About Richard711
Rank 443558
197 followers Joined February 2024
Im new here i hope to make money here now im currently unemployed so i hope to make at least $500 a month , i





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I would like to ask in my about me page my photo , can someone please give me the name of the plugin for using a photo that is round and not square as im not sure which plugin

You’ve gotton the correct answers, hope you get through Maudman answer is perfectly correct.

thank you to everyone for all your help need to get through alot now since i missed 3 weeks , thanks a million



Hi Richard. No plugin required... The standard image block in WordPress has an option to change the style to Rounded. If you happen to be using the GeneratePress theme for your site, I would recommend installing the GenerateBlocks plugin which gives you some extra blocks that have a ton of additional features & versatility. If you use the Image block from GenerateBlocks, you can set your border radius to 100 and it will round all the corners.

Totally up to you, lol :) It is your website.

The image block provides function for rounding a photo, a lot or a little as you wish. That way you don't need to change the photo at all. Sorry no time to tell you how right now. Just ask if you want more info.

Hi Richard. You don't need a plugin to create a round photo. You need Canva. Go to Canva.com and type in round photo in the text box. A bunch of templates will come up with round photos. Pick one you like and tap on the photo init and then tape replace on the menu. Upload the photo you want and drag it to the circle. You can then download that and use it on any of your websites. No special plugin needed

Keep thriving!

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Can somene help me please ?

Can somene help me please ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I would like to ask in my about me page my photo , can someone please give me the name of the plugin for using a photo that is round and not square as im not sure which plugin

You’ve gotton the correct answers, hope you get through Maudman answer is perfectly correct.

thank you to everyone for all your help need to get through alot now since i missed 3 weeks , thanks a million



Hi Richard. No plugin required... The standard image block in WordPress has an option to change the style to Rounded. If you happen to be using the GeneratePress theme for your site, I would recommend installing the GenerateBlocks plugin which gives you some extra blocks that have a ton of additional features & versatility. If you use the Image block from GenerateBlocks, you can set your border radius to 100 and it will round all the corners.

Totally up to you, lol :) It is your website.

The image block provides function for rounding a photo, a lot or a little as you wish. That way you don't need to change the photo at all. Sorry no time to tell you how right now. Just ask if you want more info.

Hi Richard. You don't need a plugin to create a round photo. You need Canva. Go to Canva.com and type in round photo in the text box. A bunch of templates will come up with round photos. Pick one you like and tap on the photo init and then tape replace on the menu. Upload the photo you want and drag it to the circle. You can then download that and use it on any of your websites. No special plugin needed

Keep thriving!

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asked in
Getting Started

another thing i was looking a site kite google in word press and saw top search queries for my site ? what does that mean do i write a topic about what people are searching ?

Hi Richard! You have some great responses from Partha, which I found very helpful. Have a great day.

Hey Richard,

SiteKit is simply a plugin that allows you to easily connect certain Google tools/software to your site easily with a couple of clicks.

So, to begin with, you will have usually connected your Google Analytics and Google Search Console to your website via SiteKit.

The "Top Search Queries" is information that SiteKit has pulled from your Google Search Console account.

Don't forget, even though you target ONE KEYWORD per ONE ARITCLE, that article has the ability to rank for 100s and even 1000s of DIFFERENT KEYWORDS.

The "Top search Queries" are the keywords that REAL VISITORS have been searching for online, and where your articles are showing up in the search results for those particular keywords.

Every time someone searches for a query in Google, and you have an article that shows up for that search query you will receive ONE IMPRESSION in Google Search Console.


Your ONE IMPRESSION could mean that you're ranking for that keyword in position ONE or even position 100.

Your Google Search Console will provide you with details of WHAT POSITION you are ranking for that keyword.

Obviously, if you're ranking in position 100 for that keyword, it will count as an impression, but the likelihood of someone going through 99 previous search results to click on your article is about ZERO.

So, while "impressions" for "top search queries" show that you are appearing in the search results, it isn't much use unless you are ranking for those particular keywords in the top 10 positions (realistically in 2024, the top FIVE positions).

However, the more content you add to your website, the more queries (keywords) that you will POTENTIALLY receive impressions (and hopefully clicks) for.

The other thing about "Top Search Queries" is that occasionally you may appear in the search results for queries/keywords that you HAVEN'T written about (it can happen), but you may have mentioned in passing in an article.

This being the case, it makes sense to write a FULL ARTICLE targeting that query/keyword (your website is ALREADY receiving impressions for that query, so it makes sense to write an article on that subject).


you DON'T want to write that article if it is too closely related to something you have already written on your website.

