About onebluemoon
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Hey, I'm Moon, Thanks for visiting my profile! Learning new things, meeting new people and chatting with friends are things that I enjoy the most.





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hello Wealthy Affiliate friends,

I'm sure most, if not all, of us have used the SiteComments platform to give comments on fellow members' sites and also to ask for comme

I spent more time today to go through this discussion on comments. I feel the comments back and forth are a great example of what real communication can look like. I have now bookmarked it so I can go through it again because I can understand more about how to make comments. I believe it is much better to have this example than having no training. DDee

Hi Dorcas,

Thanks for the great comment! I am very happy that you find this post useful.

I have written another blog earlier with some info on getting comments as well as a compilation of the places you can ask for comments. Check it out. If you would have further questions on any problem, feel free to approach me any time.

I try always to respond to whatever is put in front of me. I feel it is my duty in order to be a part of this wonderful community, and I enjoy it.

I must say that I have had the experience where I did do a friend a favor, hoping that they would reciprocate, even asked them to respond, but they never showed. This hurt my feelings and gave a sense of failure. Did I fail them or was my response unacceptable, what went wrong? I will probably never know, but the experience will always be with me.

Our comments and suggestions are very important here, but it is also important to follow through or at least let it be known why you can't follow thru. Yes, comments and suggestions can enhance our experiences.

Just sayin'


Hi Tammi,

When we exchange comments, it is always encouraged to leave our comments on others' websites before asking for reciprocation. Sorry to hear about your bad experience but I hope its just a minority who behaved as such.

Use the SteComment platform then, it will not fail you in that sense.

it was a one-time thing, but I was very new and didn't know how to take it. But, it's all good now...no problem!!!


Happy that you have learnt much since then, you progressing very well!

Thank you Moon!!!


I don't have a lot of experience yet but what I did notice is, that when I click on the comment or whatever in my inbox I still have to scroll all the way down to find the particular item I'm supposed to see or comment on. I have wondered whether I'm doing something wrong here. But if that is the case for everyone it is rather inconvenient and time consuming.

Hi Martina,

I opt out of email notifications a long time ago as I didn't want to clutter my mailbox, so I'm a bit unsure of your issue. Do you mean comments on your website or on Wealthy affiliate blogs?

Having to take an extra step to do certain things can be quite annoying and less productive. If you find a solution to this, pls share with us? Thanks!

Hi, first things first opting out of email notifications occurred to me last night.... Thanks for mentioning that it's a reasonable step

I was getting overwhelmed so I choose to opt out. However I know of some who like to always be notified of the happenings here, so its your own personal preference.

I am so new to getting comments I have not had this experience. However, I must have missed any training on leaving comments I made several mistakes. Sorry, if I did this to anyone. Also, we need to ask for comments on specific pages or blogs. But I do not know what to comment on when you get to their websites. I have spent lots of time reading the whole website and made positive comments about what I saw. I am reluctant now to do comments because I do not know how to limit my time to what they want comments on. DDee

Hi Dorcas,

It might be because you are giving feedback instead of comment?

Here's a training to clarify: A simple tip about giving good comments would talking about your feelings after you have read the post, do you find it useful and why?

Don't worry if your comments get rejected, we are all learning here, I'm sure you will figure it out soon. Just want to say your 2 comments here are pretty awesome, so you are getting there :)

I love this idea, Moon! I've wondered why there isn't a system in place already that would let us know when the site owner replied back to our comment.

I usually do go back and check to see what their reply was, but there have been times when I've completely forgotten. If they do reply with something that I find I'm able to keep the conversation going meaningfully, I'll usually do that as well if I can.

I too, find it a bit disappointing when there's only silence after replying back to someone's comment they left, especially if it's one that answers their question or asks them a further question on it.

This is a great idea, Moon! Hopefully they can figure some way of notifying commenters on our sites when there's a reply back. I do believe there's a setting in WordPress somewhere to be notified when there's a reply to a comment, but I don't think it works when it's through the Comment Platform here.

Don't quote me on it though, I may be remembering wrong, so I'll have to look into it further since I know how my memory is, lol...

