About GuyfromNB
Rank 33922
1,935 followers Joined July 2015
My name is Guy. I came to WA after seeing a review about it online from one of the members here.





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have a big question mark in my face right now.

It says in the training that, finding keywords that has a QSR below 100 you have a good chance to rank for it in Google.<

ok, so the short and simple answer is to 'trust the system' because it is all based on relevance.

But from experience, I know that is not a satisfying answer! lol. I struggled with this same thing before and I will see if I can answer the question for you.

Here goes...

Google is a search engine. they provide answers to peoples questions.

When someone asks google a question, google reaches deep into its index to provide the BEST possible answer. Reason for this is if Google serves up a good answer, the user will continue to use google. themore they use google, the more ads they are shown, the more ads they are shown, the more likely they are to use google over and over again instead of the user bailing for yahoo or bing.

so it is in googles BEST interest to provide you with the best answer possible to your questions.

Ok, now that we have that established....

When you use the QSR for a search phrase, for example "best wax candles" you get a search volume of 144 and QSR of 31.

now when you search "best wax candles" without quotes, Google gives you millions of results, pages and pages of results, and pages that have Domain Rankings of 83, 77, 95, 50, 38, 85, etc....

looks scary...

But it is not... why? Because of RELEVANCE.

the QSR gives you the number of times that particular phrase exists within Googles index. That is powerful information.

So google 'best wax candles' without quotes and look at the first result... The first result does not even have 'BEST' in the title OR the metadescription, in fact, that is true for most of the results on the page.

(as a ninja-trick... once the search results come up press 'control+F' and type in your keyword, you will see how often it shows up on the page in bright colors to make it easier, lol.)


you see that the pages that google is trying to serve to the searcher is not TRULY answering the question.

To an affiliate marketing blogger.. that is called OPPORTUNITY.

The first result ranks #1 and only has 900 or so words. Imagine putting together a great, beefy post (2,000 plus words or more) listing the best wax candles, going into great detail, and most importantly... ANSWERING THE SEARCHERS INTENT.

Your site will eventually rank number 1 because you are the best option out there.

Now the trick is that this process does take time. Weeks for established sites, months for brand new sites.

So if i started a website right now and wrote a post called 'best wax candles' becaues i am a new site, it will not rank immediately... but over time, google will see where my post BELONGS and with a 2000+ word post, with great detail, answering the searchers intent, I have a blog post that deserves to be Number 1.

The other sites in the listing are ranking merely because Google has nothing better to put there and those are high ranking sites. so Google hopes that the searcher will find what they are looking for by giving them an authority site to check out.

Google is literally grasping for straws.

Grab the opportunity and Give google a straw.

So in a nutshell, those high domain and high authority sites are there and they are rankings, but they are not very relevant.

That is why it is so important to have a very tight and well defined niche to target.

If someone is looking for the best wax candles and stumble on yuor site that does nothing but talk about wax candles, you solve the searches intent... making google look good.

you, in turn, can answer their question, direct them to your wax candle review pages loaded with affiliate links, they read, they click, they buy, YOU MAKE MONEY.

PHEW..... i hope that made sense. This is officially the long answer. lol.

Cool stuff Chris... very detailed answer. I like your control + F trick!

This is the best explanation I've ever seen about Google ranking, and thank you for taking the time to be so thorough!


You're absolutely correct. The QSR tells you the quoted search results... How many websites are targeting the exact keyword. However as you point out... They could be 100 small or newly formed websites, they may also be 100 huge industrial scale sites who dominate the niche. So it's a very different playing field. In one of my niches (health and wellbeing) I find the same... There are 1 or 10 huge sites constantly in top spots.. Just keep playing with adding a word or two and checking the first page of Google. I tend to see them dominate for short keywords... Paid ads... So once you target mid to long tail... Tends to get better. Good spot and question.. You really do need to check the competition...

Thanks Jason. I have a site that begin to have a certain authority online but still it doesn't seem to be quite there. All the ones in the first results have higher numbers.

The only keywords that seem to have a better chance are those of products that are not very popular and that not many are talking about.

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Qsr vs pa i'm kinda wondering here?

Qsr vs pa i'm kinda wondering here?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I have a big question mark in my face right now.

