About Hair121
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956 followers Joined August 2021
My name is Louise. I am a freelance hairdresser by trade, and I have been in the industry for over 35 years. My passion for hard





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

When writing an article in the Block Editor, I currently use the free version of Grammarly and can usually correct the yellow highlighted words myself. The only issue is that t

Maybe Grammarly is in maintenance mode at the time :)

You can try to switch it off and turn it back on...

Hi Louise, I have the same problem. I am a premium subscriber. I had that problem until I asked Grammarly support how to move it up. They explained it stays on the bottom red until you correct it all. For example, if it says the word "this" is not clear, I will scroll up, and it will have a gray letter showing the word that needs to be replaced for clarity. You will need to zoom out of your browser, too; once you zoom out, the symbol appears, but unfortunately, it always stays at the bottom instead of the top. I do not like that at all.

Hi Brenda, hmmm not too sure what you mean.
I used to be able to access the symbol but now, if I deliberatly make a mistake it brings up a box and will show the error in red and allows me to change it but I can no longer access the symbol to show me any underlined words where fluency/ grammar needs attention.

Did you zoom out of your browser? I will show you a screenshot of what it looks like when you Zoom out. Yes, you are right; it does not move to the paragraph like before; it stays on the bottom. It won't move. That is what I do not like. It stays on the bottom, it changed the color to gray let me screenshot it to you.

I tried zooming in and out and tried a different browser. Ironically, the symbol is visible as I type this!
Wondering if it's an Apple Mac issue?

I use an Apple Mac myself. MacBook Pro M1 and M2 model. I was using Chrome see my Chrome browser screenshot 1,

Screenshot 2 I zoom out on Chrome finally it shows up I can see 2 errors but it stays at the bottom and it corrects for me then I click rewrite for clarity screenshot 2

Yes if using another browser it will work, Safari doesnt work well with it so I use Chrome or Microsoft Edge, then it shows up.

Dont use Safari with Grammarly it doesn't work well. Now that's the culprit maybe?

Your first photo shows the symbol so it's still accessable. Mine shows the very top of the circle but I can't click on it.

I'll try Microsoft Edge. I'm currently using Safari so it could be the problem.

Even if I make a deliberate mistake, the symbol keeps spinning and I have just completed the self-diagnostic test which doesn't show any issues.

Try Chrome or Edge. Safari and Grammarly don't work well together. I can't see it at all; it stays stuck, and yes, circle spinning happens on Safari, but on Chrome, it's very lowly visible. I can't click on it until I zoom out on Chrome. All of my editing is done in Chrome or Edge with Gammarly Premium but not Safari, so avoid Safari for now.

I've just downloaded Microsoft Edge, and I have a floating Grammarly logo, so all looks to be working well. It must have been a Safari issue.
Thank you very much for your help, Brenda!! :-)

Sure, you're welcome! 😀

Can't access Grammarly symbol

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Grammarly symbol keeps disappearing from view?

Grammarly symbol keeps disappearing from view?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When writing an article in the Block Editor, I currently use the free version of Grammarly and can usually correct the yellow highlighted words myself. The only issue is that t

Maybe Grammarly is in maintenance mode at the time :)

You can try to switch it off and turn it back on...

Hi Louise, I have the same problem. I am a premium subscriber. I had that problem until I asked Grammarly support how to move it up. They explained it stays on the bottom red until you correct it all. For example, if it says the word "this" is not clear, I will scroll up, and it will have a gray letter showing the word that needs to be replaced for clarity. You will need to zoom out of your browser, too; once you zoom out, the symbol appears, but unfortunately, it always stays at the bottom instead of the top. I do not like that at all.

Hi Brenda, hmmm not too sure what you mean.
I used to be able to access the symbol but now, if I deliberatly make a mistake it brings up a box and will show the error in red and allows me to change it but I can no longer access the symbol to show me any underlined words where fluency/ grammar needs attention.

Did you zoom out of your browser? I will show you a screenshot of what it looks like when you Zoom out. Yes, you are right; it does not move to the paragraph like before; it stays on the bottom. It won't move. That is what I do not like. It stays on the bottom, it changed the color to gray let me screenshot it to you.

