About masamir
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1,903 followers Joined February 2014
I am an English teacher. Nowadays, I am so interested in online business.





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asked in
Getting Started

I cannot see any video?

Google Chrome is the best...To your success.

I hope you have resolved this issue! Christa :)

This could be there reason, I haven't seen you in ages :) Hope you're doing well


Labman is right. It helps when I try a different browser.
Nice to see you again, Mohammed!

Try a different browser. This is usually a problem when you are using Internet Explorer. Try Chrome that works for most everything on this site.

Why I cannot see any video?

Why I cannot see any video?

asked in
Getting Started

I cannot see any video?

Google Chrome is the best...To your success.

I hope you have resolved this issue! Christa :)

This could be there reason, I haven't seen you in ages :) Hope you're doing well


Labman is right. It helps when I try a different browser.
Nice to see you again, Mohammed!

Try a different browser. This is usually a problem when you are using Internet Explorer. Try Chrome that works for most everything on this site.

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have followed the training and added my name as an author of the pages of my website, but unfortunately I appear as an admin not with my real name, any suggestions ?

I'm late ... great comments below!

If you have not yet created an account for your site with your name and given it admin powers, do so. If you have, then go sign in under that account. :)

You can go into your dashboard and select users - your profile - display name publicly as - then you select the name you want to display.

When you create a new user, you have to delete the admin account so they will ask you to transfer every admin post on your new user account, that's it! Delete your admin account and attribute every old post to you =)

To start the hole process!

Go to Dashboard - scroll down to users - click Add New
Fill in the hole page and make sure at the bottom by Role - you have checked Administrator - now press blue button Add new user.
Go to Users again then you will see there's a second user.
Now scroll to the top right where it says Admin - a window will open, then scroll to Log Out - click and you will be logged out.

Now you will get a window that shows your log in page and now you Log in as your new user and your name will appear on top.

PS: Remember when you go to Build my Website page in WA, NOT to click LOG ME IN, this will take you to the Admin log in.
Instead use the LOGIN PAGE column and click on your webpage, this will take you in as the New User.

does your name appears in the author column of the page list. If not then you haven't properly set your name as author.
I usually log in as myself and all things are set automatically. If i log in from the WA's website builder (which will logged me in as admin), then I will pull the author tab from screen option and set my name in author box. Either way, it is working fine for me..

Jenn's way works fine. You can also publish your post/page as admin and then go to the overview of your published posts/pages. You can Edit-Quick Edit-Delete, etc. each post/page. Under "Quick Edit" you can also change the Author. If you created a User Name, you can pick it from there. Hit save or update and it will change.
If you are logged in as Admin and do your posts, you have to do it manually. I'm afraid there is no other way around.

Thanks for this comment - worked fine for me.....Leigh

You're welcome, Leigh! It's also an easy way and you don't have to flip-flop around from Admin/User account. :)
Glad, it was helpful.

Take care,

Not sure how you did it but I do it my own way, instead of adding a new user, I just use the admin (user), add my name. Then 'display as' my name instead of admin. This will ensure your name will appear instead of admin.

cookies, use another browser and log in over there with the additional ID you have created!

Have you updated your profile and clicked the show username publicly?

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Why am i still admin?

Why am i still admin?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have followed the training and added my name as an author of the pages of my website, but unfortunately I appear as an admin not with my real name, any suggestions ?

I'm late ... great comments below!

If you have not yet created an account for your site with your name and given it admin powers, do so. If you have, then go sign in under that account. :)

You can go into your dashboard and select users - your profile - display name publicly as - then you select the name you want to display.

When you create a new user, you have to delete the admin account so they will ask you to transfer every admin post on your new user account, that's it! Delete your admin account and attribute every old post to you =)

To start the hole process!