It says in the training that, finding keywords that has a QSR below 100 you have a good chance to rank for it in Google.<

ok, so the short and simple answer is to 'trust the system' because it is all based on relevance.

But from experience, I know that is not a satisfying answer! lol. I struggled with this same thing before and I will see if I can answer the question for you.

Here goes...

Google is a search engine. they provide answers to peoples questions.

When someone asks google a question, google reaches deep into its index to provide the BEST possible answer. Reason for this is if Google serves up a good answer, the user will continue to use google. themore they use google, the more ads they are shown, the more ads they are shown, the more likely they are to use google over and over again instead of the user bailing for yahoo or bing.

so it is in googles BEST interest to provide you with the best answer possible to your questions.

Ok, now that we have that established....

When you use the QSR for a search phrase, for example "best wax candles" you get a search volume of 144 and QSR of 31.

now when you search "best wax candles" without quotes, Google gives you millions of results, pages and pages of results, and pages that have Domain Rankings of 83, 77, 95, 50, 38, 85, etc....

looks scary...

But it is not... why? Because of RELEVANCE.

the QSR gives you the number of times that particular phrase exists within Googles index. That is powerful information.

So google 'best wax candles' without quotes and look at the first result... The first result does not even have 'BEST' in the title OR the metadescription, in fact, that is true for most of the results on the page.

(as a ninja-trick... once the search results come up press 'control+F' and type in your keyword, you will see how often it shows up on the page in bright colors to make it easier, lol.)


you see that the pages that google is trying to serve to the searcher is not TRULY answering the question.

To an affiliate marketing blogger.. that is called OPPORTUNITY.

The first result ranks #1 and only has 900 or so words. Imagine putting together a great, beefy post (2,000 plus words or more) listing the best wax candles, going into great detail, and most importantly... ANSWERING THE SEARCHERS INTENT.

Your site will eventually rank number 1 because you are the best option out there.

Now the trick is that this process does take time. Weeks for established sites, months for brand new sites.

So if i started a website right now and wrote a post called 'best wax candles' becaues i am a new site, it will not rank immediately... but over time, google will see where my post BELONGS and with a 2000+ word post, with great detail, answering the searchers intent, I have a blog post that deserves to be Number 1.

The other sites in the listing are ranking merely because Google has nothing better to put there and those are high ranking sites. so Google hopes that the searcher will find what they are looking for by giving them an authority site to check out.

Google is literally grasping for straws.

Grab the opportunity and Give google a straw.

So in a nutshell, those high domain and high authority sites are there and they are rankings, but they are not very relevant.

That is why it is so important to have a very tight and well defined niche to target.

If someone is looking for the best wax candles and stumble on yuor site that does nothing but talk about wax candles, you solve the searches intent... making google look good.

you, in turn, can answer their question, direct them to your wax candle review pages loaded with affiliate links, they read, they click, they buy, YOU MAKE MONEY.

PHEW..... i hope that made sense. This is officially the long answer. lol.

Cool stuff Chris... very detailed answer. I like your control + F trick!

This is the best explanation I've ever seen about Google ranking, and thank you for taking the time to be so thorough!


You're absolutely correct. The QSR tells you the quoted search results... How many websites are targeting the exact keyword. However as you point out... They could be 100 small or newly formed websites, they may also be 100 huge industrial scale sites who dominate the niche. So it's a very different playing field. In one of my niches (health and wellbeing) I find the same... There are 1 or 10 huge sites constantly in top spots.. Just keep playing with adding a word or two and checking the first page of Google. I tend to see them dominate for short keywords... Paid ads... So once you target mid to long tail... Tends to get better. Good spot and question.. You really do need to check the competition...

Thanks Jason. I have a site that begin to have a certain authority online but still it doesn't seem to be quite there. All the ones in the first results have higher numbers.

The only keywords that seem to have a better chance are those of products that are not very popular and that not many are talking about.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

This is a question I've been asking myself lately: How many Google + posts can you publish in a day without getting penalized?

Bootcamp Lesson I am now learning is teaching to post to all Social Networks that is Twitter, Facebook, Google plus and Pinterest posts we create, to what extent whether limited or unlimited in number, I cannot tell.

I feel you can have as many as you want just post different items there to capture the readers interest

You know:
You never know how far you can really go until you go to far...

