About BrendanB1
Rank 7467
1,040 followers Joined April 2017
Hi, Brendan from beautiful South East Queensland Australia. After 20 successful years in the Mining Industry, recently married and our first child on the





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asked in
Getting Started

I am currently sitting on the pool deck watching my sons swimming lesson.

My regular Saturday morning routine involves family activities and is generally the time of th

I continue on with my DMO :)

Thanks Chris, good luck with it.

Saturday mornings vary. At times I'm having Dim Sum with friends, other times up and working, and some times after a late gig sleeping in!

It's never consistent, but its always my time.

Kaju, given your career I fully understand how your weekends would not be consistent.

For us, Sundays are when we have Yum Cha (Dim Sum), but my wife is Chinese so we eat at a variety of asian restaurants regularly.

Same here. I know what those weekend mornings are like.
My ex-wife was Chinese, every Saturday dim sum in NYC Chinatown both of us with her father..

Now my"new" girlfriend is from Taiwan, and we also frequent various Asian restaurants around town.

I actually met my wife in a Chinese restaurant, her Aunt and Uncle ran the place and I would frequent it regularly on a Friday night.

Usually reading various books, newspapers and some work on WA

Nice Pablo, have a wonderful weekend.

I, too, find Saturdays to be just like every other day. I spend every morning going through my notifications and reading these questions and posts. I did that this morning, and now I am doing it again in the afternoon. If I don't, they pile up horribly.

Unfortunately true Zuell, if we don't stay on top of them they build up so quickly.... Have a great weekend, and I hope you find some quite time for yourself.

Since I don't have a 9 to 5 job, weekends are just like weekdays for me. Most of my friends work full time jobs, so the majority of my social engagements are on the weekends along with any volunteer work I may be doing. It's nice not to have to scramble to run errands, do laundry and such all on Saturday.

Since tomorrow is supposed to be nasty weather in New York, I'll be cleaning up on my site and catching up on some shows on Netflix.

Being self-employed myself Veronica, I understand fully. Stay safe during your "Nasty Weather" tomorrow and have a wonderful weekend. :)

Thanks, Brendan! You do the same!

my Saturday mornings are spent at the horse farm going riding.

Love it Karin, enjoy your ride :)

My Saturdays are normally just as busy as the rest of the week. Mornings are focused around my children, and by afternoon I am back to studying. Of course I have to take frequent breaks to keep the kids busy or to clean up their messes with them. Overall, no differences in the day for me yet.

Hi Vanessa, I do understand. I hope you get some quiet time for yourself this weekend.

Seeing you can't put a photo in a question I've attached it here

I used to deem weekends as a time to unwind yourself, get away from anything that is associated with WORK. But now, my work is my happiness. What I'm working on is something that gives me the contentment. So yeah, you're right. The weekend is also the time to work on the websites. Have a nice weekend, Brendan. :)

Thanks Aldinez, I like your goal. It gives you a lot of flexibility around what you are doing :)

Emails and watching Jay's webinars :)

Love it Carol, sounds like you have your mornings planned out.

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How do you spend your saturday mornings?

How do you spend your saturday mornings?

asked in
Getting Started

I am currently sitting on the pool deck watching my sons swimming lesson.

My regular Saturday morning routine involves family activities and is generally the time of th

I continue on with my DMO :)

Thanks Chris, good luck with it.

Saturday mornings vary. At times I'm having Dim Sum with friends, other times up and working, and some times after a late gig sleeping in!

It's never consistent, but its always my time.

Kaju, given your career I fully understand how your weekends would not be consistent.

For us, Sundays are when we have Yum Cha (Dim Sum), but my wife is Chinese so we eat at a variety of asian restaurants regularly.

Same here. I know what those weekend mornings are like.
My ex-wife was Chinese, every Saturday dim sum in NYC Chinatown both of us with her father..

Now my"new" girlfriend is from Taiwan, and we also frequent various Asian restaurants around town.