As an example, If I've written an article for the keyword:

"How to get traffic from Facebook"

and I'm receiving impressions under "Top Search Queries" for

"How to get website visitors from Facebook"

I WOULD NOT write a new article because they MEAN THE SAME THING!!

So, the "Top Search Queries" is simply showing you what queries/keywords you are currently appearing in the search results for.

As I say, this can be a good thing if you are ranking well for those keywords (top 5), but you're unlikely to get many visitors from people searching for these queries if you're ranked lower than this (click on the "Average Position" button above the graph in Google Search Console and change the date range to "last 28 days" to get a better picture of your rankings for those "Top Search Queries".

Hope that all makes sense?


What would happen if you just dont connect your site to google? But look at your traffic and keywords with other methods, and just like ignore gooogle?

also, don'tmean to "steal" the topic here Richard haha, but at what point does it even make sense to connect to google when you have a new site? From the start? At a 100 blog posts?
Can you tell I'm doing something new here hahaha!

Hey Lizzy,

I guess you're talking about what many SEOs have been saying over the last 2 months, e.g. "getting slapped by Google because you have Google-related software attached to your website".

Personally, I don't see it.

Anyone, who got a load of sites slapped via say Google Search Console, e.g. Kyle Roof, Matt Diggity, Jacky Chou, Julian Goldie, etc. were definitely MANUALLY (HUMAN) REVIEWED

So, it's likely a human reviewer already knew about many of these SEOs due to them getting involved in conversations on Twitter with Google search team members, or regularly publishing case studies on YouTube (owned by Google).

So, when March 5th came about, they just followed their Google Search Console and slapped every site inside these.

Jacky did ask for some sites to be manually reviewed again, as they were CLIENT sites and not his.

He's said that these sites were then "recovered".

However, going by the above conclusions you could say if you use anything Google-related then Google can "spy" on you, e,g, Google Workspace, Google Ads Manager, Google Keyword Tool, GA4, Google Docs, etc.


In reality, most of us who were "hit" aren't "big enough" for Google to manually review unless we'd been "vocal" on a platform that Google's "team" regularly uses.

Realistically, you could try it (BUT on a NEW DOMAIN that hasn't been "registered" on ANY Google properties), but I honestly don't think it will make a difference.

I know that the "site reputation abuse" update is tomorrow, but I don't think it will make a huge difference to "normal" bloggers.

Plus, I'm now starting to think that the "page-by-page" classification for ranking articles on a website was actually bought in JUST for TOMORROW.

Basically, this means that for a company like Forbes, who Google DOESN'T want to get into a legal battle with, they will deindex all the "sponsored posts" in their Sponsored sub-directory (sub-domain), but will not touch the other posts on their website.

This way Google can say to these big companies, "We gave you 2 month's warning and we've only deindexed the articles that "abused" these rules, so the rest of your website is fine, still ranking and still earning money".

What does this mean for the "normal blogger"?

Anyone who was "hit" in an HCU and had a sitewide classifier added to their website - you're NOT recovering any time soon.

Realistically, if Google has reduced your traffic by 70-95% they've done that for a good reason, so it's highly unlikely to get "reversed", hence why most people online are saying that NO-ONE has recovered from September 2023 HCU.

This reminds me of Penguin and Panda of 2011 and 2012, and even of the YMYL update of 2017.

The websites that eventually "recovered" IN GOOGLE took around 2-3 years, and they literally changed EVERYTHING on their websites.

In other words, they rewrote and updated every single article on their websites and added fresh content regularly too, while avoiding the mistakes they had previously made.

So, considering, we are only 18 months after the first HCU update and 8 months after the last "official" HCU update (it's NOW part of the Core update), and looking at the last decade of Google Search, it's too early for anyone to talking of "recoveries".

But, going with what I've been saying a lot recently, and even what you blogged about the other day...

STOP producing content just to "please Google".

SEO for years has been

find longtail keywords
Write article
Rank on Google

Currently, for new websites created in 2024, they are getting indexed and even ranking fairly quickly, BUT then a few weeks/months later all articles are slowly being deindexed until nothing is ranking and there is NO Google traffic.

For people who started a new website from around August 2023 until December 2023, they've pretty much seen everything die this year.

And for those who've been previously hit in an HCU their traffic and impressions from GOOGLE has pretty much dropped to almost nothing.

Can we realistically expect nearly 500,000,000 websites to ALL "recover" after tomorrow?


For now, I think there has been "domain damage" done to lots of people, so these domains have received "algorithmic penalties" (not visible to the human eye, but you know., i.e. nothing's happening in Google with your website, no matter what you do)...

And for these websites, it's either spend a few years changing everything on your websites in the HOPE that Google might "like" you again in the future, or simply DON'T WORRY ABOUT GOOGLE.

Stop doing keyword research to "rank in Google".

