About chriscoyle
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659 followers Joined May 2012
Hi all Chris here from Glasgow UK, been meaning to fill this out since I joined back in May 2012 so I'm tying up lose ends





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I think this has happened to some members before if I remember rightly but I have no idea why. Maybe I've had this privilege revoked for some reason but If I have then I literal

I think you should have been expelled from WAradise ages ago. I can't believe Kyle let you back in. Meh. :( R. x

I get that you can't post comments, but judging by what's been written before - you mailed Kyle - I imagine it's already sorted! I think it's brilliant that even though you couldn't post any comments, you were still able to communicate with this community and get the help you needed!

Sometimes when I am on phone, like now, I can't but that is because the phone messes up and such. Sometime I have heard it can be a computer issue to. Just not connecting right to the internet, weak signal something like that.

Gotta be a glitch in the system- maybe you should submit a support ticket.

Don't take it amiss chriscoyle.....it is some sort of technical problem....it happened to many......just send a personnel mail to Kyle or carson ....your problem will be solved...nothing to worry......God Bless

Aw right okay it's happened to a few members recently? I just mailed Kyle there. Cheers Rexton

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Can't post comments anywhere in WA

Can't post comments anywhere in WA

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I think this has happened to some members before if I remember rightly but I have no idea why. Maybe I've had this privilege revoked for some reason but If I have then I literal

I think you should have been expelled from WAradise ages ago. I can't believe Kyle let you back in. Meh. :( R. x

I get that you can't post comments, but judging by what's been written before - you mailed Kyle - I imagine it's already sorted! I think it's brilliant that even though you couldn't post any comments, you were still able to communicate with this community and get the help you needed!

Sometimes when I am on phone, like now, I can't but that is because the phone messes up and such. Sometime I have heard it can be a computer issue to. Just not connecting right to the internet, weak signal something like that.

Gotta be a glitch in the system- maybe you should submit a support ticket.

Don't take it amiss chriscoyle.....it is some sort of technical problem....it happened to many......just send a personnel mail to Kyle or carson ....your problem will be solved...nothing to worry......God Bless

Aw right okay it's happened to a few members recently? I just mailed Kyle there. Cheers Rexton

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi guys, so I'm looking for a new theme for my website. Been tweeking it for about 2 and a half weeks now in effort to optimize my conversions/speed of website. I still have a

Hi, I like the Thesis theme. How do I select/find Thesis from our large selection of Wordpress themes? http://myweightlossdreams.co.uk, uses the Thesis theme. There is a great review/tutorial on Thesis at http://diythemes.com.
I believe Thesis 2 requires no or little coding, uses drop down boxes for customization, to my understanding.

That is a theme you have to purchase to use it is not in our free WordPress themes. It is a very nice theme though.

Hi, I know this is an old post now but I'll tell you about it anyway. It's an article which Chris Lema wrote a few months ago - Genesis vs Thesis. Enjoy! http://chrislema.com/genesis-and-thesis-comparison. Nick

Another site to check out what Thesis can do is http://www.byobwebsite.com/.
They have a free basic membership, videos and he does free training on Thesis. It may help you in making a decision.

Just got this Pete, cheers for the link mate I'll give it a try :)


Chris I use Genesis but I didn't buy the whole train. I bought Genesis and then I came back through and bought themes that I wanted. Currently I use Innovative8, Magazine and a few others.

Since the Wordpress upgrade last night I am having to realign a few things but Genesis was on top of all this before this upgrade so, so far my themes have updated great.

kitchendrippings.com is my recipe site and I have wealthyaffiliateinfo.net that I have been playing around with..that is a different Genesis theme I am testing out. Anyway been with Genesis for a long time so let me know if you have any questions.

Hi Dana just seen this thanks for posting your sites there for me. I like both your sites and mostly because they look so clean. It's the white background that does it. For ages I thought my theme was pretty decent but just recently I've realised that I need to change it.

