About TheDummyOfWA
Rank 20534
1,433 followers Joined June 2017


I live in Winnipeg, Canada! I'm a mother of 5 kids! Three from birth, and two step-children, I consider my own! I





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I have been sending some ads out there to promote Wealthy Affiliate, and I was curious, in your opinion what affiliate link do you find most people sign up with if you get refe

Concur with those voting for a personal link.

Personalizing it makes it, well, more personal.

When I signed up to WA, the sign-up page I was directed to welcomed me with a personal message - Some comments that I was making a great decision and if I need any help to reach out..etc.

thanks for sharing.

Go with the personal link Terry..I would click on that before clicking on a generic link

Keep in mind every blog post and training here has an affiliate tab at the top. Click on that and it becomes YOUR affiliate link. So basically you can share anything,

Thank you Bruce!
I didn't know that. This is helpful.

The referral I got was through the custom link.

I like the starter link personally

I haven't tried it yet but what about the promo?

What promo are your referring to Mick?

I get a lot of bites when I post the main WA link on Twitter with a catchy line and nice photo to get attention.

None of them have signed up though...just lookers so far.

Can somebody help me understand about ads and how to promote wealthy affiliate, I am having trouble understanding how to go about this? Thank you

Hey Cindy,

Kyle covered this in Level 2 Lesson 10: Hope this helps you.

These affiliate plugins should energize your desired links of choice Terry! https://www.shoutmeloud.com/best-wordpress-affiliate-plugins.html

Thanks Mike! That site will come in handy! :) But I meant in the affiliate section of WA which link do members get more action with? Their main affiliate link to advertise WA, or a custom one they create from the affiliate section in WA? :)

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What affiliate link do you find works best in promoting wa?

What affiliate link do you find works best in promoting wa?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I have been sending some ads out there to promote Wealthy Affiliate, and I was curious, in your opinion what affiliate link do you find most people sign up with if you get refe

Concur with those voting for a personal link.

Personalizing it makes it, well, more personal.

When I signed up to WA, the sign-up page I was directed to welcomed me with a personal message - Some comments that I was making a great decision and if I need any help to reach out..etc.

thanks for sharing.

Go with the personal link Terry..I would click on that before clicking on a generic link

Keep in mind every blog post and training here has an affiliate tab at the top. Click on that and it becomes YOUR affiliate link. So basically you can share anything,

Thank you Bruce!
I didn't know that. This is helpful.

The referral I got was through the custom link.

I like the starter link personally

I haven't tried it yet but what about the promo?

What promo are your referring to Mick?

I get a lot of bites when I post the main WA link on Twitter with a catchy line and nice photo to get attention.

None of them have signed up though...just lookers so far.

Can somebody help me understand about ads and how to promote wealthy affiliate, I am having trouble understanding how to go about this? Thank you

Hey Cindy,

Kyle covered this in Level 2 Lesson 10: Hope this helps you.

These affiliate plugins should energize your desired links of choice Terry! https://www.shoutmeloud.com/best-wordpress-affiliate-plugins.html

Thanks Mike! That site will come in handy! :) But I meant in the affiliate section of WA which link do members get more action with? Their main affiliate link to advertise WA, or a custom one they create from the affiliate section in WA? :)

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asked in
Local Marketing

I'm an Amazon Affiliate as I know a lot of other members are here as well, and I read their rules a couple times, and couldn't really find the answer I was looking for in there

There is a lot to consider when you sign up as an affiliate. Be sure you read ALL the fine print. Laws and programs change. Years (and years) ago I was an Amazon affiliate - before they required the financial disclaimer. I also worked for a company who provided discounts to their retirees - as long as said retiree did not work for a direct competitor. There was a huge catch to that ruling; there was no way to verify who a retiree worked for. As the list of competitors and the quantity of retirees grew, the problem got bigger and bigger. If you need 3 guesses about what happened to the rule, go for it. :)

If you are freaking out about Amazon's rules, why be an affiliate? There are thousands of other companies that are looking for people to advertise for them. As was said in the training, you could make more money using one of the others instead of Amazon.

Ya that's true, I just thought I would give them a try because so many people buy from Amazon, until I actually started having family members wanting to buy from my site...then I freaked out...lol I'm going to switch to other affiliate sites!

You asked a really good question Terry, I thought that so long as the IP is different then Amazon won't know or won't mind, I did not think that the name would be relevant, what if you were Mrs. Smith? and then how many "smith's" are out there? will that mean that ALL the smith's cannot buy from your links? Are you all related? sounds too much!!
But IP addresses are recorded and THAT amazon remembers!

