About SteveO324
Rank 11114
94 followers Joined December 2023
Guitarist since age 15. Mostly self taught, Learned through listening, books, magazines, and other guitarists around me. Lots of garage bands growing up and





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asked in
Getting Started

I’ve sprinkled in a few Amazon links in my articles so far.

-Would you insert a review with links within the article itself?
-Make a review article by itself wi

I left you a response on Kyle's blog post :)

Sorry, I was anxious for replies. lol

Check your other question :)

I did, thank you 😊

Hey Steve,

I personally like to make the extra effort and design a table for my 'best of' posts.

See attached.
This way, I am making them very visual and not salesly.

And then for individual style affiliate links, I will design a box. See attached.
Here's the post if you want to model from what I did:


Thanks for sharing Jay. That’s a great idea.

Hi Steve

You can insert links within a review post and write an informational post with links to the review.😎

Frank 🎸

Thank you Frank 🤘🏼

You’re welcome, Steve. 🤘🤘

Frank 🎸

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What are the different methods acceptable for adding affiliate links in posts?

What are the different methods acceptable for adding affiliate links in posts?

asked in
Getting Started

I’ve sprinkled in a few Amazon links in my articles so far.

-Would you insert a review with links within the article itself?
-Make a review article by itself wi

I left you a response on Kyle's blog post :)

Sorry, I was anxious for replies. lol

Check your other question :)

I did, thank you 😊

Hey Steve,

I personally like to make the extra effort and design a table for my 'best of' posts.

See attached.
This way, I am making them very visual and not salesly.

And then for individual style affiliate links, I will design a box. See attached.
Here's the post if you want to model from what I did:


Thanks for sharing Jay. That’s a great idea.

Hi Steve

You can insert links within a review post and write an informational post with links to the review.😎

Frank 🎸

Thank you Frank 🤘🏼

You’re welcome, Steve. 🤘🤘

Frank 🎸

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asked in
Getting Started

Noticed that “Categories” are showing up in GSC as indexed pages. Is this going to cause any issues?

Hi Steve

I have actually had posts ranked in Google under the category url, so it’s not a bad thing.

Frank 🎸

I checked and they’re all set to ‘index’ by default. As long as it doesn’t hurt anything I’m fine with it.

Yeah, you're good, Steve. 👍

Frank 🎸

URLs with post names need to be indexed (actual posts)

Others with feed, tag, category, author, page #, etc... Not.

Kyle's comment However, as Carson has noted, you're good :)

Thought it was strange to see the ‘category ‘descriptions underneath my posts be indexed. lol

No worries, Steve :)

Hi Steve,

If you're referring to category pages on your website that list your posts based on the category that you've published them in, then that is perfectly fine to have indexed in Google. These are just fine to be included in search engine results.

Great to see these indexed!

Whew….I was worried. Thank you Carson

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Are we supposed to be no-indexing categories ?

Are we supposed to be no-indexing categories ?

asked in
Getting Started

Noticed that “Categories” are showing up in GSC as indexed pages. Is this going to cause any issues?

Hi Steve

I have actually had posts ranked in Google under the category url, so it’s not a bad thing.

Frank 🎸

I checked and they’re all set to ‘index’ by default. As long as it doesn’t hurt anything I’m fine with it.

Yeah, you're good, Steve. 👍

Frank 🎸

URLs with post names need to be indexed (actual posts)

Others with feed, tag, category, author, page #, etc... Not.

Kyle's comment However, as Carson has noted, you're good :)

Thought it was strange to see the ‘category ‘descriptions underneath my posts be indexed. lol

No worries, Steve :)

Hi Steve,

If you're referring to category pages on your website that list your posts based on the category that you've published them in, then that is perfectly fine to have indexed in Google. These are just fine to be included in search engine results.

Great to see these indexed!

Whew….I was worried. Thank you Carson

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asked in
Getting Started

Didn’t notice it until a friend asked where to subscribe to my site….

