About BrigitteB
Rank 804
519 followers Joined February 2015
Hi, I've just signed up For a while now I've been searching for great honest trustworthy training and company in establishing an online business. I





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asked in
Getting Started

I'm curious. In the past we had a section on our profile on bottom right to put links for others could follow us outside of the WA platform. Where do we see that now?


I found it, it is higher on the right!


Please see image.

If on mobile, you may click profile and then you can then follow.

My bad, it's still there just wasn't looking correctly.

Mine is on the right below my followers

On mobile you just go to a profile and scroll down.

Thanks Eric,
My bad, it's still there just wasn't looking correctly.
I was on wrong profile page, lol

Glad to help :)

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Follow me on. where is that now?

Follow me on. where is that now?

asked in
Getting Started

I'm curious. In the past we had a section on our profile on bottom right to put links for others could follow us outside of the WA platform. Where do we see that now?


I found it, it is higher on the right!


Please see image.

If on mobile, you may click profile and then you can then follow.

My bad, it's still there just wasn't looking correctly.

Mine is on the right below my followers

On mobile you just go to a profile and scroll down.

Thanks Eric,
My bad, it's still there just wasn't looking correctly.
I was on wrong profile page, lol

Glad to help :)

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asked in
Getting Started

Can we buy a domain with WA Domains & have it pointing to a landing page outside of SiteRubix, eg an affiliate landing page?

If so how do we do that?


You can yes, you can either change the Nameservers, if the other end provide that option to you, or you can provide the CNAME or A Record values to SiteSupport for them to update on your behalf

Thanks Chrystopher :)
Not sure we're talking of the same as I'm not really understanding.

But just realised my domains through WA do have a settings dropdown.

I'm thinking the Redirect option is what I need to make my domain go to someone elses landing page thus masking my affiliate link. What do you think?

If the other site doesn't allow you to use your own domain name with the landing pages, then yes, the redirect option would work :-)

You can only point that domain name to the one page though, if you intend to use that domain name to go to multiple domains, you might want to keep it at WA, but then use a 301 Redirect plugin, or the Pretty Links plugin, or Rank Math's Redirection feature, etc.

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Buying a domain & pointing it to a landing page?

Buying a domain & pointing it to a landing page?

asked in
Getting Started

Can we buy a domain with WA Domains & have it pointing to a landing page outside of SiteRubix, eg an affiliate landing page?

If so how do we do that?


You can yes, you can either change the Nameservers, if the other end provide that option to you, or you can provide the CNAME or A Record values to SiteSupport for them to update on your behalf

Thanks Chrystopher :)
Not sure we're talking of the same as I'm not really understanding.

But just realised my domains through WA do have a settings dropdown.

I'm thinking the Redirect option is what I need to make my domain go to someone elses landing page thus masking my affiliate link. What do you think?

If the other site doesn't allow you to use your own domain name with the landing pages, then yes, the redirect option would work :-)

You can only point that domain name to the one page though, if you intend to use that domain name to go to multiple domains, you might want to keep it at WA, but then use a 301 Redirect plugin, or the Pretty Links plugin, or Rank Math's Redirection feature, etc.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

There have been changes this year to the Membership Levels, eg hosting plans, subscription prices...

Despite reading Kyle & Carsons' blogs, searching in the search

Featured Comment


Or you can go to the following page for a more sophisticated breakdown.


Thanks Kyle :)

Hey Brigitte,

The comparison chart has been updated for awhile now. So, what I do is go to banners: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/banners

Then, click on the very 1st URL shown under the Promotional Banners... and VOILA! you can see the entire list of goodies available to EACH membership.

FREE sites are ALWAYS subdomains of SiteRubix, yes. That fact has never changed. Google STILL sees that as a website.. which is why if we create a subdomain from our registered domains that it is counted as another website.