Thanks for sharing, Moon!
Best wishes :) ~Sherry

Hello Sherry,

I'm sure it is doable, Wealthy Affiliate's technical team is very strong :)

Many times I didn't bookmark the sites which I commented on and once I click away I forgot to go back.

I don't think there is anything wrong with your memory because things do work differently when we go through SiteComments. Not sure I have seen the Wordpress settings for that though, maybe I have missed it, or maybe it's my memory lol, haha...

Hey again Moon,

Yes, I agree, I'm sure they could do it...the technical team is awesome here!

Aha, I see you do the same thing as me, lol. I try to remember to bookmark the sites I've commented on too before I click away, but like yourself, occasionally I forget to do it before leaving.

As for the WordPress setting, I did find it just now...it's found under Settings > Discussion "email me whenever" and there's two choices to click on "anyone posts a comment" and "a comment is held for moderation"

I have both of these checked off and I do get email notifications from comments on my sites, at least from comments out of the blue...as for those from the Site Comments...hmmm, I don't think so, but it's been awhile since I've used them so yeah, that memory thing again, lol! :)

Plus, I'm not sure how it'd work with the reply comments, but it seems I've seen it before when commenting on someone's site, but it wasn't through here though.

Anyways, I've gone on too long again...but, I definitely think you have an awesome idea!

Oh you are right about the Wordpress settings. Well, that can work on our side when people leave comments but what about when we leave comments for others?

Yes we can bookmark the site and constantly check back to see if the owner replied but that will be super inefficient.

Thanks for your insight.

Hi Moon, Excellent suggestion, I too was wondering the same thing as I answer real questions and give true feedback on the comment given.
Though when I have given a comment I have never received the thread to show me that my comment was read and replied to.
I think your suggestion is right on the spot!
Thanks for that,

Yup SF, my sentiments too. We were not informed when there is a reply and people tend to forget the sites they went previously unless they bookmark them or check the browsing history. Thanks for sharing!

Hi Moon, great idea it may be...when you think about the point system it may not be entirely fair?

You have to read the article post and give a quality comment in order to earn 1 credit.

The site owner then have a choice to answer or to just simply approve the comment but not answer. For example the answer can be very short such as "Why do you think so?"

Writing the 2nd comment (reply to the reply) would be easier for you because you've already read the article, but it would have to have another quality in order to earn some credit... So you should be earning less than 1 credit?

If we could not earn further credits from the 2nd comment onwards.... another risk is that we could manipulate the comment thread.
For example;
"Thank you for your comment."
"You're welcome, have a goo day!"
"You too!" and so on...
....which the site owner could later on edit freely on Wordpress - make each comment really lengthy. Without spending 2 credits on SiteComments, they could collect more comments!

Excellent point and great insight. I have to admit I have not thought out this far.

If we need credits as well as the length and uniqueness for the first round, maybe it can also be applied for the second round? How about all factors remain the same, just a notification for the second comment?

I will not mind using another 2 credits for further engagement.

Hi Moon, I must admit I don't always read the reply to my comment from the site owner... I forget! And when I read and the reply is only one sentence like "Thanks for your comment." I get disappointed too :-)
Thank you for raising the great suggestion!

One liners are real dampers :)

Yup I forgot too, so I feel this platform can be improved somehow, hence the suggestion. Thanks for the support!

Hi Moon,
You have a great idea. I usually check back to see the answers but sometimes I forget and a reminder would be nice. I also wonder that when we get organic comments and reply to them if the person that left the comment checks back. A reminder to them would be a plus too.
Great thought!

I worry less about organic comments because these are natural and we could not do anything about them. If they asked a question and are interested enough, surely they will be back.

This is mainly for us members using the SiteComment platform, especially when our websites are new and we don't have organic comments yet.

Good Morning Moon,

I have not really thought about that and neither know if it is needed.
If people think your site is interesting they will come back by them self. On my websites, I have this plugin: Comment Approved Notifier Extended. I think that is a much-needed one. On receiving a comment I reply and then the other person is notified about that.