I actually met my wife in a Chinese restaurant, her Aunt and Uncle ran the place and I would frequent it regularly on a Friday night.

Usually reading various books, newspapers and some work on WA

Nice Pablo, have a wonderful weekend.

I, too, find Saturdays to be just like every other day. I spend every morning going through my notifications and reading these questions and posts. I did that this morning, and now I am doing it again in the afternoon. If I don't, they pile up horribly.

Unfortunately true Zuell, if we don't stay on top of them they build up so quickly.... Have a great weekend, and I hope you find some quite time for yourself.

Since I don't have a 9 to 5 job, weekends are just like weekdays for me. Most of my friends work full time jobs, so the majority of my social engagements are on the weekends along with any volunteer work I may be doing. It's nice not to have to scramble to run errands, do laundry and such all on Saturday.

Since tomorrow is supposed to be nasty weather in New York, I'll be cleaning up on my site and catching up on some shows on Netflix.

Being self-employed myself Veronica, I understand fully. Stay safe during your "Nasty Weather" tomorrow and have a wonderful weekend. :)

Thanks, Brendan! You do the same!

my Saturday mornings are spent at the horse farm going riding.

Love it Karin, enjoy your ride :)

My Saturdays are normally just as busy as the rest of the week. Mornings are focused around my children, and by afternoon I am back to studying. Of course I have to take frequent breaks to keep the kids busy or to clean up their messes with them. Overall, no differences in the day for me yet.

Hi Vanessa, I do understand. I hope you get some quiet time for yourself this weekend.

Seeing you can't put a photo in a question I've attached it here

I used to deem weekends as a time to unwind yourself, get away from anything that is associated with WORK. But now, my work is my happiness. What I'm working on is something that gives me the contentment. So yeah, you're right. The weekend is also the time to work on the websites. Have a nice weekend, Brendan. :)

Thanks Aldinez, I like your goal. It gives you a lot of flexibility around what you are doing :)

Emails and watching Jay's webinars :)

Love it Carol, sounds like you have your mornings planned out.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

There is a lot about the power of video, and google appears to put a bit of weight in their rankings for video. Social media has gone video crazy.

What I would like to

I find most video overwhelming, unless it's a good music video, or cute animal video, that's different. I think text is better because most people who make videos don't realize how much filler or time wasting is happening on their video. I think social media liked the novelty of video - but the novelty has worn off.

I don't have time to watch people hem or haw, or repeat themselves, or talk about themselves etc. Most of what I need to know I can read in a blog post.

Thank you Wendy, for you video is a release and text is for information. Great to have your input.

I actually really like both, and it depends on the situation! I'm a big reader and writer, so a really good post has the ability to touch my heart or get me thinking, but if I'm trying to learn how to do something, I learn best by watching, so videos are good in that aspect! :)

Thank you Terry, it is interesting how this is a personal choice. For me I learn best off text not video. It is amazing how our brains work to take in information.

How true!! :)

I agree with you, I like both. As others have mentioned, with video I do like it when a person gets to the point. Careful editing can make a video flow very well and also very effective. Since I'm learning both via text and video here at WA, I do like it when a video breaks up a long block of text in the courses. It's also a good cue for me to stop and take a break once the video ends... And I know right where to resume after my break :)

Again, the use of video or text totally depends on the situation...

Great point Jason, a lot comes down to how we learn. I like how you have built a process with your study through the courses.

I think a video is great, Especially for visualising the use of a product or how to do something. Success stories I also prefer to see on a video. Anyhow a video is a good supplement to the text, the posts contains the main content. A blog can never do without text information, that's my opinion.

Thank you Pernilla, I know when I am researching something if I find a site which only has video, I move on to the next.

You make a great point around the how to and success stories.

Hey Brendan,

That would depend on what info I'm looking for, how quickly I need the correct info, and for what it is for.

When faced with a new and major task, I have been known to read through some pretty lengthily articles, some offering great advice while others I dismissed for whatever reason.