I tried zooming in and out and tried a different browser. Ironically, the symbol is visible as I type this!
Wondering if it's an Apple Mac issue?

I use an Apple Mac myself. MacBook Pro M1 and M2 model. I was using Chrome see my Chrome browser screenshot 1,

Screenshot 2 I zoom out on Chrome finally it shows up I can see 2 errors but it stays at the bottom and it corrects for me then I click rewrite for clarity screenshot 2

Yes if using another browser it will work, Safari doesnt work well with it so I use Chrome or Microsoft Edge, then it shows up.

Dont use Safari with Grammarly it doesn't work well. Now that's the culprit maybe?

Your first photo shows the symbol so it's still accessable. Mine shows the very top of the circle but I can't click on it.

I'll try Microsoft Edge. I'm currently using Safari so it could be the problem.

Even if I make a deliberate mistake, the symbol keeps spinning and I have just completed the self-diagnostic test which doesn't show any issues.

Try Chrome or Edge. Safari and Grammarly don't work well together. I can't see it at all; it stays stuck, and yes, circle spinning happens on Safari, but on Chrome, it's very lowly visible. I can't click on it until I zoom out on Chrome. All of my editing is done in Chrome or Edge with Gammarly Premium but not Safari, so avoid Safari for now.

I've just downloaded Microsoft Edge, and I have a floating Grammarly logo, so all looks to be working well. It must have been a Safari issue.
Thank you very much for your help, Brenda!! :-)

Sure, you're welcome! 😀

Can't access Grammarly symbol

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I've tried several and still have issues with some plugins when I check my PageSpeed Insights. Can anyone recommend a good one to use, please?

I appreciate some may not

I use an external program RIOT radical image optimization tool . Then, I use a plugin media converter that converts the image from a jpeg to a WPAGE image . My theme for all my websites is Kadence

Thanks, Catherine, one of the recommendations within the Page Speed Insights was to convert jpeg to WebP for better compression so I'll look into this too.

I think that that is the way to go it solved my issues

Thank you :-)

Hi Louise,

I use the Smush plugin with Neve, Kadence, and Astra as themes.

Hi Diana,

Thank you, I’m currently running the resmush.it as my theme isn’t compatible with Smush.
Page speed has improved although not perfect ( especially on mobile) as there are always other issues such as JavaScript!

Have you considered changing the theme? I know it's a pain in the ...😁, but if it creates other problems for you, maybe it would be the ideal solution to avoid wasting time. Anyway, I hope you find the optimal solution for you.

Yes I have considered it but I have so many posts and pages now from over two years worth of work that I really won’t have the time if certain things don’t function properly, so the majority of my page speed index is green, it’s more the performance and accessibility on mobile that I’m trying to reduce, but I’m getting there.
Thank you for your help :-)

You got this!👍Have a great week ahead.

Many thanks! You too! 😊

I use Imagify and serve all my images in WebP format.

An image compression plugin may not solve all your page speed problems, but it helps.

You can also try using a content delivery (CDN) network.

Frank 🎸

Hey Frank, do be aware that social media platforms still need the other types of images as your featured image in order to display your featured image when sharing your links to your posts on their platforms.

I made that dreadful mistake after spending days converting my entire business site to using only the WEBP format. NONE of my posts were being displayed properly on LinkedIn or FB .

That's when I went back to using jpg format, and then manually compressing my images using TinyJPG dot com ...and then having them further compressed when uploading the images to my site that has Kraken installed. Using GeneratePress for my MMO, personal blog and the blog section of my local business has worked WONDERS for my site speeds.

And, GeneratePress has allowed me the freedom to display smaller sized images at larger sizes on the site, without causing the images to pixelate.

Kadence works perfect for my main pages of my business site and it's PERFECT for creating landing pages too! So, now I use Kadence on my hobby site too.

Hi Trish

Yeah, great point!

The WA blog editor also won't load WebP files.