And... if you think that free sites won't bring traffic, you may want to check the following blog post out: Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks Trish :)

Here's a link to my Wealthy Affiliate FAQs page. You should find the answers to all your questions there.
Look for the section titled Starter Members vs Premium Members

Thanks Marion :)

Hi Brigitte! The WA System Tour, it's on the right upper corner of your screen. Click it and read all about it. Cheers! Florentino

This should help - it's the top banner.


Thanks Lawrence, but as I mentioned it's not explicit enough.

I see you're from Rhodesia, I grew up there too. :)

Glad you said Rhodesia. I never lived in the free Zim with all it's benefits ('nuff said)

OK domains - only one free one (sub-domain attached to site.rubix) is hosted while a starter member.
If you buy your own domain name you will need a different hosting company until you become a premium member at which point you can transfer hosting to WA.

Access to everything is available for the first 7 days - after that it is limited and there is no access to live chat - for example.

Class rooms are limited to 2 as opposed to the full 13.

No access to live weekly training.

It's all in that banner but here is a link to Jay's Review - I am pretty sure this will be comprehensive.


Hope that helps

Thanks again Lawrence.

Yeah everything you've mentioned is pretty much what has been said in promoting WA over the years.

For some reason I think I came across something somewhere that the new hosting plans meant even a starter member could do a subdomain or domain website now ? !

Hence why I'm in search of the official posting for new members 2020+.

Sadly Jay's review hasn't been updated.

Hey Lawrence, my apologies about the banner I really didn't notice that it is now more comprehensive & updated. Thanks :)

Haha - my pleasure

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Wa membership levels access to what exactly in 2020+?

Wa membership levels access to what exactly in 2020+?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

There have been changes this year to the Membership Levels, eg hosting plans, subscription prices...

Despite reading Kyle & Carsons' blogs, searching in the search

Featured Comment


Or you can go to the following page for a more sophisticated breakdown.


Thanks Kyle :)

Hey Brigitte,

The comparison chart has been updated for awhile now. So, what I do is go to banners: https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/banners

Then, click on the very 1st URL shown under the Promotional Banners... and VOILA! you can see the entire list of goodies available to EACH membership.

FREE sites are ALWAYS subdomains of SiteRubix, yes. That fact has never changed. Google STILL sees that as a website.. which is why if we create a subdomain from our registered domains that it is counted as another website.

And... if you think that free sites won't bring traffic, you may want to check the following blog post out: Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks Trish :)

Here's a link to my Wealthy Affiliate FAQs page. You should find the answers to all your questions there.
Look for the section titled Starter Members vs Premium Members

Thanks Marion :)

Hi Brigitte! The WA System Tour, it's on the right upper corner of your screen. Click it and read all about it. Cheers! Florentino

This should help - it's the top banner.


Thanks Lawrence, but as I mentioned it's not explicit enough.

I see you're from Rhodesia, I grew up there too. :)

Glad you said Rhodesia. I never lived in the free Zim with all it's benefits ('nuff said)

OK domains - only one free one (sub-domain attached to site.rubix) is hosted while a starter member.
If you buy your own domain name you will need a different hosting company until you become a premium member at which point you can transfer hosting to WA.

Access to everything is available for the first 7 days - after that it is limited and there is no access to live chat - for example.

Class rooms are limited to 2 as opposed to the full 13.

No access to live weekly training.

It's all in that banner but here is a link to Jay's Review - I am pretty sure this will be comprehensive.


Hope that helps

Thanks again Lawrence.

Yeah everything you've mentioned is pretty much what has been said in promoting WA over the years.

For some reason I think I came across something somewhere that the new hosting plans meant even a starter member could do a subdomain or domain website now ? !

Hence why I'm in search of the official posting for new members 2020+.

Sadly Jay's review hasn't been updated.