Stop writing content specifically "trying to rank in Google).

If you're going to use AI then publish 10-15 articles per day (because otherwise just publishing one AI article per day, you're doing the same as everyone else who's been "hit" over the last few years, so you're probably going to get "hit" some time later this year. btw, this is NOT "mass-producing AI" which is being targeted tomorrow, mass-produced is 100s of articles a day, 1000s of articcles a month)

And finally, concentrate on getting traffic from other sources and platforms.

Another way to look at it is, we've had one hell of a ride in Google over the last 25 years.

There are "millions" of internet millionaires made in this time.

Some people have always done things "by the book", others have done everything possible to manipulate Google.

However, for the first 4 months of 2024, you're only really ranking in Google if you're a recognised (and searched for) brand, if you're owned by or have a business arrangement with Google, if you have HUGE domain authority, or if your website allows external users to have conversations, ask and answer questions, etc.

So, if you're NOT one of the above (yet) STOP producing content with the sole purpose of ranking in Google.

Write articles WITHOUT keyword research and that people in your niche really want to know about (use autosuggest features on every platform you can think of to get "article topics" to write about, even BING, bing autosuggest is different fro, Google's), and focus on sending traffic to these articles from OTHER PLATFORMS.

Eventually, you may find that all the traffic from external sources" is what pushes you up in the Google rankings (they can see that people from "other sources" regularly visit your website, interact, and even come back. <---this is what will improve Google ranking eventually)

As I've said a LOT recently, view Google as 20% of your overall traffic moving forward, get the other 80% from elsewhere.

That first 25 years of Google search was one Helluva ride, welcome to the new era of Google.


yep, one word: totally.
This sums it up lol
(not doing any keyword research anyway with my new dutch site, there are not even 'tools' available for other languages lol

PS, I started just to late, If I knew this when I stopped working 15 years ago, I would have had some good savings by now hahaha! Oh well..

" The websites that eventually "recovered" IN GOOGLE took around 2-3 years, and they literally changed EVERYTHING on their websites.

In other words, they rewrote and updated every single article on their websites and added fresh content regularly too, while avoiding the mistakes they had previously made."

==> so would you now advise us to do this again, or not anymore? If so, how about just deindexing those 'bad ones' in the eyes of google, but still use them for social media (because you know that your audience is still interested in it)

by the way, I've seen SEO's now setting up their clocks for the 5th and decide to stay up late hahaha, so curious about their reactions.. But indeed, they had plenty of time beforehand and got warned, small publishers hadn't , on the other hand :-(

And So it Begins ;)

Tbh, I'm trying NOT to say too much until after tomorrow, and also the "aftermath" for the next couple of weeks.

Anyone who is currently making predictions about Google search, there's a good chance they will have shot themselves in the foot and will look stupid once this is all over.

As for "completely overhauling your website", this is something that you would do if YOUR MAIN AIM IS TO RANK IN GOOGLE.

Another way to look at it, and it's something you even said the other day, should we really be doing things JUST to please Google?

In other words, we all have plenty of articles on our websites that Google NOW deem as "unhelpful", but they used to find this content "helpful", plus even if Google NEVER found these articles "helpful", our readers and visitors probably DID find them "helpful".

So, there are two forms of "recovery".

1) Change everything on your website to fall in line with Google's policies and HOPE that you will eventually recover.

2) Forget Google. Continue to write what YOU feel is "helpful", and send visitors to your articles via other channels.

Just so you know people are being "called out" online, especially blogging and SEO courses, membership, and platform creators.

In fact, I've now seen 3 different people call "income School" a "SCAM", as their initial training is totally focused on keyword research, blogging, and SEO to rank in Google.

Basically, it's being said that this type of online marketing no longer works in 2024, and therefore people selling these courses/memberships should be considered "scammers", as they're selling stuff that worked great up until about 2022/2023...


2024 and onward, SEO is realistically about building a brand and using social media and user-generated content platforms for TRAFFIC.

If you get traffic from the search engines view it as a "bonus".

Again, not sure I 100% agree with this, but these people do make a good point.

My advice today (May 4th<---- could change by Monday) is to STOP creating content ON YOUR WEBSITE with the SOLE PURPOSE to try to rank that content in Google.

Sure, we should still do keyword research, as there's a great change you'll rank on other search engines, even if "Google Hates You".

But, your aim should be to write articles and then find ways of getting traffic to those articles, rather than solely relying on the search engines to rank that content and give you traffic that way (as I say, for NOW, view search engine traffic as a bonus (this could ALL change tomorrow, hahahaha!! That's why I don't want to 100% commit to "giving advice" or "making predictions".


