About cacao
Rank 157539
482 followers Joined October 2015
Currently I am learning to become a full time affiliate marketer. Perhaps even produce my own information product at some point.





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

How’s it going guys, I just wanted to know how do you feel about using your real name signing up for things online? It used to be that when you registered for website, bl

There are actually places on the internet where I would strongly recommend not using your real name. An example of this is a gaming community that I was a part of. I became a moderator there for some time and I was very glad to have not used my real name when I signed up as I kind of made some people mad (by banning them of course). I later found out that some of these people were quite skilled at hacking Facebook accounts. Nowadays, I am very careful where I use my real name. Many times I will use my initials or my online handle only. It's not that I have something to hide. The issue is that I want my accounts attached to my real name to be safe.

Thank you for such a great example of what can happen if you're not selective about where you use your real name. It's certainly something to consider when signing up for different things.

Yes I use my real name you do not need to use your full name though

That's a good point. Thank you.

Yes, I have always used my real name online, cheers!

Always using your real name is very admirable. I am grateful for your response.

For signing-up: Yes
For forum: No

Sounds like a good combination. Appreciate it.

I have not used my real name on websites. I use a nick name that I was given as a child.

Yes nick names are great. I think that a lot of people are using their nicknames online. Awesome and thanks.

It's sometimes a personal choice

I agree completely and thank you.

I rather use my real identity at least first name.

I know what you mean and it's nice if a person feels comfortable enough to at least use the first name if possible.

Great question!
This is, I feel, a personal decision. But, here's one way to mitigate the issue. I have setup several email addresses.
One for social accounts.... social@pureresiduals.com
One for support, one for admin, of course and one for info (for my contact form)
I have a special personal email account that I use for the really important stuff. That way I'm not getting spammed heavily on one account.
Just a thought.

That sounds like good idea to keep any kind of unforeseen spam to a minimum. Thank you and I appreciate the comment.

Hi Pj, I do the same kind of thing. It is the only way to quickly skim over what you need right away and what can be saved for a slower time. The only problem is that there never seems to be a slower time. LOL! Dave.


Mostly yes, when I have doubt about the site, I provide an anonymous email address and also fake data regarding name and so on.... But only when I doubt about the site...


I appreciate the honesty and thank you.

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Do you always use your real name online?

Do you always use your real name online?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

How’s it going guys, I just wanted to know how do you feel about using your real name signing up for things online? It used to be that when you registered for website, bl

There are actually places on the internet where I would strongly recommend not using your real name. An example of this is a gaming community that I was a part of. I became a moderator there for some time and I was very glad to have not used my real name when I signed up as I kind of made some people mad (by banning them of course). I later found out that some of these people were quite skilled at hacking Facebook accounts. Nowadays, I am very careful where I use my real name. Many times I will use my initials or my online handle only. It's not that I have something to hide. The issue is that I want my accounts attached to my real name to be safe.

Thank you for such a great example of what can happen if you're not selective about where you use your real name. It's certainly something to consider when signing up for different things.

Yes I use my real name you do not need to use your full name though

That's a good point. Thank you.

Yes, I have always used my real name online, cheers!

Always using your real name is very admirable. I am grateful for your response.

For signing-up: Yes
For forum: No

Sounds like a good combination. Appreciate it.

I have not used my real name on websites. I use a nick name that I was given as a child.

Yes nick names are great. I think that a lot of people are using their nicknames online. Awesome and thanks.

It's sometimes a personal choice

I agree completely and thank you.

I rather use my real identity at least first name.

I know what you mean and it's nice if a person feels comfortable enough to at least use the first name if possible.

Great question!
This is, I feel, a personal decision. But, here's one way to mitigate the issue. I have setup several email addresses.
One for social accounts.... social@pureresiduals.com
One for support, one for admin, of course and one for info (for my contact form)
I have a special personal email account that I use for the really important stuff. That way I'm not getting spammed heavily on one account.
Just a thought.

That sounds like good idea to keep any kind of unforeseen spam to a minimum. Thank you and I appreciate the comment.

Hi Pj, I do the same kind of thing. It is the only way to quickly skim over what you need right away and what can be saved for a slower time. The only problem is that there never seems to be a slower time. LOL! Dave.


