About CateR
Rank 226455
888 followers Joined October 2013
Hi, My name is Cate and I'm really really really hoping I'm going to make a success of this. .... But I still feel like a





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I received an email from :"Wordpress
wordpress@my-website-name.com via gmail
"Howdy! Your site at https://my-website-name.com has

Me too, received the same type of email.

Sometimes the security updates get done automatically, sometimes not. It's very important to keep WordPress and your plugins and themes up to date. Most of the minor updates are to plug up security holes.

Always back up your website before any manual updates. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Thanx Marion

Hi Cate,

We now have the option to have WordPress updated automatically.

If you are receiving that email from the WA server you could ask support to uncheck the auto-updated option for you.

If the message came from a website hosted elsewhere ... and you have cPanel access, you can easily uncheck the option yourself.

Oh my - thank you!
I'm quite happy it being done for me - very unknowledgeable in this dept. Just making sure it happened because it was supposed to happen. ..It never happened before.

I've gotten these for my sites also. I think it is genuine and it is at the time of year for new WP releases to have bugs kinked out!

Thank you.
Feeling much better about it now. :-)

I don't completely remember. I think the major updates are automatic for security purposes while smaller ones are optional and done manually.

Thanx 4 that.....
The email doesn't look suspect - it just seemed odd.

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Wordpress auto-updates wpress on websites?

Wordpress auto-updates wpress on websites?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I received an email from :"Wordpress
wordpress@my-website-name.com via gmail
"Howdy! Your site at https://my-website-name.com has

Me too, received the same type of email.

Sometimes the security updates get done automatically, sometimes not. It's very important to keep WordPress and your plugins and themes up to date. Most of the minor updates are to plug up security holes.

Always back up your website before any manual updates. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Thanx Marion

Hi Cate,

We now have the option to have WordPress updated automatically.

If you are receiving that email from the WA server you could ask support to uncheck the auto-updated option for you.

If the message came from a website hosted elsewhere ... and you have cPanel access, you can easily uncheck the option yourself.

Oh my - thank you!
I'm quite happy it being done for me - very unknowledgeable in this dept. Just making sure it happened because it was supposed to happen. ..It never happened before.

I've gotten these for my sites also. I think it is genuine and it is at the time of year for new WP releases to have bugs kinked out!

Thank you.
Feeling much better about it now. :-)

I don't completely remember. I think the major updates are automatic for security purposes while smaller ones are optional and done manually.

Thanx 4 that.....
The email doesn't look suspect - it just seemed odd.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi there,
Can anyone tell me what happened to the "Full Justification" icon in the editor? I see Left, Center and Right but no longer any Full - it used to be in the second

Turns out you can still use the keyboard shortcuts, guys. Mark the relevant text and use Alt-Shift-J. It made me absolutely crazy for the past few days that there didn't seem to be a simple option for it.

I just checked, the same is true for underlining. You can just use Ctrl-U if you like.

It's all about the user experience as more and more people are doing their online searching on mobile devices. Justification does not look good on a small screen and underlining looks like links.

Ta for that .....
Okay - I checked it out on mobile and frankly, a bigger problem than differing gaps between words is - what it's done to my tables!

I used a table to put text to the left of an embedded iframe - what a mess on mobile - one word lines running down the screen. Sad.

Okay - gotta fix that so thanks for one-up! :-)))

Hi Marion,
May I ask your opinion please....

problem mentioned below as well as 2 Youtobe videos placed side by side - looks okay on standard size phone (mine) if the user turns the phone sideways/landscape - is that correct or should I change it to make it "better viewable" when held "portrait" way round?

Without viewing your website on a mobile device I can't say which would be best. Over 60% of internet browsing is done on mobile devices now and it's increasing. Check all your pages and posts on mobile and try to provide the best user experience, that's all I can advise.

:-)) Thanks.
Uhm... is it reasonable to expect mobile users to turn their devices sideways?

It looks like WP has removed some functions that it deems little used. The presumption appears to be if you need it there's a plug in for it!

But Sheesh-kebab!
Full justify and Underline?
How do we live without them?

Never mind - I found it!

How? I do not see it.

LOL... Hi JV
As no-one had replied I figured everyone hadn't noticed or didn't care ... so I went Google hunting.

Full justify and underline have been removed in the latest WP upgrade! (Can you believe it!??) Delete expletives.

To get them back install a Plugin...
Hangon - gotta go find it....
1) Re-add Text Underline and Justify ... or
2) TinyMCE Advanced (Better this one)

Or ..... read all about it at wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-add-underline-and-justify-text-buttons-in-wordpress

It is great to see you again, busy recently? I have heard about underline tab, and we had a discussion here about it. Cannot understand why they removed such options that are available in all text editors which I am using..

Thank you for the info, I am sure it will be helpful to people.

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Full justification in latest wordpress upgrade?

Full justification in latest wordpress upgrade?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi there,
Can anyone tell me what happened to the "Full Justification" icon in the editor? I see Left, Center and Right but no longer any Full - it used to be in the second

Turns out you can still use the keyboard shortcuts, guys. Mark the relevant text and use Alt-Shift-J. It made me absolutely crazy for the past few days that there didn't seem to be a simple option for it.

I just checked, the same is true for underlining. You can just use Ctrl-U if you like.

It's all about the user experience as more and more people are doing their online searching on mobile devices. Justification does not look good on a small screen and underlining looks like links.

Ta for that .....
Okay - I checked it out on mobile and frankly, a bigger problem than differing gaps between words is - what it's done to my tables!

I used a table to put text to the left of an embedded iframe - what a mess on mobile - one word lines running down the screen. Sad.