Yes yes , and yes, personally, I haven't updated anything anymore since sept/okt last year, besides the Amazon images grrrrr. As I was already doing that before that update, and now well , lost the motivation to do that AGAIN anyway. Thanks 😁

thank you it all makes sense now i have alot of impressions on my website so it appears im doing something correctly thank you so much for the information


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Site kite on wordpress ?

Site kite on wordpress ?

asked in
Getting Started

another thing i was looking a site kite google in word press and saw top search queries for my site ? what does that mean do i write a topic about what people are searching ?

Hi Richard! You have some great responses from Partha, which I found very helpful. Have a great day.

Hey Richard,

SiteKit is simply a plugin that allows you to easily connect certain Google tools/software to your site easily with a couple of clicks.

So, to begin with, you will have usually connected your Google Analytics and Google Search Console to your website via SiteKit.

The "Top Search Queries" is information that SiteKit has pulled from your Google Search Console account.

Don't forget, even though you target ONE KEYWORD per ONE ARITCLE, that article has the ability to rank for 100s and even 1000s of DIFFERENT KEYWORDS.

The "Top search Queries" are the keywords that REAL VISITORS have been searching for online, and where your articles are showing up in the search results for those particular keywords.

Every time someone searches for a query in Google, and you have an article that shows up for that search query you will receive ONE IMPRESSION in Google Search Console.


Your ONE IMPRESSION could mean that you're ranking for that keyword in position ONE or even position 100.

Your Google Search Console will provide you with details of WHAT POSITION you are ranking for that keyword.

Obviously, if you're ranking in position 100 for that keyword, it will count as an impression, but the likelihood of someone going through 99 previous search results to click on your article is about ZERO.

So, while "impressions" for "top search queries" show that you are appearing in the search results, it isn't much use unless you are ranking for those particular keywords in the top 10 positions (realistically in 2024, the top FIVE positions).

However, the more content you add to your website, the more queries (keywords) that you will POTENTIALLY receive impressions (and hopefully clicks) for.

The other thing about "Top Search Queries" is that occasionally you may appear in the search results for queries/keywords that you HAVEN'T written about (it can happen), but you may have mentioned in passing in an article.

This being the case, it makes sense to write a FULL ARTICLE targeting that query/keyword (your website is ALREADY receiving impressions for that query, so it makes sense to write an article on that subject).


you DON'T want to write that article if it is too closely related to something you have already written on your website.

As an example, If I've written an article for the keyword:

"How to get traffic from Facebook"

and I'm receiving impressions under "Top Search Queries" for

"How to get website visitors from Facebook"

I WOULD NOT write a new article because they MEAN THE SAME THING!!

So, the "Top Search Queries" is simply showing you what queries/keywords you are currently appearing in the search results for.

As I say, this can be a good thing if you are ranking well for those keywords (top 5), but you're unlikely to get many visitors from people searching for these queries if you're ranked lower than this (click on the "Average Position" button above the graph in Google Search Console and change the date range to "last 28 days" to get a better picture of your rankings for those "Top Search Queries".

Hope that all makes sense?


What would happen if you just dont connect your site to google? But look at your traffic and keywords with other methods, and just like ignore gooogle?

also, don'tmean to "steal" the topic here Richard haha, but at what point does it even make sense to connect to google when you have a new site? From the start? At a 100 blog posts?
Can you tell I'm doing something new here hahaha!

Hey Lizzy,

I guess you're talking about what many SEOs have been saying over the last 2 months, e.g. "getting slapped by Google because you have Google-related software attached to your website".

Personally, I don't see it.

Anyone, who got a load of sites slapped via say Google Search Console, e.g. Kyle Roof, Matt Diggity, Jacky Chou, Julian Goldie, etc. were definitely MANUALLY (HUMAN) REVIEWED

So, it's likely a human reviewer already knew about many of these SEOs due to them getting involved in conversations on Twitter with Google search team members, or regularly publishing case studies on YouTube (owned by Google).

So, when March 5th came about, they just followed their Google Search Console and slapped every site inside these.

Jacky did ask for some sites to be manually reviewed again, as they were CLIENT sites and not his.

He's said that these sites were then "recovered".

However, going by the above conclusions you could say if you use anything Google-related then Google can "spy" on you, e,g, Google Workspace, Google Ads Manager, Google Keyword Tool, GA4, Google Docs, etc.


In reality, most of us who were "hit" aren't "big enough" for Google to manually review unless we'd been "vocal" on a platform that Google's "team" regularly uses.

Realistically, you could try it (BUT on a NEW DOMAIN that hasn't been "registered" on ANY Google properties), but I honestly don't think it will make a difference.

I know that the "site reputation abuse" update is tomorrow, but I don't think it will make a huge difference to "normal" bloggers.

