About friendlybf
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I am a fighter at heart, always have been, until I got cancer. And my life just stopped. Those of you who would like to





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

If someone would like to move the hosting over to another provider but would like to stay a free member would they still have access to the great live video classes of Jay ? Wh

No you would not have the same access to premium member stuff you can move your site

Here is a snapshot

Here is the page directly from the WealthyAffiliate.com website that has the chart on it as well:


Free members are very limited as to what they can get access to once they have passed their free trial. The wonderful video trainings and unlimited help will cease to exist. If the person has already gone premium, they cannot go back to free. This is my understanding.

If you are already a premium member you cannot go back to be a starter member ... Once you are premium then you are in for life here. If you stop paying they you don't get access until you pay the premium membership. If you want to move websites to be hosted elsewhere it's movable but you need to keep membership to be able to have access to your WA accounts.

Free members have access to plenty of Training in How to Build their Business, and lots of Support from experienced members of Wealthy Affiliate. You also get Two Free Websites! It's a great amount to get for Free-No Strings Attached!

Not sure why anyone stays as a free member. The value here is far superior to anything I have seen anywhere. The training and support is second to none. Go premium

First of all.
Once you have been a premium member, you can not go back to free member.
You can only cancel your account, but then you don't have any access anymore.

New starter members have limited access.
You can see the details here:

So, no. A free member does not have access to the live video classes.

Great to hear from you Moritz :)Hope all is well

Hey Jozeph.
Great to hear from you, too.
I'm still here, working on my sites. :)
All is good.
But have many other things happening. That's why I sometimes don't have that much time for WA anymore.

Hope you stay safe over there. :)


I know the feeling my Friend, thanks :)

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What does a free member has access to ?

What does a free member has access to ?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

If someone would like to move the hosting over to another provider but would like to stay a free member would they still have access to the great live video classes of Jay ? Wh

No you would not have the same access to premium member stuff you can move your site

Here is a snapshot

Here is the page directly from the WealthyAffiliate.com website that has the chart on it as well:


Free members are very limited as to what they can get access to once they have passed their free trial. The wonderful video trainings and unlimited help will cease to exist. If the person has already gone premium, they cannot go back to free. This is my understanding.

If you are already a premium member you cannot go back to be a starter member ... Once you are premium then you are in for life here. If you stop paying they you don't get access until you pay the premium membership. If you want to move websites to be hosted elsewhere it's movable but you need to keep membership to be able to have access to your WA accounts.

Free members have access to plenty of Training in How to Build their Business, and lots of Support from experienced members of Wealthy Affiliate. You also get Two Free Websites! It's a great amount to get for Free-No Strings Attached!

Not sure why anyone stays as a free member. The value here is far superior to anything I have seen anywhere. The training and support is second to none. Go premium

First of all.
Once you have been a premium member, you can not go back to free member.
You can only cancel your account, but then you don't have any access anymore.

New starter members have limited access.
You can see the details here:

So, no. A free member does not have access to the live video classes.

Great to hear from you Moritz :)Hope all is well

Hey Jozeph.
Great to hear from you, too.
I'm still here, working on my sites. :)
All is good.
But have many other things happening. That's why I sometimes don't have that much time for WA anymore.

Hope you stay safe over there. :)


I know the feeling my Friend, thanks :)

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi everybody. In the past, I had multiple discussions with Kyle where he was trying to get me away from using WooCommerce, WooZone, any type of e-commerce store.

I have

Jason, an Ambassador here at WA done well with dropshipping. This is what he shared with me. I have done some research on Dropshipping and it sounds pretty good. You just have to find a manufacturer or wholesaler who is trust worthy.

I agree with Kyle and it makes sense. If you are only commencing your site, there's no point smothering it with retail products. Where is the incentive to buy? Stick to the tried and proven strategy of adding free VALUABLE and high quality content to offer credibility, get them to trust you and give them what they need. Then do a few product reviews on the content you created where you may have subtly mentioned a product. That's my plan. Hey, a few years ago I created a bedazzling site www.mindivine.com.au and it looks great...but did poorly. I didn't do enough to drive traffik to it and new nothing about internet marketing. Hey! with the knowledge I'm learning from WA I maybe able to breathe new life into. But for now, I'm focusing on a new niche site, and following the system recommended here.