I don't manually convert images to WebP.

I save my image files in my WordPress Media Library as mostly JPEG and some in PNG. Then, I let the Imagify plugin serve them as WebP. If it can't serve them as WebP, it will serve the original (JPEG or PNG) format.

Imagify will compress JPEG and PNG image files much more efficiently than Kraken.

Imagify also selects the file format according to the user's browser, as some browsers (very few) still can't load WebP.

So, I'm always good, no matter where I post images. If I disable or delete the Imagify plugin, everything gets served in JPEG and PNG.

Most content delivery networks allow you to set up the same workflow.

I don't use Kadence. I use GeneratePress Pro with GenerateBlocks Pro to build great landing pages.

Frank 🎸

Ahhhh... in THIS case... that makes your Imagify plugin VERY valuable!

Yes, I too use GeneratePress PRO... though I did not state that as such. 😉

Hi Trish

Check out GenerateBlocks Pro. It's a very lightweight page builder that is super easy to use. 😎

I love the support for both their Pro products!

Frank 🎸

I tried GenerateBlocks PRO and ended up asking for a refund. Found it far too difficult to work with... though, you're so right... the GeneratePress support team are amazing... but then... so are the Kadence support team.

Good to know, Trish. I might check out Kadence down the road. 😎

Frank 🎸

Smush :)


I looked at that one as it came up as a good one but it's incompatible. There is 'reSmush.it' available.
Could I try that one perhaps?

Yeah you can according to this resource


Thanks Abie. :-)Will see how we go with this one. Was using Optimole for a few days but it was slowing my website down.
Have also tweaked a few areas on my front page for faster loading.
It’s definitely a trail and error game.

Try EWWW image optimizer :)

That’s a good shout. Will take a look at that one too :-)

Np :) I am working on my site, too, lol - I just finished designing the contact form and testing it - All okay :)

There’s always something to do :-)
I had to delete my form as there was a conflict with the plugin and site support said I needed a code from the plugin developers to fix the issue.
Never had a response so I’ve added my email to posts instead.

I think I remember :)

The joys 😄


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Recommendations for an image compressor plugin?

Recommendations for an image compressor plugin?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I've tried several and still have issues with some plugins when I check my PageSpeed Insights. Can anyone recommend a good one to use, please?

I appreciate some may not

I use an external program RIOT radical image optimization tool . Then, I use a plugin media converter that converts the image from a jpeg to a WPAGE image . My theme for all my websites is Kadence

Thanks, Catherine, one of the recommendations within the Page Speed Insights was to convert jpeg to WebP for better compression so I'll look into this too.

I think that that is the way to go it solved my issues

Thank you :-)

Hi Louise,

I use the Smush plugin with Neve, Kadence, and Astra as themes.

Hi Diana,

Thank you, I’m currently running the resmush.it as my theme isn’t compatible with Smush.
Page speed has improved although not perfect ( especially on mobile) as there are always other issues such as JavaScript!

Have you considered changing the theme? I know it's a pain in the ...😁, but if it creates other problems for you, maybe it would be the ideal solution to avoid wasting time. Anyway, I hope you find the optimal solution for you.

Yes I have considered it but I have so many posts and pages now from over two years worth of work that I really won’t have the time if certain things don’t function properly, so the majority of my page speed index is green, it’s more the performance and accessibility on mobile that I’m trying to reduce, but I’m getting there.
Thank you for your help :-)

You got this!👍Have a great week ahead.

Many thanks! You too! 😊

I use Imagify and serve all my images in WebP format.

An image compression plugin may not solve all your page speed problems, but it helps.

You can also try using a content delivery (CDN) network.

Frank 🎸

Hey Frank, do be aware that social media platforms still need the other types of images as your featured image in order to display your featured image when sharing your links to your posts on their platforms.

I made that dreadful mistake after spending days converting my entire business site to using only the WEBP format. NONE of my posts were being displayed properly on LinkedIn or FB .

