About Dr_Dave
Rank 31
451 followers Joined September 2015
Hi, I’m David, a seasoned fitness enthusiast with a deep passion for bodybuilding and powerlifting. My journey into online business has been anything but ordinary.





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I'm thinking of starting up a YouTube channel in the bodybuilding/fitness niche. I know it's possible to make money on YouTube but I don't actually know anyone that is. Is anyo

Go for it Davey boy, as Arisara says, it can take about a year. Be consistent, publish a video every week or two weeks and your viewers will start to look forward to them. I have a nice little community following me now, almost like old friends. And once your channel settles down, you will have a certain amount of residual income even if you miss a week or two, as happened when I was in hospital having treatment for my Leukemia. I got paid even for writing nothing. Having said that, I made sure I worked extra when back home to restore the publishing balance,
Don't think, do.
And good luck, keep us all posted on your success.

I like that. Don't think, do. That's going to be my motto now. Kind of like the SAS motto but even better!

Ours was "Fit to fight and fighting fit" so I have a reputation to keep up.
If you do fitness videos do let me know. I try to do a few weight exercises in between bouts of of this damn thing. Only light ones, now I'm in my senior years. Whatever I can to keep on the right side of life.
It might take you a couple of false starts to get the right formula for your videos, and try to have something recognizable on the thumbnail, so that people spot it quickly and know it is you. Mine is a blue border with a small yellow LE logo.. Have a look at other people attempts and ask yourself what is missing from their's, what can I do better etc. And I would recommend short videos (10 to 20 minutes) that focus on just one thing at a time with an explanation why it is done, rather than just say "Do this, do that" if folk understand why, they are likely to come back to your channel.
If you watch my videos, I always tell them what I'm going to show them and why. then I tell them in detail, and finally, I will tell them what I have just told them.
Ciao for now.

Thanks very much Bux. I'll definitely follow what you say once I get started. I was planning on filming myself talking about bodybuilding stuff and just use my phone to start with. I don't want to spend too much on this if it turns out I can't make a success of it. I'll let you know when I get started if you want to follow along and learn about lifting weights, diet, etc.

Keep me in the loop.

Hey Dr_Dave, starting a YouTube channel in the bodybuilding/fitness niche sounds like a great idea! I’ve seen a few people succeed on YouTube, and while it can definitely be profitable, it does take time and consistency.

From what I've heard, it usually takes a few months to a year to start seeing significant income, depending on your content quality, niche demand, and how well you engage with your audience. Monetization typically kicks in after you reach the threshold of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours, which allows you to join the YouTube Partner Program.

Besides ads, many successful creators also earn through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and selling their own products or services. If you're passionate and persistent, you can definitely make it work!

If anyone else here has firsthand experience, it would be great to hear your insights too

All the best

Thanks for the encouragement. I don't mind putting in the work, but it's hard when facing doubts and uncertainty. Thanks for letting me know about how many subscribers are needed. I think I'll give it a good go and pull the plug if it's not looking fruitful after a few months.

Definitely possible. I want to start too.

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Anyone actually making money from.youtube?

Anyone actually making money from.youtube?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I'm thinking of starting up a YouTube channel in the bodybuilding/fitness niche. I know it's possible to make money on YouTube but I don't actually know anyone that is. Is anyo

Go for it Davey boy, as Arisara says, it can take about a year. Be consistent, publish a video every week or two weeks and your viewers will start to look forward to them. I have a nice little community following me now, almost like old friends. And once your channel settles down, you will have a certain amount of residual income even if you miss a week or two, as happened when I was in hospital having treatment for my Leukemia. I got paid even for writing nothing. Having said that, I made sure I worked extra when back home to restore the publishing balance,
Don't think, do.
And good luck, keep us all posted on your success.

I like that. Don't think, do. That's going to be my motto now. Kind of like the SAS motto but even better!

Ours was "Fit to fight and fighting fit" so I have a reputation to keep up.
If you do fitness videos do let me know. I try to do a few weight exercises in between bouts of of this damn thing. Only light ones, now I'm in my senior years. Whatever I can to keep on the right side of life.
It might take you a couple of false starts to get the right formula for your videos, and try to have something recognizable on the thumbnail, so that people spot it quickly and know it is you. Mine is a blue border with a small yellow LE logo.. Have a look at other people attempts and ask yourself what is missing from their's, what can I do better etc. And I would recommend short videos (10 to 20 minutes) that focus on just one thing at a time with an explanation why it is done, rather than just say "Do this, do that" if folk understand why, they are likely to come back to your channel.
If you watch my videos, I always tell them what I'm going to show them and why. then I tell them in detail, and finally, I will tell them what I have just told them.
Ciao for now.