I guess... :-)

Very profound, I am sure I heard similar words spoken deep into the Chinese provinces?

One old Chinese proverb that stuck with me for a lifetime: “never eat yellow snow”, such good advice!


They are a bit more strict than they are at facebook. But there is nothing wrong with posting more posts a day as long as you do not attach links in each of them

No links...but the URL of my posts of my site.

That is what I mean. Please do not hesitate to refer to your website at every presentation. Remember, it's a social media, making people know

I agree with Ted. I think Kyle explained in the teaching on setting up a Google+ account. Not more than one per day. Google doesn't like crowding.


That's what I tend to think too. I just wanted to here feedback to make sure

That is a good question - hadn't thought about that one!
Thanks for asking =)

Just something I was wondering... because Google can be touchy with those kind of thing.

I am fairly new, however, I did read that it seemed best to keep the Google + post to one a day. Google doesn't seem to like more than that.

That's what I think too

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How many google + posts is too many?

How many google + posts is too many?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

This is a question I've been asking myself lately: How many Google + posts can you publish in a day without getting penalized?

Bootcamp Lesson I am now learning is teaching to post to all Social Networks that is Twitter, Facebook, Google plus and Pinterest posts we create, to what extent whether limited or unlimited in number, I cannot tell.

I feel you can have as many as you want just post different items there to capture the readers interest

You know:
You never know how far you can really go until you go to far...

I guess... :-)

Very profound, I am sure I heard similar words spoken deep into the Chinese provinces?

One old Chinese proverb that stuck with me for a lifetime: “never eat yellow snow”, such good advice!


They are a bit more strict than they are at facebook. But there is nothing wrong with posting more posts a day as long as you do not attach links in each of them

No links...but the URL of my posts of my site.

That is what I mean. Please do not hesitate to refer to your website at every presentation. Remember, it's a social media, making people know

I agree with Ted. I think Kyle explained in the teaching on setting up a Google+ account. Not more than one per day. Google doesn't like crowding.


That's what I tend to think too. I just wanted to here feedback to make sure

That is a good question - hadn't thought about that one!
Thanks for asking =)

Just something I was wondering... because Google can be touchy with those kind of thing.

I am fairly new, however, I did read that it seemed best to keep the Google + post to one a day. Google doesn't seem to like more than that.

That's what I think too

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I was wondering if it was against WA policy to put an external link in a WA blog post that you create toward a post on your website?

What exactly is an external link?

An external link is from an Affiliate Program that you have been accepted by, Level 3 Lesson 4 Kyle explains how to use external links. Kyle's example is using Amazon
Trust this helps

An external link is from an Affiliate Program that you have been accepted by, Level 3 Lesson 4 Kyle explains how to use external links. Kyle's example is using Amazon
Trust this helps

That’s what I thought. And yes we can use them. I think I’m confused with the question. :) Of course we use external kinks in our website.. how would we make $$ :)

Keep doing the lessons and it will all be revealed,

I think the answer is a resounding NO!

The only place you can leave external links - wbsite url's, social media addresses etc - is on your profile page, in the designated location.
Don't risk slapped wrists or worse!


It's a no

I think you will have to do this in site comments.
Thank you.

I think I found my answer. According this WA post here it is not allowed.

Hi Guy,

I'm sorry but don't know this answer. I'm sure you will get some good answers to your question.


That's OK Cathy. Thanks anyway.

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External links in wa blog posts?

External links in wa blog posts?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I was wondering if it was against WA policy to put an external link in a WA blog post that you create toward a post on your website?

What exactly is an external link?

An external link is from an Affiliate Program that you have been accepted by, Level 3 Lesson 4 Kyle explains how to use external links. Kyle's example is using Amazon
Trust this helps

An external link is from an Affiliate Program that you have been accepted by, Level 3 Lesson 4 Kyle explains how to use external links. Kyle's example is using Amazon
Trust this helps

That’s what I thought. And yes we can use them. I think I’m confused with the question. :) Of course we use external kinks in our website.. how would we make $$ :)

Keep doing the lessons and it will all be revealed,

I think the answer is a resounding NO!

The only place you can leave external links - wbsite url's, social media addresses etc - is on your profile page, in the designated location.
Don't risk slapped wrists or worse!


It's a no

I think you will have to do this in site comments.
Thank you.