That's when I went back to using jpg format, and then manually compressing my images using TinyJPG dot com ...and then having them further compressed when uploading the images to my site that has Kraken installed. Using GeneratePress for my MMO, personal blog and the blog section of my local business has worked WONDERS for my site speeds.

And, GeneratePress has allowed me the freedom to display smaller sized images at larger sizes on the site, without causing the images to pixelate.

Kadence works perfect for my main pages of my business site and it's PERFECT for creating landing pages too! So, now I use Kadence on my hobby site too.

Hi Trish

Yeah, great point!

The WA blog editor also won't load WebP files.

I don't manually convert images to WebP.

I save my image files in my WordPress Media Library as mostly JPEG and some in PNG. Then, I let the Imagify plugin serve them as WebP. If it can't serve them as WebP, it will serve the original (JPEG or PNG) format.

Imagify will compress JPEG and PNG image files much more efficiently than Kraken.

Imagify also selects the file format according to the user's browser, as some browsers (very few) still can't load WebP.

So, I'm always good, no matter where I post images. If I disable or delete the Imagify plugin, everything gets served in JPEG and PNG.

Most content delivery networks allow you to set up the same workflow.

I don't use Kadence. I use GeneratePress Pro with GenerateBlocks Pro to build great landing pages.

Frank 🎸

Ahhhh... in THIS case... that makes your Imagify plugin VERY valuable!

Yes, I too use GeneratePress PRO... though I did not state that as such. 😉

Hi Trish

Check out GenerateBlocks Pro. It's a very lightweight page builder that is super easy to use. 😎

I love the support for both their Pro products!

Frank 🎸

I tried GenerateBlocks PRO and ended up asking for a refund. Found it far too difficult to work with... though, you're so right... the GeneratePress support team are amazing... but then... so are the Kadence support team.

Good to know, Trish. I might check out Kadence down the road. 😎

Frank 🎸

Smush :)


I looked at that one as it came up as a good one but it's incompatible. There is 'reSmush.it' available.
Could I try that one perhaps?

Yeah you can according to this resource


Thanks Abie. :-)Will see how we go with this one. Was using Optimole for a few days but it was slowing my website down.
Have also tweaked a few areas on my front page for faster loading.
It’s definitely a trail and error game.

Try EWWW image optimizer :)

That’s a good shout. Will take a look at that one too :-)

Np :) I am working on my site, too, lol - I just finished designing the contact form and testing it - All okay :)

There’s always something to do :-)
I had to delete my form as there was a conflict with the plugin and site support said I needed a code from the plugin developers to fix the issue.
Never had a response so I’ve added my email to posts instead.

I think I remember :)

The joys 😄


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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have created a pop-up box for a sign-up to a newsletter that appears on my front page.
For this to work I need to paste the code to the body tag of my website.

I al

Hey Louise,

Wondering if you could put that code at the very bottom of the page you want it to appear on... and place the text in an HTML block...

Seems like that might save you from having it pop up on any other page... unless that's what you want, of course... plus it would save your having to add yet another plugin.

By "front page" do you mean your website loading page, perhaps... when a visitor lands on your domain name?

Hi Trish,
I’ve given up attempting to put any code anywhere as it’s just not having it. I’m now trying to remember how to put the form just as a static form on my domain page, any ideas as I can’t remember?

I’ve managed to add a static form to my front page again. Don’t know why the code version isn’t working, but I’ve given up now!
Thank you for your help :-)

Why are you giving up... don't throw the towel in yet, Louise... not until all issues have been checked, checked and double checked.

Bets it's some simple step you are overlooking... I've been there, done that!

Sending you a DM... okay?

I imagine it is a small step that I’ve missed.
Currently have a static form for now but definitely want to chat next week to see if we can resolve this issue together.

You can use the WP Code. It is easier :)



Thank you . Just taking a look now

I agree with that Abie!

Why the <body>?

That was the instruction on Aweber

Right I see :)

:) Cheers Richard.

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Adding a html code to the body tag of website ?

Adding a html code to the body tag of website ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have created a pop-up box for a sign-up to a newsletter that appears on my front page.
For this to work I need to paste the code to the body tag of my website.