Plus, I'm now starting to think that the "page-by-page" classification for ranking articles on a website was actually bought in JUST for TOMORROW.

Basically, this means that for a company like Forbes, who Google DOESN'T want to get into a legal battle with, they will deindex all the "sponsored posts" in their Sponsored sub-directory (sub-domain), but will not touch the other posts on their website.

This way Google can say to these big companies, "We gave you 2 month's warning and we've only deindexed the articles that "abused" these rules, so the rest of your website is fine, still ranking and still earning money".

What does this mean for the "normal blogger"?

Anyone who was "hit" in an HCU and had a sitewide classifier added to their website - you're NOT recovering any time soon.

Realistically, if Google has reduced your traffic by 70-95% they've done that for a good reason, so it's highly unlikely to get "reversed", hence why most people online are saying that NO-ONE has recovered from September 2023 HCU.

This reminds me of Penguin and Panda of 2011 and 2012, and even of the YMYL update of 2017.

The websites that eventually "recovered" IN GOOGLE took around 2-3 years, and they literally changed EVERYTHING on their websites.

In other words, they rewrote and updated every single article on their websites and added fresh content regularly too, while avoiding the mistakes they had previously made.

So, considering, we are only 18 months after the first HCU update and 8 months after the last "official" HCU update (it's NOW part of the Core update), and looking at the last decade of Google Search, it's too early for anyone to talking of "recoveries".

But, going with what I've been saying a lot recently, and even what you blogged about the other day...

STOP producing content just to "please Google".

SEO for years has been

find longtail keywords
Write article
Rank on Google

Currently, for new websites created in 2024, they are getting indexed and even ranking fairly quickly, BUT then a few weeks/months later all articles are slowly being deindexed until nothing is ranking and there is NO Google traffic.

For people who started a new website from around August 2023 until December 2023, they've pretty much seen everything die this year.

And for those who've been previously hit in an HCU their traffic and impressions from GOOGLE has pretty much dropped to almost nothing.

Can we realistically expect nearly 500,000,000 websites to ALL "recover" after tomorrow?


For now, I think there has been "domain damage" done to lots of people, so these domains have received "algorithmic penalties" (not visible to the human eye, but you know., i.e. nothing's happening in Google with your website, no matter what you do)...

And for these websites, it's either spend a few years changing everything on your websites in the HOPE that Google might "like" you again in the future, or simply DON'T WORRY ABOUT GOOGLE.

Stop doing keyword research to "rank in Google".

Stop writing content specifically "trying to rank in Google).

If you're going to use AI then publish 10-15 articles per day (because otherwise just publishing one AI article per day, you're doing the same as everyone else who's been "hit" over the last few years, so you're probably going to get "hit" some time later this year. btw, this is NOT "mass-producing AI" which is being targeted tomorrow, mass-produced is 100s of articles a day, 1000s of articcles a month)

And finally, concentrate on getting traffic from other sources and platforms.

Another way to look at it is, we've had one hell of a ride in Google over the last 25 years.

There are "millions" of internet millionaires made in this time.

Some people have always done things "by the book", others have done everything possible to manipulate Google.

However, for the first 4 months of 2024, you're only really ranking in Google if you're a recognised (and searched for) brand, if you're owned by or have a business arrangement with Google, if you have HUGE domain authority, or if your website allows external users to have conversations, ask and answer questions, etc.

So, if you're NOT one of the above (yet) STOP producing content with the sole purpose of ranking in Google.

Write articles WITHOUT keyword research and that people in your niche really want to know about (use autosuggest features on every platform you can think of to get "article topics" to write about, even BING, bing autosuggest is different fro, Google's), and focus on sending traffic to these articles from OTHER PLATFORMS.

Eventually, you may find that all the traffic from external sources" is what pushes you up in the Google rankings (they can see that people from "other sources" regularly visit your website, interact, and even come back. <---this is what will improve Google ranking eventually)

As I've said a LOT recently, view Google as 20% of your overall traffic moving forward, get the other 80% from elsewhere.

That first 25 years of Google search was one Helluva ride, welcome to the new era of Google.


yep, one word: totally.
This sums it up lol
(not doing any keyword research anyway with my new dutch site, there are not even 'tools' available for other languages lol

PS, I started just to late, If I knew this when I stopped working 15 years ago, I would have had some good savings by now hahaha! Oh well..

" The websites that eventually "recovered" IN GOOGLE took around 2-3 years, and they literally changed EVERYTHING on their websites.

In other words, they rewrote and updated every single article on their websites and added fresh content regularly too, while avoiding the mistakes they had previously made."