Then there have been times when I'm in the middle of something more personal, like, say, cooking, and I want to know ... oooh, I don't know, let's say, how to blend something. That's when I may seek out a video ... "may" being the qualifier.

Hope that helps you.

Thanks Trish, I know that feeling some articles the author just has a writing style which makes it easy to read and others no matter how good the content is it's hard work reading.

It seams your preference for video is more around when you need visual instruction on a task or topic as opposed to general learning?

Not so Brendan, as I recently transferred content from two different websites into one new website and had to read several posts until I found two that I could trust. They were definitely instructional on a task and far from general learning.

Videos are nice ... if relevant ... but I tend to trust written instructions for technical tasks. And get this ... I'm a very visual learner ... go figure, right? :-))

Our brains work in interesting ways. :)

LOL, well stated Brendan! :-))

I prefer to read the post rather than watch a video. For me it never fails that I am somewhere researching and stumble upon a website with a video. I am in a setting that I am unable to watch, therefor I move onto the next website in hopes to find one that I can read instead. Video's seem so disturbing a lot of times as well, and I don't always have my headphones handy. Hope this helps!

Misty Hulsizer-

Understandable Misty. Video is not great in a lot of environments, my personal preference is even if there is a video to read the text first and then I will think about looking at the video. If there is no text, like you I will move on to the next website.

Hi! It depends, when i have to be in silence place like I do when I am at work when children sleep in the dark room, then I prefer written post. But when in train on my way back home then video or soundcloud. So I think both are good and the best is if you make video and write under that the main things that are important in this video. So you will have both. Thats my opinion :)

Ilona, so true our environment does play a big part in our preferences. I usually spend a bit of time in the car each day and will always have an audio book playing.

I like both. It all depends on what I am looking for. If the video is of quality and to the point it's fine but I don't like the sales pitches that go on and on about a subject, and takes them like 20 minutes to get to the actual "click here to buy" button.

I posted a question about that yesterday and most people say the same thing. Then again it's all a matter of personal preference, some people hate to read, while others don't want to watch a video. A good combination of both will most probably keep everybody happy. :)


Thanks Denis, going through the answers that personal preference is showing through in the responses.

I agree with your point about quality and getting to the point with video, but the same argument could be made about text where the writer just waffles on....

That is so true, I tend to skip to the "important part" of a text if it is too long!

I'm with you, Denis. If I can get both, I'll take it!

I personally prefer watching a video, while my wife prefers to read. I guess it all depends on the situation and where you may be at the moment. A video is not always convenient, sometimes reading can be done more discretely and quietly. Also with reading you it is easier to review the material multiple times,whereas a video is so quick at times things may be missed.
Videos are very helpful because some things are difficult to convey in writing and there is no better way to clarify 'how to' details than being able to see how it is done.
Sometimes people writing instructables leave out steps that they deem insignificant/ common sense without realizing that sometimes the person looking for instructions actually has no idea how to do what they are looking for instructions on. This is where a video would make a big difference because even if it is not written, it will be seen in the video.

Well said Matt, I hadn't thought about those unconscious actions we do which would be captured on video which may not make it into text.

Myself I learn better from text than video, as you said it is easier to go over a section multiple times until you understand it with text.

As Billy pointed out below, on the other side video will give you the nuances in the presenters voice which may not come across in text (unless they are a really good writer).

Both. If I need to learn a new skill, I'd prefer to watch a video tutorial. If I am in the mood to allow my imagination to run wild, there is nothing quite like enjoying the masterful skills of a great writer. So this depends on the content, and my mood Brendan.

Kaju, my view is similar both depending on my requirements. However I am the opposite in that if I am learning a new skill I prefer text.

The content...my mood...the alignment of the stars...whether it's high tide or low tide.... did I have cake that day...all of those elements play a factor!!!

Just a little Saturday morning silly, Kaju!