Have a great Sunday, Taetske

Hello Taetske,

I didn't know that a plugin could do that, thanks for sharing the knowledge. I am a bit cautious of installing more plugins as they may slow down my site. May I know how many plugins you have?

If WA can somehow implement something similar, then we can save on one plugin :)

Hello Moon,

On both websites I have:

All in One Seo Pack
Comment Approved Notifier Extended
Exclude Pages from Navigation
SSL Insecure Content Fixer

According to Site Health, I am 100% on Plugins

Perhaps you care to have a look at my latest WA post.
Marion gave me an advice many people have followed.

All the best, Taetske

Thanks for sharing Taetske.

See more comments

Can sitecomments be enhanced with this suggestion?

Can sitecomments be enhanced with this suggestion?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hello Wealthy Affiliate friends,

I'm sure most, if not all, of us have used the SiteComments platform to give comments on fellow members' sites and also to ask for comme

I spent more time today to go through this discussion on comments. I feel the comments back and forth are a great example of what real communication can look like. I have now bookmarked it so I can go through it again because I can understand more about how to make comments. I believe it is much better to have this example than having no training. DDee

Hi Dorcas,

Thanks for the great comment! I am very happy that you find this post useful.

I have written another blog earlier with some info on getting comments as well as a compilation of the places you can ask for comments. Check it out. If you would have further questions on any problem, feel free to approach me any time.

I try always to respond to whatever is put in front of me. I feel it is my duty in order to be a part of this wonderful community, and I enjoy it.

I must say that I have had the experience where I did do a friend a favor, hoping that they would reciprocate, even asked them to respond, but they never showed. This hurt my feelings and gave a sense of failure. Did I fail them or was my response unacceptable, what went wrong? I will probably never know, but the experience will always be with me.

Our comments and suggestions are very important here, but it is also important to follow through or at least let it be known why you can't follow thru. Yes, comments and suggestions can enhance our experiences.

Just sayin'


Hi Tammi,

When we exchange comments, it is always encouraged to leave our comments on others' websites before asking for reciprocation. Sorry to hear about your bad experience but I hope its just a minority who behaved as such.

Use the SteComment platform then, it will not fail you in that sense.

it was a one-time thing, but I was very new and didn't know how to take it. But, it's all good now...no problem!!!


Happy that you have learnt much since then, you progressing very well!

Thank you Moon!!!


I don't have a lot of experience yet but what I did notice is, that when I click on the comment or whatever in my inbox I still have to scroll all the way down to find the particular item I'm supposed to see or comment on. I have wondered whether I'm doing something wrong here. But if that is the case for everyone it is rather inconvenient and time consuming.

Hi Martina,

I opt out of email notifications a long time ago as I didn't want to clutter my mailbox, so I'm a bit unsure of your issue. Do you mean comments on your website or on Wealthy affiliate blogs?

Having to take an extra step to do certain things can be quite annoying and less productive. If you find a solution to this, pls share with us? Thanks!

Hi, first things first opting out of email notifications occurred to me last night.... Thanks for mentioning that it's a reasonable step

I was getting overwhelmed so I choose to opt out. However I know of some who like to always be notified of the happenings here, so its your own personal preference.

I am so new to getting comments I have not had this experience. However, I must have missed any training on leaving comments I made several mistakes. Sorry, if I did this to anyone. Also, we need to ask for comments on specific pages or blogs. But I do not know what to comment on when you get to their websites. I have spent lots of time reading the whole website and made positive comments about what I saw. I am reluctant now to do comments because I do not know how to limit my time to what they want comments on. DDee

Hi Dorcas,

It might be because you are giving feedback instead of comment?

Here's a training to clarify: A simple tip about giving good comments would talking about your feelings after you have read the post, do you find it useful and why?

Don't worry if your comments get rejected, we are all learning here, I'm sure you will figure it out soon. Just want to say your 2 comments here are pretty awesome, so you are getting there :)

I love this idea, Moon! I've wondered why there isn't a system in place already that would let us know when the site owner replied back to our comment.