This is a new term for me...!
This is good... I am learning lol
Smile ;)...!

Hi Nancy,
I was going to pursue that direction, but their are many items that make it complicated. One item that I am not sure about, you need to check with kyle, is the secure site certification. WA is a secure site, but will it allow your site to be https secure. Something to get cleared up first.
People are told not to trust the site if it is not secure.Especially with credit cards involved.
When you sell through an affiliate, you direct people to the secure site to buy the product. I am thinking you can't do that here, but I may be totally wrong. I just think that is eventually going to create problems. Just my 2 cents worth. I would like to know for sure myself.

a lot of members who want a e-commerce store use woo commerce

The drop shipping seems like it would really be tricky and cumbersome. But have not done my self. I wish you best success!

I agree with Kyle and it is something to really think about and as this will really help us here at WA knowing how you fared
with this e-commerce!
Thank you so much for your question!

You can use woocommerce on your website, but my recommendation is before you focus too much on what you are going to promote, is the audience you will be promoting it too. Get traffic first and don't try to do too much too early are you going to leave yourself with a website experience that feels like a giant sales page and does not offer much help to your audience.

I've decided to link my domain to WA and haven't started the site yet but will need a Woocommerce to sell my ebooks (as well as affiliate links). I can sell my own ebooks for more $$$ than via Amazon. So I'd be disappointed to discover it wasn't possible. Surely it is.

These are being done....a lot of people are doing this.
I'm sure you can find Success! Stories...

Thank you so much for responding that fast. I will go and dig

Others may respond but I know many. Kyle doesn't like the idea?
You're welcome!

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Will wa allow us to set up an e-commerce store ?

Will wa allow us to set up an e-commerce store ?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi everybody. In the past, I had multiple discussions with Kyle where he was trying to get me away from using WooCommerce, WooZone, any type of e-commerce store.

I have

Jason, an Ambassador here at WA done well with dropshipping. This is what he shared with me. I have done some research on Dropshipping and it sounds pretty good. You just have to find a manufacturer or wholesaler who is trust worthy.

I agree with Kyle and it makes sense. If you are only commencing your site, there's no point smothering it with retail products. Where is the incentive to buy? Stick to the tried and proven strategy of adding free VALUABLE and high quality content to offer credibility, get them to trust you and give them what they need. Then do a few product reviews on the content you created where you may have subtly mentioned a product. That's my plan. Hey, a few years ago I created a bedazzling site www.mindivine.com.au and it looks great...but did poorly. I didn't do enough to drive traffik to it and new nothing about internet marketing. Hey! with the knowledge I'm learning from WA I maybe able to breathe new life into. But for now, I'm focusing on a new niche site, and following the system recommended here.

This is a new term for me...!
This is good... I am learning lol
Smile ;)...!

Hi Nancy,
I was going to pursue that direction, but their are many items that make it complicated. One item that I am not sure about, you need to check with kyle, is the secure site certification. WA is a secure site, but will it allow your site to be https secure. Something to get cleared up first.
People are told not to trust the site if it is not secure.Especially with credit cards involved.
When you sell through an affiliate, you direct people to the secure site to buy the product. I am thinking you can't do that here, but I may be totally wrong. I just think that is eventually going to create problems. Just my 2 cents worth. I would like to know for sure myself.

a lot of members who want a e-commerce store use woo commerce

The drop shipping seems like it would really be tricky and cumbersome. But have not done my self. I wish you best success!

I agree with Kyle and it is something to really think about and as this will really help us here at WA knowing how you fared
with this e-commerce!
Thank you so much for your question!

You can use woocommerce on your website, but my recommendation is before you focus too much on what you are going to promote, is the audience you will be promoting it too. Get traffic first and don't try to do too much too early are you going to leave yourself with a website experience that feels like a giant sales page and does not offer much help to your audience.

I've decided to link my domain to WA and haven't started the site yet but will need a Woocommerce to sell my ebooks (as well as affiliate links). I can sell my own ebooks for more $$$ than via Amazon. So I'd be disappointed to discover it wasn't possible. Surely it is.