Thank you for your honesty Veronica, I hope it was a delicious cake :)

Trouble is with video that if it is professional then forget it as people have been sports with great quality and beautiful effects
I have a few video on Youtube for a year now and nothing really happens with them But many people do like this one -


Thanks Paul, I have heard a few people talking about how they get better engagement with a video they have shot on their phone over a professional done video.

I think people are either looking for realistic video's and often the professional video comes wooden and unrealistic.

All depends who produces it

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Would you prefer to watch a video or read a post?

Would you prefer to watch a video or read a post?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

There is a lot about the power of video, and google appears to put a bit of weight in their rankings for video. Social media has gone video crazy.

What I would like to

I find most video overwhelming, unless it's a good music video, or cute animal video, that's different. I think text is better because most people who make videos don't realize how much filler or time wasting is happening on their video. I think social media liked the novelty of video - but the novelty has worn off.

I don't have time to watch people hem or haw, or repeat themselves, or talk about themselves etc. Most of what I need to know I can read in a blog post.

Thank you Wendy, for you video is a release and text is for information. Great to have your input.

I actually really like both, and it depends on the situation! I'm a big reader and writer, so a really good post has the ability to touch my heart or get me thinking, but if I'm trying to learn how to do something, I learn best by watching, so videos are good in that aspect! :)

Thank you Terry, it is interesting how this is a personal choice. For me I learn best off text not video. It is amazing how our brains work to take in information.

How true!! :)

I agree with you, I like both. As others have mentioned, with video I do like it when a person gets to the point. Careful editing can make a video flow very well and also very effective. Since I'm learning both via text and video here at WA, I do like it when a video breaks up a long block of text in the courses. It's also a good cue for me to stop and take a break once the video ends... And I know right where to resume after my break :)

Again, the use of video or text totally depends on the situation...

Great point Jason, a lot comes down to how we learn. I like how you have built a process with your study through the courses.

I think a video is great, Especially for visualising the use of a product or how to do something. Success stories I also prefer to see on a video. Anyhow a video is a good supplement to the text, the posts contains the main content. A blog can never do without text information, that's my opinion.

Thank you Pernilla, I know when I am researching something if I find a site which only has video, I move on to the next.

You make a great point around the how to and success stories.

Hey Brendan,

That would depend on what info I'm looking for, how quickly I need the correct info, and for what it is for.

When faced with a new and major task, I have been known to read through some pretty lengthily articles, some offering great advice while others I dismissed for whatever reason.

Then there have been times when I'm in the middle of something more personal, like, say, cooking, and I want to know ... oooh, I don't know, let's say, how to blend something. That's when I may seek out a video ... "may" being the qualifier.

Hope that helps you.

Thanks Trish, I know that feeling some articles the author just has a writing style which makes it easy to read and others no matter how good the content is it's hard work reading.

It seams your preference for video is more around when you need visual instruction on a task or topic as opposed to general learning?

Not so Brendan, as I recently transferred content from two different websites into one new website and had to read several posts until I found two that I could trust. They were definitely instructional on a task and far from general learning.

Videos are nice ... if relevant ... but I tend to trust written instructions for technical tasks. And get this ... I'm a very visual learner ... go figure, right? :-))

Our brains work in interesting ways. :)

LOL, well stated Brendan! :-))

I prefer to read the post rather than watch a video. For me it never fails that I am somewhere researching and stumble upon a website with a video. I am in a setting that I am unable to watch, therefor I move onto the next website in hopes to find one that I can read instead. Video's seem so disturbing a lot of times as well, and I don't always have my headphones handy. Hope this helps!

Misty Hulsizer-

Understandable Misty. Video is not great in a lot of environments, my personal preference is even if there is a video to read the text first and then I will think about looking at the video. If there is no text, like you I will move on to the next website.

Hi! It depends, when i have to be in silence place like I do when I am at work when children sleep in the dark room, then I prefer written post. But when in train on my way back home then video or soundcloud. So I think both are good and the best is if you make video and write under that the main things that are important in this video. So you will have both. Thats my opinion :)

Ilona, so true our environment does play a big part in our preferences. I usually spend a bit of time in the car each day and will always have an audio book playing.

