About Zarina
Rank 208
7,056 followers Joined September 2015


My name is Zarina and I am a Premium member at Wealthy Affiliate community since September 2015 (and I am not going anywhere). Wealthy Affiliate





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey guys,

Recently I noticed that I keep seeing "Browser Security Check" on my websites which can be up to 3 seconds (as we all know, we don't want our audience to wait

I just tried to give a comment on someones website through the comments area here on WA. I am not kidding, it took over 20 seconds to actually get to this persons site, and I warned him in the comment section that this is happening.
( I will probably lose the ability of giving comment and asking comment section, but I felt I needed to warn this person, how can this be good?)

It is right to let the person know, but there are other ways you could of done it rather than in his or her comments, however they have a option to disapprove it, but next time I think you can PM that person

Hi Lizzy,
I agree with Earl....it is good to let the person know, but through a PM if possible as to not cause any heartaches.
Thanks and Have a Great Day!

Good to see you Zarina, and you have FANTASTIC responses here :)

It is visible for a few seconds one time only... After that not.

Its the hosting, i dont see it on my 2 other sites not hosted here. And frankly enoying. Dont do that WA

Ignore it. It's a WA security check as a guard against someone else trying to hack your website. Your visitors don't see it.

How can my visitors not see it, if I see it? (When I'm not logged in as an admin)

Whether you're logged in or not, it knows who you are. Try it in an incognito window.

What's your url? I can try it here and let you know if I see the message.

It always shows up, incognito or not, with VPN or without it.

I see it to

Everyone sees it, obviously. Even Facebook's crawler records it when you paste a link to your website in a Facebook post.

Hi Zarina - check out Kyle's response on this post.

Thank you, Diane! I definitely missed this one before.

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How to fix the browser security check?

How to fix the browser security check?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey guys,

Recently I noticed that I keep seeing "Browser Security Check" on my websites which can be up to 3 seconds (as we all know, we don't want our audience to wait

I just tried to give a comment on someones website through the comments area here on WA. I am not kidding, it took over 20 seconds to actually get to this persons site, and I warned him in the comment section that this is happening.
( I will probably lose the ability of giving comment and asking comment section, but I felt I needed to warn this person, how can this be good?)

It is right to let the person know, but there are other ways you could of done it rather than in his or her comments, however they have a option to disapprove it, but next time I think you can PM that person

Hi Lizzy,
I agree with Earl....it is good to let the person know, but through a PM if possible as to not cause any heartaches.
Thanks and Have a Great Day!

Good to see you Zarina, and you have FANTASTIC responses here :)

It is visible for a few seconds one time only... After that not.

Its the hosting, i dont see it on my 2 other sites not hosted here. And frankly enoying. Dont do that WA

Ignore it. It's a WA security check as a guard against someone else trying to hack your website. Your visitors don't see it.

How can my visitors not see it, if I see it? (When I'm not logged in as an admin)

Whether you're logged in or not, it knows who you are. Try it in an incognito window.

What's your url? I can try it here and let you know if I see the message.

It always shows up, incognito or not, with VPN or without it.

I see it to

Everyone sees it, obviously. Even Facebook's crawler records it when you paste a link to your website in a Facebook post.

Hi Zarina - check out Kyle's response on this post.

Thank you, Diane! I definitely missed this one before.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hey guys!

Long long time and lots and lots of changes.

Hope you're all well!

I planned to write up a post end of 2023 but it's still in drafts and I'm gl

I would recommend putting together a monthly package vs a hourly rate or a per action based rate.

So for example, offer a monthly package that has the following:
* 4 keywords researched
* 4 articles written
* 20 social media posts
* Ongoing SEO for existing content (internal links etc)
* 2 YouTube script creation
* Brand reputation (i.e. keeping an eye on for name mentions on socials)

For a total of $4000 a month

Remind them that you are involved in the niche and they will not find anyone else who has your knowledge in the actual niche itself, coupled with your SEO and marketing experience.

Let them know that what you are offering is a DEAL, and that you are offering the ‘friends and family’ rate because you are confident that you will work together for at least 6 months.