These are being done....a lot of people are doing this.
I'm sure you can find Success! Stories...

Thank you so much for responding that fast. I will go and dig

Others may respond but I know many. Kyle doesn't like the idea?
You're welcome!

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asked in
Getting Started

Brussels has been hit by terrorist attacks, including Brussels National Airport. Belgium is in total lockdown, phones can not be used, no transport ... I would appreciate your

thanks for the news. ARRRGGH - I hate the news:-(

Said, and condolences to the citizens of Belgium, particularly those who have lost loved ones in this latest outrage by murderous thugs who glory in the indiscriminate taking of life of innocent men, women, and children.

I'm just waking up for the day and haven't heard the news.
This is awful!

OMG this is terrible! I immediately turned on the news! My thoughts are with the people of Belgium

Of course! I just saw this as I logged in! Prayers being sent up as I type!!

Will do, we are living in troubled times. Prayers to all that are affected.

absolutely joining your prayers... please keep us updated as such news often gets filtered in my part of the world.

Will do. Thank you for your prayers


Fellow Belgian here! Crazy things happening. Praying for the families and all people involved!


I am in Leuven (Belgium) and I hear and see police vehicles everywhere, did not know what was happening until I saw this post.

We all look like fortified cities here. It is a site that we are not used to here.

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May I ask for prayers for belgium ?

May I ask for prayers for belgium ?

asked in
Getting Started

Brussels has been hit by terrorist attacks, including Brussels National Airport. Belgium is in total lockdown, phones can not be used, no transport ... I would appreciate your

thanks for the news. ARRRGGH - I hate the news:-(

Said, and condolences to the citizens of Belgium, particularly those who have lost loved ones in this latest outrage by murderous thugs who glory in the indiscriminate taking of life of innocent men, women, and children.

I'm just waking up for the day and haven't heard the news.
This is awful!

OMG this is terrible! I immediately turned on the news! My thoughts are with the people of Belgium

Of course! I just saw this as I logged in! Prayers being sent up as I type!!

Will do, we are living in troubled times. Prayers to all that are affected.

absolutely joining your prayers... please keep us updated as such news often gets filtered in my part of the world.

Will do. Thank you for your prayers


Fellow Belgian here! Crazy things happening. Praying for the families and all people involved!


I am in Leuven (Belgium) and I hear and see police vehicles everywhere, did not know what was happening until I saw this post.

We all look like fortified cities here. It is a site that we are not used to here.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

At the moment, I have one wordpress account and a particular set of plugins. My question is; if I would have a second wordpress account, how would I go about it to use the same

If you have bought rights to a plugin, typically this will allow you to use it on several sites but some plugins will have rules on multi-site licensing.

You simply need to go to your other site and install the plugins the same way , each site is its own entity and it will come with certain basic plugins such as the all in one SEO

I have paid plugins, I am not concerned about the free ones but I do have a couple that I paid for.

I would send off an email to WordPress

hope it all goes smoothly

Thanks Katie, will let you know when I come to it !

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Can I copy my wordpress plugins to another wordpress acc ?

Can I copy my wordpress plugins to another wordpress acc ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

At the moment, I have one wordpress account and a particular set of plugins. My question is; if I would have a second wordpress account, how would I go about it to use the same

If you have bought rights to a plugin, typically this will allow you to use it on several sites but some plugins will have rules on multi-site licensing.

You simply need to go to your other site and install the plugins the same way , each site is its own entity and it will come with certain basic plugins such as the all in one SEO

I have paid plugins, I am not concerned about the free ones but I do have a couple that I paid for.

I would send off an email to WordPress

hope it all goes smoothly

Thanks Katie, will let you know when I come to it !

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I am using the Zerif Lite theme which has a specific landing page and it does lists some posts at the bottom but I want one button on that landing page to go to another page th

Nancy - tclough is correct, but I would like to add something. If you go into your menus and create a new page and call it my blog roll. Just the title, no content. Then follow the process tclough mentioned. Select the page you just made called My blog roll, with no content in it as your blog roll, then publish. After that every blog you publish will end up there.

