About uga23
Rank 25845
2,610 followers Joined November 2011
Hi, I love my career in the construction industry, but I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I have been denied twice





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asked in
Getting Started

I am going back and forth on if I should use what I have now or come up with a new one.

Not sure if it is Cheesy or Good.

Please let me know and I wont be offended.

I like it, quite unique, how do you create a custom form like that?

Thanks, I created the custom form came from this lesson. Check it out, it is a lot of help.

Thank you, I will:) Have a nice weekend

I think it is great


I agree with Irv, the video looks good but i think the screech needs to go. Drum roll and cymbals are also a great idea though not everyone can play any instruments. Takes hard work and time to play well. You want to show how easy it is, that you can look at it and within seconds, join. Just my opinion though.

Thanks for the comments

You're very welcome. I have a funny short story to share with you. I took violin in school when I was a teen. I was never so dedicated to practicing something and no kidding, the more I practiced the worse I got. My poor dog used to howl whenever I played it. LOL

Not sure about video its short and personally I don't put it together with theme. But that's just me 55 old school. May be the younger generation would relate. I do like the rest of your custom signin. Hope that helps.

Thanks for the comment

Hi, The video is ok until I heard the screech at the end. I would take that out and perhaps make the video a little bit longer. Irv.

Thanks Ivine, I had to trim the video so that is why it is short.
Thanks for the comments

I asdume you are asking about the video. All the text is perfect. Heres what I would do for the video... How about simply a real good "drum roll", and then a crash of the cymbols!

Not there yet as far as a drum roll, but I will add when I can do one.

I really do think a drum roll followed by the cymbols would be great

Me too, I wish I new how.

Not cheesy. Message is clear to anyone... Its easy.


It's different.I think it's good. Doesn't come off as cheesy.

Good, because that is what I was going for.

It looks good Rob. What plugin did you use?

Thanks, I am not sure what plug in I used. All I did was load it from my phone to computer than uploaded it.

I think it looks good.


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Is my custom sign up cheesy or good?

Is my custom sign up cheesy or good?

asked in
Getting Started

I am going back and forth on if I should use what I have now or come up with a new one.

Not sure if it is Cheesy or Good.

Please let me know and I wont be offended.

I like it, quite unique, how do you create a custom form like that?

Thanks, I created the custom form came from this lesson. Check it out, it is a lot of help.

Thank you, I will:) Have a nice weekend

I think it is great


I agree with Irv, the video looks good but i think the screech needs to go. Drum roll and cymbals are also a great idea though not everyone can play any instruments. Takes hard work and time to play well. You want to show how easy it is, that you can look at it and within seconds, join. Just my opinion though.

Thanks for the comments

You're very welcome. I have a funny short story to share with you. I took violin in school when I was a teen. I was never so dedicated to practicing something and no kidding, the more I practiced the worse I got. My poor dog used to howl whenever I played it. LOL

Not sure about video its short and personally I don't put it together with theme. But that's just me 55 old school. May be the younger generation would relate. I do like the rest of your custom signin. Hope that helps.

Thanks for the comment

Hi, The video is ok until I heard the screech at the end. I would take that out and perhaps make the video a little bit longer. Irv.

Thanks Ivine, I had to trim the video so that is why it is short.
Thanks for the comments

I asdume you are asking about the video. All the text is perfect. Heres what I would do for the video... How about simply a real good "drum roll", and then a crash of the cymbols!

Not there yet as far as a drum roll, but I will add when I can do one.

I really do think a drum roll followed by the cymbols would be great

Me too, I wish I new how.

Not cheesy. Message is clear to anyone... Its easy.


It's different.I think it's good. Doesn't come off as cheesy.

Good, because that is what I was going for.

It looks good Rob. What plugin did you use?

Thanks, I am not sure what plug in I used. All I did was load it from my phone to computer than uploaded it.

I think it looks good.


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asked in
Getting Started

Hi, I checked my site health and it said it was "awesome". It has been stuck on "good" for awhile.

Does Site Health go higher than Awesome?


i cant wait to see mine like that

If you site trust is 100% , then no it doesn't get any better than that!

I have been told that site trust takes awhile. Is that true?

Yes, about 10% a month.

Nice work and it does get better.

That is music to my ears.

Great job!

Thank you.

Congrats. Keep up the good work and you find out if there's a descriptive better than awesme.

Ok, I have a goal set now.



Getting there, that's great to see.

I agree. So exciting

Hey that's great. I have never seen site health more than awesome. Of course I haven't been here long enough to see everything. someone else might have seen higher.