The irony is that what you are offering is irrelevant, but it is the skillset that is important.

Thank you, Jay!!

That's exactly what I was thinking to do, like a package with several things because I am confident I'm great at this, this and that and it'd be better quality than if he were to try find someone else (with no guarantees that they know everything I do in practice)

The 'friends and family' rate, that's a good one, definitely will mention that.

He's a poker coach, well-known in the poker community, and generally a great guy, and I do feel like that indeed (part of the reason why I don't want to go too crazy with the prices, but also not undersell myself)

And if I mention the 'friends and family' rates, do you think it's ok to ask him if I can include my affiliate links to his course in his posts/tweets to kind of make up for it?

Appreciate you taking the time to respond, Jay! 🙏🏻

You're welcome!
Yeah I think you can ask that.

You can mention how adding your affiliate link would be so you can track conversions from your social posts created.

Exactly my thought (and indeed it would be helpful to track). Thank you for confirming! Appreciate you, Jay :)


You're seriously the best. This REALLY helps.

I looked at Fiverr/UpWork and I was like "NO FKN WAY (pardon my French) I'm charging this little, I'd rather do no work for him at all then" hahaha. So thanks for confirming this.

"you're NOT paying for my time, you're paying for my SKILLS" -- good thing to mention him if anything because that's true!

And with the free audit that I gave him (looking at his website, channel, etc), he'll know for a fact that I know my stuff.

I even sent him 3 thumbnail options that my designer did with my help (it was a poker specific topic/image that he didn't know), when he asked what is a criteria for a clickable TN.

To show him I'm proactive, I care about his success, I offer high quality, and get him impressed (subconsciously hooked on me haha).

"Does he just want you to tell him what you can do to improve his business, what you can offer, and the price for each service" (this sounds like what he wants from you)" -- correct.

This is because when I audited and gave him suggestions etc, it was about affiliate marketing/platform, YouTube, website, ghostwriting on X, etc.

The way you described it sounds perfect (individual and package deals, but also not scare him off).

Though I wanna do a minimum of $5,000 for the cheapest package, and it still feels weird asking for that amount despite knowing that I have a lot to offer and have 'superior skills' like you mentioned.

Guess that might be some sort of 'impostor syndrome'? How to deal with that, do you know by any chance? (Or maybe it's the fear that I'll scare him away, not necessarily impostor syndrome)

Will be sure to reach out for the plugin if anything.

Once again, big thank you Partha!! 🤩

Your skills are worth $5,000 to people who don't have them. never be frightened to make people pay for skills

Good point, especially when they make much more than that a month (this guy is a millionaire poker champion and has an online training course with $900 for one course alone)

Zarinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! LOL!

I dunno, don't speak to you for about a year, and then about 10,000 times in a week, hahahahahaha!!!

Well firstly, I wouldn't look for "relatable gigs" on Fiverr or Upwork, your skillset is far superior to most of these freelancers (although you could check the "Pro" versions on those platforms).

For me, admittedly, I don't really do many services (although, I'm sure I could), but I usually just price it based on the person/company and the job required.

To give you an example, I've written sales pages for companies, charged $3,000, and completed it in about 7 hours.

But, as with most things like this, you're NOT paying for my time, you're paying for my SKILLS!!

Then again, for Wealthy Affiliate members, I've never actively sought any work, but people have approached me over the years.

Obviously, I've done things like Site Audits and feedback, but always completely for free and out of the kindness of my heart, even when something like this takes about 5-10 hours of my time (well, most of my time is spent writing a 10,000-word reply, LOL!!).

Then again, some WA members have asked me if I'd be willing to do a specific job, and I've given them a fee, and pretty much every single one was shocked at how "cheap" I was (but, as I say, I charge based on the person. Sure, I could potentially say an hourly rate of $300 and I don't think many people would blink an eye at that, but trust me, my daughter has probably earned more per hour than I have charged some WA members, hahahaha!!)

For yourself, take out a good old pen and paper and write everything out.

What does he specifically want from you? (I'm guessing it's going to be quite "broad", as he may not have a specific idea of what he wants, but rather something like "I want to increase my revenue by x% over the following year" or "I want X amount of new students over the next year", etc.)


