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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Is there a tutorial on controlling widgets so they are not on all pages?

thank you for sharing it will be useful a bit further along for me

Happy you found a solution Sharon!

Thank you! Me too! Looks like a few other people were struggling with the same thing! Lots of help came this way and I am grateful! Just showing what this wonderful family is all about!

Thanks for the link!

Great answer Techhound :)

Hey Sharon,

There is a plugin from Wordpress.org called Widget Context. I haven't used it myself but here is the description from the plugin:

Widget Context allows you to show or hide widgets on certain sections of your site — front page, posts, pages, archives, search, etc. It also features section targeting by URLs (with wildcard support) for maximum flexibility.

And here is the link:

You could also do a search within your plugin section.

Best Regards,

Thank you! Did download the widget controller and will inactivate all widgets and then reinstall on the designated pages.

I really appreciate everyone's help and comments! That's the beauty of WA and the community.

Oh! Does widget-context work like a dream! Thank you so very much. The widget controller was a bit useless so deleted and used your suggestion. If this question comes up again - Please let everyone know that the widget-context is perfect! Thanks again for your help!!!

Yeah, I've heard good things about it! Glad it did what you needed.

Good stuff. Thanks!

Good answer from BlueDot! Thanks for asking the question!

Thanks for the support! Think I've got it under control with my widget controller that I just downloaded.

Glad you asked this, great information in this post.

You should have the option to make a POST full width. Does not work on pages though with most themes.

Did not work on my theme however; did download a widget controller so will inactivate the widgets and then activate on the designated pages. Thanks so much for your help John.

Not all themes support this.

Most themes if not all have an option to make a page full width, which removes the sidebar

I'm guessing she means selected Widgets for selected pages. Not either all Widgets or none.

Correct! Mine did not. Did download a widget controller so have things under control. Thank you for your help!

Hi - I think what you are meaning is that you don't want the side bar to show on all pages (widgets in the Sidebar) - To do this you need to set the page to full width i.e. - Pages,Select desired Page, Edit, Page Attributes, Template and drop down - change selection to Full width and Update - Colin

Beautiful Colin, thank you.

Hi Colin. I followed your instructions up to the page attributes and then I only had the option to choose parent. Looks like my 20-13 theme does not support what you instructed. However; did download a widget controller. I will make all the widgets inactive and then reload on the designated pages. Thank you so much for helping. I think this will help a lot of us newbies! :-)

I'm not completely certain, but I haven't found a way to do that. Not sure if it's possible. If someone else has done this, please share.

Thanks for sharing your experience! I have so many that they are going though the bottom of my webpages and it doesn't look very good! EEK! I could either add more content or delete some of the widgets. Don't want to do either so hope we can both learn if there is a way! :-)

Hi Lindsey! Just wanted to let you know that techhound gave me the link to the wordpress widget-context and it worked like a dream! Hope it will help you somewhere down the line. :-)

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Help with widgets

Help with widgets

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Is there a tutorial on controlling widgets so they are not on all pages?

thank you for sharing it will be useful a bit further along for me

Happy you found a solution Sharon!

Thank you! Me too! Looks like a few other people were struggling with the same thing! Lots of help came this way and I am grateful! Just showing what this wonderful family is all about!

Thanks for the link!

Great answer Techhound :)

Hey Sharon,

There is a plugin from Wordpress.org called Widget Context. I haven't used it myself but here is the description from the plugin:

Widget Context allows you to show or hide widgets on certain sections of your site — front page, posts, pages, archives, search, etc. It also features section targeting by URLs (with wildcard support) for maximum flexibility.

And here is the link:

You could also do a search within your plugin section.

Best Regards,

Thank you! Did download the widget controller and will inactivate all widgets and then reinstall on the designated pages.

I really appreciate everyone's help and comments! That's the beauty of WA and the community.

Oh! Does widget-context work like a dream! Thank you so very much. The widget controller was a bit useless so deleted and used your suggestion. If this question comes up again - Please let everyone know that the widget-context is perfect! Thanks again for your help!!!

Yeah, I've heard good things about it! Glad it did what you needed.

Good stuff. Thanks!

Good answer from BlueDot! Thanks for asking the question!

Thanks for the support! Think I've got it under control with my widget controller that I just downloaded.

Glad you asked this, great information in this post.

You should have the option to make a POST full width. Does not work on pages though with most themes.

Did not work on my theme however; did download a widget controller so will inactivate the widgets and then activate on the designated pages. Thanks so much for your help John.

Not all themes support this.

Most themes if not all have an option to make a page full width, which removes the sidebar

I'm guessing she means selected Widgets for selected pages. Not either all Widgets or none.

Correct! Mine did not. Did download a widget controller so have things under control. Thank you for your help!

Hi - I think what you are meaning is that you don't want the side bar to show on all pages (widgets in the Sidebar) - To do this you need to set the page to full width i.e. - Pages,Select desired Page, Edit, Page Attributes, Template and drop down - change selection to Full width and Update - Colin

Beautiful Colin, thank you.

Hi Colin. I followed your instructions up to the page attributes and then I only had the option to choose parent. Looks like my 20-13 theme does not support what you instructed. However; did download a widget controller. I will make all the widgets inactive and then reload on the designated pages. Thank you so much for helping. I think this will help a lot of us newbies! :-)

I'm not completely certain, but I haven't found a way to do that. Not sure if it's possible. If someone else has done this, please share.

Thanks for sharing your experience! I have so many that they are going though the bottom of my webpages and it doesn't look very good! EEK! I could either add more content or delete some of the widgets. Don't want to do either so hope we can both learn if there is a way! :-)

Hi Lindsey! Just wanted to let you know that techhound gave me the link to the wordpress widget-context and it worked like a dream! Hope it will help you somewhere down the line. :-)

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