On the other hand, I would look at other Affiliate programs, more lucrative ones and less "strict" on this issue.


Ya, I decided to do that today as one of my goals! :)

Terry, If you want to remain an Amazon affiliate, do not let your family or friends make a purchase through your link.

Amazon algorithms never forget a connection.

In the past several years I have purchased only one item from Amazon. It was a digital item so no shipping was involved. However, every time I go onto Amazon and look at their products, I see a message that tells me whether or not they can ship to my area.

Also, the purchase I made was a Kindle link so I could read the digital item. Having made that purchase I am no longer entitled to commission if anyone purchases a kindle item though my affiliate link.

Oh wow! They're really strict!! But, my family and friends, and their friends always want to see my new blogs, it would be hard to make sure none of them make a sale! I just might not use them as an affiliate program then! Thanks so much for sharing, and your input! :)

You're welcome Terry. I would hate to think of you building a nice website that attracts visitors as well as your family, only to have your Amazon membership disqualified.

I agree it's probably not wise to use them. I suggest you have a look at Share-A-Sale, or depending on your niche there are many affiliate programs to research for quality items.

Thank you for your advice! :) I think I will look at Share-A-Sale and other ones! :)

I think that is a wise decision Terry.
All the best :)

Thank you! :)

My first sale through Amazon was to another WA member (she is no longer here so you don't know her). I did not ask her to buy anything, she just honestly wanted to try one of the products I reviewed for her cats. I was so excited to get my first sale!

Amazon told me the sale did not count and I would not get the commission. I was stunned! She was not a family member and in fact lived several thousand miles away from me. We had never met in person!

Coincidently, I had sent her something from Amazon previously so her name and address were in my Amazon address book. They must cross check every sale against your Amazon address book, so they blocked it. They claimed the purchase was "by me or on my behalf".

So, this is one example of how far they take their policies! You are smart to steer clear! They may or may not figure out the connection but since you have the same last name and are family you might not want to risk it!

Nothing she will buy in the future through my site will count either.

".. I has sent her something from Amazon previously so her name and address were in my Amazon address book. "

To my point, this was a VISIBLE connection.

Yes, I agree.

Oh wow! That's not fair they did that to you!! :( That's what scares me too, and I posted that comment to someone else on here! What if someone likes my site alot, and orders from my link from my own site all the time, they could just boot me! If you went to Walmart, and brought the same friend all the time to go shopping, would they kick you out? lol..okay bad excample, Walmert doesn't have an affiliate ptogram, but you would think that Amazon would like making sales as long as it's not to yourself from your link, or the same card! What if different people lived in the same retirememnet home, or there are adult group homes, no one can order from the same account because the have the same address? Okay..having a little rant here...I'll stop...lol

Walmart does have an affiliate program.

ohhh okay..lol..are we allowed to advertise to friends and family? :)

You'll have to check their requirements. They are not one of my companies. :)

lol..okay..thank you very much! :)

Good question, Terry! I wouldn't think it'd hurt to let her buy one product, but I'm really not positive how they determine who your family and friends are, so this is just my opinion.

I do know it's impossible for someone that lives at the same address, same credit card to order since my hubby did without me knowing, lol.

Amazon never said anything about it, but of course there was no commission either....needless to say, I was horrified when I realized worrying I'd be kicked out!

But, then again, I made my own blunder a couple of years ago...I'd been checking my links and then got sidetracked in Amazon when I noticed they had some awesome sales going on and since it was the Christmas season, well, I had myself a little shopping spree! I ordered a ton of stuff, forgetting I'd just been clicking through my links testing them....duh!

Once I realized it, I was totally mortified with myself, lol. Thought for sure I'd be given the boot by them, along with a scalding email or something, but they didn't say a thing. Of course, no commissions for these either. Whew! But, this was at least a couple years ago, and things might have changed, so I'd definitely recommend to not do what I did...talk about getting sidetracked way too easily, lol!

As far as the same last name, I wouldn't see how they could count that as a family member as long as it's a different address....there are tons of people with the same last names that aren't related at all.

Anyways, hope this helps some...

Best wishes :) ~Sherry

Thank you very much for your help! :) Your comment had me laughing out loud at you ordering from your own link by getting side tracked, as that's something I would totally do...lol

Lol, yeah, I sure got sidetracked that day...just had to get those deals, not realizing each item was another shipping fee added. And my, how that added up quick! I think my jaw hit the desk when I seen the total.
I ended up cancelling quite a few off my order after seeing how much it would be. Afterwards, it finally dawned on me that I had clicked through my own link...I'm sure I must have had a look of utter and complete horror on my face then, lol! :)

Thanks for asking. This is an eye opener for me since I am still struggling to sign into the affiliate program. Does this also affect us too or just relatives and friends. Can we affiliate members purchase and receive commission from them. Please a response on this will further clarify this issue for me.