Does he just want you to tell him what you can do to improve his business, what you can offer, and the price for each "service" (this sounds like what he wants from you)?

The fact he's asking for a "pricing sheet" suggests the latter.

So, you give him a breakdown of each skillset/task you offer (as above) and then a specific pricing for that.

Most SEO agencies will have certain levels of fixed fees, which will incorporate various services that they provide (but, in truth, most SEO agencies are content-based or backlink-based).

For me, take the "services" you have already said to him


- writing

- YouTube

- KW research

- affiliate marketing

- content management

And then do a price for each on a "small, medium, large" basis (but call it something like standard, advanced, pro)

So, as an example,


Standard - 8 articles per month = $600

Advanced - 15 articles per month - $900

Pro - 20 articles per month - $1,200

And then do that for each "individual" service you've mentioned.

Then you can do "package deals", once more as Standard, Advanced, and Pro (or Bronze, Silver, Gold, whatever you want)

So, Bronze could be

8 articles, 8 YT videos, 15 days of social media management in 3 different channels, on-page SEO and WordPress management (this could be as simple as adding plugins to improve various aspects of the site<----- ask me for this, don't pay for anything, I've got 1000s of licences for various plugins and themes, e.g. WP Rocket, Imagify, RankMath Pro, etc. so, don't pay full price, use my licenses, or I'll show you where to buy them for extremely cheap<---my "blackhat" connections, hahahahaha!!) = $3,500 per month

Then you increase the services for silver = $6,000/month

And then increase the services for Gold = $8,000

At a guess, from what you've said above, and from the way he's worded his request, it appears he wants an individual breakdown of each service you offer and their costs.

So, to ensure that you don't undersell yourself or scare him off with a hefty price tag, do the above and have "different payment levels" for each service, and then different payment levels for an all-round monthly SEO service.

However, ONLY YOU can decide your worth and what you should charge.


Wow, Partha! I don't know if you're around but this is valuable information. If you are, maybe we can somehow tie you up...

Thank you!

I understand where you're coming from.

I would say it all comes down to man hours involved.
Is their any overhead costs you may incur that may be hidden?
Any travel costs by chance if you attend a tournament or event?

It really is hard to put a price on your personal time and I agree that you don't want to undersell yourself either.

Would it be possible to maybe have that person draft up an offer letter for your services and you can negotiate from there?

Might give you a baseline starting point in which you may have the upper hand, and the offer may be beyond what your initially thinking.

Just some things to consider possibly.

At the end of the day, the decision is and always will be yours. You sound like you have a very broad range of attractive skills that set you apart from others.

Best Regards


Definitely won't be attending tourneys whatsoever, I'd be offering him the services that I do for my own business.

Thank you for sharing, John!

You're very welcome.

Best of luck moving forward.

Zarina, no one can really help you until you specify how many hours a month you are going to work

I myself don't know to be honest. Besides, the guy would have to choose what exactly he'll want to hire me for.

But I thought this is a case where it's not an hourly type of work, but more results type of work.

i have no answer for you because i have not seen any quotes for a while. If it was me I would head over to upwork https://www.upwork.com/
Obviously do your homework and see what others are charging.

Then I would search for SEO freelancer and see if I could find SEO services and see.

This should give you enough info to make an informed decision .

It may well be others are doing it and can give you a more up to date figure.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.

I wasn't sure if upwork would be accurate, first they do hourly/project-based kind of work, and I wasn't sure if they have the kind of experience I do, but I will certainly check it out, thanks.

You may well be correct but it will give you a baseline not to undercut. i might also ask an honest question, how much are you thinking of paying. The answer may well blow any other questions out of the water

I think I'll do that, thank you!

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Pricing: how much to charge for my skills and experience?

Pricing: how much to charge for my skills and experience?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hey guys!

Long long time and lots and lots of changes.

Hope you're all well!

I planned to write up a post end of 2023 but it's still in drafts and I'm gl

I would recommend putting together a monthly package vs a hourly rate or a per action based rate.