I usually do go back and check to see what their reply was, but there have been times when I've completely forgotten. If they do reply with something that I find I'm able to keep the conversation going meaningfully, I'll usually do that as well if I can.

I too, find it a bit disappointing when there's only silence after replying back to someone's comment they left, especially if it's one that answers their question or asks them a further question on it.

This is a great idea, Moon! Hopefully they can figure some way of notifying commenters on our sites when there's a reply back. I do believe there's a setting in WordPress somewhere to be notified when there's a reply to a comment, but I don't think it works when it's through the Comment Platform here.

Don't quote me on it though, I may be remembering wrong, so I'll have to look into it further since I know how my memory is, lol...

Thanks for sharing, Moon!
Best wishes :) ~Sherry

Hello Sherry,

I'm sure it is doable, Wealthy Affiliate's technical team is very strong :)

Many times I didn't bookmark the sites which I commented on and once I click away I forgot to go back.

I don't think there is anything wrong with your memory because things do work differently when we go through SiteComments. Not sure I have seen the Wordpress settings for that though, maybe I have missed it, or maybe it's my memory lol, haha...

Hey again Moon,

Yes, I agree, I'm sure they could do it...the technical team is awesome here!

Aha, I see you do the same thing as me, lol. I try to remember to bookmark the sites I've commented on too before I click away, but like yourself, occasionally I forget to do it before leaving.

As for the WordPress setting, I did find it just now...it's found under Settings > Discussion "email me whenever" and there's two choices to click on "anyone posts a comment" and "a comment is held for moderation"

I have both of these checked off and I do get email notifications from comments on my sites, at least from comments out of the blue...as for those from the Site Comments...hmmm, I don't think so, but it's been awhile since I've used them so yeah, that memory thing again, lol! :)

Plus, I'm not sure how it'd work with the reply comments, but it seems I've seen it before when commenting on someone's site, but it wasn't through here though.

Anyways, I've gone on too long again...but, I definitely think you have an awesome idea!

Oh you are right about the Wordpress settings. Well, that can work on our side when people leave comments but what about when we leave comments for others?

Yes we can bookmark the site and constantly check back to see if the owner replied but that will be super inefficient.

Thanks for your insight.

Hi Moon, Excellent suggestion, I too was wondering the same thing as I answer real questions and give true feedback on the comment given.
Though when I have given a comment I have never received the thread to show me that my comment was read and replied to.
I think your suggestion is right on the spot!
Thanks for that,

Yup SF, my sentiments too. We were not informed when there is a reply and people tend to forget the sites they went previously unless they bookmark them or check the browsing history. Thanks for sharing!

Hi Moon, great idea it may be...when you think about the point system it may not be entirely fair?

You have to read the article post and give a quality comment in order to earn 1 credit.

The site owner then have a choice to answer or to just simply approve the comment but not answer. For example the answer can be very short such as "Why do you think so?"

Writing the 2nd comment (reply to the reply) would be easier for you because you've already read the article, but it would have to have another quality in order to earn some credit... So you should be earning less than 1 credit?

If we could not earn further credits from the 2nd comment onwards.... another risk is that we could manipulate the comment thread.
For example;
"Thank you for your comment."
"You're welcome, have a goo day!"
"You too!" and so on...
....which the site owner could later on edit freely on Wordpress - make each comment really lengthy. Without spending 2 credits on SiteComments, they could collect more comments!

Excellent point and great insight. I have to admit I have not thought out this far.

If we need credits as well as the length and uniqueness for the first round, maybe it can also be applied for the second round? How about all factors remain the same, just a notification for the second comment?

I will not mind using another 2 credits for further engagement.

Hi Moon, I must admit I don't always read the reply to my comment from the site owner... I forget! And when I read and the reply is only one sentence like "Thanks for your comment." I get disappointed too :-)
Thank you for raising the great suggestion!

One liners are real dampers :)

Yup I forgot too, so I feel this platform can be improved somehow, hence the suggestion. Thanks for the support!

