Stop Leaving Signatures With Your Website Link in WA


Lately I have been seeing members, including a couple of Ambassadors, leaving their website links in their WA blogs and when greeting new members. This is NOT allowed here at WA so please stop!


A little more than a year ago Kyle removed some text and my website link from one of my WA blogs and he told me that it is not allowed here. No forms of self-promotion of our website links outside of the designated areas (see below) are allowed. Since then I do not post my website link to the community in my WA blogs or in comments.

You can post your website link(s) in the appropriate space on your profile page, bottom right corner, and on the following comment threads.

Now those are the links I have (there maybe a couple more) where you are allowed to leave your website links. You are not allowed to leave your links anywhere else. So for those of you who are thinking of signing your WA blogs or your comments with your name and website links...DON'T!


And why on earth would you spam new members when you are greeting them with your link? It certainly is not to help them. How is giving your website link going to help a new member who hasn't even dipped their toe in the training yet? If you want to share a link to help them, share a WA training or blog link. Internal links are fine but not external links.

Now I realize that this blog only pertains to a really small percentage of members but this message is for ALL members. If Kyle or Carson should see your links, they will remove it and then warn you that it is not allowed, see below message from Kyle to me about this subject.

Obviously they cannot catch every instance of this happening but they shouldn't have to if you just stop trying to get people to your website. You DO want traffic just not so much from WA but rather from organic search engines and social media traffic.

So be kind to your WA community and do not spam your website link. If someone needs to see your website link because you are trying to help them with something, then do what I do, send your link to them in a PM.

OK people, my rant is over. Back to work!


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Recent Comments


Excellent point. I see that people place links for members to critique their sites instead of using the Feedback option. I have re-directed a few to Feedback in recent weeks. PM is also a good way if the conversation is one on one.

Every so often a little slap on the wrist doesn't hurt.

There are designated places for comments and feedback, members should have to follow the rules like we all do. Just use these places for comments and no place else. It is just a matter of them following the guidelines of WA and not their own.

Hi Robert,
Three sets of eyeballs are better than two!! Good job. And by the way we all know intuitively when we are making a no-no. Just like my pup Sweet Tea when she makes a doody on the floor. She gives me that look and runs like a banshee.......Good work.

I just had a mental picture of that scenario. :)

Funny as hell!

Sometimes everyone needs a reminder. :)

And Leo and I did so within an hour of eachother. lol

That's alright, some need more than one reminder! ha!

As a newbie of about 2 weeks standing, I'm reading this and feeling a bit concerned that I may have inadvertently fallen foul of the rules.
When posting within threads I usually put my name at the end out of courtesy and I think I may have said Hi to somebody (davyrobot) and put my site link in for them to have a look, seems like this is a no no.
Did I miss the warning about it during either a general WA welcome or in any of the first two lots of training or is it just one of those things you pick up, or fall foul of, as you go along?
Thanks for highlighting this Rob.

Putting your name is not a problem. Leaving your website link is the problem. No external links to your website except for the designated places I listed above.

Signing your name is NOT a problem.

You can check these out when you have the time. Robert :)

Cheers Rob, will certainly think twice now....thrice even!!
Mark ;-)

Oeps, I welcome every new follower of me with this message. I do not share it with members who ain't following me.
And I only send them this link to be of help, not to gain any comments.
That's not allowed too?

welcome, nice to meet you, thanks for the follow, my present to you, 101+ amazing free tools to make your website look special, if you have an amazing free website tool yourself to share, which isn't added yet, please do share it with me:) see you around, greetings Loes

After reading this post, I feel a new exhilarating feeling ;))
'cause this time, (see pic)

No that is not allowed Loes, especially to new followers. The only links they should receive if you feel like leaving them are internal WA links. Kyle does not want external links.

Oke, point taken:)

LOL, No it wasn't you Joseph. :)

The word is spreading through WA like the ripples on a pond.


If you mean Leo's post, I saw his post in my email 5 minutes after I posted this. Great minds........

Feel better? :P

Now that I am having a beer.......yeah! :)


I always use my first initial and two words as my closing when I write on WA to be courteous (as you'll see below). Is this prohibited? If so I did not intend to break the rules, rather to write like any other letter or email.


Not at all. Only if you posted your website link, that is prohibited.

Oh good, thank you Robert!

My gosh ive signed dang near everything like that and must say I felt super awful when I thought I might be doing something wrong.

Gasp! Whew! Relief. Lol.

Well then,


Now if I could only spell .....

I just corrected a spelling error in this blog so don't feel bad. lol

Sometimes my fingers type fatter than my eyes. The perfect storm comes when my brain skips what my eyes tell it.

That is why 98% of the time I write my content in MS Word using a spell and grammar checker before copy/pasting it into WordPress.

I like your rants - its got a very logical explanation - Thanks

You are welcome Rich.

I saw a few of those and I was wondering why do that. It just didn't seem right. Now I know. Thanks Robert.

You are welcome Vanessa and if you see someone doing it just let them know it is not allowed. If they complain, you can give them the link to this blog.

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