About cookins25
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849 followers Joined October 2016
My name is Michael. I enjoy exercising, going to the beach, and taking trips to new places with my wife. I am 29 years old right





Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
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Millionaire Mentorship
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asked in
Getting Started

If I can't pay for my membership anymore, will my account get deleted? Or when I have the money to pay for my membership again will I be able to join back anytime?

In such an event, for any websites hosted here, you need arrange alternative hosting for your website before your subscription ceases as you would be locked out the platform, site support back ups are only available for 60 days.

You can never revert back to being a starter.

I also suggest you backup your sites, you can use the AIO WP Migration or Updraft plugins. UpdraftPlus is a premium and highly recommended
Also domain names must have passed the grace period of 60 days.

I have been told that WA will attempt to process payment 3 times within 3-5 days and if payment is still not able to be processed, at that time, you would be locked out of the platform and hosting for any websites would go offline.

Your account would NOT be deleted. Once payment is received, you would again have access to the platform and your hosting would again be live.

I have heard WA will keep a backup of your website for at least 60 days but may be as long as 6 months - I'm really not sure what the official time period is. It may be smart to take your own backup if you are unsure how long you will be gone.

I hope that helps answer some of your questions!
Best, Shannon

IF you can't pay your membership anymore your account will remain but you won't have access to it until your renew your membership
Also if you have any websites that you own and have it hosted here you will need to move it out to another hosting which you will be locked out.
WA keeps your website for 60 days

If I can't pay for my membership anymore, will my account get deleted?

If I can't pay for my membership anymore, will my account get deleted?

asked in
Getting Started

If I can't pay for my membership anymore, will my account get deleted? Or when I have the money to pay for my membership again will I be able to join back anytime?

In such an event, for any websites hosted here, you need arrange alternative hosting for your website before your subscription ceases as you would be locked out the platform, site support back ups are only available for 60 days.

You can never revert back to being a starter.

I also suggest you backup your sites, you can use the AIO WP Migration or Updraft plugins. UpdraftPlus is a premium and highly recommended
Also domain names must have passed the grace period of 60 days.

I have been told that WA will attempt to process payment 3 times within 3-5 days and if payment is still not able to be processed, at that time, you would be locked out of the platform and hosting for any websites would go offline.

Your account would NOT be deleted. Once payment is received, you would again have access to the platform and your hosting would again be live.

I have heard WA will keep a backup of your website for at least 60 days but may be as long as 6 months - I'm really not sure what the official time period is. It may be smart to take your own backup if you are unsure how long you will be gone.

I hope that helps answer some of your questions!
Best, Shannon

IF you can't pay your membership anymore your account will remain but you won't have access to it until your renew your membership
Also if you have any websites that you own and have it hosted here you will need to move it out to another hosting which you will be locked out.
WA keeps your website for 60 days

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I noticed that when I request comments here at WA, that it will show up as if they posted it 4 hours ahead of time.

The timezone thing may be legitimate. I would say if the comment is good and unique, then approve it.

Thanks :)

I'm sure the comment is legitimate I just wanted to figure out how to change the time so that it doesn't appear I'm answering a comment on my website 4 hours earlier than they posted which is impossible :)

Hmm, I'm not sure about that time changing thing. If you really are that worried about it. You can approve it, but then delete it to be on the safe side.


Ya guess at end of the day it’s not a huge deal when a comment arrives as long as it’s good. :)

I did however notice within a WordPress you can edit the time to be whatever you want so I might do that.

That's fine too. I just wouldn't do that too often.

O really how come?

Does google penalize people who adjust times frequently?

Nono, it's not that. It's just that if you have comments show up all at once for one period, it kind of seems fishy to reader's eye.

I'm just saying I would use this time changing tactic sporadically, and only when the situation calls for it.

ah ok I see thanks. Ya I guess it would be kinda odd to have 3+ comments all appear on my site suddenly.

Thanks for the clarification and I hope your business and new projects you're working on are doing good. :)

Thanks man same to you. Theres nothing wrong with multiple comments getting approved on a site at once, and it happens on sites with traffic.

All we're talking about here is customizing comments is all. I only adjust them if they are grammatically messed up but can be fixed.

Someone had this issue the other day.

No one said how to fix it but some suggested it may be because the commenter is in a different time zone. If that is the case then I doubt that you can fix their time.


Ok thanks. :)

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Why am I getting the wrong time for comments received?

Why am I getting the wrong time for comments received?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I noticed that when I request comments here at WA, that it will show up as if they posted it 4 hours ahead of time.