==> so would you now advise us to do this again, or not anymore? If so, how about just deindexing those 'bad ones' in the eyes of google, but still use them for social media (because you know that your audience is still interested in it)

by the way, I've seen SEO's now setting up their clocks for the 5th and decide to stay up late hahaha, so curious about their reactions.. But indeed, they had plenty of time beforehand and got warned, small publishers hadn't , on the other hand :-(

And So it Begins ;)

Tbh, I'm trying NOT to say too much until after tomorrow, and also the "aftermath" for the next couple of weeks.

Anyone who is currently making predictions about Google search, there's a good chance they will have shot themselves in the foot and will look stupid once this is all over.

As for "completely overhauling your website", this is something that you would do if YOUR MAIN AIM IS TO RANK IN GOOGLE.

Another way to look at it, and it's something you even said the other day, should we really be doing things JUST to please Google?

In other words, we all have plenty of articles on our websites that Google NOW deem as "unhelpful", but they used to find this content "helpful", plus even if Google NEVER found these articles "helpful", our readers and visitors probably DID find them "helpful".

So, there are two forms of "recovery".

1) Change everything on your website to fall in line with Google's policies and HOPE that you will eventually recover.

2) Forget Google. Continue to write what YOU feel is "helpful", and send visitors to your articles via other channels.

Just so you know people are being "called out" online, especially blogging and SEO courses, membership, and platform creators.

In fact, I've now seen 3 different people call "income School" a "SCAM", as their initial training is totally focused on keyword research, blogging, and SEO to rank in Google.

Basically, it's being said that this type of online marketing no longer works in 2024, and therefore people selling these courses/memberships should be considered "scammers", as they're selling stuff that worked great up until about 2022/2023...


2024 and onward, SEO is realistically about building a brand and using social media and user-generated content platforms for TRAFFIC.

If you get traffic from the search engines view it as a "bonus".

Again, not sure I 100% agree with this, but these people do make a good point.

My advice today (May 4th<---- could change by Monday) is to STOP creating content ON YOUR WEBSITE with the SOLE PURPOSE to try to rank that content in Google.

Sure, we should still do keyword research, as there's a great change you'll rank on other search engines, even if "Google Hates You".

But, your aim should be to write articles and then find ways of getting traffic to those articles, rather than solely relying on the search engines to rank that content and give you traffic that way (as I say, for NOW, view search engine traffic as a bonus (this could ALL change tomorrow, hahahaha!! That's why I don't want to 100% commit to "giving advice" or "making predictions".


Yes yes , and yes, personally, I haven't updated anything anymore since sept/okt last year, besides the Amazon images grrrrr. As I was already doing that before that update, and now well , lost the motivation to do that AGAIN anyway. Thanks 😁

thank you it all makes sense now i have alot of impressions on my website so it appears im doing something correctly thank you so much for the information


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asked in
Getting Started

i would like to ask how do we make money just by writing content ? if we are writing content how do we sell products ? do we first write content and then sell products ? please

Hey Richard,

There is no such magic bullet.

And in case you're now wondering... and despite what some may tell you here... yes, affiliate marketing still works today... when done right (read that again).

Skipping past going through Kyle's valuable lessons in hope of instant monies will need a miracle.

There are several unhappy affiliate marketers (always have been) due to several different issues, such as:

> the wrong niche chosen,
> the wrong lead magnet offered,
> low quality content,
> chasing shiny objects,
> not staying focused,
> not being consistent,
> etc.

Doing the wrong thing repeatedly will definitely get you nowhere... fast.

Hope you find this helpful.

hello Triblu

firstly its taken me 2 months to get WA up and running, That the problem how do you know if you choose the right niche ? Its very easy to say unhappy affiliates now you need to try every niche before something comes along , i have yet to see the traffic and just finished 2 posts on 2 different sites , i have followed Kyle and yes there are unhappy affiliate marketers but in the end i done my best ...

Hey Richard,

I have never ever said that "to try every niche before something comes along."

I have simply stated facts. Some IMers make it big while others do not, and the partial list I provided are some of the reasons for failures.

Many come here hoping to get rich in a months time, and that too is not logical... though a shared dream by many.

if you've done your best and are ready to quit then I respect your decision to do so.

Content is king as long as you're targeting the right audience with your product. Now people always looking for information online and that is where your content comes in useful once it is done correctly, you place affiliate links in your content that people will click on to buy whatever you have to offer. That is basically how you make money with your content.
You can also monetize your site so that when people visit your site, they will see other ads on your site and if they are interested and click on it you receive a commission as well.
Hope this was helpful to you.

thank you its much appreciated i will keep that in mind just hope its a success for me . thank you its was helpful

You will never make money by writing content, these days are over. I have thousands of posts in my sites which used to create a 6-figure income, not any longer. Google will destroy whatever you do, and you will be wasting your time. Better try something else, YouTube currently works so try there if you are able.