So for example, offer a monthly package that has the following:
* 4 keywords researched
* 4 articles written
* 20 social media posts
* Ongoing SEO for existing content (internal links etc)
* 2 YouTube script creation
* Brand reputation (i.e. keeping an eye on for name mentions on socials)

For a total of $4000 a month

Remind them that you are involved in the niche and they will not find anyone else who has your knowledge in the actual niche itself, coupled with your SEO and marketing experience.

Let them know that what you are offering is a DEAL, and that you are offering the ‘friends and family’ rate because you are confident that you will work together for at least 6 months.

The irony is that what you are offering is irrelevant, but it is the skillset that is important.

Thank you, Jay!!

That's exactly what I was thinking to do, like a package with several things because I am confident I'm great at this, this and that and it'd be better quality than if he were to try find someone else (with no guarantees that they know everything I do in practice)

The 'friends and family' rate, that's a good one, definitely will mention that.

He's a poker coach, well-known in the poker community, and generally a great guy, and I do feel like that indeed (part of the reason why I don't want to go too crazy with the prices, but also not undersell myself)

And if I mention the 'friends and family' rates, do you think it's ok to ask him if I can include my affiliate links to his course in his posts/tweets to kind of make up for it?

Appreciate you taking the time to respond, Jay! 🙏🏻

You're welcome!
Yeah I think you can ask that.

You can mention how adding your affiliate link would be so you can track conversions from your social posts created.

Exactly my thought (and indeed it would be helpful to track). Thank you for confirming! Appreciate you, Jay :)


You're seriously the best. This REALLY helps.

I looked at Fiverr/UpWork and I was like "NO FKN WAY (pardon my French) I'm charging this little, I'd rather do no work for him at all then" hahaha. So thanks for confirming this.

"you're NOT paying for my time, you're paying for my SKILLS" -- good thing to mention him if anything because that's true!

And with the free audit that I gave him (looking at his website, channel, etc), he'll know for a fact that I know my stuff.

I even sent him 3 thumbnail options that my designer did with my help (it was a poker specific topic/image that he didn't know), when he asked what is a criteria for a clickable TN.

To show him I'm proactive, I care about his success, I offer high quality, and get him impressed (subconsciously hooked on me haha).

"Does he just want you to tell him what you can do to improve his business, what you can offer, and the price for each service" (this sounds like what he wants from you)" -- correct.

This is because when I audited and gave him suggestions etc, it was about affiliate marketing/platform, YouTube, website, ghostwriting on X, etc.

The way you described it sounds perfect (individual and package deals, but also not scare him off).

Though I wanna do a minimum of $5,000 for the cheapest package, and it still feels weird asking for that amount despite knowing that I have a lot to offer and have 'superior skills' like you mentioned.

Guess that might be some sort of 'impostor syndrome'? How to deal with that, do you know by any chance? (Or maybe it's the fear that I'll scare him away, not necessarily impostor syndrome)

Will be sure to reach out for the plugin if anything.

Once again, big thank you Partha!! 🤩

Your skills are worth $5,000 to people who don't have them. never be frightened to make people pay for skills

Good point, especially when they make much more than that a month (this guy is a millionaire poker champion and has an online training course with $900 for one course alone)

Zarinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! LOL!

I dunno, don't speak to you for about a year, and then about 10,000 times in a week, hahahahahaha!!!

Well firstly, I wouldn't look for "relatable gigs" on Fiverr or Upwork, your skillset is far superior to most of these freelancers (although you could check the "Pro" versions on those platforms).

For me, admittedly, I don't really do many services (although, I'm sure I could), but I usually just price it based on the person/company and the job required.

To give you an example, I've written sales pages for companies, charged $3,000, and completed it in about 7 hours.

But, as with most things like this, you're NOT paying for my time, you're paying for my SKILLS!!

Then again, for Wealthy Affiliate members, I've never actively sought any work, but people have approached me over the years.

Obviously, I've done things like Site Audits and feedback, but always completely for free and out of the kindness of my heart, even when something like this takes about 5-10 hours of my time (well, most of my time is spent writing a 10,000-word reply, LOL!!).