The timezone thing may be legitimate. I would say if the comment is good and unique, then approve it.

Thanks :)

I'm sure the comment is legitimate I just wanted to figure out how to change the time so that it doesn't appear I'm answering a comment on my website 4 hours earlier than they posted which is impossible :)

Hmm, I'm not sure about that time changing thing. If you really are that worried about it. You can approve it, but then delete it to be on the safe side.


Ya guess at end of the day it’s not a huge deal when a comment arrives as long as it’s good. :)

I did however notice within a WordPress you can edit the time to be whatever you want so I might do that.

That's fine too. I just wouldn't do that too often.

O really how come?

Does google penalize people who adjust times frequently?

Nono, it's not that. It's just that if you have comments show up all at once for one period, it kind of seems fishy to reader's eye.

I'm just saying I would use this time changing tactic sporadically, and only when the situation calls for it.

ah ok I see thanks. Ya I guess it would be kinda odd to have 3+ comments all appear on my site suddenly.

Thanks for the clarification and I hope your business and new projects you're working on are doing good. :)

Thanks man same to you. Theres nothing wrong with multiple comments getting approved on a site at once, and it happens on sites with traffic.

All we're talking about here is customizing comments is all. I only adjust them if they are grammatically messed up but can be fixed.

Someone had this issue the other day.

No one said how to fix it but some suggested it may be because the commenter is in a different time zone. If that is the case then I doubt that you can fix their time.


Ok thanks. :)

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Looking over Search Console with my website, I have noticed that a lot of my web pages are not indexed.

1,103 Submitted with 240 Indexed to be exact.

Is this no

check to see if there are errors connected to those URLs. When I first started, I had a lot of errors showing up. URLs were not being indexed. It turns out I had duplicate pages that were caused by something I had checked off in the dashboard. Every time I made a page or post here in WA content tool, my wordpress made another one.

If you have put them all though the Google Search Console, try pinging them at Pingfarm.com

We did a recent training here at WA Good luck

Thanks I will look into this :) -- also is there a quick way to see specifically what pages are not indexed?

Afraid I don't know of one.

Hi guys, I am reading this article and noticed all of you mentioned the word "fetch" with google? What does "fetch" mean exactly?


It's a way to tell Google to check your URL

Type "Fetch as Google" (without quotes) into Google :-)

it's in the training for submitting your posts and pages to Google. Part of the process in Google Search Console, is to put in your URL in, then click on Fetch, which means Google is now going to find your new published post or page. Once Google pulls it up successfully, a button will pop up, giving you the choice to click on Request Indexing. If you haven't gotten this far yet, no worries, you will all understand it eventually.

Have you used Fetch as Google?

I have for every single post on my website

Sitemap up to date and submitted/resubmitted?

I had a few posts not indexed and did another Feth with them.

Does Google flag any errors on your site?

I have one error but it's not a post or page I want indexed.

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Is this normal to have a lot of your web pages not indexed?

Is this normal to have a lot of your web pages not indexed?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Looking over Search Console with my website, I have noticed that a lot of my web pages are not indexed.

1,103 Submitted with 240 Indexed to be exact.

Is this no

check to see if there are errors connected to those URLs. When I first started, I had a lot of errors showing up. URLs were not being indexed. It turns out I had duplicate pages that were caused by something I had checked off in the dashboard. Every time I made a page or post here in WA content tool, my wordpress made another one.

If you have put them all though the Google Search Console, try pinging them at Pingfarm.com

We did a recent training here at WA Good luck

Thanks I will look into this :) -- also is there a quick way to see specifically what pages are not indexed?

Afraid I don't know of one.

Hi guys, I am reading this article and noticed all of you mentioned the word "fetch" with google? What does "fetch" mean exactly?


It's a way to tell Google to check your URL

Type "Fetch as Google" (without quotes) into Google :-)

it's in the training for submitting your posts and pages to Google. Part of the process in Google Search Console, is to put in your URL in, then click on Fetch, which means Google is now going to find your new published post or page. Once Google pulls it up successfully, a button will pop up, giving you the choice to click on Request Indexing. If you haven't gotten this far yet, no worries, you will all understand it eventually.

Have you used Fetch as Google?

I have for every single post on my website

Sitemap up to date and submitted/resubmitted?

I had a few posts not indexed and did another Feth with them.

Does Google flag any errors on your site?

I have one error but it's not a post or page I want indexed.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Yesterday I got message saying that Facebook has unpublished my Facebook fan page ( which promotes WA ) because it violates their policy.

