About wendyg53
Rank 14647
1,298 followers Joined April 2017
Update: I retired from my teaching job on July 1, 2021. I have never been happier. There is nothing better in the whole





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asked in
Getting Started

I'm trying to pay for another year of Premium, but I seem to get stuck in a loop. I got a message that automatic payments have been cancelled on my account. I have no idea why.

Featured Comment

You are recurring, so your payment will recur automatically when it comes due for renewal.

Your recurring date is set for November 28th.

Just make sure you have a current payment available on your account. You can update your billing information here if you need to.


We don't store any credit card information on our end, so this is totally secure.

Thank you Kyle,
It was just weird that I got an email telling me that WA had turned off my automatic subscription. That caused a panic.

Kyle has you covered here :)

Hey Wendy,
Very strange…maybe try send Kyle a PM he should be able to help…

Hi Wendy

Send Kyle a message, and he will get you all straightened out.

Frank 🎸

Thanks Frank, will do

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Renewal premium question doesn't work?

Renewal premium question doesn't work?

asked in
Getting Started

I'm trying to pay for another year of Premium, but I seem to get stuck in a loop. I got a message that automatic payments have been cancelled on my account. I have no idea why.

Featured Comment

You are recurring, so your payment will recur automatically when it comes due for renewal.

Your recurring date is set for November 28th.

Just make sure you have a current payment available on your account. You can update your billing information here if you need to.


We don't store any credit card information on our end, so this is totally secure.

Thank you Kyle,
It was just weird that I got an email telling me that WA had turned off my automatic subscription. That caused a panic.

Kyle has you covered here :)

Hey Wendy,
Very strange…maybe try send Kyle a PM he should be able to help…

Hi Wendy

Send Kyle a message, and he will get you all straightened out.

Frank 🎸

Thanks Frank, will do

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asked in
Getting Started

I've marked many favorites over the years and keep meaning to ask why they are no longer in alphabetical order. Now it's impossible to find anything or refer back to anything m

Maginifying glass top menu > favorites tab

Click on the star at the top, my friend!


Thank you Jeffrey. I know how to access my favorites. That's not the issue the issue is the mess I find when I go to my favorites. No alpha order any more. It used to be neat and tidy - but alas things change.

Ah, I see! I hope that gets sorted out quickly then!


Hey Wendy,

The following video may offer you the help you seek: I think you will find that it explains what you are seeing.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you so much. I got overwhelmed when I saw the mish-mash and never scrolled down. Now I see, when I keep scrolling, that the mess on top is sorted into alphabetical order at the bottom. It used to be easier and look much neater.

I'm actually surprised that a company on the cutting edge like WA couldn't come up with something easier. But I'm not a software engineer, so I'm no expert.

Those of us who have been here for a long time have hundreds of bookmarks. Oh well, at least I can find them now. Thanks again, very helpful video. 😊

There are soooo many tiny issues still needing to be addressed since they changed the format again, Wendy, that I'm surprised they haven't wanted to just quit. LOL!

Seriously though, I hear your frustration (I have a few of my own) but I know for a fact that the WA platform is NOT an easy build in order to protect us from hackers.

The easier the script used to create a website, the more hackers are enjoying themselves.

Have you ever had the joy of checking out Ruby on Rails? I contemplated that scripting at one time... but... passed. LOL!

And, you're very welcome for the video. I enjoy helping others.

No,..no Ruby on Rails, I leave the scripting and coding to others who know what they're doing. LOL.

I know WA is a complex site to build and maintain. And it does most things really well. With all the hacking I'd rather safety be a priority, which it is here at WA.

Thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it.

Click search hour glass and then a button will appear for favorites. Click on that to get to your bookmarked content

Thanks for your help! I did do that and I still have everything I bookmarked in one big hodgepodge with no rhyme or reason. My Wordpress favorites are mixed in with affiliate marketing favorites. It used to be in alphabetical order, and this was at least 4 years ago. There's no more order to any of it which seems to defeat the purpose of bookmarking things. I'm attaching a screenshot that shows everything in no particular order.

I would ask Kyle about it. I am new to wa but I noticed mine are not organized at all either. I would be curious as to what he tells you

unless you know what you save it as which you can type in the search bar when under favorites you will have to scroll through your list until you find it.
Yes it used to be in alphabetical order not sure why it was changed to this was it looks messy I agree,

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How to find bookmarks?

How to find bookmarks?

asked in
Getting Started

I've marked many favorites over the years and keep meaning to ask why they are no longer in alphabetical order. Now it's impossible to find anything or refer back to anything m

Maginifying glass top menu > favorites tab

Click on the star at the top, my friend!


