Weekly Challenge: Share Your Best Success Habit!

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Hey Wealthy Affiliate Fam,

It's time a new challenge, and this one is all about sharing the daily habits that help drive your success!

We all have those little things we do every day to keep us on track, motivated, and moving towards our goals. I know personally it is small daily POSITIVE habits that have led to my achievements and I think that the more we focus on the smaller habits, the more success we naturally achieve.

Now, I want YOU to share your best success habit that has helped you in your business journey. Whether it's something that helps with productivity, creativity, or just staying focused...this challenge is for you.

How to Participate:

Step 1: Think of the one habit that has had the most impact on your success.

Step 2: Share your habit in the comments below. Make sure to explain why it works for you and how it has contributed to your greater achievement.

Step 3: Engage with others! Read through the comments and like the success habits that resonate with you the most. Make sure to click the "Like" button on your 3 favorite habits shared by others.

Prizes 🏆:

We’re offering 5,000 AI Credits ($25 value) each to the top 5 winners based on the most likes received on their success habit. You can use these credits towards content design and creation, helping you take your business to the next level.

Key Details:

  • The challenge will run from Wednesday until Sunday, October 20th, when winners will be announced.
  • This is open to all membership levels—whether you're a Starter or Premium member, you can take part.
  • Remember, the sooner you take part, the more opportunity you have to get likes on your comment!

Let’s share our success habits and inspire each other to achieve even more. I am looking forward to seeing the habits shared below!

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I have a serious case of procrastination! Then I learned a little trick – a 5-minute countdown! Try starting a task and timing yourself for 5 minutes. Once you begin, you activate the nucleus accumbens, and soon you’ll find it hard to stop. I often even enter a state of flow afterwards. Plus, it helps you measure how long it takes to complete a task. When I first tried it, I realised I was wasting so much time on 'getting ready' – it really shocked me!

Come on, mate, give it a go!

Yeah! That would work... Five minutes of undivided attention and the task is done... Congrats! :)



Cheers, mate!

I have heard something similar before whereby you start with the 5 minute countdown, as you suggest and go absolutely flat out with high intensity on the project for the 5 minutes.

Often, as you have said, you continue way beyond because you hit the 'flow state.'

Great suggestion, Genie,


Really cool strategy here. Putting yourself on the "clock" can really lead to a lot more productivity, and if you make this a habit, it really starts to add up.

Yes, the nucleus accumbens. That makes sense. That must be the thing making that yeehaaaaa!!! noise in my head once I get on a roll.

My best habit to ensure my success mindset is summoning gratitude regularly and practising mindfulness every day.

I believe we cannot develop what it needs to succeed without acknowledging all we already have! So, every morning before I get out of bed, I summon gratitude and let it touch my emotions! Gratitude is a beautiful positive emotion that sets the day's whole mood.

Just to give you an idea, the first thing I'm immensely grateful for is breath! Our fantastic planet creates oxygen, mainly so that all the Earth's species can flourish, and we borrow that for every breath. Then, our miraculous bodies have evolved to process that oxygen, take the nutrients we need from it, and then expel the harmful gases. This gives me such a warm, quite tearful feeling.

Following in the footsteps of this bright awe for my life is using my mind to visualise the day ahead. As the ancients did, I believe we can create anything we like with our thoughts! So, I'm like a vibrant spider spinning the web of the day ahead, and I then crawl along! Each day is magical if you visualise it with all your power and emotion: multimedia - colour, 3D, animation, sound, tastes, smells. I've been doing this for a long time but never to become a successful entrepreneur until this year!! But it works beautifully.

Then, as the events and tasks of the day unfold, I make sure I get screen respite by going outside, practising mindfulness, and nasal breathing.

These daily practices have enabled me to be hyper-productive and intensify the acquisition and honing of new skills. I have achieved great success in my mind and heart, and now the Universe is reflecting it back into the world around me!

Like attracts like!

I have been developing my magnetism, and worldly success is imminent.