I'll probably hold you to that lol because I think I'm going to go with Genesis so you will most likely hear from me:)

Cheers Dana

there is "free" genesis child themes...do a google search "free genesis themes" and they will popup. The designers of the child themes put them out there so they are of good quality.

The free themes are actually really nice. Some better quality than most paid ones. Only thing is the paid ones have more features included that would help me get rid of some plugins. Doing everything I can to speed my site up here. Although I'm considering using a free one until I make a decision on a premium one. The Copybloggger free one is probably the nicest.

Dana see If I was to buy the Genesis Framework on it's own, would the child themes in the members area still be the same price inside sstudiopress or are they discounted for first time buyers? e.g the Genesis Framework is $60 roughly and with a child theme it's about $80/85? Are the more expensive to buy them separately on the inside?

I have never paid that much for a Child Theme so no. I paid for the Genesis framework and then paid for each theme individually, their own price. They do not charge you more because you didn't buy like the "group". As long as you have the framework "Genesis" you can buy any theme at that price the theme cost..

I didn't need all those themes which is why I didn't buy EVERYTHING, so it worked out cheaper for me in the long run to just buy Genesis and then find my theme.

Alot of these themes are not updated to WP 3.6 so they are only $33.71 right now when you log into Studio Press....the child themes are around $18.71

Hi Dana, I downloaded a free child theme that does not include genesis. Will it work without genesis? Can it work on it's own?

Hi Chris. I use the Genesis Framework with the Eleven40 child theme. I like it.

Hi Steve, yeah the Genesis Framework seems to be really popular just now over Thesis just for the simple fact Thesis 2.0 was basically built for the developer (or that's what the argument is). Did you buy the Genesis Framework with just the Eleven40 theme (btw seen that and it looks nice) or just you buy all the themes?

I see the likes of copyblogger.net and problogger.net are powered by the Genesis Framework and both they sites are really nice. Would be nice to know what child theme problogger was using.

I've said to Adrian and Karsten as well but is there any chance I could see your site just so I know what can be done with Genesis :)


It's all right Steve I got a quick look. Love the site mainly because it's so clean looking. Is your Eleven40 theme customizable? I.e. could you give your site a complete overhaul if you wanted to? Studiopress don't really let you see how customizable they themes can be you have to buy and try not try before you buy

Check out my site. Just go to my page and my you'll find my URL.

I'm sure it is customizable since I've seen many sites running the Genesis framework that have been highly customized. I'm not a techie however and have no idea how to do it. I'm sure there are lots of freelancers out there that could do it relatively cheap.

Yeah I might try a freelancer I'm going to have to make my decision soon though.

Cheers Steve

Hi Steve and Chris. I just switched to the Genesis eleven40 and absolutely love it. I stumbled across another blogger site that uses it and went wow, that's what I want. It was really easy to switch it over, just had to fix up some widgets and organize my menu.

Steve, your site looks great, excellent work.

How you doing Rick, yeah I'm glad you pointed that out about the widgets I need something that's easy to use because I really don't have the time to mess around with the likes of Thesis just now because Uni's starting again in 5 weeks my schedule is jam packed. It's good to know a few members here are on the Genesis Framework that I can come to with questions lol. It is a really popular theme from what I'm reading

Cheers Rick,

I transferred my site and within 30 minutes had a nice looking new site. I've very pleased with how easy it was.

Yeah I think I'll give Genesis a shot then. Currently having a browse through the child themes the now :d

Hi Chris, I use Thesis, initially 1.8.5 now version 2.0. At first Thesis 2 does take time and effort to get used to, but there are lots of tutorial videos available for it (http://www.youtube.com/user/MissAmeliaSmith is an excellent resource for Thesis 2 tutorial videos). DIYThemes have just released Thesis 2.1 which includes amongst other things typography improvements, live site preview & built-in FTP uploads but I'm yet to check those out. I purchased a responsive skin for $45 (unlimited use licence) to use on top of Thesis 2.0 which I'm using for all of the sites I'm building for my local SEO clients (saved me having to code up a skin from scratch)

I haven't used the other themes you mentioned in your post, so can't comment on those.