Thanks very much Bux. I'll definitely follow what you say once I get started. I was planning on filming myself talking about bodybuilding stuff and just use my phone to start with. I don't want to spend too much on this if it turns out I can't make a success of it. I'll let you know when I get started if you want to follow along and learn about lifting weights, diet, etc.

Keep me in the loop.

Hey Dr_Dave, starting a YouTube channel in the bodybuilding/fitness niche sounds like a great idea! I’ve seen a few people succeed on YouTube, and while it can definitely be profitable, it does take time and consistency.

From what I've heard, it usually takes a few months to a year to start seeing significant income, depending on your content quality, niche demand, and how well you engage with your audience. Monetization typically kicks in after you reach the threshold of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours, which allows you to join the YouTube Partner Program.

Besides ads, many successful creators also earn through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and selling their own products or services. If you're passionate and persistent, you can definitely make it work!

If anyone else here has firsthand experience, it would be great to hear your insights too

All the best

Thanks for the encouragement. I don't mind putting in the work, but it's hard when facing doubts and uncertainty. Thanks for letting me know about how many subscribers are needed. I think I'll give it a good go and pull the plug if it's not looking fruitful after a few months.

Definitely possible. I want to start too.

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asked in
Getting Started

Oops, looks like we were unable to fetch a list of users. You can close this popup and try again. this is the message when I try to log into the back office through hubs.

To anyone else out there experiencing this problem. I think you'll be able to access your back office through site manager rather than hubs.

I have the same problem

Try to clear your cache and refresh the browser if still the same issue send a ticket to site support

I have no issues here; I am currently working on my website.

You may head to site support if this issue persists. Help tab top menu.


I currently have loading issues on anything.

I used different device and browser, still the same thing.

Something going on for improvement behind the scene Abie?

Best of luck to me lol!

I still have no issues here :) Everything is working great.

Improvement always!


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Not able to log into back office?

Not able to log into back office?

asked in
Getting Started

Oops, looks like we were unable to fetch a list of users. You can close this popup and try again. this is the message when I try to log into the back office through hubs.

To anyone else out there experiencing this problem. I think you'll be able to access your back office through site manager rather than hubs.

I have the same problem

Try to clear your cache and refresh the browser if still the same issue send a ticket to site support

I have no issues here; I am currently working on my website.

You may head to site support if this issue persists. Help tab top menu.


I currently have loading issues on anything.

I used different device and browser, still the same thing.

Something going on for improvement behind the scene Abie?

Best of luck to me lol!

I still have no issues here :) Everything is working great.

Improvement always!


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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi. My site has a slider on the home page, but a few days ago (not sure what I did) the slider appears cut off. Does anyone know how to easily fix this problem?


Hi David,
It could be a number of things, possibly a recent update to WordPress or the theme is not working right with it, etc if it had been fine before. I might be able to help, but it seems your URL above isn't working to check it out.

Btw, it could be the theme is no longer working right if it hasn't been updated by the developer in a long time as well.

It happened to one of mine before and the sliders stopped working altogether along with other problems. I ended up changing themes since I didn't want to use one that is no longer being updated. Not sure if that's the case though since I don't know what theme you're using...however, you can check in WordPress on when it was last updated.

Hope that might give you some ideas as to why it's happening. Otherwise, I'm not sure without actually seeing what's going on.

Anyways, if you can add the URL here again, I'll take a look and see if I can figure it out.
Best wishes :) ~Sherry

Why is my slider cut off?

Why is my slider cut off?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi. My site has a slider on the home page, but a few days ago (not sure what I did) the slider appears cut off. Does anyone know how to easily fix this problem?


Hi David,
It could be a number of things, possibly a recent update to WordPress or the theme is not working right with it, etc if it had been fine before. I might be able to help, but it seems your URL above isn't working to check it out.

Btw, it could be the theme is no longer working right if it hasn't been updated by the developer in a long time as well.

It happened to one of mine before and the sliders stopped working altogether along with other problems. I ended up changing themes since I didn't want to use one that is no longer being updated. Not sure if that's the case though since I don't know what theme you're using...however, you can check in WordPress on when it was last updated.

Hope that might give you some ideas as to why it's happening. Otherwise, I'm not sure without actually seeing what's going on.

Anyways, if you can add the URL here again, I'll take a look and see if I can figure it out.
Best wishes :) ~Sherry

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