Thank you . I appreciate you.

So much to be grateful for.

That's great Linden, thanks for sharing!

Yes l agree absolutely .

Thank you, Kyle, for this week's motivation and challenge.

Consistency, positivity, adaptability, and the quest to be a better person, while I commit everything to the higher being (that I believe in), are my own habits.

I have this inner fear of failure.

I just believe in holding on and seeking ways to make things better and work against all odds. Though at times things don't go as planned, I like to live by the rule that every disappointment and challenge come with their inner merits and lessons to be learnt.

I apply this approach to virtually every aspect of my life, and it has become a habit over time.

I'm not all that old. I'm almost 50 years old. But I've seen and passed through some tough and challenging times in life that I just rinse the stated formula above and repeat for success.


- Makinde

Love that Makinde! We all have this inner fear, and some of us use it to motivate ourselves to become better (like your formula) whereas some of us let it serve as a causation for inaction.

Use fear to motivate improvement. That is the formula I also believe in and it will lead to a much more enriching and positive life.

There are two approaches to success. One, of course, is to work hard everyday, stay motivated, schedule your time, focus, overcome obstacles, be determined and persevere. It is an effective approach but the caveat is that the harder you run, you risk burn out. There is an old adage from the Christian Bible 'in your own strength you can do nothing' . So, in my view, this is the hard way.

For me, the past few years, I have learned to quiet my mind through meditation and mindfulness. The late Dr. Joseph Murphy used to teach that 'it's the quiet mind that gets things done'. History's greatest creators had ideas that, well, just came to them! When the mind is quiet you make room for infinite intelligence to provide you with the answers and the guidance you are seeking. In other words, you learn how to tap in to your true power.

I find that the better I get at this, the more effective I become. I'm delighted to report that I have been able to literally explode the content that I have been creating recently. The ideas just keep coming! To me, this is the easy way!


Thinking along the same lines Grant. The mind when quiet can achieve much more than one that is noisy and all over the place. We can't focus when here, there and everywhere.

Great response Grant appreciated.


Love this coachgrant! I'm not surprised you are exploding! Wonderful feeling! 🌺🌅 Congratulations!!

I have never meditated, but I have read a decent amount on it. It just hasn't been part of my "habits", but I think that it is something that everyone could add to their day to be more mindful and productive. ;)

Most importantly "FOCUS" on the intention you set for the job at hand regardless of what it may be.

Once you have focus other attributes will follow, that is consistency, developing that positive mindset, and determination to move forward.

Also where you can if interested, learn to do meditation to help you further calm down and control the ego mind of self-doubt.

Even 10 minutes a day is great for those that normally don't meditate.

Even doing gardening can be your meditation or something else you like that is enjoyable and relaxing.

You don't need to sit cross-legged or do certain finger positions or go OM.

Just 10 minutes a day of total relaxation then get back to your main task.

When you think about it, you are back to what I stated, that is focusing on that one area to help stay calm within the body and mind.

When you are able to do this then be grateful for any opportunity you are given.


100% Andre! Gratitude is a key...

Yes very much so Grant Even when we make mistakes being grateful for the opportunity to see the issue and then fix it. Rather than slide down that rabbit hole to self-doubt and losing focus and everything else.

Wishing you a wonderful day and week ahead.

Thanks, Andre, for sharing this doable meditation success formula.

- Makinde

Love it Andre! We are such a spiritual bunch for this challenge!

It's superb to be among like-minded people!

And gratitude, too!

Excellent habits! 🌺🌅🙏🏼

Thank you!

Love this approach Andre, you and many others are proponents of meditation and this is something that I want to actually add to my daily mix.

I like this one. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet I've heard both believe focus is the biggest contributor to their success.


I ❤️ this!
Every morning, if only for 10-15 minutes, I place my intention on what I want to achieve for the day.
It never fails.

An excellent share!
Thank you.


Exactly Cassi you are a prime example of how the focus . gratitude can benefit 🙏

Thank you and most welcome.
There are more line-minded people here in many ways.