However all I’ve been doi

I stay in Facebook jail, so good luck with anything Fbook. They have zero customer service.

Thank you :)

I think I'm going to leave Facebook alone for a while right now, and focus more on content and possibly try Pinterest out more.

Pinterest for me also. Even though FB owns them.

Lol. Agree! :o)

Hi Michael,
Vitaliy's attitude toward Social Media coincides with mine. I find that Social Media is of very little help in the business areas. It may be a great device for keeping track of the family and friends but very little use for business especially Facebook.

Maybe Pinterest and some others might bring some traffic, but I have no use for Facebook.

May you get satisfaction out of your quandary.


Thanks Bill :)

I’m starting to feel that way a lot more now toward Facebook.

I’ve seen quite a few people get good results with Pinterest and Instagram — Maybe I’ll try them out :)

Hi Michael,
That is an excellent idea. I haven't been using Social Media too much but I need to look into them a little more.

Thanks for sharing.


Hey man, sorry to hear about the situation, from what I know regarding FB in general, it's become extremely PC and any type of complaint can take down pages like yours even if they don't violate anything.

You can try to appeal it, but if nothing happens, I would not worry about it since social media is generally not a good driver of sales. I personally rely on my site, organic rankings and Bing PPC for profits, if nothing else, social media has been a distraction for me.

Thanks Vitaliy :). Good to know that I am not missing out on much even it I can't get my page back.

I'll just stick to creating more content and getting more organic visitors like you said then. :)

Another option you will always have is creating FB ads, regarding of a fan page existing or not, but that's a future thing, something I personally haven't gotten into yet. Believe me, you're not missing much with this fan page set back.

I'll keep that in the back of my mind :)

Thanks for answer Vitaliy.

It does help me feel more at ease knowing that I am not losing a huge asset by having my FB page get shut down. :)

It's all good man, I know the feeling :)

It never happen on my WA as I’ve yet to start it but it happened to me when I was dropshipping. In the end, I’ve created quite a few FB biz accounts as they didn’t bother to get back to my several emails to them. Understand that a lot of ppl having such issue over FB biz account. Hence, you will get used to creating one account after the other. Lol :o)
By the way, are you using FB Business Manager?

It seems that if you use Facebook ads you have far less issues.

Yes, I did but it still had a lot of issues then. It was a bad experience at the start. Thereafter, once my another new account created and running smoothly, no issue found. I was banned quite a few times. Ha :o)

I simply created a Facebook business page (1 account) and shared my blog post.

I guess with my new page I’ll just diversify sharing my blog post and other peoples too.

Yes, hope it works! :o)

thanks :)


Check this out to see which one applies to you!


Can you not just email and ask them as to why this has happened and what can you do to avoid this?

That was exactly what I asked.

I said "I do not believe I have violated any of your terms or services, but if I have please let me know which ones and I will correct it immediately.".

But they simply replied saying they reviewed my page again and it goes again their policies.

Thanks, Michael,

I think we will learn something from your Facebook message.
I share my blog post as well. But, not on a personal account, I place my blog posts on a Business Facebook Group page. It will be interesting to know how we should deal with such a matter.

Thanks for your post!


The only thing I think I've done wrong Diane is probably ONLY sharing my blog post, and not mixing it up with motivational quotes and helpful tips from other people.

So maybe Facebook thought my Page was all about selling since I am only linking to my blog .

But surely that can't be so. Afterall, there are numerous group pages that exist solely for promotion of any business. And everyone promotes there, without a nice quote or tip to mitigate the insufferable selling.

I'm a little upset too because I got unpublished by them yesterday. I appealed and they came back with the same response as yours. So I asked them for clarification. Awaiting their reply.

And as Terand said, I guess I can always create another account.

But I'm with MThompson, Billandsue etc ... I'm not going to waste any more time on FB.

is this a whole business page they have took down or just a post or a group page. If its the whole page then you have violated the policy. You need to elaborate a little more. On whats happened. So we can help more. :)

It’s the whole page. I’m not sure what I am violating to be honest though as I’m simply sharing content from my blog on there.

Right ok have you shared any links in rapid succession elsewhere. in FB. That will bring you down instantly.
Do you have tons of people on your page already or is it new with just a few people .. Is it new :)

Nope. I am posting about 2-3 days on my page by simply sharing my latest blog post.

My page is about a year old with around 50 likes, so it's not like I'm losing a ton of traffic -- but at the same time I'm completely confused what I did wrong haha.

Were you using your personal Facebook page -
If so that is why they do not permit affiliate links
on those - you must set up a business page and
attach it to your personal page!