There is another thing I do called menu stacking. I have two types of blogs and I want to keep them separate and in chronological order. I have training blogs and success stories. I made a menu category for each. Then in menus you can stack anything you want by dragging your menu item slightly to the right under any category you like. When you do this it shows up as a drop down menu under the category you chose.

To add a new blog to the list, in menus under custom links copy and paste the permalink from the top of your blog post where it shows URL, then put your title in the second box. Click add to menu. At this point there is a menu that gives you the choices you can pick. Don't pick save, choose the option that says save link or permalink. If you don't do that part correctly the links won't work on your site. Just publish and you're done. Once you do it, it's a lot easier than it sounds. Dave

Thanks very much Dave ! What is your website ? I wouldn't mind having a look ? Thanks.

If you click on anyone's profile picture it automatically goes to their profile. Sites they have built are listed there. I currently have two sites started. The first is OnlineNicheBuilder.com - about WA stuff. The second is VisitTomorrowland.com - my new site about the effect of shifting technology in our future. Dave

This might do what you want Nancy.

Go to Appearance -> Customize on the WordPress dashboard.

Then click on Static Front Page.

Where it says Front Page Displays: Click the "A Static Page button

Then select your current home page for the Front Page and your blog roll page for the Posts page.

Hope that helps,

I am using the Zerif Lite theme and I have the landing page that appears first and it does mention a couple of posts but what I want is the landing page and an automatic blog roll. When I go to the customisation tab and select a static page, it doesn't show the landing page as such because it is no page I created myself, it is the landing page the theme is using
My url is fightagainstidentitythefts.com. I am not quite sure on how to do this ? Maybe it is me not grasping something really simple .... LOL

If your blogs are currently showing up on your home page, create an separate page called Blog or whatever and assign your blogs to that page and follow the steps Tom outlined to create a static page for your landing page.

Alright, thanks Laura. Will try it like that and let you all know the result.

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How do I make an extra blog roll on my site ?

How do I make an extra blog roll on my site ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I am using the Zerif Lite theme which has a specific landing page and it does lists some posts at the bottom but I want one button on that landing page to go to another page th

Nancy - tclough is correct, but I would like to add something. If you go into your menus and create a new page and call it my blog roll. Just the title, no content. Then follow the process tclough mentioned. Select the page you just made called My blog roll, with no content in it as your blog roll, then publish. After that every blog you publish will end up there.

There is another thing I do called menu stacking. I have two types of blogs and I want to keep them separate and in chronological order. I have training blogs and success stories. I made a menu category for each. Then in menus you can stack anything you want by dragging your menu item slightly to the right under any category you like. When you do this it shows up as a drop down menu under the category you chose.

To add a new blog to the list, in menus under custom links copy and paste the permalink from the top of your blog post where it shows URL, then put your title in the second box. Click add to menu. At this point there is a menu that gives you the choices you can pick. Don't pick save, choose the option that says save link or permalink. If you don't do that part correctly the links won't work on your site. Just publish and you're done. Once you do it, it's a lot easier than it sounds. Dave

Thanks very much Dave ! What is your website ? I wouldn't mind having a look ? Thanks.

If you click on anyone's profile picture it automatically goes to their profile. Sites they have built are listed there. I currently have two sites started. The first is OnlineNicheBuilder.com - about WA stuff. The second is VisitTomorrowland.com - my new site about the effect of shifting technology in our future. Dave

This might do what you want Nancy.

Go to Appearance -> Customize on the WordPress dashboard.

Then click on Static Front Page.

Where it says Front Page Displays: Click the "A Static Page button

Then select your current home page for the Front Page and your blog roll page for the Posts page.

Hope that helps,

I am using the Zerif Lite theme and I have the landing page that appears first and it does mention a couple of posts but what I want is the landing page and an automatic blog roll. When I go to the customisation tab and select a static page, it doesn't show the landing page as such because it is no page I created myself, it is the landing page the theme is using
My url is fightagainstidentitythefts.com. I am not quite sure on how to do this ? Maybe it is me not grasping something really simple .... LOL

If your blogs are currently showing up on your home page, create an separate page called Blog or whatever and assign your blogs to that page and follow the steps Tom outlined to create a static page for your landing page.

Alright, thanks Laura. Will try it like that and let you all know the result.

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