From all the comments I'm getting, I would go with to be on the safe side, don't have relatives order from you! :) I really don't see how they would know who your friends are though...lol

Some things are very difficult to oversee - and some are just plain impossible.

Considering how big Amazon is - and for how long - I have yet to hear of anyone being denied access because they were related to, or friends with, an employee who worked there. Come to think of it, I've shopped with them for decades and have NEVER been asked if I knew any of their employees.

The reality here is that you have very, very little control over who visits your sites, clicks on links and makes purchases.

Unless Amazon has knowledge of every person's family tree (and all your friends and relatives live with you), there is very little likelihood that they will know who your relatives and friends are. If said friend or relative goes to your site as any other visitor would and clicks on a link and makes a purchase, then good for all concerned.

On the other hand, if you actively, visibly, encourage friends and relatives to do the same you could be in for problems.

These are just my thoughts on the subject,

That actually makes a lot of sense! I'm concerned even if someone likes my site and always goes there to purchase from Amazon, that they would get suspicious! I think they would be happy just to make a sale..In fact if I ran a big affiliate company like that I would encourage everyone to send out there links to families and friends, and of course just not allow them to purchase from their own link or use the same credit card as someone else!

No, if someone liked your site and made a purchase that would not be a problem. Obviously someone who makes a purchase may like your site! There has to be an actual connection.

Since you have different addresses, I doubt Amazon could find out that she is your family member wanting to purchase through your link.

Anyway, you can just send her to your website which has your affiliate link then click through there. It is just like an organic visitor who loves your site and keep purchasing from you.

If you're staying at the same address with the same IP address then maybe Amazon will find out. If not, I doubt they will.

This is just my opinion thought. You can test it out. I believe there wouldn't be any problem in the first few times.

Was thinking of that! She loves my site as it's a pregnancy site and her and my son just had a baby, so I made the blog in honor of them, and have my Amazon affiliate site hooked up that members can order any baby product through Amazon, but I keep telling her not to order from my link, and she was all confused and asked me "Don't you want to make money?" lol

Haha, I think she can purchase from your site's link. It looks fine to me.

Although she's your family member but there's no way Amazon is going to find out. And you're also helping people after all!

That's true! :)

Sorry, just now I mean "she" can purchase through your site's link. Typo.

I understood what you meant...lol

Hahaha :)

All the best to you!!

And the same to you! :)

There's a good chance you won't get credited for the commission if you have family or friends buying from your link. Even if you do get credited, I wouldn't risk putting my affiliate account on the line. This is something that definitely goes against their policy, otherwise it's something every Amazon affiliate would do, myself included. Good question though and way to ask ahead of time :)

"(u) You will not directly or indirectly purchase any Product(s) through Special Links, whether for your use of for the use of any other person or entity, and you will not permit, request or encourage any of your friends, relatives, employees, contractors, or business relations to directly or indirectly purchase any Product(s) through Special Links, whether for their use, your use or the use of any other person or entity."

Hope that helps.

Okay..Thank you! :)

You're welcome Terry!

You might let her try one purchase and see what they do. It's my understanding that one event that they deem not acceptable, will not hurt your relationship with them. However if multiple purchases are attempted and the feel your not in keeping with their rule, then you might get the boot.
After I fist signed with Amazon, my wife thought she would purchase through my link, unannounced to me. Later I saw where a purchase was made thru my account, yet no commission. When I found out what happened I was afraid Amazon would cut me off. They didn't, and didn't say anything either. Later, posts that I read here at WA described similar situations.

Hope this helps in your decision. Just caution more than one attempt at first.

Good Luck!! :0)

Okay thank you for the warning, and sharing this info with me :)

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Amazon affiliate question I can't find the answer to?

Amazon affiliate question I can't find the answer to?

asked in
Local Marketing

I'm an Amazon Affiliate as I know a lot of other members are here as well, and I read their rules a couple times, and couldn't really find the answer I was looking for in there

There is a lot to consider when you sign up as an affiliate. Be sure you read ALL the fine print. Laws and programs change. Years (and years) ago I was an Amazon affiliate - before they required the financial disclaimer. I also worked for a company who provided discounts to their retirees - as long as said retiree did not work for a direct competitor. There was a huge catch to that ruling; there was no way to verify who a retiree worked for. As the list of competitors and the quantity of retirees grew, the problem got bigger and bigger. If you need 3 guesses about what happened to the rule, go for it. :)

If you are freaking out about Amazon's rules, why be an affiliate? There are thousands of other companies that are looking for people to advertise for them. As was said in the training, you could make more money using one of the others instead of Amazon.