I al

Hey Louise,

Wondering if you could put that code at the very bottom of the page you want it to appear on... and place the text in an HTML block...

Seems like that might save you from having it pop up on any other page... unless that's what you want, of course... plus it would save your having to add yet another plugin.

By "front page" do you mean your website loading page, perhaps... when a visitor lands on your domain name?

Hi Trish,
I’ve given up attempting to put any code anywhere as it’s just not having it. I’m now trying to remember how to put the form just as a static form on my domain page, any ideas as I can’t remember?

I’ve managed to add a static form to my front page again. Don’t know why the code version isn’t working, but I’ve given up now!
Thank you for your help :-)

Why are you giving up... don't throw the towel in yet, Louise... not until all issues have been checked, checked and double checked.

Bets it's some simple step you are overlooking... I've been there, done that!

Sending you a DM... okay?

I imagine it is a small step that I’ve missed.
Currently have a static form for now but definitely want to chat next week to see if we can resolve this issue together.

You can use the WP Code. It is easier :)



Thank you . Just taking a look now

I agree with that Abie!

Why the <body>?

That was the instruction on Aweber

Right I see :)

:) Cheers Richard.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

My WP lite contact email contact form isn't working. I have tested the form through my email address and it's not sending.
Can anyone help to fix it, please?

Have you tested it on a different browser? Is that related to your other question? Have you figured out your other question?

Yes all sorted thanks Abie. I had to resubmit details within the WP Mail server.
Still a little intermittent with receiving a notification email when I fill in my contact form to test it but I think I’ve fixed the problem :-)
It’s been a week of them! 😬

Okay, that's good to know, Louise! I appreciate the update.

I'm not sure what the problem is but I would just suggest you think again about using a contact form on your site. I've removed them from all my sites as they just became a target for mass spam.

Hi Dave,
Interesting. I have no idea how long my form hasn't been working for or if we do need one. Site support is assisting at the moment.

Yes, given more information. Are you getting any error messages? Are you using a WP based email address based on your website or something else as the send to address? What settings are you using?

I switched to using a block some time ago but still have WPForms set up on a test site...

Site Support has asked me to go into the MAILER section and add a few details. Can't find that at present so I'm waiting for a response.

All fixed! I added a few details to the MAILER and realised after a few attempts that I was trying to send a test email from an external email address and not my website email! Finally fixed.

Excellent, Louise.
Onwards and upwards!

All working except I'm still not getting a notification from my online form. I'm not sure if it has to do with the emails I have added. How do we find out what our website-specific email is?

I'm not online right now (using phone) so from memory:
go to Websites in WA and Site Manager. In site manager click Email in top menu...

Perfect! Thank you :-)
Managed to get one contact form notification through. Think I had conflicting emails for send and receive.
Will try again tomorrow and see if it’s still working 🤞

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Wp form not sending emails?

Wp form not sending emails?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

My WP lite contact email contact form isn't working. I have tested the form through my email address and it's not sending.
Can anyone help to fix it, please?

Have you tested it on a different browser? Is that related to your other question? Have you figured out your other question?

Yes all sorted thanks Abie. I had to resubmit details within the WP Mail server.
Still a little intermittent with receiving a notification email when I fill in my contact form to test it but I think I’ve fixed the problem :-)
It’s been a week of them! 😬

Okay, that's good to know, Louise! I appreciate the update.

I'm not sure what the problem is but I would just suggest you think again about using a contact form on your site. I've removed them from all my sites as they just became a target for mass spam.

Hi Dave,
Interesting. I have no idea how long my form hasn't been working for or if we do need one. Site support is assisting at the moment.

Yes, given more information. Are you getting any error messages? Are you using a WP based email address based on your website or something else as the send to address? What settings are you using?

I switched to using a block some time ago but still have WPForms set up on a test site...

Site Support has asked me to go into the MAILER section and add a few details. Can't find that at present so I'm waiting for a response.

All fixed! I added a few details to the MAILER and realised after a few attempts that I was trying to send a test email from an external email address and not my website email! Finally fixed.