Thank you Jeffrey. I know how to access my favorites. That's not the issue the issue is the mess I find when I go to my favorites. No alpha order any more. It used to be neat and tidy - but alas things change.

Ah, I see! I hope that gets sorted out quickly then!


Hey Wendy,

The following video may offer you the help you seek: I think you will find that it explains what you are seeing.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you so much. I got overwhelmed when I saw the mish-mash and never scrolled down. Now I see, when I keep scrolling, that the mess on top is sorted into alphabetical order at the bottom. It used to be easier and look much neater.

I'm actually surprised that a company on the cutting edge like WA couldn't come up with something easier. But I'm not a software engineer, so I'm no expert.

Those of us who have been here for a long time have hundreds of bookmarks. Oh well, at least I can find them now. Thanks again, very helpful video. 😊

There are soooo many tiny issues still needing to be addressed since they changed the format again, Wendy, that I'm surprised they haven't wanted to just quit. LOL!

Seriously though, I hear your frustration (I have a few of my own) but I know for a fact that the WA platform is NOT an easy build in order to protect us from hackers.

The easier the script used to create a website, the more hackers are enjoying themselves.

Have you ever had the joy of checking out Ruby on Rails? I contemplated that scripting at one time... but... passed. LOL!

And, you're very welcome for the video. I enjoy helping others.

No,..no Ruby on Rails, I leave the scripting and coding to others who know what they're doing. LOL.

I know WA is a complex site to build and maintain. And it does most things really well. With all the hacking I'd rather safety be a priority, which it is here at WA.

Thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it.

Click search hour glass and then a button will appear for favorites. Click on that to get to your bookmarked content

Thanks for your help! I did do that and I still have everything I bookmarked in one big hodgepodge with no rhyme or reason. My Wordpress favorites are mixed in with affiliate marketing favorites. It used to be in alphabetical order, and this was at least 4 years ago. There's no more order to any of it which seems to defeat the purpose of bookmarking things. I'm attaching a screenshot that shows everything in no particular order.

I would ask Kyle about it. I am new to wa but I noticed mine are not organized at all either. I would be curious as to what he tells you

unless you know what you save it as which you can type in the search bar when under favorites you will have to scroll through your list until you find it.
Yes it used to be in alphabetical order not sure why it was changed to this was it looks messy I agree,

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I don't know what to do. This is a bizarre problem. I paid for Jaaxy premium on November 15th, and I assumed I would have access to it until the 15th of December. I cancelled t


Jaaxy lite is included in your premium subscription to the platform.

It is the research tab top menu.

If that's not the case, you may want to empty cache and refresh screen.

If still no joy, you may want to reach out to Kyle for a fix going forward


However, it looks like you got figured out which is great :)

And so happy for you :)

have you checked under your account settings to see what it has been setup as with hte jaaxy settings...
you maybe able to press ctrl+f5 when there to refresh the settings ...or when visiting jaaxy...
or click on the lock in the url bar and lose the cookies and site data...
then try again...
or go through
i hope you manage t oget it sorted...

You're a genius, thank you! I didn't know you have to manually go into account settings and downgrade from Jaaxy Pro to Jaaxy Lite. I did that and everything works now. Thanks again. 😊

i didn't know whether it would work...but knew it was there since the last upgrade...
really glad it worked for you....

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I paid for annual premium account and cancelled jaxxy premium, now I cannot access any research tool

I paid for annual premium account and cancelled jaxxy premium, now I cannot access any research tool

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I don't know what to do. This is a bizarre problem. I paid for Jaaxy premium on November 15th, and I assumed I would have access to it until the 15th of December. I cancelled t


Jaaxy lite is included in your premium subscription to the platform.

It is the research tab top menu.

If that's not the case, you may want to empty cache and refresh screen.

If still no joy, you may want to reach out to Kyle for a fix going forward


However, it looks like you got figured out which is great :)

And so happy for you :)

have you checked under your account settings to see what it has been setup as with hte jaaxy settings...
you maybe able to press ctrl+f5 when there to refresh the settings ...or when visiting jaaxy...
or click on the lock in the url bar and lose the cookies and site data...
then try again...
or go through
i hope you manage t oget it sorted...

You're a genius, thank you! I didn't know you have to manually go into account settings and downgrade from Jaaxy Pro to Jaaxy Lite. I did that and everything works now. Thanks again. 😊

i didn't know whether it would work...but knew it was there since the last upgrade...
really glad it worked for you....

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