Hope this helps,


Aw nice one Adrian cheers mate I checked out her channel. I take it the resposive child theme is quite customizable? See this is why I liked the idea of Thesis because it comes with so much functionality. Only problem is I don't want to spend weeks getting use to it. I have no problem taking the time out but I not crazy about coding so if I can avoid it I will. Any chance I could see your site with the Thesis theme just to get an idea of what can be done with it: because there's so many sites out there using Thesis that look so different.


I am not an affiliate for any of these products

I have Genesis, like thesis as well... and I love www.elegant themes.com for ease of use and customization capabilities as well as ability to create a mobile version as well... and works with WA express

Hi Karsten, the theme I just now if from elegant themes. I'm just ready to move away from this company. Are you using Genesis on your site just now? If you are could I see what it looks like :)?

I have it through copyblogger... it is there... It is my next site, but have not done much on it at this point

Aw right okay I take it you have the Genesis Framework on it's own without the child theme :)?

Hi Paul I just got your message. I had a look at Artisteer it looks pretty good. I've booked marked it for future reference I'll probably download the trial and see what it's like.


I use a product called Artisteer (Google it). I'll PM you with some samples because I don't want anyone to think I'm promoting anything! I have no financial link or affiliation with this product! (but it costs less than £50!)

I thought about Genesis years ago, but it's much more complicated than Artisteer.

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Thesis vs Genesis Framework vs Headway Themes? Need Help

Thesis vs Genesis Framework vs Headway Themes? Need Help

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi guys, so I'm looking for a new theme for my website. Been tweeking it for about 2 and a half weeks now in effort to optimize my conversions/speed of website. I still have a

Hi, I like the Thesis theme. How do I select/find Thesis from our large selection of Wordpress themes? http://myweightlossdreams.co.uk, uses the Thesis theme. There is a great review/tutorial on Thesis at http://diythemes.com.
I believe Thesis 2 requires no or little coding, uses drop down boxes for customization, to my understanding.

That is a theme you have to purchase to use it is not in our free WordPress themes. It is a very nice theme though.

Hi, I know this is an old post now but I'll tell you about it anyway. It's an article which Chris Lema wrote a few months ago - Genesis vs Thesis. Enjoy! http://chrislema.com/genesis-and-thesis-comparison. Nick

Another site to check out what Thesis can do is http://www.byobwebsite.com/.
They have a free basic membership, videos and he does free training on Thesis. It may help you in making a decision.

Just got this Pete, cheers for the link mate I'll give it a try :)


Chris I use Genesis but I didn't buy the whole train. I bought Genesis and then I came back through and bought themes that I wanted. Currently I use Innovative8, Magazine and a few others.

Since the Wordpress upgrade last night I am having to realign a few things but Genesis was on top of all this before this upgrade so, so far my themes have updated great.

kitchendrippings.com is my recipe site and I have wealthyaffiliateinfo.net that I have been playing around with..that is a different Genesis theme I am testing out. Anyway been with Genesis for a long time so let me know if you have any questions.

Hi Dana just seen this thanks for posting your sites there for me. I like both your sites and mostly because they look so clean. It's the white background that does it. For ages I thought my theme was pretty decent but just recently I've realised that I need to change it.

I'll probably hold you to that lol because I think I'm going to go with Genesis so you will most likely hear from me:)

Cheers Dana

there is "free" genesis child themes...do a google search "free genesis themes" and they will popup. The designers of the child themes put them out there so they are of good quality.

The free themes are actually really nice. Some better quality than most paid ones. Only thing is the paid ones have more features included that would help me get rid of some plugins. Doing everything I can to speed my site up here. Although I'm considering using a free one until I make a decision on a premium one. The Copybloggger free one is probably the nicest.