Excellent, Louise.
Onwards and upwards!

All working except I'm still not getting a notification from my online form. I'm not sure if it has to do with the emails I have added. How do we find out what our website-specific email is?

I'm not online right now (using phone) so from memory:
go to Websites in WA and Site Manager. In site manager click Email in top menu...

Perfect! Thank you :-)
Managed to get one contact form notification through. Think I had conflicting emails for send and receive.
Will try again tomorrow and see if it’s still working 🤞

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

My Aweber form appears to be working as it should. I have tested it with another of my emails and have confirmation that all is working but I don't know why it's not loading pr

Hey Louise.

My first thought is... are you using AdBlocker in your browser?

If so... then that is why you are seeing that it will not load as the AddOn Adblocker is doing it's job.

If not, then I would then wonder if the technical issues suffered on the WA servers MAY be the culprit. For that you would need to reach out to SiteSupport to see.

There were all kinds of issues with the Block Editor not functioning properly due to a security on the servers.

If that is not the issue then the next step would be to reach out to Aweber's support staff, being sure to provide as much detail and screen prints as you can in order to speed up recovery.

The Aweber support staff are amazing to work with.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Trish,
I reached out to site support and they said to contact Aweber which I have done, so hopefully I’ll hear back in a few days.
It’s weird because the form is working but shows there’s a problem in the back office.

You may need to provide them with access to you WordPress login then, Louise.

Thought I should offer you that 'heads up' as it could be a conflict they are unaware of and would need to investigate.

I've currently removed the widget and used a block editor instead. The only thing with this is that it's a static form on one page instead of being added to the sidebar.
Trying to figure out how to add a pop-up sign-up form instead but can't find any info.

You'll find amazing help with Aweber support... even when you cannot find the help file you're looking for...

Thank you. It requires a plugin for a pop-up sign up form. Not keen on these kind of forms though as I find them annoying having to click them away each time I visit a website.
I’m going with the static version at the moment and see how it goes.
Thank you for all your help Trish.
Much appreciated.

With AWeber, you can choose how and when to show the popup, whether it be once, or multiple times and when to pop up, like when you're leaving page.

Are you using a page builder like Elementor, as well?

Make sure your plugins are updated to the most current version. This can also cause the spinning effect you see.


Hey Rudy,
I removed the Aweber widget from my website and added it as a block editor instead to my main page.

All plugins are up to date.
Not using Elementor although I have heard of it.
Will the pop up option still work if it’s now been created as a block editor?

The aweber plugin provides the options, as a placard widget for people to click on, thats different.

Did you ever find out the reason why the back end was spinning?


Not yet. I’ve emailed Aweber to see if they can shed some light. I think it’s a plugin/ theme conflict but it’s strange that the sign up form is working perfectly even though the widget is spinning and showing an error.

Are you using the free or paid version?

Also, if the plugin is working properly, the sent emails are received, etc, You may not need to do anything except wait for an answer.

This is something Ive run jnto before, and usually works itself out, especially when themes and plugins update.


I’m still using the free version. Guess that doesn’t help…

True. It does seem to be working fine. I may looking into upgrading, even to the lite version.
I appreciate your help Rudy.

You're welcome, Louise.

Im sure it will work out, I enjoy using AWeber, they also have a great affiliate program, too.


Ooh I didnt know that. I’ll take a look.
Cheers Rudy ☺️


Do the usual: empty the browser cache, refresh, and try again. You can also try the URL in a different browser or mobile device.

You can also empty the server's cache.
Websites > Site Manager > Details > Sitespeed > Empty site cache


Ok, I've cleared the server cache. Will try a different browser now..

It won't show a preview in the same way as my other widgets.

Check if you have a theme or plugin conflict, Aweber widget settings, go through Aweber docs, or possibly Javascript issues.


Have looked through Aweber but couldn't find anything relevant. I did find this issue ( screenshot) when checking Pagespeed insights though. Maybe the problem?