Hey Lawrence, my apologies about the banner I really didn't notice that it is now more comprehensive & updated. Thanks :)

Haha - my pleasure

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

When you chose WA as your solution
1) What was your Pain Point / Problem?
2) What enticed you to join / ticked your boxes?
3) Was it from a review or an ad or were you

I joined wondering if I was about to be scammed again, but no, a fantastic surprise as it is the real deal.

Once I saw the training available and saw the community support I knew I was on to a good thing.


Yes a great surprise indeed. Were you looking for something specific when you came across WA? Thanks for joining in Derek :)

I suppose like many I was looking for an MMO opportunity.


I joined for the website design training and - very important - because of the 7 days free look around they promised, no strings attached, risk-free membership

Hi Loes, I agree the 7 days to look around got me to pursue it & investigate. Were you looking for something specific when you came across WA? Thank you for joining in :)

Yes, knowledge, and I found plenty 😀

I joined it from another platform, and joined for the hosting, which I knew was awesome and the WordPress training

Fabulous Dave, thanks for joining in :) Another platform - intriguing!

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Survey: when you chose wa as your solution - what .?

Survey: when you chose wa as your solution - what .?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

When you chose WA as your solution
1) What was your Pain Point / Problem?
2) What enticed you to join / ticked your boxes?
3) Was it from a review or an ad or were you

I joined wondering if I was about to be scammed again, but no, a fantastic surprise as it is the real deal.

Once I saw the training available and saw the community support I knew I was on to a good thing.


Yes a great surprise indeed. Were you looking for something specific when you came across WA? Thanks for joining in Derek :)

I suppose like many I was looking for an MMO opportunity.


I joined for the website design training and - very important - because of the 7 days free look around they promised, no strings attached, risk-free membership

Hi Loes, I agree the 7 days to look around got me to pursue it & investigate. Were you looking for something specific when you came across WA? Thank you for joining in :)

Yes, knowledge, and I found plenty 😀

I joined it from another platform, and joined for the hosting, which I knew was awesome and the WordPress training

Fabulous Dave, thanks for joining in :) Another platform - intriguing!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

What email address do you use in WP Admin General Settings?

Do you use a personal email address?
Do you use your domain email address?

It says “Th

Hello BrigitteB, thanks for asking! I used my site email rather, not the free Gmail so this shows up when I leave comments on other people's blog posts.

Israel Olatunji

Hi Israel, thanks for your thoughts. I thought leaving comments was linked to our Gravatar? But yes it does make sense to have a domain email address as our WP Admin default email. :)

Hi Bridget, You get more credibility by using an email from your site. Also you can set that to forward to your person address.

The problem with using your personal email is that eventually it gets flooded with emails from everyplace you go to . So using an email that you can change or turn off gives you the ability to stop unwanted emails at the click of a button.

Hope this helps,
- Glen B

Thank you Glen. It makes sense.

I don't recall it mentioned in the training. At the time of setting the site up there were no domain emails set up. I just never had any need to change it so never thought more of it. :)

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What email address do you use in wp admin general settings?

What email address do you use in wp admin general settings?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

What email address do you use in WP Admin General Settings?

Do you use a personal email address?
Do you use your domain email address?

It says “Th

Hello BrigitteB, thanks for asking! I used my site email rather, not the free Gmail so this shows up when I leave comments on other people's blog posts.

Israel Olatunji

Hi Israel, thanks for your thoughts. I thought leaving comments was linked to our Gravatar? But yes it does make sense to have a domain email address as our WP Admin default email. :)

Hi Bridget, You get more credibility by using an email from your site. Also you can set that to forward to your person address.

The problem with using your personal email is that eventually it gets flooded with emails from everyplace you go to . So using an email that you can change or turn off gives you the ability to stop unwanted emails at the click of a button.

Hope this helps,
- Glen B

Thank you Glen. It makes sense.

I don't recall it mentioned in the training. At the time of setting the site up there were no domain emails set up. I just never had any need to change it so never thought more of it. :)

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4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
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Millionaire Mentorship
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