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you could figure it out, Steve! :)

That’s why I love this community. I was confused cause my other website platform had a subscriber button built-in.
I installed the Aweber plugin and got it working, thanks to all the great responses.
Thanks Abie

That's perfect, Steve! I am super happy for you :)

The key aspect of getting people to give you their email address is to give them some value in return for that email. People will give their email if you're going to send them a free PDF, eBook, checklist, whatever, as long as it's highly relevant to your niche and what they would be looking for help with. If you don't yet have traffic, then there's obviously no point in setting up an email list, but when you do start getting traffic and clicks you'll want to have something of value that you're delivering already in place to entice your audience to give you that email. They won't subscribe to anything if there's nothing to receive. 👍🏼💯

Hi Steve. Are you asking about subscribing to a mailing list, or actually subscribing to your website, as in an RSS feed for your blog? If the latter, Wordpress automatically creates a RSS feed for your blog, and you can "subscribe" using any RSS feed reader. For example, I use one called Omnivore. For most sites, the URL to subscribe to would be:
https:///blog (unless you changed your blog to something else).

Quick additional comment... For RSS, you could also add an RSS image to your site somewhere, and link it to https:///feed and visitors could click that button to subscribe. More info here: https://wordpress.com/support/feeds/

Hi Dave. I just want a subscriber button for people to sign up to the website. Not ready for any email campaigns yet cause I only started this site 1 month ago

Then I think RSS is what you're probably looking for. Unless you have other ways for folks to "join your tribe", such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channel, etc. You can add buttons for all of those and more.

I managed to add an Aweber widget to my homepage. Thanks Dave

Oh, cool. I thought you said you weren't ready for email campaigns yet, but that's great. Glad you got that part figured out!

I’m not, but I at least want to start getting subscribers on a list. Like I said, this site is only 1 month old.

First of all you need to purchase an autorespnder. Then you create the form for people to sign up, which is then linked to your autoresponder to send bulk emails. Aweber.com gives you the first 500 subscribers for free.

Oh wow, I didn’t know that it wasn’t included in Wordpress

Thanks Catherine. It looks like I made a landing page back in February with Aweber. I’m looking at it now. I did make an email for my site here on WA already

I’m not really looking to do an email campaign yet, just a subscriber button to start saving visitors emails.

That is not how it works; saving subscribers and not engaging is pointless. However if you want to just save them the same thing applies, you need an autoresponder

I understand what you’re saying.
Another platform I use has a subscriber button that collects emails. Then, when you’re ready for an active email campaign you can export it. This site here on WA has only been up for 1 month

Okay, I added an Aweber widget to my home page. Whew! Thanks for helping me out.
Steve 😃

i reiterate having a list of subscribers is of no practical use at all, you build a list to interact and make money. What use id a list of subscribers you don't interact with. I know this sounds sounds harsh but a list of subscribers per se is useless

Not harsh at all. I’m new and learning every day.
Site is only 1 month old and has no traffic yet. I want people to sign up so I will have a list of contacts over time. When I do start to monetize, I will then start a campaign.

I still say start a campaign sooner rather than later; I know you have no traffic, and in truth, won't get subscribers. Either way the best of luck to you

Thank you for your insights.

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How do we add a subscriber button on our website?

How do we add a subscriber button on our website?

asked in
Getting Started

Didn’t notice it until a friend asked where to subscribe to my site….

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you could figure it out, Steve! :)

That’s why I love this community. I was confused cause my other website platform had a subscriber button built-in.
I installed the Aweber plugin and got it working, thanks to all the great responses.
Thanks Abie

That's perfect, Steve! I am super happy for you :)

The key aspect of getting people to give you their email address is to give them some value in return for that email. People will give their email if you're going to send them a free PDF, eBook, checklist, whatever, as long as it's highly relevant to your niche and what they would be looking for help with. If you don't yet have traffic, then there's obviously no point in setting up an email list, but when you do start getting traffic and clicks you'll want to have something of value that you're delivering already in place to entice your audience to give you that email. They won't subscribe to anything if there's nothing to receive. 👍🏼💯

Hi Steve. Are you asking about subscribing to a mailing list, or actually subscribing to your website, as in an RSS feed for your blog? If the latter, Wordpress automatically creates a RSS feed for your blog, and you can "subscribe" using any RSS feed reader. For example, I use one called Omnivore. For most sites, the URL to subscribe to would be:
https:///blog (unless you changed your blog to something else).