I think I found my answer. According this WA post here it is not allowed.

Hi Guy,

I'm sorry but don't know this answer. I'm sure you will get some good answers to your question.


That's OK Cathy. Thanks anyway.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I've been through an issue here. Normally, with my other sites, when I paste their URL in Jaaxy, it would return a series of keywords. But not with the site I'm actively workin

I'm confused and intrigued by your question.

I use Jaaxy to figure out what keywords I should write posts around. In other words, I'm writing information to address what my potential audience is searching for. I assume that's what most of us are doing with the SEO portion of our training. But I've learned not to assume. ;-)

Unless my eyes deceive me your second image has the words small affiliate within your domain name. Since there are no spaces it looks like one word "smallaffiliate"

So, my question is...why would your audience have a need to type "smallaffiliate" into any search engine? My guess is, they wouldn't, so there are no results for those keywords.

I understand what you're saying and I agree that it's not a word someone would type... "small affiliate" is not a keyword domain.

But my other domain "attracting faith" isn't either. But yet, it returns keywords.

That make me say that I most not have set my SEO stuff on my website properly.

If it was set properly, it should returns keywords like the other one.

I didn't want to confuse anyone, I'm just trying to figure out what I have done wrong so I can fix it.

My suggestion is to try a search without the dot com at the end and if it still comes up with nothing then there is no ranking for anything like it

Great question. Not sure?

All in One SEO when I built my Website that got Google ranking disappeared as a menu in my website dashboard and also I do not know what part it played by the disappearance too of my Home menu from my website , This however does not affect its normal functionality.

interesting question. looking forward to reading member's responses

You raise an interesting question, even I wondered some times. However I’m only 4 months In with only establishing myself. You might have done more than I when you were new. The question about SEO can be chilling.

Normally, when you follow the training it should rank... but I think I have done something wrong in the process... and wonder what it is...

Here's the screenshots for both of my sites. One is showing keywords, and the other one none.

This really trouble me, because the site with not keywords actually have more content than the one where keywords are showing.

Should I worry?

Plus I have a post published in December on a low competition keyword suppose to be easy to rank and I can find it no where in Google.

It's the first time something like that happen to me.

I mean I have seen posts have done in the past ranked, and even domain names.

So I wonder if I had done something wrong here

You van use the keywords of the first for the second...

They are two totally different niches

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How come jaaxy doesn't return sany keywords?

How come jaaxy doesn't return sany keywords?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I've been through an issue here. Normally, with my other sites, when I paste their URL in Jaaxy, it would return a series of keywords. But not with the site I'm actively workin

I'm confused and intrigued by your question.

I use Jaaxy to figure out what keywords I should write posts around. In other words, I'm writing information to address what my potential audience is searching for. I assume that's what most of us are doing with the SEO portion of our training. But I've learned not to assume. ;-)

Unless my eyes deceive me your second image has the words small affiliate within your domain name. Since there are no spaces it looks like one word "smallaffiliate"

So, my question is...why would your audience have a need to type "smallaffiliate" into any search engine? My guess is, they wouldn't, so there are no results for those keywords.

I understand what you're saying and I agree that it's not a word someone would type... "small affiliate" is not a keyword domain.

But my other domain "attracting faith" isn't either. But yet, it returns keywords.

That make me say that I most not have set my SEO stuff on my website properly.

If it was set properly, it should returns keywords like the other one.

I didn't want to confuse anyone, I'm just trying to figure out what I have done wrong so I can fix it.

My suggestion is to try a search without the dot com at the end and if it still comes up with nothing then there is no ranking for anything like it

Great question. Not sure?

All in One SEO when I built my Website that got Google ranking disappeared as a menu in my website dashboard and also I do not know what part it played by the disappearance too of my Home menu from my website , This however does not affect its normal functionality.

interesting question. looking forward to reading member's responses

You raise an interesting question, even I wondered some times. However I’m only 4 months In with only establishing myself. You might have done more than I when you were new. The question about SEO can be chilling.

Normally, when you follow the training it should rank... but I think I have done something wrong in the process... and wonder what it is...

Here's the screenshots for both of my sites. One is showing keywords, and the other one none.

This really trouble me, because the site with not keywords actually have more content than the one where keywords are showing.

Should I worry?