I like both. It all depends on what I am looking for. If the video is of quality and to the point it's fine but I don't like the sales pitches that go on and on about a subject, and takes them like 20 minutes to get to the actual "click here to buy" button.

I posted a question about that yesterday and most people say the same thing. Then again it's all a matter of personal preference, some people hate to read, while others don't want to watch a video. A good combination of both will most probably keep everybody happy. :)


Thanks Denis, going through the answers that personal preference is showing through in the responses.

I agree with your point about quality and getting to the point with video, but the same argument could be made about text where the writer just waffles on....

That is so true, I tend to skip to the "important part" of a text if it is too long!

I'm with you, Denis. If I can get both, I'll take it!

I personally prefer watching a video, while my wife prefers to read. I guess it all depends on the situation and where you may be at the moment. A video is not always convenient, sometimes reading can be done more discretely and quietly. Also with reading you it is easier to review the material multiple times,whereas a video is so quick at times things may be missed.
Videos are very helpful because some things are difficult to convey in writing and there is no better way to clarify 'how to' details than being able to see how it is done.
Sometimes people writing instructables leave out steps that they deem insignificant/ common sense without realizing that sometimes the person looking for instructions actually has no idea how to do what they are looking for instructions on. This is where a video would make a big difference because even if it is not written, it will be seen in the video.

Well said Matt, I hadn't thought about those unconscious actions we do which would be captured on video which may not make it into text.

Myself I learn better from text than video, as you said it is easier to go over a section multiple times until you understand it with text.

As Billy pointed out below, on the other side video will give you the nuances in the presenters voice which may not come across in text (unless they are a really good writer).

Both. If I need to learn a new skill, I'd prefer to watch a video tutorial. If I am in the mood to allow my imagination to run wild, there is nothing quite like enjoying the masterful skills of a great writer. So this depends on the content, and my mood Brendan.

Kaju, my view is similar both depending on my requirements. However I am the opposite in that if I am learning a new skill I prefer text.

The content...my mood...the alignment of the stars...whether it's high tide or low tide.... did I have cake that day...all of those elements play a factor!!!

Just a little Saturday morning silly, Kaju!

Thank you for your honesty Veronica, I hope it was a delicious cake :)

Trouble is with video that if it is professional then forget it as people have been sports with great quality and beautiful effects
I have a few video on Youtube for a year now and nothing really happens with them But many people do like this one -


Thanks Paul, I have heard a few people talking about how they get better engagement with a video they have shot on their phone over a professional done video.

I think people are either looking for realistic video's and often the professional video comes wooden and unrealistic.

All depends who produces it

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Facebook has just released a new feature where you can have a 20 to 90 sec video instead of your cover photo on your fan page.

Is this a feature you would use? Or Do you

I haven't heard of this but it sounds like something I will use. Just now working on a new FB account for my biz. A video would be cool to add.

Mark, it was only yesterday that I saw a friend comment on this feature and how he was excited about it and then when I logged into one of my pages there was a popup talking about the option.

I get the feeling that Facebook are only just rolling this feature out. I agree it could be cool, but as Roger points out below it could be a distraction. Only way to find out is to test it.

Yes, I really like this idea. I think it personalizes our business at a new level.

I am looking forward to doing this for my Facebook fan page.

Thank you for letting us know about this new feature!


Susan, let us know how you go when start testing the video. I don't know if this will be a feature which will benefit us or as Roger says below could be a distraction for our visitors.

I will keep you posted.

l won't use it because l think l have not an interesting voice

Fifi, that shouldn't stop you. I saw a statistic about how the majority of video's on Facebook are watched without the sound playing. For my initial tests, I am not going to put any sound with my video and the video is just going to be a slideshow of images.

I'm not that good at video .

Connie, for myself I am thinking about putting together a slide show of images as a video. It could be an interesting feature or as Roger mentions below it could be a distraction.


Thanks Davida, is this something you have tried or just you would use?