I have seen what others are suggesting you and I have no plan to argue with them. But I am indeed surprised with what they are telling you, I know they know what is happening with Google. You do what you want, it is up to you.

i suppose its a risk , i was trying to promote WA but still very little traffic not sure how others have done it but i will follow the training , i will see at the end of the year in Feb 2025 i will see where i stand , i currently have no job so at the moment. there are 2 options either its works or not, my biggest concern is traffic , no matter how good you are no traffic no sales , and all so getting ranked in google . im still new 2 months in just finished my training on WA promoting , it will be sad if i lose this as i enjoyed creating and thinking different things here . It will be a real pity if i do go but i will follow through to the end and decide in February 2025.

Secondly i dont have a camera just a mobile phone , i bought 2 other websites i just hope it was not for nothing , i appreciate a different view of things , i guess maybe i missed the boat of oppertunities but i will see where i will be , thank you for your information

Diane has given you valuable advice regarding content writing at the start. From there once you start gaining traction with regular visitors then you can start to find affiliate programs based on your niche.

Also note that most affiliate programs will inspect your website as well so the more informational content you have and the increase in visitors they will be more likely to accept you to their programs.

Once accepted they will provide you with a unique affiliate link to use for your promotions but first write informational content that is beneficial for your readers showing your knowledge on the topic and giving them trust.

As you go through the training here more will become apparent along the way.

Wishing you well


thank you ijust hope i can drive enough traffic to my website i do have ideas but i hope it will work . i have been searching through some companies but some do not offer affiliate , but yet they are quite a big company can i still focus on that product or better to focus on companies that do offer affiliates ?

meaning their products

You have the hubs here to give you many ideas for content plus the niche finder tools to help you break down more on the niche to something more narrow.

As for affiliate companies, you can also type your niche + affiliate program in Google and you will find many that offer affiliate programs for your niche.

Wishing you well


thank you for the advise

You are most welcome enjoy it all and keep moving forward

The aim of the content is to get people to visit your site, where you can promote relevant affiliate products to them. When someone buys a product through your affiliate link, you get paid the commission.

thank you for the advise

My pleasure, Richard.

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Writing content how do we make money from it ?

Writing content how do we make money from it ?

asked in
Getting Started

i would like to ask how do we make money just by writing content ? if we are writing content how do we sell products ? do we first write content and then sell products ? please

Hey Richard,

There is no such magic bullet.

And in case you're now wondering... and despite what some may tell you here... yes, affiliate marketing still works today... when done right (read that again).

Skipping past going through Kyle's valuable lessons in hope of instant monies will need a miracle.

There are several unhappy affiliate marketers (always have been) due to several different issues, such as:

> the wrong niche chosen,
> the wrong lead magnet offered,
> low quality content,
> chasing shiny objects,
> not staying focused,
> not being consistent,
> etc.

Doing the wrong thing repeatedly will definitely get you nowhere... fast.

Hope you find this helpful.

hello Triblu

firstly its taken me 2 months to get WA up and running, That the problem how do you know if you choose the right niche ? Its very easy to say unhappy affiliates now you need to try every niche before something comes along , i have yet to see the traffic and just finished 2 posts on 2 different sites , i have followed Kyle and yes there are unhappy affiliate marketers but in the end i done my best ...

Hey Richard,

I have never ever said that "to try every niche before something comes along."

I have simply stated facts. Some IMers make it big while others do not, and the partial list I provided are some of the reasons for failures.

Many come here hoping to get rich in a months time, and that too is not logical... though a shared dream by many.

if you've done your best and are ready to quit then I respect your decision to do so.

Content is king as long as you're targeting the right audience with your product. Now people always looking for information online and that is where your content comes in useful once it is done correctly, you place affiliate links in your content that people will click on to buy whatever you have to offer. That is basically how you make money with your content.
You can also monetize your site so that when people visit your site, they will see other ads on your site and if they are interested and click on it you receive a commission as well.
Hope this was helpful to you.

thank you its much appreciated i will keep that in mind just hope its a success for me . thank you its was helpful

You will never make money by writing content, these days are over. I have thousands of posts in my sites which used to create a 6-figure income, not any longer. Google will destroy whatever you do, and you will be wasting your time. Better try something else, YouTube currently works so try there if you are able.

I have seen what others are suggesting you and I have no plan to argue with them. But I am indeed surprised with what they are telling you, I know they know what is happening with Google. You do what you want, it is up to you.

i suppose its a risk , i was trying to promote WA but still very little traffic not sure how others have done it but i will follow the training , i will see at the end of the year in Feb 2025 i will see where i stand , i currently have no job so at the moment. there are 2 options either its works or not, my biggest concern is traffic , no matter how good you are no traffic no sales , and all so getting ranked in google . im still new 2 months in just finished my training on WA promoting , it will be sad if i lose this as i enjoyed creating and thinking different things here . It will be a real pity if i do go but i will follow through to the end and decide in February 2025.