Okay - gotta fix that so thanks for one-up! :-)))

Hi Marion,
May I ask your opinion please....

problem mentioned below as well as 2 Youtobe videos placed side by side - looks okay on standard size phone (mine) if the user turns the phone sideways/landscape - is that correct or should I change it to make it "better viewable" when held "portrait" way round?

Without viewing your website on a mobile device I can't say which would be best. Over 60% of internet browsing is done on mobile devices now and it's increasing. Check all your pages and posts on mobile and try to provide the best user experience, that's all I can advise.

:-)) Thanks.
Uhm... is it reasonable to expect mobile users to turn their devices sideways?

It looks like WP has removed some functions that it deems little used. The presumption appears to be if you need it there's a plug in for it!

But Sheesh-kebab!
Full justify and Underline?
How do we live without them?

Never mind - I found it!

How? I do not see it.

LOL... Hi JV
As no-one had replied I figured everyone hadn't noticed or didn't care ... so I went Google hunting.

Full justify and underline have been removed in the latest WP upgrade! (Can you believe it!??) Delete expletives.

To get them back install a Plugin...
Hangon - gotta go find it....
1) Re-add Text Underline and Justify ... or
2) TinyMCE Advanced (Better this one)

Or ..... read all about it at wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-add-underline-and-justify-text-buttons-in-wordpress

It is great to see you again, busy recently? I have heard about underline tab, and we had a discussion here about it. Cannot understand why they removed such options that are available in all text editors which I am using..

Thank you for the info, I am sure it will be helpful to people.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Such a lovely new look to our profiles - thank you!

Not sure where to ask it - as it's a question for the very nice people who did that new look for us but
I was wond

That is such a great point. Aren't they going to address some of that by adding the update button to training.


Include date in search look up?

Include date in search look up?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Such a lovely new look to our profiles - thank you!

Not sure where to ask it - as it's a question for the very nice people who did that new look for us but
I was wond

That is such a great point. Aren't they going to address some of that by adding the update button to training.


asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi there folks,
I need to set up collecting donations using the main (most likely) methods like ... credit cards, paypal + others like them, and bitcoin/digital currency etc


My client set up a form with https://www.canadahelps.org/en/for-charities/donate-now/donation-forms/ and we used the forms embed feature to have it literally displayed from my client's website on his Donate web page.

Many options for payment are offered on the embedded form ... and ... the website whose form this is offers the protection of security to those donating.

Many thank Triblu - I shall look into it!
Thanx - first big smile I've had in days!.

I only know how you do that with PayPal

Thanks Loes!

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How to set up donations from ccard, paypal, bitcoin etc?

How to set up donations from ccard, paypal, bitcoin etc?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi there folks,
I need to set up collecting donations using the main (most likely) methods like ... credit cards, paypal + others like them, and bitcoin/digital currency etc


My client set up a form with https://www.canadahelps.org/en/for-charities/donate-now/donation-forms/ and we used the forms embed feature to have it literally displayed from my client's website on his Donate web page.

Many options for payment are offered on the embedded form ... and ... the website whose form this is offers the protection of security to those donating.

Many thank Triblu - I shall look into it!
Thanx - first big smile I've had in days!.

I only know how you do that with PayPal

Thanks Loes!

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Yes? No? Ask each one individually?
And if yes, would you want a link to one of your own sites?

I would ask permission, not that you have to but out of common courtesy

Thanks for the reply Loes ---- that's pretty much the way I was thinking about it but I was wondering if perhaps there's a little more than courtesy involved.....

I realise everything here that has one's affiliate link attached is available for use but I wasn't sure about people and their details because if, for example, I look at your profile I don't see my aff-ID which suggests to me - that info may be essentially private to you.

...In which case - I don't need your permission to link to say your training or blogs because you've already given it by virtue of your posting it here, but I would need your express permission to use your picture or your profile?

Yes, when there is no affiliate link to share, I do believe you have to ask.
I wouldn' t like it at all to see my picture appear on a site I do not agree with, I know there are sites here I really would not want to be acquainted with

Hi Cate, not an Ambassador but if I was one I would be happy to have you share my pic. Cheers Kev

Thanx for the kind response Kev!

You are welcome Cate. Cheers Kev

Everything on the Internet is public so you do not have to ask for permission. WA things can always be shared in sites.

Thank you.
But these are people I'd MUCH rather NOT p*ss off - so I thought I'd ask.

Those are just members like you or anybody else, no worry, but surely you can ask, no harm in doing this..

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May I mention ambassadors on my site - with piccies?

May I mention ambassadors on my site - with piccies?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Yes? No? Ask each one individually?
And if yes, would you want a link to one of your own sites?

I would ask permission, not that you have to but out of common courtesy

Thanks for the reply Loes ---- that's pretty much the way I was thinking about it but I was wondering if perhaps there's a little more than courtesy involved.....

I realise everything here that has one's affiliate link attached is available for use but I wasn't sure about people and their details because if, for example, I look at your profile I don't see my aff-ID which suggests to me - that info may be essentially private to you.

...In which case - I don't need your permission to link to say your training or blogs because you've already given it by virtue of your posting it here, but I would need your express permission to use your picture or your profile?

Yes, when there is no affiliate link to share, I do believe you have to ask.
I wouldn' t like it at all to see my picture appear on a site I do not agree with, I know there are sites here I really would not want to be acquainted with

Hi Cate, not an Ambassador but if I was one I would be happy to have you share my pic. Cheers Kev

Thanx for the kind response Kev!

You are welcome Cate. Cheers Kev

Everything on the Internet is public so you do not have to ask for permission. WA things can always be shared in sites.

Thank you.
But these are people I'd MUCH rather NOT p*ss off - so I thought I'd ask.

Those are just members like you or anybody else, no worry, but surely you can ask, no harm in doing this..

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