Go to Dashboard - scroll down to users - click Add New
Fill in the hole page and make sure at the bottom by Role - you have checked Administrator - now press blue button Add new user.
Go to Users again then you will see there's a second user.
Now scroll to the top right where it says Admin - a window will open, then scroll to Log Out - click and you will be logged out.

Now you will get a window that shows your log in page and now you Log in as your new user and your name will appear on top.

PS: Remember when you go to Build my Website page in WA, NOT to click LOG ME IN, this will take you to the Admin log in.
Instead use the LOGIN PAGE column and click on your webpage, this will take you in as the New User.

does your name appears in the author column of the page list. If not then you haven't properly set your name as author.
I usually log in as myself and all things are set automatically. If i log in from the WA's website builder (which will logged me in as admin), then I will pull the author tab from screen option and set my name in author box. Either way, it is working fine for me..

Jenn's way works fine. You can also publish your post/page as admin and then go to the overview of your published posts/pages. You can Edit-Quick Edit-Delete, etc. each post/page. Under "Quick Edit" you can also change the Author. If you created a User Name, you can pick it from there. Hit save or update and it will change.
If you are logged in as Admin and do your posts, you have to do it manually. I'm afraid there is no other way around.

Thanks for this comment - worked fine for me.....Leigh

You're welcome, Leigh! It's also an easy way and you don't have to flip-flop around from Admin/User account. :)
Glad, it was helpful.

Take care,

Not sure how you did it but I do it my own way, instead of adding a new user, I just use the admin (user), add my name. Then 'display as' my name instead of admin. This will ensure your name will appear instead of admin.

cookies, use another browser and log in over there with the additional ID you have created!

Have you updated your profile and clicked the show username publicly?

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

How can I edit my preview snippet? How much time does it take to be modified?

I changed my SEO over to SEO by Yoast within this you can make the changes to the snippet

You have good questions and always get good answers From our WAers

Easy, as hjohn as said it all below and very well stated..? and it takes about 2 minutes..! as you may need to change as you type it out?

If you would not want edit it, the software automatically generates one, if you want to customize it, just follow the specified steps by mwd21 and hjohn

very easily done, when on your page scroll down to the SEO section you'll see title, description and keyword boxes, just fill in these as you want.

If you are using All-in-One SEO pack you can simply go into the edit mode of your page/post and change the description from there.

If you are not using plugins you can add this code into the head section of your HTML: <meta name="description" content="place content here" />

How can i edit my preview snippet?

How can i edit my preview snippet?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

How can I edit my preview snippet? How much time does it take to be modified?

I changed my SEO over to SEO by Yoast within this you can make the changes to the snippet

You have good questions and always get good answers From our WAers

Easy, as hjohn as said it all below and very well stated..? and it takes about 2 minutes..! as you may need to change as you type it out?

If you would not want edit it, the software automatically generates one, if you want to customize it, just follow the specified steps by mwd21 and hjohn

very easily done, when on your page scroll down to the SEO section you'll see title, description and keyword boxes, just fill in these as you want.

If you are using All-in-One SEO pack you can simply go into the edit mode of your page/post and change the description from there.

If you are not using plugins you can add this code into the head section of your HTML: <meta name="description" content="place content here" />

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Take into consideration the effect of quotation marks when yu search for suitable keywords to your page or blog. For example: "your keyword" has a different rank when you search fo

thank you for the information

Very Good answers below

You may be on page one using your keywords on quotation marks, but the reality is how many people search for this? Unless it is a well-known known quote from a well-known person your keyword won't be searched by people with quotes.

I tried this with "lose weight, fight diabetes". The best results was (without) quotations marks. Are you suggesting trying both way? But, as Jen090, I doubt people will use quotation marks. These are mainly for quotes made by someone.

Thanks for getting this discussion going Masamir. I assume it is better to use the quotation marks when searching for keywords and deciding which ones to use but it hasn't been mentioned in the training videos that I've watched......Leigh.