I was using a business page and also not posting affiliate links.

I’m simply sharing the content I write on my website to my Facebook fan page and that’s it.

Maybe I should be sharing other people’s post and pictures I guess too?

I wish I knew then because the only time I have
ever heard of them banning anyone was if they
were using their own personal page for posting
affiliate links - I post once a day to three Facebook
Business Account for my websites and no problems
have been doing this for months :)

Thanks Susan.

Guess I’ll just try to add share some other post besides my own and see how that goes :).

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Facebook says I have violated their policy? help.

Facebook says I have violated their policy? help.

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Yesterday I got message saying that Facebook has unpublished my Facebook fan page ( which promotes WA ) because it violates their policy.

However all I’ve been doi

I stay in Facebook jail, so good luck with anything Fbook. They have zero customer service.

Thank you :)

I think I'm going to leave Facebook alone for a while right now, and focus more on content and possibly try Pinterest out more.

Pinterest for me also. Even though FB owns them.

Lol. Agree! :o)

Hi Michael,
Vitaliy's attitude toward Social Media coincides with mine. I find that Social Media is of very little help in the business areas. It may be a great device for keeping track of the family and friends but very little use for business especially Facebook.

Maybe Pinterest and some others might bring some traffic, but I have no use for Facebook.

May you get satisfaction out of your quandary.


Thanks Bill :)

I’m starting to feel that way a lot more now toward Facebook.

I’ve seen quite a few people get good results with Pinterest and Instagram — Maybe I’ll try them out :)

Hi Michael,
That is an excellent idea. I haven't been using Social Media too much but I need to look into them a little more.

Thanks for sharing.


Hey man, sorry to hear about the situation, from what I know regarding FB in general, it's become extremely PC and any type of complaint can take down pages like yours even if they don't violate anything.

You can try to appeal it, but if nothing happens, I would not worry about it since social media is generally not a good driver of sales. I personally rely on my site, organic rankings and Bing PPC for profits, if nothing else, social media has been a distraction for me.

Thanks Vitaliy :). Good to know that I am not missing out on much even it I can't get my page back.

I'll just stick to creating more content and getting more organic visitors like you said then. :)

Another option you will always have is creating FB ads, regarding of a fan page existing or not, but that's a future thing, something I personally haven't gotten into yet. Believe me, you're not missing much with this fan page set back.

I'll keep that in the back of my mind :)

Thanks for answer Vitaliy.

It does help me feel more at ease knowing that I am not losing a huge asset by having my FB page get shut down. :)

It's all good man, I know the feeling :)

It never happen on my WA as I’ve yet to start it but it happened to me when I was dropshipping. In the end, I’ve created quite a few FB biz accounts as they didn’t bother to get back to my several emails to them. Understand that a lot of ppl having such issue over FB biz account. Hence, you will get used to creating one account after the other. Lol :o)
By the way, are you using FB Business Manager?

It seems that if you use Facebook ads you have far less issues.

Yes, I did but it still had a lot of issues then. It was a bad experience at the start. Thereafter, once my another new account created and running smoothly, no issue found. I was banned quite a few times. Ha :o)

I simply created a Facebook business page (1 account) and shared my blog post.

I guess with my new page I’ll just diversify sharing my blog post and other peoples too.

Yes, hope it works! :o)

thanks :)


Check this out to see which one applies to you!


Can you not just email and ask them as to why this has happened and what can you do to avoid this?

That was exactly what I asked.

I said "I do not believe I have violated any of your terms or services, but if I have please let me know which ones and I will correct it immediately.".

But they simply replied saying they reviewed my page again and it goes again their policies.

Thanks, Michael,

I think we will learn something from your Facebook message.
I share my blog post as well. But, not on a personal account, I place my blog posts on a Business Facebook Group page. It will be interesting to know how we should deal with such a matter.

Thanks for your post!


The only thing I think I've done wrong Diane is probably ONLY sharing my blog post, and not mixing it up with motivational quotes and helpful tips from other people.

So maybe Facebook thought my Page was all about selling since I am only linking to my blog .

But surely that can't be so. Afterall, there are numerous group pages that exist solely for promotion of any business. And everyone promotes there, without a nice quote or tip to mitigate the insufferable selling.

I'm a little upset too because I got unpublished by them yesterday. I appealed and they came back with the same response as yours. So I asked them for clarification. Awaiting their reply.

And as Terand said, I guess I can always create another account.

But I'm with MThompson, Billandsue etc ... I'm not going to waste any more time on FB.