Ya that's true, I just thought I would give them a try because so many people buy from Amazon, until I actually started having family members wanting to buy from my site...then I freaked out...lol I'm going to switch to other affiliate sites!

You asked a really good question Terry, I thought that so long as the IP is different then Amazon won't know or won't mind, I did not think that the name would be relevant, what if you were Mrs. Smith? and then how many "smith's" are out there? will that mean that ALL the smith's cannot buy from your links? Are you all related? sounds too much!!
But IP addresses are recorded and THAT amazon remembers!

On the other hand, I would look at other Affiliate programs, more lucrative ones and less "strict" on this issue.


Ya, I decided to do that today as one of my goals! :)

Terry, If you want to remain an Amazon affiliate, do not let your family or friends make a purchase through your link.

Amazon algorithms never forget a connection.

In the past several years I have purchased only one item from Amazon. It was a digital item so no shipping was involved. However, every time I go onto Amazon and look at their products, I see a message that tells me whether or not they can ship to my area.

Also, the purchase I made was a Kindle link so I could read the digital item. Having made that purchase I am no longer entitled to commission if anyone purchases a kindle item though my affiliate link.

Oh wow! They're really strict!! But, my family and friends, and their friends always want to see my new blogs, it would be hard to make sure none of them make a sale! I just might not use them as an affiliate program then! Thanks so much for sharing, and your input! :)

You're welcome Terry. I would hate to think of you building a nice website that attracts visitors as well as your family, only to have your Amazon membership disqualified.

I agree it's probably not wise to use them. I suggest you have a look at Share-A-Sale, or depending on your niche there are many affiliate programs to research for quality items.

Thank you for your advice! :) I think I will look at Share-A-Sale and other ones! :)

I think that is a wise decision Terry.
All the best :)

Thank you! :)

My first sale through Amazon was to another WA member (she is no longer here so you don't know her). I did not ask her to buy anything, she just honestly wanted to try one of the products I reviewed for her cats. I was so excited to get my first sale!

Amazon told me the sale did not count and I would not get the commission. I was stunned! She was not a family member and in fact lived several thousand miles away from me. We had never met in person!

Coincidently, I had sent her something from Amazon previously so her name and address were in my Amazon address book. They must cross check every sale against your Amazon address book, so they blocked it. They claimed the purchase was "by me or on my behalf".

So, this is one example of how far they take their policies! You are smart to steer clear! They may or may not figure out the connection but since you have the same last name and are family you might not want to risk it!

Nothing she will buy in the future through my site will count either.

".. I has sent her something from Amazon previously so her name and address were in my Amazon address book. "

To my point, this was a VISIBLE connection.

Yes, I agree.

Oh wow! That's not fair they did that to you!! :( That's what scares me too, and I posted that comment to someone else on here! What if someone likes my site alot, and orders from my link from my own site all the time, they could just boot me! If you went to Walmart, and brought the same friend all the time to go shopping, would they kick you out? lol..okay bad excample, Walmert doesn't have an affiliate ptogram, but you would think that Amazon would like making sales as long as it's not to yourself from your link, or the same card! What if different people lived in the same retirememnet home, or there are adult group homes, no one can order from the same account because the have the same address? Okay..having a little rant here...I'll stop...lol

Walmart does have an affiliate program.

ohhh okay..lol..are we allowed to advertise to friends and family? :)

You'll have to check their requirements. They are not one of my companies. :)

lol..okay..thank you very much! :)

Good question, Terry! I wouldn't think it'd hurt to let her buy one product, but I'm really not positive how they determine who your family and friends are, so this is just my opinion.

I do know it's impossible for someone that lives at the same address, same credit card to order since my hubby did without me knowing, lol.

Amazon never said anything about it, but of course there was no commission either....needless to say, I was horrified when I realized worrying I'd be kicked out!

But, then again, I made my own blunder a couple of years ago...I'd been checking my links and then got sidetracked in Amazon when I noticed they had some awesome sales going on and since it was the Christmas season, well, I had myself a little shopping spree! I ordered a ton of stuff, forgetting I'd just been clicking through my links testing them....duh!

Once I realized it, I was totally mortified with myself, lol. Thought for sure I'd be given the boot by them, along with a scalding email or something, but they didn't say a thing. Of course, no commissions for these either. Whew! But, this was at least a couple years ago, and things might have changed, so I'd definitely recommend to not do what I did...talk about getting sidetracked way too easily, lol!