Secondly i dont have a camera just a mobile phone , i bought 2 other websites i just hope it was not for nothing , i appreciate a different view of things , i guess maybe i missed the boat of oppertunities but i will see where i will be , thank you for your information

Diane has given you valuable advice regarding content writing at the start. From there once you start gaining traction with regular visitors then you can start to find affiliate programs based on your niche.

Also note that most affiliate programs will inspect your website as well so the more informational content you have and the increase in visitors they will be more likely to accept you to their programs.

Once accepted they will provide you with a unique affiliate link to use for your promotions but first write informational content that is beneficial for your readers showing your knowledge on the topic and giving them trust.

As you go through the training here more will become apparent along the way.

Wishing you well


thank you ijust hope i can drive enough traffic to my website i do have ideas but i hope it will work . i have been searching through some companies but some do not offer affiliate , but yet they are quite a big company can i still focus on that product or better to focus on companies that do offer affiliates ?

meaning their products

You have the hubs here to give you many ideas for content plus the niche finder tools to help you break down more on the niche to something more narrow.

As for affiliate companies, you can also type your niche + affiliate program in Google and you will find many that offer affiliate programs for your niche.

Wishing you well


thank you for the advise

You are most welcome enjoy it all and keep moving forward

The aim of the content is to get people to visit your site, where you can promote relevant affiliate products to them. When someone buys a product through your affiliate link, you get paid the commission.

thank you for the advise

My pleasure, Richard.

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asked in
Getting Started

i was promoting my website with WA and was following the training in to getting my logo which has been done , the problem is i can not get in to my back office wheni enter it s

Please reach out to site support if you are still having issues.

That can be taken care of via a ticket to Site Support. Let them know and they'l have you fixed up very quickly.

thank you Eric i have sent them the message they were very kind its been removed and i can now enter word press thank you so much this has helped me loads as i thought a couple of days it would only be sorted , Site support emailed google and its been cleared , thank you so much Erici can now concentrate this weekend , thank you for your support

kind regards

problem entering the back office login

Why is the URL not showing my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites?

The URL in your screen print is NOT Wealth Affiliate's URL page for our websites.

thank you so much i just checked its all sorted now

Please reach out to site support.

Have you already actually set the initial website foundation up?

well i was on the training building my first website well startedto promote WA and now im stuck on this part , i can not move forward

Yeah sorry it took me so long. Been a crazy day. Eric is right, if you haven’t already. A site Support ticket will do the job. They’ll find out what’s wrong.

Thank you Robin i have emailed them at site support all id good now thank you for the support it means a lot to me thank you again

Anytime! I’m happy to help if I can.

Have you tried deleting browser history and cache? Perhaps try using another browser.

honestly i dont thing i have much history inmy browser as i use my mobile for everything but i will have a look many thanks

i have emailed site support thank you for your help

do i need to delete google browser is is firefox reliable ?

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When i enter into my back office and i log in i can not get into my wordpress why?

When i enter into my back office and i log in i can not get into my wordpress why?

asked in
Getting Started

i was promoting my website with WA and was following the training in to getting my logo which has been done , the problem is i can not get in to my back office wheni enter it s

Please reach out to site support if you are still having issues.

That can be taken care of via a ticket to Site Support. Let them know and they'l have you fixed up very quickly.

thank you Eric i have sent them the message they were very kind its been removed and i can now enter word press thank you so much this has helped me loads as i thought a couple of days it would only be sorted , Site support emailed google and its been cleared , thank you so much Erici can now concentrate this weekend , thank you for your support

kind regards

problem entering the back office login

Why is the URL not showing my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites?

The URL in your screen print is NOT Wealth Affiliate's URL page for our websites.

thank you so much i just checked its all sorted now

Please reach out to site support.

Have you already actually set the initial website foundation up?

well i was on the training building my first website well startedto promote WA and now im stuck on this part , i can not move forward

Yeah sorry it took me so long. Been a crazy day. Eric is right, if you haven’t already. A site Support ticket will do the job. They’ll find out what’s wrong.

Thank you Robin i have emailed them at site support all id good now thank you for the support it means a lot to me thank you again

Anytime! I’m happy to help if I can.

Have you tried deleting browser history and cache? Perhaps try using another browser.

honestly i dont thing i have much history inmy browser as i use my mobile for everything but i will have a look many thanks

i have emailed site support thank you for your help

do i need to delete google browser is is firefox reliable ?

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