Then again, some WA members have asked me if I'd be willing to do a specific job, and I've given them a fee, and pretty much every single one was shocked at how "cheap" I was (but, as I say, I charge based on the person. Sure, I could potentially say an hourly rate of $300 and I don't think many people would blink an eye at that, but trust me, my daughter has probably earned more per hour than I have charged some WA members, hahahaha!!)

For yourself, take out a good old pen and paper and write everything out.

What does he specifically want from you? (I'm guessing it's going to be quite "broad", as he may not have a specific idea of what he wants, but rather something like "I want to increase my revenue by x% over the following year" or "I want X amount of new students over the next year", etc.)


Does he just want you to tell him what you can do to improve his business, what you can offer, and the price for each "service" (this sounds like what he wants from you)?

The fact he's asking for a "pricing sheet" suggests the latter.

So, you give him a breakdown of each skillset/task you offer (as above) and then a specific pricing for that.

Most SEO agencies will have certain levels of fixed fees, which will incorporate various services that they provide (but, in truth, most SEO agencies are content-based or backlink-based).

For me, take the "services" you have already said to him


- writing

- YouTube

- KW research

- affiliate marketing

- content management

And then do a price for each on a "small, medium, large" basis (but call it something like standard, advanced, pro)

So, as an example,


Standard - 8 articles per month = $600

Advanced - 15 articles per month - $900

Pro - 20 articles per month - $1,200

And then do that for each "individual" service you've mentioned.

Then you can do "package deals", once more as Standard, Advanced, and Pro (or Bronze, Silver, Gold, whatever you want)

So, Bronze could be

8 articles, 8 YT videos, 15 days of social media management in 3 different channels, on-page SEO and WordPress management (this could be as simple as adding plugins to improve various aspects of the site<----- ask me for this, don't pay for anything, I've got 1000s of licences for various plugins and themes, e.g. WP Rocket, Imagify, RankMath Pro, etc. so, don't pay full price, use my licenses, or I'll show you where to buy them for extremely cheap<---my "blackhat" connections, hahahahaha!!) = $3,500 per month

Then you increase the services for silver = $6,000/month

And then increase the services for Gold = $8,000

At a guess, from what you've said above, and from the way he's worded his request, it appears he wants an individual breakdown of each service you offer and their costs.

So, to ensure that you don't undersell yourself or scare him off with a hefty price tag, do the above and have "different payment levels" for each service, and then different payment levels for an all-round monthly SEO service.

However, ONLY YOU can decide your worth and what you should charge.


Wow, Partha! I don't know if you're around but this is valuable information. If you are, maybe we can somehow tie you up...

Thank you!

I understand where you're coming from.

I would say it all comes down to man hours involved.
Is their any overhead costs you may incur that may be hidden?
Any travel costs by chance if you attend a tournament or event?

It really is hard to put a price on your personal time and I agree that you don't want to undersell yourself either.

Would it be possible to maybe have that person draft up an offer letter for your services and you can negotiate from there?

Might give you a baseline starting point in which you may have the upper hand, and the offer may be beyond what your initially thinking.

Just some things to consider possibly.

At the end of the day, the decision is and always will be yours. You sound like you have a very broad range of attractive skills that set you apart from others.

Best Regards


Definitely won't be attending tourneys whatsoever, I'd be offering him the services that I do for my own business.

Thank you for sharing, John!

You're very welcome.

Best of luck moving forward.

Zarina, no one can really help you until you specify how many hours a month you are going to work

I myself don't know to be honest. Besides, the guy would have to choose what exactly he'll want to hire me for.

But I thought this is a case where it's not an hourly type of work, but more results type of work.

i have no answer for you because i have not seen any quotes for a while. If it was me I would head over to upwork https://www.upwork.com/
Obviously do your homework and see what others are charging.

Then I would search for SEO freelancer and see if I could find SEO services and see.

This should give you enough info to make an informed decision .

It may well be others are doing it and can give you a more up to date figure.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.

I wasn't sure if upwork would be accurate, first they do hourly/project-based kind of work, and I wasn't sure if they have the kind of experience I do, but I will certainly check it out, thanks.