Mostly yes, when I have doubt about the site, I provide an anonymous email address and also fake data regarding name and so on.... But only when I doubt about the site...


I appreciate the honesty and thank you.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

We’ve all seen those websites that have auto-playing videos that start as soon as you load the sites home page. This seems to be a trend that more and more websites are t

Are you thinking of incorportating them into your site? It seems like a great idea and we all know that videos tend to keep people's attention longer thus increasing the bounce rate of your site

As for myself, I was considering videos however I had mix emotions about it because of the love n hate relationship people have with them. I seen a lot of the big marketers put these long videos up on their landing pages and some of those guys know how to sell like crazy.

Sorry to ask so many questions guys I have so much stuff to learn and verry verry little time.

My next question is how do I create a opt-in page I think that's what they are called ( the pages were they summit an e-mail so the can get some thing for free a report o video or something)

My question number 2 is how do I create a place where people can leave coments?

Guys again thank you so much for all your help. Are there any training videos on the 2 topics?

Thank you so verry much.

Here are some tutorials for e-mails:

Regarding creating a place where people can leave comments. Are you referring enabling comments on your website?

Personally not much because I consider myself a "FREE" person and do not like anything that is forced on me. But then again, that is just me! Many people will not mind and it will influence them largely, like it or not! Myself, I would instantly move off the page and again only if it didn't interest me; you would have to give me a tenth of a second to catch my interest!

I know what you mean. That was actually one of my main concerns, which was wondering if people would feel as if something had been forced upon them. Thanks for your opinion.

You are most welcome!

I think videos on the page are good. They rank quickly and through them you can generate more traffic to your site. I do not like the autoplay feature though, it can be quite annoying...Personally I have one on the first post so it is always there to greet the visitors, but only if they click on it!

Yes I have also heard that they rank quickly, but then I've also heard that google doesn't like them and will sometimes lower your quality score for having them.

Does anyone know how to upload videos to one's site, how long can they be and how many can we have? Thanks.

You can load as many as you would like to your site...Lots of ways of getting them on there, generally they have to be hosted somewhere such as YouTube or Vimeo or similar.

From where they are hosted you can grab the HTML code and add this code (embedding is the fancy workd for this) on your site where you want them to appear...

You can do individual vids or galleries, so many ways to set them up...Also, there is some good training you can find here to help you out, check this out:

There are more, just do a search at the top of the page in the window!

Dave : )

Thank you.

Thank you so much for all this knowledge Dave

I don't like them. I would rather start the video in my own time or choose not to watch it.

It's true that a lot of them start up and won't let you turn them off. I really appreciate the reply.

I am with Marion. I think they are annoying.

I appreciate your views on this and thank you.


Well I was considering looking into it but I wasn't sure because folks seem to either love'em or hate'em. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

I think that it totally depends on your niche if your niche is for older or young audience.

Yes that's certainly something to consider indeed.

I HATE them. There is one site that I go to so I can check up on my affiliate earnings and the autoplay video starts as soon as I get there. It is soooo annoying.

Agree. They are very annoying, making all that noise when you didn't press 'play'!

That's very interesting to know. Thank you for sharing your views. I really appreciate it.

Thank you it's always good to have honest opinions.

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What do you think about auto-play videos on the home page?

What do you think about auto-play videos on the home page?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

We’ve all seen those websites that have auto-playing videos that start as soon as you load the sites home page. This seems to be a trend that more and more websites are t

Are you thinking of incorportating them into your site? It seems like a great idea and we all know that videos tend to keep people's attention longer thus increasing the bounce rate of your site

As for myself, I was considering videos however I had mix emotions about it because of the love n hate relationship people have with them. I seen a lot of the big marketers put these long videos up on their landing pages and some of those guys know how to sell like crazy.

Sorry to ask so many questions guys I have so much stuff to learn and verry verry little time.

My next question is how do I create a opt-in page I think that's what they are called ( the pages were they summit an e-mail so the can get some thing for free a report o video or something)

My question number 2 is how do I create a place where people can leave coments?

Guys again thank you so much for all your help. Are there any training videos on the 2 topics?

Thank you so verry much.

Here are some tutorials for e-mails:

Regarding creating a place where people can leave comments. Are you referring enabling comments on your website?