As far as the same last name, I wouldn't see how they could count that as a family member as long as it's a different address....there are tons of people with the same last names that aren't related at all.

Anyways, hope this helps some...

Best wishes :) ~Sherry

Thank you very much for your help! :) Your comment had me laughing out loud at you ordering from your own link by getting side tracked, as that's something I would totally do...lol

Lol, yeah, I sure got sidetracked that day...just had to get those deals, not realizing each item was another shipping fee added. And my, how that added up quick! I think my jaw hit the desk when I seen the total.
I ended up cancelling quite a few off my order after seeing how much it would be. Afterwards, it finally dawned on me that I had clicked through my own link...I'm sure I must have had a look of utter and complete horror on my face then, lol! :)

Thanks for asking. This is an eye opener for me since I am still struggling to sign into the affiliate program. Does this also affect us too or just relatives and friends. Can we affiliate members purchase and receive commission from them. Please a response on this will further clarify this issue for me.

From all the comments I'm getting, I would go with to be on the safe side, don't have relatives order from you! :) I really don't see how they would know who your friends are though...lol

Some things are very difficult to oversee - and some are just plain impossible.

Considering how big Amazon is - and for how long - I have yet to hear of anyone being denied access because they were related to, or friends with, an employee who worked there. Come to think of it, I've shopped with them for decades and have NEVER been asked if I knew any of their employees.

The reality here is that you have very, very little control over who visits your sites, clicks on links and makes purchases.

Unless Amazon has knowledge of every person's family tree (and all your friends and relatives live with you), there is very little likelihood that they will know who your relatives and friends are. If said friend or relative goes to your site as any other visitor would and clicks on a link and makes a purchase, then good for all concerned.

On the other hand, if you actively, visibly, encourage friends and relatives to do the same you could be in for problems.

These are just my thoughts on the subject,

That actually makes a lot of sense! I'm concerned even if someone likes my site and always goes there to purchase from Amazon, that they would get suspicious! I think they would be happy just to make a sale..In fact if I ran a big affiliate company like that I would encourage everyone to send out there links to families and friends, and of course just not allow them to purchase from their own link or use the same credit card as someone else!

No, if someone liked your site and made a purchase that would not be a problem. Obviously someone who makes a purchase may like your site! There has to be an actual connection.

Since you have different addresses, I doubt Amazon could find out that she is your family member wanting to purchase through your link.

Anyway, you can just send her to your website which has your affiliate link then click through there. It is just like an organic visitor who loves your site and keep purchasing from you.

If you're staying at the same address with the same IP address then maybe Amazon will find out. If not, I doubt they will.

This is just my opinion thought. You can test it out. I believe there wouldn't be any problem in the first few times.

Was thinking of that! She loves my site as it's a pregnancy site and her and my son just had a baby, so I made the blog in honor of them, and have my Amazon affiliate site hooked up that members can order any baby product through Amazon, but I keep telling her not to order from my link, and she was all confused and asked me "Don't you want to make money?" lol

Haha, I think she can purchase from your site's link. It looks fine to me.

Although she's your family member but there's no way Amazon is going to find out. And you're also helping people after all!

That's true! :)

Sorry, just now I mean "she" can purchase through your site's link. Typo.

I understood what you meant...lol

Hahaha :)

All the best to you!!

And the same to you! :)

There's a good chance you won't get credited for the commission if you have family or friends buying from your link. Even if you do get credited, I wouldn't risk putting my affiliate account on the line. This is something that definitely goes against their policy, otherwise it's something every Amazon affiliate would do, myself included. Good question though and way to ask ahead of time :)

"(u) You will not directly or indirectly purchase any Product(s) through Special Links, whether for your use of for the use of any other person or entity, and you will not permit, request or encourage any of your friends, relatives, employees, contractors, or business relations to directly or indirectly purchase any Product(s) through Special Links, whether for their use, your use or the use of any other person or entity."

Hope that helps.

Okay..Thank you! :)

You're welcome Terry!

You might let her try one purchase and see what they do. It's my understanding that one event that they deem not acceptable, will not hurt your relationship with them. However if multiple purchases are attempted and the feel your not in keeping with their rule, then you might get the boot.
After I fist signed with Amazon, my wife thought she would purchase through my link, unannounced to me. Later I saw where a purchase was made thru my account, yet no commission. When I found out what happened I was afraid Amazon would cut me off. They didn't, and didn't say anything either. Later, posts that I read here at WA described similar situations.

Hope this helps in your decision. Just caution more than one attempt at first.

Good Luck!! :0)

Okay thank you for the warning, and sharing this info with me :)

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