Plus I have a post published in December on a low competition keyword suppose to be easy to rank and I can find it no where in Google.

It's the first time something like that happen to me.

I mean I have seen posts have done in the past ranked, and even domain names.

So I wonder if I had done something wrong here

You van use the keywords of the first for the second...

They are two totally different niches

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Anyone of you have experienced this? It's the first time I see this when I fetch a URL in Google Search Console. It gives me a yellow redirected instead of a green check mark!<

Leaving out any codes in a code-block would cause a redirect anyway. Because the address has changed from the initial link address. Any variation would cause a redirect unless the code is linked.. I think?

Yes. I think it makes sense

Have you tried this method?

I did once

Hi Guy,
This has happened to me before. I left out a character in the URL when I first fetched. Once I noticed it I corrected it and refetched it went green.

Thanks Jerome.

Hum...I have not noticed this.

It's the first time it has done that to me...

"Redirected" usually means typing http instead of https in the URL field, so it had to redirect the fetch to the https version. ~Jude

I guess I should not worry about it too much....

I'm no expert but when that showed up on me it meant that there was a problem.(most often i did something wrong).

I did... I forgot to add the "/" at the end of my URLs. I think it was just that.

I have but I am not sure what it meant so I tried it again the next day and it was fine.

I think I know now... I have submitted other URLs and make sure the (/) was at the end and I had a green check marl

Glad you got it and I will keep that in mind thank you

Thanks Melissa

You are welcome

I haven't used it yet so I looking forward to the answer you get from others.

I think it's just because I didn't enter the full address with the "/" at the end that it gave me a redirected.

I did this: how-do-i-find-keywords-for-my-website
instead of this: how-do-i-find-keywords-for-my-website/

And it gave me a redirected for the first one and a green check mark for the second one.

It's the same address except for the "/" at the end. So it's kinda strange. Just a little detail.

i'll remember this as I'm about to start using it

the copy ad past version from my post url was the good one. It has the bar on it. So if you simply copy and paste the link of your post you should be good.

great thank you

I think it's because I didn't put the / at the end...

Here's the screenshot

Oh, yes... I see. You were missing a forward slash... That piece of code, within a link, is vital for completion of whatever process you were trying to make. Glad you got it fixed.

Yes. Thank you Linda.

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Google fetch as google inside search console?

Google fetch as google inside search console?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Anyone of you have experienced this? It's the first time I see this when I fetch a URL in Google Search Console. It gives me a yellow redirected instead of a green check mark!<

Leaving out any codes in a code-block would cause a redirect anyway. Because the address has changed from the initial link address. Any variation would cause a redirect unless the code is linked.. I think?

Yes. I think it makes sense

Have you tried this method?

I did once

Hi Guy,
This has happened to me before. I left out a character in the URL when I first fetched. Once I noticed it I corrected it and refetched it went green.

Thanks Jerome.

Hum...I have not noticed this.

It's the first time it has done that to me...

"Redirected" usually means typing http instead of https in the URL field, so it had to redirect the fetch to the https version. ~Jude

I guess I should not worry about it too much....

I'm no expert but when that showed up on me it meant that there was a problem.(most often i did something wrong).

I did... I forgot to add the "/" at the end of my URLs. I think it was just that.

I have but I am not sure what it meant so I tried it again the next day and it was fine.

I think I know now... I have submitted other URLs and make sure the (/) was at the end and I had a green check marl

Glad you got it and I will keep that in mind thank you

Thanks Melissa

You are welcome

I haven't used it yet so I looking forward to the answer you get from others.

I think it's just because I didn't enter the full address with the "/" at the end that it gave me a redirected.

I did this: how-do-i-find-keywords-for-my-website
instead of this: how-do-i-find-keywords-for-my-website/

And it gave me a redirected for the first one and a green check mark for the second one.

It's the same address except for the "/" at the end. So it's kinda strange. Just a little detail.

i'll remember this as I'm about to start using it

the copy ad past version from my post url was the good one. It has the bar on it. So if you simply copy and paste the link of your post you should be good.

great thank you

I think it's because I didn't put the / at the end...

Here's the screenshot

Oh, yes... I see. You were missing a forward slash... That piece of code, within a link, is vital for completion of whatever process you were trying to make. Glad you got it fixed.

Yes. Thank you Linda.

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