I hope that's sorted, too :)

I deleted the widget and used it as a block in the editor instead :-)

I see; that's good, then... I appreciate the update here Louise :)

My pleasure :-) I appreciate your help this week with all of my questions.

Happy Easter Louise :)

Happy Easter to you too Abie 🐣🤗

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Aweber form keeps buffering ?

Aweber form keeps buffering ?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

My Aweber form appears to be working as it should. I have tested it with another of my emails and have confirmation that all is working but I don't know why it's not loading pr

Hey Louise.

My first thought is... are you using AdBlocker in your browser?

If so... then that is why you are seeing that it will not load as the AddOn Adblocker is doing it's job.

If not, then I would then wonder if the technical issues suffered on the WA servers MAY be the culprit. For that you would need to reach out to SiteSupport to see.

There were all kinds of issues with the Block Editor not functioning properly due to a security on the servers.

If that is not the issue then the next step would be to reach out to Aweber's support staff, being sure to provide as much detail and screen prints as you can in order to speed up recovery.

The Aweber support staff are amazing to work with.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Trish,
I reached out to site support and they said to contact Aweber which I have done, so hopefully I’ll hear back in a few days.
It’s weird because the form is working but shows there’s a problem in the back office.

You may need to provide them with access to you WordPress login then, Louise.

Thought I should offer you that 'heads up' as it could be a conflict they are unaware of and would need to investigate.

I've currently removed the widget and used a block editor instead. The only thing with this is that it's a static form on one page instead of being added to the sidebar.
Trying to figure out how to add a pop-up sign-up form instead but can't find any info.

You'll find amazing help with Aweber support... even when you cannot find the help file you're looking for...

Thank you. It requires a plugin for a pop-up sign up form. Not keen on these kind of forms though as I find them annoying having to click them away each time I visit a website.
I’m going with the static version at the moment and see how it goes.
Thank you for all your help Trish.
Much appreciated.

With AWeber, you can choose how and when to show the popup, whether it be once, or multiple times and when to pop up, like when you're leaving page.

Are you using a page builder like Elementor, as well?

Make sure your plugins are updated to the most current version. This can also cause the spinning effect you see.


Hey Rudy,
I removed the Aweber widget from my website and added it as a block editor instead to my main page.

All plugins are up to date.
Not using Elementor although I have heard of it.
Will the pop up option still work if it’s now been created as a block editor?

The aweber plugin provides the options, as a placard widget for people to click on, thats different.

Did you ever find out the reason why the back end was spinning?


Not yet. I’ve emailed Aweber to see if they can shed some light. I think it’s a plugin/ theme conflict but it’s strange that the sign up form is working perfectly even though the widget is spinning and showing an error.

Are you using the free or paid version?

Also, if the plugin is working properly, the sent emails are received, etc, You may not need to do anything except wait for an answer.

This is something Ive run jnto before, and usually works itself out, especially when themes and plugins update.


I’m still using the free version. Guess that doesn’t help…

True. It does seem to be working fine. I may looking into upgrading, even to the lite version.
I appreciate your help Rudy.

You're welcome, Louise.

Im sure it will work out, I enjoy using AWeber, they also have a great affiliate program, too.


Ooh I didnt know that. I’ll take a look.
Cheers Rudy ☺️


Do the usual: empty the browser cache, refresh, and try again. You can also try the URL in a different browser or mobile device.

You can also empty the server's cache.
Websites > Site Manager > Details > Sitespeed > Empty site cache


Ok, I've cleared the server cache. Will try a different browser now..

It won't show a preview in the same way as my other widgets.

Check if you have a theme or plugin conflict, Aweber widget settings, go through Aweber docs, or possibly Javascript issues.


Have looked through Aweber but couldn't find anything relevant. I did find this issue ( screenshot) when checking Pagespeed insights though. Maybe the problem?

I hope that's sorted, too :)

I deleted the widget and used it as a block in the editor instead :-)

I see; that's good, then... I appreciate the update here Louise :)

My pleasure :-) I appreciate your help this week with all of my questions.

Happy Easter Louise :)

Happy Easter to you too Abie 🐣🤗

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