Hi Moon,
You have a great idea. I usually check back to see the answers but sometimes I forget and a reminder would be nice. I also wonder that when we get organic comments and reply to them if the person that left the comment checks back. A reminder to them would be a plus too.
Great thought!

I worry less about organic comments because these are natural and we could not do anything about them. If they asked a question and are interested enough, surely they will be back.

This is mainly for us members using the SiteComment platform, especially when our websites are new and we don't have organic comments yet.

Good Morning Moon,

I have not really thought about that and neither know if it is needed.
If people think your site is interesting they will come back by them self. On my websites, I have this plugin: Comment Approved Notifier Extended. I think that is a much-needed one. On receiving a comment I reply and then the other person is notified about that.

Have a great Sunday, Taetske

Hello Taetske,

I didn't know that a plugin could do that, thanks for sharing the knowledge. I am a bit cautious of installing more plugins as they may slow down my site. May I know how many plugins you have?

If WA can somehow implement something similar, then we can save on one plugin :)

Hello Moon,

On both websites I have:

All in One Seo Pack
Comment Approved Notifier Extended
Exclude Pages from Navigation
SSL Insecure Content Fixer

According to Site Health, I am 100% on Plugins

Perhaps you care to have a look at my latest WA post.
Marion gave me an advice many people have followed.

All the best, Taetske

Thanks for sharing Taetske.

See more comments

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Are you a morning person or a night owl? When are you most productive?

Do you think productivity is timing-dependent or are you set off by specific triggers like music/c

Hi Moon...I am definitely not a morning person. I am a true night owl. I don't come alive until late evening.

I am my most productive after 12:00a.m. The house is quiet, the lights are low, the phone is not ringing. It's my time. That's when I work on my book and other tasks left from the day. I may wok until 3-4:00 a.m.. And I am up by 7ish.

A bowl of ice cream is my trigger. I can do anything after a bowl of ice crème...LOL!!


You sleep as little as 3 hours? Everyday? I'm quite shocked to hear that. How does your body function? Mainly on ice cream? :)

LOL!!!! I just don't sleep very much...I have chronic insomnia...It sux!!!! But I do have time to try and fit everything into my day.

YES!!!! ICE CREME keeps me functioning!!!! And thankfully...I don't gain weight easily!!

Have a beautiful week Moon!!!


Sorry to hear that. I hope blogging helps with your insomnia, at least you will be productive and it will help in the long run.

Eat ice cream and dont gain weight? You will be the envy of many :)

I'm afraid that if I stop eating ice crème, I will start too gain weight..LOL

You better not stop LOL!

Don't fix what is not broken haha....



Morning is most definitely my best time for productivity.

Many seems to be morning persons :)

I'm more of a morning person because I'm more productive the earlier I start on stuff. In a way I'm a night because I have the ability to stay up late.

You just have the ability of needing very little sleep lol

Morning is my best time, the earlier the better. Like to listen to music when I`m writing. :)

What' your definition of early? :)

Previously I had joined a training camp and we woke up as early as 3.30am for practise. Would that work for you?

3:30 a little early, but from 4:00 - 4:30 no problem :)

Thats really early! Ever since that camp, I have not managed to wake up before 6am. :)

I always have a problem with my next story. When I think of one it is usually very early in the morning, 3 Or 4 o' clock. I am awake thinking of the smallest details and the most beautiful sentences. It is time to get up and make notes, because during the day I might forget what I thought of. It mostly takes 2 days and then the story is ready. In this week I also like to be on WA for a new lesson or whatever triggers me. My latest story was "Boogie woogie stomp". Even had to make and upload two pictures to colour the story! It made me happy!
I wonder what is next....
Johan wijngaarden

Keep a notebook on hand with you always. I do get moments like that when inspiration struck in the middle of the night while I am in bed. I make sure I write them down even if I have to do it in the dark in order not to disrupt my sleep.

It is like you sit on my bed site... That is exactly what I did and sometimes still do. Nowadays, most of the time, I simply get up and write....
Greetings from the Netherlands,
Johan wijngaarden

Great to hear that Johan!

I'm a night person because of my job. When I get home, it's trying to stay awake without falling asleep in the chair. Then I try to accomplish something.