Dana see If I was to buy the Genesis Framework on it's own, would the child themes in the members area still be the same price inside sstudiopress or are they discounted for first time buyers? e.g the Genesis Framework is $60 roughly and with a child theme it's about $80/85? Are the more expensive to buy them separately on the inside?

I have never paid that much for a Child Theme so no. I paid for the Genesis framework and then paid for each theme individually, their own price. They do not charge you more because you didn't buy like the "group". As long as you have the framework "Genesis" you can buy any theme at that price the theme cost..

I didn't need all those themes which is why I didn't buy EVERYTHING, so it worked out cheaper for me in the long run to just buy Genesis and then find my theme.

Alot of these themes are not updated to WP 3.6 so they are only $33.71 right now when you log into Studio Press....the child themes are around $18.71

Hi Dana, I downloaded a free child theme that does not include genesis. Will it work without genesis? Can it work on it's own?

Hi Chris. I use the Genesis Framework with the Eleven40 child theme. I like it.

Hi Steve, yeah the Genesis Framework seems to be really popular just now over Thesis just for the simple fact Thesis 2.0 was basically built for the developer (or that's what the argument is). Did you buy the Genesis Framework with just the Eleven40 theme (btw seen that and it looks nice) or just you buy all the themes?

I see the likes of copyblogger.net and problogger.net are powered by the Genesis Framework and both they sites are really nice. Would be nice to know what child theme problogger was using.

I've said to Adrian and Karsten as well but is there any chance I could see your site just so I know what can be done with Genesis :)


It's all right Steve I got a quick look. Love the site mainly because it's so clean looking. Is your Eleven40 theme customizable? I.e. could you give your site a complete overhaul if you wanted to? Studiopress don't really let you see how customizable they themes can be you have to buy and try not try before you buy

Check out my site. Just go to my page and my you'll find my URL.

I'm sure it is customizable since I've seen many sites running the Genesis framework that have been highly customized. I'm not a techie however and have no idea how to do it. I'm sure there are lots of freelancers out there that could do it relatively cheap.

Yeah I might try a freelancer I'm going to have to make my decision soon though.

Cheers Steve

Hi Steve and Chris. I just switched to the Genesis eleven40 and absolutely love it. I stumbled across another blogger site that uses it and went wow, that's what I want. It was really easy to switch it over, just had to fix up some widgets and organize my menu.

Steve, your site looks great, excellent work.

How you doing Rick, yeah I'm glad you pointed that out about the widgets I need something that's easy to use because I really don't have the time to mess around with the likes of Thesis just now because Uni's starting again in 5 weeks my schedule is jam packed. It's good to know a few members here are on the Genesis Framework that I can come to with questions lol. It is a really popular theme from what I'm reading

Cheers Rick,

I transferred my site and within 30 minutes had a nice looking new site. I've very pleased with how easy it was.

Yeah I think I'll give Genesis a shot then. Currently having a browse through the child themes the now :d

Hi Chris, I use Thesis, initially 1.8.5 now version 2.0. At first Thesis 2 does take time and effort to get used to, but there are lots of tutorial videos available for it (http://www.youtube.com/user/MissAmeliaSmith is an excellent resource for Thesis 2 tutorial videos). DIYThemes have just released Thesis 2.1 which includes amongst other things typography improvements, live site preview & built-in FTP uploads but I'm yet to check those out. I purchased a responsive skin for $45 (unlimited use licence) to use on top of Thesis 2.0 which I'm using for all of the sites I'm building for my local SEO clients (saved me having to code up a skin from scratch)

I haven't used the other themes you mentioned in your post, so can't comment on those.

Hope this helps,


Aw nice one Adrian cheers mate I checked out her channel. I take it the resposive child theme is quite customizable? See this is why I liked the idea of Thesis because it comes with so much functionality. Only problem is I don't want to spend weeks getting use to it. I have no problem taking the time out but I not crazy about coding so if I can avoid it I will. Any chance I could see your site with the Thesis theme just to get an idea of what can be done with it: because there's so many sites out there using Thesis that look so different.