If you make a search with quotation marks (what normally nobody does" Google is searching for the exact searching terms (keyword).
Without the quotation marks google search on relevant websites with the keyword(s) or part of it. Even if you have the exact keyword, tis doesn't mean that your page/post is listed on the first pages.

Masamir, Yes, but how many people search using quotation marks? Cindy

Thanks masamir. I will try that!

I did not think about quotation marks.

So, go to the keyword tool and write your keyword with quotation marks and without quotation marks. You will find the difference.

I did. I'm on page one with one of my ke words with quoation marks!


that's right - quotations are the same as an exact match

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Quotation marks make difference do not they?

Quotation marks make difference do not they?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Take into consideration the effect of quotation marks when yu search for suitable keywords to your page or blog. For example: "your keyword" has a different rank when you search fo

thank you for the information

Very Good answers below

You may be on page one using your keywords on quotation marks, but the reality is how many people search for this? Unless it is a well-known known quote from a well-known person your keyword won't be searched by people with quotes.

I tried this with "lose weight, fight diabetes". The best results was (without) quotations marks. Are you suggesting trying both way? But, as Jen090, I doubt people will use quotation marks. These are mainly for quotes made by someone.

Thanks for getting this discussion going Masamir. I assume it is better to use the quotation marks when searching for keywords and deciding which ones to use but it hasn't been mentioned in the training videos that I've watched......Leigh.

If you make a search with quotation marks (what normally nobody does" Google is searching for the exact searching terms (keyword).
Without the quotation marks google search on relevant websites with the keyword(s) or part of it. Even if you have the exact keyword, tis doesn't mean that your page/post is listed on the first pages.

Masamir, Yes, but how many people search using quotation marks? Cindy

Thanks masamir. I will try that!

I did not think about quotation marks.

So, go to the keyword tool and write your keyword with quotation marks and without quotation marks. You will find the difference.

I did. I'm on page one with one of my ke words with quoation marks!


that's right - quotations are the same as an exact match

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have written my content around a keyword. When I write this keyword in the " Keyword tool ", I find my site in the first page, number 4. When I write the same keyword in Jaaxy, I

I see you have had some good feedback and it is usual for different tools to show different results

It is normal to get different numbers for different Keyword tools.

Pay attention to the information you receive from jaaxy.

It is not unusual to not get a different answer with 2 tools.

Make sure you are incognito mode if using Google and New private window if using FireFox as anytime other time you look at your site it will give you a false position.
Even then not every site will be exactly the same spot nothing is perfect but Jaaxy is getting close. Take care and be well.

Good question, timely reply. Thank you both. Softwares are result of human creation, they can also make mistakes, don't they?

It's all about pleasing the Google gods. Not going to go as far as to say that they make mistakes. Most of the time it's the operator. HaHaHa.

When you are checking your website.. Be sure you are checking when you are not logged into your website... As an admin otherwise it will show you I'm the top category.

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Is the result of the keyword tool different than jaaxy?

Is the result of the keyword tool different than jaaxy?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have written my content around a keyword. When I write this keyword in the " Keyword tool ", I find my site in the first page, number 4. When I write the same keyword in Jaaxy, I

I see you have had some good feedback and it is usual for different tools to show different results

It is normal to get different numbers for different Keyword tools.

Pay attention to the information you receive from jaaxy.

It is not unusual to not get a different answer with 2 tools.

Make sure you are incognito mode if using Google and New private window if using FireFox as anytime other time you look at your site it will give you a false position.
Even then not every site will be exactly the same spot nothing is perfect but Jaaxy is getting close. Take care and be well.

Good question, timely reply. Thank you both. Softwares are result of human creation, they can also make mistakes, don't they?

It's all about pleasing the Google gods. Not going to go as far as to say that they make mistakes. Most of the time it's the operator. HaHaHa.

When you are checking your website.. Be sure you are checking when you are not logged into your website... As an admin otherwise it will show you I'm the top category.

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