You are trying to accomplish something even when you are half-asleep? Your spirit is commendable!

after some good coffee and some classical music

If you have one or the other, does it affect your productivity?

Yes it gets me thinking creatively

Most definitely a lark rather than an owl. First thing in the morning is my best time after a refreshing nights sleep.

How larky are you then :) 6am larky? 5am? 3am? Heehee...

Still working shifts in the NHS. So when I am not on an "early" ie late or day off, I am still up at 7:00am.

You are a hardworking one!

It can be anytime but often when something inspires me :)

What kind of something? A favourite song? Old movies? A night out with friends? Pls share :)

Usually something i have read on WA :)

Cool~~ thats awesome to hear!

Awesome, give me your number Carol, then I can call you up even when you are in Napland and tell you about awesome news from Dr. Fard who is currently experimenting with clones.... :P

Ha Ha! any time Stefan! I love awesome news!

I am one and I am both, which one do you like most?
Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey,
I am one, all mine, now that is funny! :P

I like one and I like all :)

When I read sweet I write sweet,
When you add spice, I get spicy.
A strength added to strong to make things stronger,
And nothing more required for everything needed.

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What's your best time of burst?

What's your best time of burst?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Are you a morning person or a night owl? When are you most productive?

Do you think productivity is timing-dependent or are you set off by specific triggers like music/c

Hi Moon...I am definitely not a morning person. I am a true night owl. I don't come alive until late evening.

I am my most productive after 12:00a.m. The house is quiet, the lights are low, the phone is not ringing. It's my time. That's when I work on my book and other tasks left from the day. I may wok until 3-4:00 a.m.. And I am up by 7ish.

A bowl of ice cream is my trigger. I can do anything after a bowl of ice crème...LOL!!


You sleep as little as 3 hours? Everyday? I'm quite shocked to hear that. How does your body function? Mainly on ice cream? :)

LOL!!!! I just don't sleep very much...I have chronic insomnia...It sux!!!! But I do have time to try and fit everything into my day.

YES!!!! ICE CREME keeps me functioning!!!! And thankfully...I don't gain weight easily!!

Have a beautiful week Moon!!!


Sorry to hear that. I hope blogging helps with your insomnia, at least you will be productive and it will help in the long run.

Eat ice cream and dont gain weight? You will be the envy of many :)

I'm afraid that if I stop eating ice crème, I will start too gain weight..LOL

You better not stop LOL!

Don't fix what is not broken haha....



Morning is most definitely my best time for productivity.

Many seems to be morning persons :)

I'm more of a morning person because I'm more productive the earlier I start on stuff. In a way I'm a night because I have the ability to stay up late.

You just have the ability of needing very little sleep lol

Morning is my best time, the earlier the better. Like to listen to music when I`m writing. :)

What' your definition of early? :)

Previously I had joined a training camp and we woke up as early as 3.30am for practise. Would that work for you?

3:30 a little early, but from 4:00 - 4:30 no problem :)

Thats really early! Ever since that camp, I have not managed to wake up before 6am. :)

I always have a problem with my next story. When I think of one it is usually very early in the morning, 3 Or 4 o' clock. I am awake thinking of the smallest details and the most beautiful sentences. It is time to get up and make notes, because during the day I might forget what I thought of. It mostly takes 2 days and then the story is ready. In this week I also like to be on WA for a new lesson or whatever triggers me. My latest story was "Boogie woogie stomp". Even had to make and upload two pictures to colour the story! It made me happy!
I wonder what is next....
Johan wijngaarden

Keep a notebook on hand with you always. I do get moments like that when inspiration struck in the middle of the night while I am in bed. I make sure I write them down even if I have to do it in the dark in order not to disrupt my sleep.

It is like you sit on my bed site... That is exactly what I did and sometimes still do. Nowadays, most of the time, I simply get up and write....
Greetings from the Netherlands,
Johan wijngaarden

Great to hear that Johan!

I'm a night person because of my job. When I get home, it's trying to stay awake without falling asleep in the chair. Then I try to accomplish something.