I am not an affiliate for any of these products

I have Genesis, like thesis as well... and I love www.elegant themes.com for ease of use and customization capabilities as well as ability to create a mobile version as well... and works with WA express

Hi Karsten, the theme I just now if from elegant themes. I'm just ready to move away from this company. Are you using Genesis on your site just now? If you are could I see what it looks like :)?

I have it through copyblogger... it is there... It is my next site, but have not done much on it at this point

Aw right okay I take it you have the Genesis Framework on it's own without the child theme :)?

Hi Paul I just got your message. I had a look at Artisteer it looks pretty good. I've booked marked it for future reference I'll probably download the trial and see what it's like.


I use a product called Artisteer (Google it). I'll PM you with some samples because I don't want anyone to think I'm promoting anything! I have no financial link or affiliation with this product! (but it costs less than £50!)

I thought about Genesis years ago, but it's much more complicated than Artisteer.

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research


for a newbie, i find Jaaxy really help me on my keyword research. but cant afford it at the moment. i'm gonna stick to WA keyword tool for now... but Jaaxy will be in my 'Item to subscribe soon"

Yeah, most definitely. Don't over extend yourself, Jaaxy is a purchase that you should make only when you can afford it.

One thing I love about Jaaxy, and there are many, is that it's never been a set it and forget it program. It's always being worked on and updated as the internet environment evolves and changes day to day.

It's good that you pointed out this "bug." Things like this are bound to happen but we can be confident that Jaaxy will be "de-bugged" as we go along.


This actually wasn't a bug at all, Jaaxy has remained 100% accurate. Google has gone through a major shift in terms of their search rankings and have actually removed millions of pages. You can read about it here.


Cool, thanks for the correction Kyle, I'll check out the link. Robbie :)

Google has just changed the QSR results when you "manually" search it within their results. We are looking into this update as we speak here and will have an announcement either way.

This could be a result of Google REMOVING results from their search rankings en masse and could be revealing how little competition we really have, but there seems to be some strange results happening when doing different Google searches.

Don't blame the messenger, this is a change taken place at the source (Google) and we will be dealing with it.

Nice one Kyle cheers, at least we know what's going on now :).

This just took place yesterday, we spend time analyzing changes before we make any announcements or do anything drastic. If you want to read all about this latest Google update and how it impacts your keyword research and your business going forward, check out the following post:


Looks like it's broken, I just watched Kyle's QSR video and that also displayed crazy high QSR numbers.

Yeah I think your right, just means all the Keyword Research I've done today is pretty much out the window. If the QSR is off I don't really trust the traffic figures either. What video are you talking about Craig?

This video https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/how-to-find-your-true-competition-in-google-understanding-qsr
But even if the QSR was good and low, you still need to check the first page results to get an idea of the strength of that competition.

I've noticed a few weird things going on with Google's QSR so maybe it's changed something that Jaaxy needs to update.

Cheers Craig, yeah I agree that's a good tip that people should know. Finding you competition doesn't stop with Jaaxy. You have to analyse the competition in the first page to see if that keyword is worth the effort :)

Cheers for posting the link there :)

Absolutely nothing broken here Craig, Google Penguin 2.0 just hit and competition has never been lower. QSR is highly accurate, as is all of the data within Jaaxy.


Hi Carson, What I was getting at is something must of been wrong at the time if it's giving you QSR in the millions as Chris pointed out in the post above.
I'd also just watched Kyles video too before reading this post and noticed the phrase "Best Food" had a QSR of 11,800,000 plus a whole bunch of others had a super high QSR, seen at the 3:30 point.
I see it's been fixed and that's great.

Those were the QSR numbers retrieved from Google at the time, yes they were inflated but that was Google's doing. What we are saying is that this is accurate data Craig, I know you understand this and keywords like "best food" we all know are far too competitive. Google has stripped these keywords as well of most of their results as well, so that is why were are saying be careful with two word keywords that are broad of this nature across the board.

