multi-colors.

Secondly, your site is focused on baccarat then you have a lone page for WA. Promoting WA is a great idea, BUT I would promote WA on a site solely for WA. That way people wont look at your site right off and say he is just trying to make money off of us. He is trying to help us.

Hi Thomas. All good comments below about the design and appearance. But good content!

Hi Thomas. I think that the gist of all comments below point to a design issue on your site. None of us are born with graphic design and layout skills, but if folks are commenting negatively on your chosen design, perhaps you should look at another niche related WP theme. By doing this, the layout, colors and fonts would have produced by a theme designer.

Remember, people mustn't have ANY negative issues as they land on your page as Trialynn remarks below.

Keeping it simple and easy to read is usually the best outcome. We are all our own masters of design!

I see you got some great suggestions. You are going in the right direction, but I agree with too much on the front page and difficult to read
This was posted a few days ago and these videos are very helpful. It is a version of Jay's hot seat that he does sometimes on Friday's Wabiners (Live Video Classes.) I learned a lot from these videos and I re-watch Jay's Hot Seats and always learn from suggestions on others sites on what to do and what not to do.

I have now changed abit, it´s more what I call "Lady" it´s Pink fonts, much better I hope and more sexxxxy ;)


Hi Thomas. Don't want to be negative but as already been stated - site needs an urgent overhaul. Current colour actually makes it unreadable. I don't know whether you have been tracking your bounce rate at all but I imagine it is quite high. The font is also far too small.

I did read a post - be careful of your use of capital letters. They are all over the place and are distracting - eg the word 'casino' doesn't require a capital letter unless it's at the beginning of a sentence.

Your post "Asian Casino Hotel" - needs more information. You really need to offer your readers 'value' and you're not doing it in this post. Personally I wouldn't just say "He told me to just write a bit about it on my Baccarat site and now I did" - There's so much more you could tell people (even if you haven't visited it yourself). :) Beverley

Hi BIS thanks for your reflections, about that with Asian hotel I was in a bad shape physically when I wrote that one, I just felt I needed to write something and he had just told me this on FB so I didn´t have more to write in that moment, but when he get to me next time I shall put in some pics from this hotel, there this HUGE casino is :)
And I also want to make those capital letter here and there to make people to see just that Word, it´s just that and it has nothing with a grammating thing :)
best regards

Hello Tom. I took a quick look at your site and the main things I would do is change the colours and make the font a bit bigger. The site looks a bit cluttered anyway with its three columns and looooong tabs and the red on black isn't easy to read. But since you want to keep the red, make the font a bit bigger. And I would definitely take out the blue colour completely.

I personally would also have a static home page telling people what they can find on your site so that they can quickly see what you offer. At the moment, what they see when they come to your site depends on the headline of your last blog post, and if that were to say 'Asian Casino Hotel' I would immediately click away thinking (as Trialynn did) that I had come to a travel site.

I do like your writing style, and, just like Andy nomda ploom I love the content. I will read some more when I have time and give you feedback on where you can improve the English.

Take care.

At first I thought it was a city, this Baccarat, then I saw a price of 299 then I had to search for what it was. This took me probably about 15 seconds - not long?
It is recommended that a customer be able to do 3 thing in less than 3 seconds
1. What is it about? Baccarat
2, What is it talking about? How to make money
3. What do I get? A chance to make money

If you can get this across to your customer in 5 seconds or less, you will probably keep him 3 seconds is much better.

I could not figure out what you were suggesting I do except buy something for 299.

Just something to think about! This is not my opinion, it is what I learned in school. Please do as you wish with this information.

I´m not really sure about what you mean about "city", it´s a site to learn people more about The game Baccarat and how it works and I don´t Think people who go to my site looking for Another thing that gambling and aspecielly looking for more info about Baccarat, so I understand that, if you don´t know anything about gambling and Baccarat you have hard to see what it is about :)
Best regards

You are correct, I have no idea about gambling, except the very popular ones here in the US. Like Poker, Blackjack, Horse and Dog Racing. Have been to Las Vegas, but only used the one armed bandits!

Then you should try my Baccarat system next time you go to Las Vegas ;)
Have a great week

Have you tried it? Does it really work? Even for gambling dummies? What games is it made to work on? I can't believe you have me asking about gambling! Have a wonderful week!

Ha ha :D It´s only work on The game called Baccarat or in Europé called Punto Banco, That´s the game James Bond playing in one of his first Movies. It´s a game hard to understand but with my system even a newbie can use it it´s very simple.
You could if you want read more about the game on my, My CITY ... I ment my Baccarat site ;)
Have a nice day
Now I have to go out for a while

love the content, love you too, Thomas, but you knew that!

Red/green combo is not good in my view:
red/green colour blindness is the most common ( I think )
It is a little difficult to see clearly...

Otherwise, all good!


ok I understand that about Red and green, but I wanted a Black background and then I wanted the sexy color RED ;)
So that´s why it is like it is, but I´ll see what I can do about that.


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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey my dear friends here at WA, could some of you please check out if my
Paypal button works on my website http://keytobaccarat.com/
And make a reply here

Already tested. Good Luck.

Thanks Georama :)

Hi Thomas.....worked for me!!

Thanks ;)

Yep! Sure does!

Thanks for testing KD ;)

Yes, works fine for me too.

Thank you Granny ;)

Thanks guys for checking this out :)

Yes, it's working for me as well.

yes it does- can I have a refund?
Cash is fine, thanks Thomas :-)

If you lose I give a Money Bacc. guarantee, But I want to be with you when betting :)

Hi, yes the button opened up to the paypal page for Ron B System.

Thank you Digger, when I opened it my self it Went to my email adress so I wasn´t sure ;)

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Help checking out Paypal button :)

Help checking out Paypal button :)

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hey my dear friends here at WA, could some of you please check out if my
Paypal button works on my website http://keytobaccarat.com/
And make a reply here

Already tested. Good Luck.

Thanks Georama :)

Hi Thomas.....worked for me!!

Thanks ;)

Yep! Sure does!

Thanks for testing KD ;)

Yes, works fine for me too.

Thank you Granny ;)

Thanks guys for checking this out :)

Yes, it's working for me as well.

yes it does- can I have a refund?
Cash is fine, thanks Thomas :-)

If you lose I give a Money Bacc. guarantee, But I want to be with you when betting :)

Hi, yes the button opened up to the paypal page for Ron B System.

Thank you Digger, when I opened it my self it Went to my email adress so I wasn´t sure ;)

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