Quick additional comment... For RSS, you could also add an RSS image to your site somewhere, and link it to https:///feed and visitors could click that button to subscribe. More info here: https://wordpress.com/support/feeds/

Hi Dave. I just want a subscriber button for people to sign up to the website. Not ready for any email campaigns yet cause I only started this site 1 month ago

Then I think RSS is what you're probably looking for. Unless you have other ways for folks to "join your tribe", such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channel, etc. You can add buttons for all of those and more.

I managed to add an Aweber widget to my homepage. Thanks Dave

Oh, cool. I thought you said you weren't ready for email campaigns yet, but that's great. Glad you got that part figured out!

I’m not, but I at least want to start getting subscribers on a list. Like I said, this site is only 1 month old.

First of all you need to purchase an autorespnder. Then you create the form for people to sign up, which is then linked to your autoresponder to send bulk emails. Aweber.com gives you the first 500 subscribers for free.

Oh wow, I didn’t know that it wasn’t included in Wordpress

Thanks Catherine. It looks like I made a landing page back in February with Aweber. I’m looking at it now. I did make an email for my site here on WA already

I’m not really looking to do an email campaign yet, just a subscriber button to start saving visitors emails.

That is not how it works; saving subscribers and not engaging is pointless. However if you want to just save them the same thing applies, you need an autoresponder

I understand what you’re saying.
Another platform I use has a subscriber button that collects emails. Then, when you’re ready for an active email campaign you can export it. This site here on WA has only been up for 1 month

Okay, I added an Aweber widget to my home page. Whew! Thanks for helping me out.
Steve 😃

i reiterate having a list of subscribers is of no practical use at all, you build a list to interact and make money. What use id a list of subscribers you don't interact with. I know this sounds sounds harsh but a list of subscribers per se is useless

Not harsh at all. I’m new and learning every day.
Site is only 1 month old and has no traffic yet. I want people to sign up so I will have a list of contacts over time. When I do start to monetize, I will then start a campaign.

I still say start a campaign sooner rather than later; I know you have no traffic, and in truth, won't get subscribers. Either way the best of luck to you

Thank you for your insights.

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asked in
Getting Started

Now that I’m finally ready to add affiliate links, it’s proving to be quite mysterious. When I look in the ‘Promote’ section, most affiliate programs I

We have an affiliate program search here (if you click the 'Promote' tab), but we also have an affiliate program integration coming in a day or two that will be right within your hubs, and will offer you different ideas in terms of categories of products that you can promote on your website, along with affiliate programs.

Here is the current Promote search:


And if you need any further help moving forward, feel free to reach out. :)

Thanks Kyle. I put the question out there because when searching for affiliate programs on the ‘Promote ‘ tab, most of them aren’t there anymore. Looking forward to the new integration.

Hi - just as an aside, many affiliate programs will inspect your website first, before accepting your application.

They will expect to see lots of relevant content that is capable of attracting traffic and bringing them customers.

I would suggest at least 15 to 20 posts before you apply.

I’m up to 22 posts now on my site and ready to start promoting. Been rejected by some but I am determined! 😃
I was dropped by Amazon back in April cause I wasn’t ready last year and didn’t know what I was doing. Had no website and no clear vision at the time. I will re-apply for Amazon in the near future, now that I’m ready. Thanks Diane

Good Morning Steve! I should of done this before responding, but Kyle has eluded in his past couple of "Beer With Kyle" Fridays that they will be unvailing new affiliate program within the hubs section of the members area and it should be this week. Let me see if I can find the link to the video.
Thanks and Have a Great Day!