I haven't heard of this. If you are good on video this could be useful!

John, just saw it as an option myself today. I am thinking about a slide show of pictures may work as opposed to a full blow video. Something to test :)

It might be usable on a landing page or event page. On a regular static page though, I would not be interested in distracting the reader along with all of the added ads, and sundry additional distractions.

Roger, this is a new feature being released by Facebook for your fan page if you have one. You could well be right that it may be a distraction for any visitor to the page.

Yes, I do try to follow these things rather closely, (22 pages and groups so far for myself, and managed for clients). :-) The testing never ends.

So true, it always seems to be a never ending process of testing and measuring.

I vote for the photo. Most visitors' attention spans are very limited so they are more likely to glance and move on

Pablo, you could be right, but I am thinking that it may be worthwhile creating a slideshow as a video. That way could have a number of photos. Don't know will have to test and see what it looks like.

I hadn't thought of that. Sounds pretty good actually. Please let us know how it works out

Will do.

Thanks. Will look it up

Hi Kishore, don't know how long it has been available. Logged into one of my fan pages today and there was a popup saying the feature was available.

No, I think a static image is much more effective on the cover photo.

Hi Craig, I'm undecided if it would be a good thing or not. Will be interested to see if others have tried it and what there feedback is.

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Video or cover photo for your facebook fan page?

Video or cover photo for your facebook fan page?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Facebook has just released a new feature where you can have a 20 to 90 sec video instead of your cover photo on your fan page.

Is this a feature you would use? Or Do you

I haven't heard of this but it sounds like something I will use. Just now working on a new FB account for my biz. A video would be cool to add.

Mark, it was only yesterday that I saw a friend comment on this feature and how he was excited about it and then when I logged into one of my pages there was a popup talking about the option.

I get the feeling that Facebook are only just rolling this feature out. I agree it could be cool, but as Roger points out below it could be a distraction. Only way to find out is to test it.

Yes, I really like this idea. I think it personalizes our business at a new level.

I am looking forward to doing this for my Facebook fan page.

Thank you for letting us know about this new feature!


Susan, let us know how you go when start testing the video. I don't know if this will be a feature which will benefit us or as Roger says below could be a distraction for our visitors.

I will keep you posted.

l won't use it because l think l have not an interesting voice

Fifi, that shouldn't stop you. I saw a statistic about how the majority of video's on Facebook are watched without the sound playing. For my initial tests, I am not going to put any sound with my video and the video is just going to be a slideshow of images.

I'm not that good at video .

Connie, for myself I am thinking about putting together a slide show of images as a video. It could be an interesting feature or as Roger mentions below it could be a distraction.


Thanks Davida, is this something you have tried or just you would use?

I haven't heard of this. If you are good on video this could be useful!

John, just saw it as an option myself today. I am thinking about a slide show of pictures may work as opposed to a full blow video. Something to test :)

It might be usable on a landing page or event page. On a regular static page though, I would not be interested in distracting the reader along with all of the added ads, and sundry additional distractions.

Roger, this is a new feature being released by Facebook for your fan page if you have one. You could well be right that it may be a distraction for any visitor to the page.

Yes, I do try to follow these things rather closely, (22 pages and groups so far for myself, and managed for clients). :-) The testing never ends.

So true, it always seems to be a never ending process of testing and measuring.

I vote for the photo. Most visitors' attention spans are very limited so they are more likely to glance and move on

Pablo, you could be right, but I am thinking that it may be worthwhile creating a slideshow as a video. That way could have a number of photos. Don't know will have to test and see what it looks like.

I hadn't thought of that. Sounds pretty good actually. Please let us know how it works out

Will do.

Thanks. Will look it up

Hi Kishore, don't know how long it has been available. Logged into one of my fan pages today and there was a popup saying the feature was available.

No, I think a static image is much more effective on the cover photo.

Hi Craig, I'm undecided if it would be a good thing or not. Will be interested to see if others have tried it and what there feedback is.

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