Wishing you a wonderful day and end of week

Andre 🙏

Most welcome Kyle yes adding some meditation to the mix can only benefit one going forward.
You and Carson have already shown what focus can do when you both gave us WA. Perfect example what can be achieved when your mind is focus on the task at hand.

Also thanks for taking care of that spammer as well much appreciated.


Thank you and most welcome. Yes both have shown what focus can do with what they gave us over the years.

Have a great day and weekend coming up


Awesome challenge Kyle!

The Habit that Made the Biggest Impact on my always growing success is: Consistency in Daily Routines

As park operators in the summer and nomads in the winter, my family’s lifestyle changes constantly. The habit that’s had the greatest impact on my success is staying consistent with key daily tasks. Even though our routine shifts based on where we are or what we're doing, I always make time for essential tasks that move my projects forward—whether it’s maintaining my websites, creating content, or checking affiliate links. Then, I always add a personal routine in there as well, such as a daily walk.

These habits keep me productive and focused, no matter the location. By sticking to these core tasks, I avoid feeling overwhelmed and keep my goals on track, regardless of the day-to-day changes. It's this blend of consistency and adaptability that has really helped me achieve success.


Consistency and adaptability - you've hit the nail on the head.

I'm super impressed that you manage to remain so consistent despite your distinctly different lifestyle in summer vs winter.

This is geat! Consistency and routines lead to success.
Love your lifestyle. I didn't realise you were a winter nomad! Excellent!

Thank you for this! Very inspiring! 🌺🌅

Yes it's amazing, isn't it?

Consistency, absolutely. If you do something sporadically, you are not going to have a competitive advantage and when you come back to something, you spend much of your time trying to get up and running with your work flow.

Thanks for sharing your personal experiences with this as well Jeremy, really cool!

Hi Everyone, I am so thankful joining WA. I am learning so many new things and my work performance has improved too.

Eevery day I plan to spend at least 30 minutes for training. And Immediatley after traininng, I get started right away to apply want I just learnt. Time Managment has improved so much for me.

Time managment has improved so much for me. Prior to WA I really never had a set time or goal to achieve something. Now that I have my goals posted on WA, it is really motivating me to work to achieve it. Because of that, time has become very important to me. If I manage my time right, I will achieve my goals.
I find time managment working for me, because I revisit my goal everyday. It reminds me to set aside the time I would like to dedicate to achieving my goals. The monetary goal is the reflection of the time I put in reaching it.

Thank you to WA.

Welcome to WA. I agree, thats an excellent strategy. Learning doesn't sink unless you apply it straight away.

I'm sure it's one of the reasons the training here at Wealthy Affiliate creates success and momentum in your online business. It's designed to help drive the right behaviours.

All the best to you on achieving your goals. Rooting for you!

❌ Please remove this post!! It's not allowed and is distracting challengers from the challenge! ❌

Time management is a big one. I find that when I have time slots to accomplish certain things (and I organize these goals daily), I can often times 3-5x more done in that day versus "wandering" around through tasks. :)

Huh?! What post? Has it been removed already?

Hi everyone,
Hope all are doing well and lam just great full everday to be alive knowing that everday affords us an opportunity to make new choices.

One of the things l have learnt is persistence and consistency and staying Lazer focused at what you do. This has helped me in my current contract that l have maintained for over 10 years.

I would like to do the same with online business and also network with those in wealthy affiliate to learn new strategies that will help me go to the next level.

Success involves having an open mind to learn news things in life and also be ready to take risks when it's necessary.

Thank you all for sharing your success stories.

Thank you all.

Ooh lazer focus... I love it! That has never been one of my strong points in my online business - I have a tendency to get distracted easily and spread myself too thin.

I'm happy to say that lazer focus improving since I started delving into Positive Intelligence - and the results are starting to show.

Great share, thank you.

Thank you l appreciate you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Great Shakina! Yes, an open mind and continual learning is vital to success!