Thanks Chuck

The ones most suited for your niche :)

Have you tried here https://bloggingwizard.com/affiliate-platforms-and-networks/

Great Answer! and it ties in with mine (if I would of explained it better...lol) 😀


I’ll look into this. Thanks Abie

You are most welcome, Steve :)

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Where are the best affiliate programs?

Where are the best affiliate programs?

asked in
Getting Started

Now that I’m finally ready to add affiliate links, it’s proving to be quite mysterious. When I look in the ‘Promote’ section, most affiliate programs I

We have an affiliate program search here (if you click the 'Promote' tab), but we also have an affiliate program integration coming in a day or two that will be right within your hubs, and will offer you different ideas in terms of categories of products that you can promote on your website, along with affiliate programs.

Here is the current Promote search:


And if you need any further help moving forward, feel free to reach out. :)

Thanks Kyle. I put the question out there because when searching for affiliate programs on the ‘Promote ‘ tab, most of them aren’t there anymore. Looking forward to the new integration.

Hi - just as an aside, many affiliate programs will inspect your website first, before accepting your application.

They will expect to see lots of relevant content that is capable of attracting traffic and bringing them customers.

I would suggest at least 15 to 20 posts before you apply.

I’m up to 22 posts now on my site and ready to start promoting. Been rejected by some but I am determined! 😃
I was dropped by Amazon back in April cause I wasn’t ready last year and didn’t know what I was doing. Had no website and no clear vision at the time. I will re-apply for Amazon in the near future, now that I’m ready. Thanks Diane

Good Morning Steve! I should of done this before responding, but Kyle has eluded in his past couple of "Beer With Kyle" Fridays that they will be unvailing new affiliate program within the hubs section of the members area and it should be this week. Let me see if I can find the link to the video.
Thanks and Have a Great Day!

Thanks Chuck

The ones most suited for your niche :)

Have you tried here https://bloggingwizard.com/affiliate-platforms-and-networks/

Great Answer! and it ties in with mine (if I would of explained it better...lol) 😀


I’ll look into this. Thanks Abie

You are most welcome, Steve :)

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asked in
Getting Started

I did most of the training but like to reference them, where did it go?
Also, I’ve been using the Article Designer to create my posts, then publish. Does anybody write

You get to the relevant training through your Hubs. And I create all my pages and posts directly in WordPress.

You can access it now through your hubs https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/hubs#training . Good call :) You have got this.

All the training is in the hubs. You can also click on the smart search up top (magnifying glass) and you'll see all the training listed there as well without even having to type anything.

Personally, I use the article designer for all the text content, publish, and then finish off inside wordpress for adding my images, calls to actions, etc. So yes, you can choose to create your content however you like.

Okay, you click on the each topic individually. Got it

Yeah, that’s what I wanted to know. It seems like the last few I published, I ended up adding pics and editing while in Wordpress

Hi Steve

You can find all the available training in the search bar (magnifying glass).

I do it all in the Wordpress block editor.

Frank 🎸

That's true Frank lol :)



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Where is the training?

Where is the training?

asked in
Getting Started

I did most of the training but like to reference them, where did it go?
Also, I’ve been using the Article Designer to create my posts, then publish. Does anybody write

You get to the relevant training through your Hubs. And I create all my pages and posts directly in WordPress.

You can access it now through your hubs https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/hubs#training . Good call :) You have got this.

All the training is in the hubs. You can also click on the smart search up top (magnifying glass) and you'll see all the training listed there as well without even having to type anything.

Personally, I use the article designer for all the text content, publish, and then finish off inside wordpress for adding my images, calls to actions, etc. So yes, you can choose to create your content however you like.

Okay, you click on the each topic individually. Got it

Yeah, that’s what I wanted to know. It seems like the last few I published, I ended up adding pics and editing while in Wordpress

Hi Steve

You can find all the available training in the search bar (magnifying glass).

I do it all in the Wordpress block editor.

Frank 🎸

That's true Frank lol :)



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