Personally not much because I consider myself a "FREE" person and do not like anything that is forced on me. But then again, that is just me! Many people will not mind and it will influence them largely, like it or not! Myself, I would instantly move off the page and again only if it didn't interest me; you would have to give me a tenth of a second to catch my interest!

I know what you mean. That was actually one of my main concerns, which was wondering if people would feel as if something had been forced upon them. Thanks for your opinion.

You are most welcome!

I think videos on the page are good. They rank quickly and through them you can generate more traffic to your site. I do not like the autoplay feature though, it can be quite annoying...Personally I have one on the first post so it is always there to greet the visitors, but only if they click on it!

Yes I have also heard that they rank quickly, but then I've also heard that google doesn't like them and will sometimes lower your quality score for having them.

Does anyone know how to upload videos to one's site, how long can they be and how many can we have? Thanks.

You can load as many as you would like to your site...Lots of ways of getting them on there, generally they have to be hosted somewhere such as YouTube or Vimeo or similar.

From where they are hosted you can grab the HTML code and add this code (embedding is the fancy workd for this) on your site where you want them to appear...

You can do individual vids or galleries, so many ways to set them up...Also, there is some good training you can find here to help you out, check this out:

There are more, just do a search at the top of the page in the window!

Dave : )

Thank you.

Thank you so much for all this knowledge Dave

I don't like them. I would rather start the video in my own time or choose not to watch it.

It's true that a lot of them start up and won't let you turn them off. I really appreciate the reply.

I am with Marion. I think they are annoying.

I appreciate your views on this and thank you.


Well I was considering looking into it but I wasn't sure because folks seem to either love'em or hate'em. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

I think that it totally depends on your niche if your niche is for older or young audience.

Yes that's certainly something to consider indeed.

I HATE them. There is one site that I go to so I can check up on my affiliate earnings and the autoplay video starts as soon as I get there. It is soooo annoying.

Agree. They are very annoying, making all that noise when you didn't press 'play'!

That's very interesting to know. Thank you for sharing your views. I really appreciate it.

Thank you it's always good to have honest opinions.

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asked in
Getting Started

We’ve all had setbacks and roadblocks that we’ve encountered while trying to be more successful in our own business or online endeavor. So my question to you guys i

Not having a clear idea of how to get started and how to get traffic.

This was also one of the things that stood in my way. In the beginning I was trying my best. However I didn't fully understand how to fit all the pieces together. My training was scattered and there wasn't a real support group available like there is now.

1. Procrastination
2. Overwhelming short-term goals

Procrastination is my eternal rival here. Dealing with it is really difficult. However, thinking about success that I can achieve in the future makes it weaken bit-by-bit.

Also, when setting short-term goals, I don't know exactly how long did I need to achieve certain goal. Especially for a new project like venturing the online business (I'm a newbie here). This lead me to being overwhelmed with too many goals to achieve at once.

I think tolerance is the key here. I am currently re-arranging my goals so I won't feel overwhelmed again :)

Yes procrastination is a big hurtle for lots of people. I also believe when people start to understand and believe that they can actually make a successful business for themselves, it does start to fade away.

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What main setback did you face starting your own business?

What main setback did you face starting your own business?

asked in
Getting Started

We’ve all had setbacks and roadblocks that we’ve encountered while trying to be more successful in our own business or online endeavor. So my question to you guys i

Not having a clear idea of how to get started and how to get traffic.

This was also one of the things that stood in my way. In the beginning I was trying my best. However I didn't fully understand how to fit all the pieces together. My training was scattered and there wasn't a real support group available like there is now.

1. Procrastination
2. Overwhelming short-term goals

Procrastination is my eternal rival here. Dealing with it is really difficult. However, thinking about success that I can achieve in the future makes it weaken bit-by-bit.

Also, when setting short-term goals, I don't know exactly how long did I need to achieve certain goal. Especially for a new project like venturing the online business (I'm a newbie here). This lead me to being overwhelmed with too many goals to achieve at once.

I think tolerance is the key here. I am currently re-arranging my goals so I won't feel overwhelmed again :)

Yes procrastination is a big hurtle for lots of people. I also believe when people start to understand and believe that they can actually make a successful business for themselves, it does start to fade away.

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