Thanks for that info.

You must have posted some recent amazing content!

Yea! go Me

Yay!!! Doesn't progress feelgood?

Yes, it truly does feel good.
So proud of myself for sticking with WA.

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Just at site health - it said awesome. can it get better?

Just at site health - it said awesome. can it get better?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi, I checked my site health and it said it was "awesome". It has been stuck on "good" for awhile.

Does Site Health go higher than Awesome?


i cant wait to see mine like that

If you site trust is 100% , then no it doesn't get any better than that!

I have been told that site trust takes awhile. Is that true?

Yes, about 10% a month.

Nice work and it does get better.

That is music to my ears.

Great job!

Thank you.

Congrats. Keep up the good work and you find out if there's a descriptive better than awesme.

Ok, I have a goal set now.



Getting there, that's great to see.

I agree. So exciting

Hey that's great. I have never seen site health more than awesome. Of course I haven't been here long enough to see everything. someone else might have seen higher.

Thanks for that info.

You must have posted some recent amazing content!

Yea! go Me

Yay!!! Doesn't progress feelgood?

Yes, it truly does feel good.
So proud of myself for sticking with WA.

See more comments

asked in
Getting Started

Hi, I am going thru Pintrest and I was able to pin a post from my site rubix but I was not able to pin a post from WA post.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong.

Pinterest considers pins straight from WA as spam. It was not always like that, which is why you will see some training from Kyle doing that. Problem is that everyone is doing that, so Pinterest considered it spam, probably because it all goes to the same root domain.

If you want to, add the pin manually and use a Pretty Link url from your Siterubix site. On the long run though it would be more beneficial to pin from your own blog.

Thank you

You will have to find images that come close to your WA images that will amplify the content you want.

Okay, thanks

You are supposed to pin images from your own site not WA.

That is what I thought, but Kyle shows him going to his WA blog? No big deal if I do not need it now.
Just trying to follow suit.

Watch case study 1-4 on snack helmets - Jay gives you step by step instruction on how to pin your website to Pinterest


Jays all in one SEO has a social button option, mind does not. uga23 an I do have a problem still.
thanks for trying. PLUME1

Ok, thanks

To activate the social media button, go to All in One SEO -> Feature Manager from your WordPress Dashboard. The just click activate for the Social Media module.


pinterest do not like affiliate links , go to your site and try taking an image from there that links back to your own site

I did, thanks

Clicked on the site
Enter a user name as admin
You see already received the password

To pin things from the web, copy your page or post url.

Go to your Pinterest account, scroll down and click the + sign. A page will open and click “Pin from a website”. Paste in the url and hit the space key on your computer. This will make the button to the right turn red.

Several images from your page or post and earlier ones will appear and you will be asked to “Choose an image to create a pin”. Click on the one you love.

Now, you have to choose a board to pin the image to. If the required board doesn’t show up in the ones proposed, simply type in its name or keywords in the search box and it will show up.

On the image at the left hand side, type in description before the url shown.

Highlight the board and the “Pin it” button will show. Click, and you’re done.

Yes, that worked for the site rubix, but when I get my link in WA pinterest does not find any of my photos and I have several.

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Why am I unable to pin a post from wa?

Why am I unable to pin a post from wa?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi, I am going thru Pintrest and I was able to pin a post from my site rubix but I was not able to pin a post from WA post.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong.

Pinterest considers pins straight from WA as spam. It was not always like that, which is why you will see some training from Kyle doing that. Problem is that everyone is doing that, so Pinterest considered it spam, probably because it all goes to the same root domain.

If you want to, add the pin manually and use a Pretty Link url from your Siterubix site. On the long run though it would be more beneficial to pin from your own blog.

Thank you

You will have to find images that come close to your WA images that will amplify the content you want.

Okay, thanks

You are supposed to pin images from your own site not WA.

That is what I thought, but Kyle shows him going to his WA blog? No big deal if I do not need it now.
Just trying to follow suit.

Watch case study 1-4 on snack helmets - Jay gives you step by step instruction on how to pin your website to Pinterest


Jays all in one SEO has a social button option, mind does not. uga23 an I do have a problem still.
thanks for trying. PLUME1

Ok, thanks

To activate the social media button, go to All in One SEO -> Feature Manager from your WordPress Dashboard. The just click activate for the Social Media module.


pinterest do not like affiliate links , go to your site and try taking an image from there that links back to your own site

I did, thanks

Clicked on the site
Enter a user name as admin
You see already received the password