Thank you! 🌺🌅

Thank you for the support. I appreciate you.

Laser focus, indeed. I find that when I try to "multi task" I end up doing very little. I should tell myself this, right now I have 20 tabs open.

One tab, one focus = Productivity.

Thanks l appreciate.

Well, as we all know, consistency and persistency are they keys to any success.

The website I am developing right now is only 1 month old and the one thing I am doing EVERY day, without fail is to publish a new post. EVERY day, without fail.

The aim of this is to build a strong foundation of 50+ posts before restructuring my routine to include editing, linking, and promotion. At this stage I will start bulk production of posts, with the use of AI which will allow me to publish quickly in the morning freeing up time during the rest of the day to cover the other necessary tasks, noted above.

I am happy to report a very minor progress of rising numbers of impressions for my site, especially over the last week.

So, to recap, publish, publish and PUBLISH some more.

All the best, everyone.


Well done Richard! A post a day is impressive. That must be giving your website incredible momentum.

Please just tell me you're re-writing your AI posts so they sound human?

There are some great free tools to check for plagiarism and AI before you publish. I use the free version from smallseotools.

All the best with all your publishing.

Interpersing your content with a few long form posts and pillar posts is also a great idea. I get most of my long form posts by doing interviews and then transcribing them.

Thanks for replying, Lauren.

I am currently using the AI tool here within Wealthy Affiliate but yes, I do edit and format before posting.

As for momentum, there are small signs of growth which I hope will accelerate quite quickly. The site is only 31 days old so, let's see.

I also agree, your suggestion of intregrating some long form posts is a fantastic idea and adds variety to the site.

Much to do, and I see it as building a foundation from which I will edit and improve already publised posts whilst adding more.

Exciting times.....I hope!

Thanks again,


Geat Richard! This is a sound approach! If you post every day, then, of course, your writing and editing improve incredibly!

Thank you. 🌺🌅

Thanks Charley.

I am a great believer in massive action at the beginning to get a business off the ground.

But yes, it has to be at a rate that can be maintained at a consistent rate.

Cheers for replying,


Love it Richard, a post a day keeps the SEO baddies away!

Keep it up, and thanks for sharing your success habit. Consistency seems to be the word of the day!

Hi Kyle!

My strategy for business success, whether in retail or online, has always been to be consistent in my actions, always have a plan, and regularly reflect on the results.

Kyle said one habit, but for me, combining habits has led to the best success.

1. Each day, I plan what will have the most significant impact on my business. I have three tasks that will help me achieve the goal.
2. Send a follow-up email, call, or engage with customers or potential partners via social media.
3. Review your daily metrics (sales, website traffic, leads, etc.) to stay on top of performance trends.
4. Dedicate at least 20-30 minutes to learning something new related to my business (read a book, take a course, listen to a podcast, etc).
5. Each day, I aim to get out and exercise.
6. Look for ways to make my business run smoother using technology, if possible.
7. At the end of the day, take 5-10 minutes to reflect on what went well, what didn’t, and what adjustments need to be made the next day.

After 35 years of business ownership, these have been some of the best daily actions learned from my mentors.

Brilliant. I agree, its never just one thing, right?

Thanks for inspiring me to be more structured in my daily approach to my work.

I have noticed, looking back in my life, I've been at my most successful when I was writing out clear daily steps and nailing each one. There's something special about ticking off a priority task. ✅️

As Benjamin Franklin said "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail."

This is excellent, Howard. Wow! 35 years? I didn't realise.

Thanks for sharing this! 🌺🌅


Hi Lauren!

Thanks for stopping by!

It's funny you mentioned Ben Franklin. I used a Franklin planner and a Daytimer for years. Like you say, write down action steps and work to check them off.

Combined habits are good too, that is one unified habit when combined.

Love your flow there, the cool part about this thread as we are learning from one another's habits that they have found success in (and that we can easily apply to our schedule).

I have very much the same regiment in my day. :)

Awesome, Kyle! That's why you have been so successful.

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