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By Erik Bredemeyer #thebrainsupplementsguy #Entreprenuer #Blogger #Investor Brain Supplements & Nootropics I embrace Success & Happiness! www.TheBrainSupplements.com www.BredemeyerInvestments.com Erik is the Owner of "TheBrainSupplements" (TheBrainSupplements.com) an online brain & nootropic supplement





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I pay now the yearly 495.00 membership and I know I can change it to a monthly plan of 49.99 per month. Are there any other plans that WA offers its members?


the only other offer that may come up is a black friday deal on...black friday.
they have just removed the bi annual payment
but if you go to http://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/upgrade
you will see your payment options.
good luck
were you paying yearly before the price increase as the old price is what you will pay - check out what your renewal is by clicking on your profile picture (top left) then account settings and halfway down select membership and it tells you what you pay and when.... i still pay the bf deal amount but in march....

They tested a 6 month plan but I think they removed that option.

You just missed the $299 annual special. It ended on May 11th.

Monthly and annual are the two options now.

Looking at your Premium tag you should be on the Grandfathered 299 deal unless you have just joined recently.

Far as I'm aware there is only a 49 monthly option

Hello, it is the monthly and the yearly as you mentioned. You can offer the first month at a discount if someone signs up within the first 7 days. That is $19 for the first month.


What other options does wa offer for monthly memberships?

What other options does wa offer for monthly memberships?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I pay now the yearly 495.00 membership and I know I can change it to a monthly plan of 49.99 per month. Are there any other plans that WA offers its members?


the only other offer that may come up is a black friday deal on...black friday.
they have just removed the bi annual payment
but if you go to http://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/upgrade
you will see your payment options.
good luck
were you paying yearly before the price increase as the old price is what you will pay - check out what your renewal is by clicking on your profile picture (top left) then account settings and halfway down select membership and it tells you what you pay and when.... i still pay the bf deal amount but in march....

They tested a 6 month plan but I think they removed that option.

You just missed the $299 annual special. It ended on May 11th.

Monthly and annual are the two options now.

Looking at your Premium tag you should be on the Grandfathered 299 deal unless you have just joined recently.

Far as I'm aware there is only a 49 monthly option

Hello, it is the monthly and the yearly as you mentioned. You can offer the first month at a discount if someone signs up within the first 7 days. That is $19 for the first month.


asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hello, is there anything cheaper than paying 49.00 per month with jaaxy outside going with the yearly fee which that would cost me a few hundred dollars today?


I would like to see an answer to the question as well. But Jax is worth the $$. So any thing cheaper and as good or better would be the question.?

Ok thanks

Hi Erick,

As part of your WA premium membership you already have Jaxxy lite, on the comparison it shows starter, pro and enterprise but you actually have Lite which is much better than starter.

If you need to upgrade your Jaxxy because you have out grown the Lite membership then I assure you the tools are worth the price. I myself have recently purchased a subscription to Pro, but the Lite version was enough for my first few months.

Which package are you thinking about going with and what features do you need to benefit from most?

I already took care of that, thank you for your advise...:-)


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Jaaxy monthly payments of 49.00?

Jaaxy monthly payments of 49.00?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hello, is there anything cheaper than paying 49.00 per month with jaaxy outside going with the yearly fee which that would cost me a few hundred dollars today?


I would like to see an answer to the question as well. But Jax is worth the $$. So any thing cheaper and as good or better would be the question.?

Ok thanks

Hi Erick,

As part of your WA premium membership you already have Jaxxy lite, on the comparison it shows starter, pro and enterprise but you actually have Lite which is much better than starter.

If you need to upgrade your Jaxxy because you have out grown the Lite membership then I assure you the tools are worth the price. I myself have recently purchased a subscription to Pro, but the Lite version was enough for my first few months.

Which package are you thinking about going with and what features do you need to benefit from most?

I already took care of that, thank you for your advise...:-)


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