Google has done a complete WIPE here and I think it is for the better, just the QSR has to be read a little bit differently going forward. Anything over 400 is a "try it at your own risk", between 300-400 is a little easier, but could still be tough, and under 300 is typically a promising QSR (assuming the keyword make sense).

The data is tip top, the way we read it post Penguin 2.0 has just shifted slightly. :)

Also I've noticed this happening with different keywords in different niches, I just didn't have the time to go back and find them

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Not Really Trusting Jaaxy Again These Days

Not Really Trusting Jaaxy Again These Days

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research


for a newbie, i find Jaaxy really help me on my keyword research. but cant afford it at the moment. i'm gonna stick to WA keyword tool for now... but Jaaxy will be in my 'Item to subscribe soon"

Yeah, most definitely. Don't over extend yourself, Jaaxy is a purchase that you should make only when you can afford it.

One thing I love about Jaaxy, and there are many, is that it's never been a set it and forget it program. It's always being worked on and updated as the internet environment evolves and changes day to day.

It's good that you pointed out this "bug." Things like this are bound to happen but we can be confident that Jaaxy will be "de-bugged" as we go along.


This actually wasn't a bug at all, Jaaxy has remained 100% accurate. Google has gone through a major shift in terms of their search rankings and have actually removed millions of pages. You can read about it here.


Cool, thanks for the correction Kyle, I'll check out the link. Robbie :)

Google has just changed the QSR results when you "manually" search it within their results. We are looking into this update as we speak here and will have an announcement either way.

This could be a result of Google REMOVING results from their search rankings en masse and could be revealing how little competition we really have, but there seems to be some strange results happening when doing different Google searches.

Don't blame the messenger, this is a change taken place at the source (Google) and we will be dealing with it.

Nice one Kyle cheers, at least we know what's going on now :).

This just took place yesterday, we spend time analyzing changes before we make any announcements or do anything drastic. If you want to read all about this latest Google update and how it impacts your keyword research and your business going forward, check out the following post:


Looks like it's broken, I just watched Kyle's QSR video and that also displayed crazy high QSR numbers.

Yeah I think your right, just means all the Keyword Research I've done today is pretty much out the window. If the QSR is off I don't really trust the traffic figures either. What video are you talking about Craig?

This video https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/training/how-to-find-your-true-competition-in-google-understanding-qsr
But even if the QSR was good and low, you still need to check the first page results to get an idea of the strength of that competition.

I've noticed a few weird things going on with Google's QSR so maybe it's changed something that Jaaxy needs to update.

Cheers Craig, yeah I agree that's a good tip that people should know. Finding you competition doesn't stop with Jaaxy. You have to analyse the competition in the first page to see if that keyword is worth the effort :)

Cheers for posting the link there :)

Absolutely nothing broken here Craig, Google Penguin 2.0 just hit and competition has never been lower. QSR is highly accurate, as is all of the data within Jaaxy.


Hi Carson, What I was getting at is something must of been wrong at the time if it's giving you QSR in the millions as Chris pointed out in the post above.
I'd also just watched Kyles video too before reading this post and noticed the phrase "Best Food" had a QSR of 11,800,000 plus a whole bunch of others had a super high QSR, seen at the 3:30 point.
I see it's been fixed and that's great.

Those were the QSR numbers retrieved from Google at the time, yes they were inflated but that was Google's doing. What we are saying is that this is accurate data Craig, I know you understand this and keywords like "best food" we all know are far too competitive. Google has stripped these keywords as well of most of their results as well, so that is why were are saying be careful with two word keywords that are broad of this nature across the board.

Google has done a complete WIPE here and I think it is for the better, just the QSR has to be read a little bit differently going forward. Anything over 400 is a "try it at your own risk", between 300-400 is a little easier, but could still be tough, and under 300 is typically a promising QSR (assuming the keyword make sense).

The data is tip top, the way we read it post Penguin 2.0 has just shifted slightly. :)

Also I've noticed this happening with different keywords in different niches, I just didn't have the time to go back and find them

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