You may well be correct but it will give you a baseline not to undercut. i might also ask an honest question, how much are you thinking of paying. The answer may well blow any other questions out of the water

I think I'll do that, thank you!

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey WA'rriors,

Seeking your help here.

I need to track clicks and conversions on GA4, but there's limited info I found, or it's too complicated for me.


Remember that GA4 was not designed to track conversions for affiliate programs in affiliate networks or even on in-house programs. Do not expect those numbers to match what is reported in your affiliate accounts; they rarely will.

If my memory serves me correctly, you can't set up 'Goal,' tracking using GA4 (GA1 yes, but it no longer exist) GA4 is supposed to be better, but there's no 'Goals' tracking feature to use.

I really don't like it that much, just for that reason.

Indeed you can't, I used that word to make sense because I got the feeling people could misunderstand what exactly I'm seeking help with.

Hi Zarina
I see you've been around for a while so the following short intro might not be needed...

Originally there was GA1 and we're now up to GA4 (Google Analytics 4)

Also, the Google Analytics App was originally created for gathering Google Search information and is still provided free to users. Over time, the Google Search Console (now often just called Search Console) was developed separately for delivering additional reports and services to Google Analytics users.

This is why you need to:
1. First set up a Google Analytics account and then
2. Set up a Search Console account.

Your GA4 account needs to be connected to your website, and your Search Console account needs to be connected to your Google Analytics account.

It sounds complicated, in part because there are a number of different ways to achieve this. It's not complex if you do it step by step. Send me a PM if you want to learn how I do this.

Thanks Richard, thanks for commenting. That's not the issue I have.

Like you've noticed I've been at it for several years, and of course I have GA4 and GSC set up, I need help with tracking conversions, events, goals inside the GA4 or Google Tag Manager.

Sorry. My mistake.

i could recommend burst statistics plugin - a plugin that acts like google analytics and is a lot easier to use...
it is gdpr compliant....
there are a few - independent analytics is a nother i have played with ... but prefer burst...

I'm with you on that: "My head is like this...", Zarina.

Am hoping Google will simplify GA4 real soon.

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Can anyone help with tracking clicks/events/conversions on ga4?

Can anyone help with tracking clicks/events/conversions on ga4?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey WA'rriors,

Seeking your help here.

I need to track clicks and conversions on GA4, but there's limited info I found, or it's too complicated for me.


Remember that GA4 was not designed to track conversions for affiliate programs in affiliate networks or even on in-house programs. Do not expect those numbers to match what is reported in your affiliate accounts; they rarely will.

If my memory serves me correctly, you can't set up 'Goal,' tracking using GA4 (GA1 yes, but it no longer exist) GA4 is supposed to be better, but there's no 'Goals' tracking feature to use.

I really don't like it that much, just for that reason.

Indeed you can't, I used that word to make sense because I got the feeling people could misunderstand what exactly I'm seeking help with.

Hi Zarina
I see you've been around for a while so the following short intro might not be needed...

Originally there was GA1 and we're now up to GA4 (Google Analytics 4)

Also, the Google Analytics App was originally created for gathering Google Search information and is still provided free to users. Over time, the Google Search Console (now often just called Search Console) was developed separately for delivering additional reports and services to Google Analytics users.

This is why you need to:
1. First set up a Google Analytics account and then
2. Set up a Search Console account.

Your GA4 account needs to be connected to your website, and your Search Console account needs to be connected to your Google Analytics account.

It sounds complicated, in part because there are a number of different ways to achieve this. It's not complex if you do it step by step. Send me a PM if you want to learn how I do this.

Thanks Richard, thanks for commenting. That's not the issue I have.

Like you've noticed I've been at it for several years, and of course I have GA4 and GSC set up, I need help with tracking conversions, events, goals inside the GA4 or Google Tag Manager.

Sorry. My mistake.

i could recommend burst statistics plugin - a plugin that acts like google analytics and is a lot easier to use...
it is gdpr compliant....
there are a few - independent analytics is a nother i have played with ... but prefer burst...

I'm with you on that: "My head is like this...", Zarina.

Am hoping Google will simplify GA4 real soon.

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