Author MarionBlack
Rank 45599

Full Backup Using WP Clone Plugin

There are a few popular backup plugins but they all have some drawbacks.

Updraft Plus does not work at Wealthy Affiliate because of the CRON settings.

BackWPup does not have a restore function. Backups can only be restored using the Premium plugin or FTP.

Duplicator’s restore function only works on a brand new site where WordPress has not been installed.

And WP Clone can create a lot of files on the server which could cause problems if they were allowed to build up.

My Recommendation: Use WP Clone as I show you in this video. Delete the older files as you create new ones. And, of course, deactivate the plugin when you’re not actually using it.

WordPress Tools Export backs up your posts, pages and comments. It doesn't back up your images, other media, plugins or themes.

WP Clone can back up the whole kit and caboodle. And restore it again if needed.

To be on the safe side I always use Tools Export as well as WP Clone. Yeah, I know, I'm a bit paranoid. I also like to keep at least 3 backups in 3 different places. And I don't always trust plugins until I've tested them thoroughly.

IMPORTANT: Always deactivate plugins that you only use occasionally as they can cause problems.

Related Training:

Use Tools Export every day 30 Second Daily Backups

Keep your website up to date Updates

If you want to use FTP How to Backup Your Website with File Zilla

More Training by Marion Black - Sorted

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annarella Premium
Hi Marion,

I'm trying to back up my website following your instructions but ran into a little problem. Right after I click "run now" I get this notification:
"Not Expected HTTP response body".
What should I do? Tried twice and got the same thing!

Thanks so much for your help! :)
MarionBlack Premium
Can you try again and this time take a screenshot of the notification?
annarella Premium
Sure, here it is!
First time doing screenshot - did I do it right?
Thanks Marion!
MarionBlack Premium
Congratulations on the screenshot YAY! OK, can you try again without the DB Check? As long as you use Tools==> Export you don't need to check the database. Also, if it give you the option to 'download' then download the zip file to your computer where you can open it and see if all the files are there.
annarella Premium
Thanks to you for teaching me!! :)

I think I know what the problem is...could it be that I'm doing a "new job" when I should just run the one that I did in December to update it? I went through all the steps (i.e. Dropbox) all over again and maybe I don't need to do that?
MarionBlack Premium
You're right. You used the same name for the job so the plugin got confused. Try running the original job again, download the zip file and check to see if everything is there. If that doesn't work delete all the jobs and start from scratch.
annarella Premium
Will do - thanks so much for the help! :-)
NWTDennis Premium
Thanks Marion. I use Tools>Export all the time, especially before I do any site plugin updates. My plan was then to use the daily site backup feature WA hosting provides if my site ever crashes.

I know you do not host at WA, so understand your search for another solution. But I did not know that Tools>Export does not back up images, which are a significant part of my content.

I'm trying to minimize the number of plugins I use, but I'm going to check out this plugin.
MarionBlack Premium
As this plugin is only for occasional use you can safely deactivate it when you're not actually using it.
Linda-777 Premium
Thank you, this is easy.
I would just like to know, if ever I need to use the backup, because of something that went wrong, how does it work then? Is there another tutorial on how to upload the backup to the site again?
thank you
Blessings in abundance
MarionBlack Premium
That's when you would need to use FTP. But don't worry, it's not too likely to happen, but if it does then I can walk you through it.
Linda-777 Premium
Ok, thank you. I'll bookmark your tutorial on FTP as well, just in case I need it. I did watch it (a while back) and it makes FTP look less difficult to understand, but I would still prefer not to use it if it is not truly necessary.
Thank you for the offer, I'm glad I've got someone to help when I may need it. I'm not the most technical person, most of the time I don't even understand what Google is trying to tell me - but I'll keep looking up and moving forward.
blessings in abundance
PS: I just saw when I added this plugin to the next site there is one called "Dropbox backup and restore" do you know it? It looks like it backs up everyting?
MarionBlack Premium
I'm not familiar with that one Linda. But I do know that BackWPup works here.
Mike1942 Premium
Very good advice, unfortunately too late for me. I got some backup but the most important I do not have, email backup. The email addresses and saved emails usually are lost. I did buy a fairly good recovery program for my PC called Stellar something but the price is quite high and it only recovered my "older" emails, not very useful for what I needed: so I didn't finish my purchase.
So be it, Monday I'll start again, from scratch.
MarionBlack Premium
Sorry to hear that Mike. What a b^mmer!
Mike1942 Premium
Not really Marion, it gives me a new lookout on what I was doing every time (the second time in two weeks due to changing from a PC to a MAC). I see a lot of things I still need to learn and other things like my blogs I need to edit and change. Loosing them is the best way to renew them! Like they say there is a silver lining in every cloud.
Now I can make sure to have a proper backup system. I do have the external hard-drives (2 of them) and just need to figure out how to use them for the backups.
But thanks for the compassion
Everlight Premium
Hi Marion,nice video there. Is there any difference with the FTP method? I think it is easier and less techy with plugin, but I want to make sure that both ways have the same result.

If we want to restore the backup, do we need to use the same plugin or is there other way to restore it?
MarionBlack Premium
Restore is only possible via FTP, or WA hosting may be able to restore for you. The plugin only works one way. But at least it backs everything up.