About ashdew
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I would like to learn and implement strategies from here to make sustainable income online.





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

From time to time I keep refreshing my page-speed stats for my website to get the new figures. For the last couple of days they reached 90's mark - all green.

So, now I

Hey Ash,

Page speed also relies on how many other websites are being viewed on the same shared server at the time you are testing your site too.

Continually testing your website like this you only cause issues with other's site speeds too because it is making the server busier.

Making sure you have only the absolute necessary plugins, along with a fully optimized theme (which should help reduce the necessity for many plugins), and optimized images is the best way you can help to speed up your website loading time.

Hope you find this helpful.

They seem to change so frequently and dramatically we have stopped checking.
Colette and Philip

No I don't do that 😀

Lol yeah I know the feeling well :)

haha - I do that for everything - rankings, page-speed, number of views - the lot..

I have to discipline myself and only check about once a fortnight or else I go nuts (and waste a lot of time looking at stats and not doing anything)

Yes, lol!


Sure. No one likes bad news.

But in the end, we have to deal with the facts as they are, not as we'd like them to be :-)

Does anybody else do the same thing?

Does anybody else do the same thing?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

From time to time I keep refreshing my page-speed stats for my website to get the new figures. For the last couple of days they reached 90's mark - all green.

So, now I

Hey Ash,

Page speed also relies on how many other websites are being viewed on the same shared server at the time you are testing your site too.

Continually testing your website like this you only cause issues with other's site speeds too because it is making the server busier.

Making sure you have only the absolute necessary plugins, along with a fully optimized theme (which should help reduce the necessity for many plugins), and optimized images is the best way you can help to speed up your website loading time.

Hope you find this helpful.

They seem to change so frequently and dramatically we have stopped checking.
Colette and Philip

No I don't do that 😀

Lol yeah I know the feeling well :)

haha - I do that for everything - rankings, page-speed, number of views - the lot..

I have to discipline myself and only check about once a fortnight or else I go nuts (and waste a lot of time looking at stats and not doing anything)

Yes, lol!


Sure. No one likes bad news.

But in the end, we have to deal with the facts as they are, not as we'd like them to be :-)

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Can anyone throw light on how these image optimizers do the image count for optimization?

I have 32 images in the library (physical count) and when I run bulk optimizati

Your word press site actually creates 5 or 6 different image sizes when you import an image , the number of images created depends on the theme you are using .. Hope this helps

Is there a way to see this? And then control it?

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What's going on with ewww image optimizer?

What's going on with ewww image optimizer?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Can anyone throw light on how these image optimizers do the image count for optimization?

I have 32 images in the library (physical count) and when I run bulk optimizati

Your word press site actually creates 5 or 6 different image sizes when you import an image , the number of images created depends on the theme you are using .. Hope this helps

Is there a way to see this? And then control it?

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