Get Productive Now|How to Beat Procrastination Vampires


You might not see it, but there is a war going on inside your head that is keeping you from your quest of becoming more productive. If you could beat the procrastination vampires, you could write more sales-converting content to your website which would lead to more money. If you were more productive, you could leverage your marketing efforts with social media and be a whiz at keyword research.

But alas, the energy-sucking procrastination vampires will drain the productive life out of you if you let them. If you’ve been bitten, I’ve got good news. Today is your day of emancipation!


Relax! You don’t need guns and grenades to fight the evil vampire army. All of the weapons you need you already have in your arsenal. Well, if you are serious about making the kind of money you tell yourself you want, then maybe you have the weapons you need.

So let’s take inventory. Do you have at least a moderate degree of self-discipline? Can you be highly focused for an hour or so at a time? Do you consider yourself to be persistent? How well prepared are you when it comes to starting an unsupervised task?

If you are disciplined, focused, persistent, and prepared, you can win the battle against the procrastination vampires and finally launch that new money-making product, develop your website to hit your monthly income goal, write that new eBook. Heck, you could even make enough money to take that dream vacation you’re always talking about.


First, let’s do a little assessment. Besides the unavoidable distractions that come with each day…you know stuff like the dog barfed on your Persian rug or the smoke alarm went off when you left the roast in the oven too long, what are the obstacles that are standing in the way of your personal productivity?

Make a list of how much time you spend puttering around personal email and social communities…Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Instagram…and yes, WA. Honest to goodness learning, asking questions and getting the answers you need to make progress is one thing but replying to every blog or question in the WA or Facebook universe is a waste of time.

All you get from your activity on WA is a higher rank. Maybe you earn some “ambassador days” but trust me, you won’t get rich, you won’t hit your financial goals and you won’t make more sales from your website. But, you may make yourself feel better. Or, you might get frustrated because your rank will come and go unless you dedicate yourself to daily time-consuming activity with WA.

BTW...I really think Kyle and Carson have a bigger picture in mind for WA activity than making it a social club for folks that have nothing more productive to do with their time like the Facebook community has become for teenagers.


Want to know the cure for procrastination? Massive, purposeful activity focused on accomplishing your life vision and purpose is the cure for procrastination.

Purposeful activity is planned activity. Trust me on this, just 10 minutes of planning for each day will help you slay the procrastination vampires.

Remember Steven Covey’s best-selling book,”The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”? If you do, you will be aware of his famous four-quadrant time planner where he taught working in the time zone of “important but not urgent”. The point of Covey’s time quadrant is to convey the importance of planning each day’s activities to direct your energy toward productivity.

Another of Covey’s 7 habits is to “sharpen the saw”. In other words, time spent on learning and refining skills is vital to your productivity. With that in mind, I have a few productivity tips for you that I believe will enhance your personal productivity.

    1.Action begets more action.Scientific research supports that the only way to stop procrastination dead in its tracks is to take massive daily action.

    2.Break big tasks and projects in to smaller tasks.That way you can easily accomplish your objectives for the day.

    3.Work in chunks or blocks of time. Set aside 30 minutes each day for exercise, 20 minutes for reflection, 60 minutes for learning and skill improvement.Divide your productivity blocks into focused 90 minute segments.Work 90 minutes and then take a short break.

    4.Set and maintain a regular schedule.This is especially important if you work from home. Plan to begin your work day just as though you would if you were punching a time clock. Don’t worry, after a year or so of focused productivity, you will find yourself with a consistent flow of income and the ability to work wherever you want on your own time schedule.

    5.Avoid mindless chatter. Mindless chatter could be self-imposed or it could be something you seek out by spending undisciplined time in chat rooms, forums, social media platforms and email chats.

The blunt truth is this—if you want to be more productive and make more money from your website, you must persistently focus on money-making activities like adding new posts to your website, doing focused keyword searches, learning and applying new tools and techniques, writing high-conversion email sequences, developing new products and refining your landing and sales pages.

Once you make the decision to take massive daily action toward your goals you will find yourself with more structure. Structure occurs as you script your time. I guarantee it is from the daily discipline of structure that you will get more done and end up with more free time.

In my next post, I’ll give you a few more productivity tips.Thanks for reading. Be sure to “like” this post and share it with your friends.

Abundant Blessings,

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Recent Comments


HAHA! Love this post, Rebecca, and L O V E your images! Thank you so much.

Thank you, Patti. I must confess that disciplining myself to use my time in the most productive of ways remains a challenge. I can always find an excuse for doing something more creative than practical.

But there is a strategy behind the series of posts I wrote on Abundance and this latest series on Productivity...I know how to keep myself engaged toward my end goal and that is to see myself adding value to people everyday. Thanks for your encouragement!

BTW...check out my newest post:

Thanks you Rebecca. I'm afraid I'm the reigning all England procrastination champion.

Oh dear Peter...believe me I get it. I wandered and wondered for years all because I found it hard to settle on the one thing I was meant to do. That lack of decision was at the root of my procrastination. I'm not saying that's true for you but in my case it was a fear of launching.

Thank you my friend for chiming in. I wrote another post today that just might be right up your alley. Read it here:

I think my problem has always been the fear of failure. I know it makes no sense intellectually but it's what has aways held me back in the past.

Thank you for your new post!

I understand love...please take a look at my series on Abundance. Fear is at the root of procrastination. Perhaps these posts will help:

Thank you Rebecca, I will

Great post. I know I get sidetracked too easily. It's important to be productive and use time wisely but I have always struggled with it. I look forward to your posts.

Thanks for chiming in, Melanie.. Stay tuned. I decided to write a series of 6 posts about the subject of productivity. Time is our most valuable asset. How we use it makes a big difference in our income production.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I needed this today. I have been very stressed lately because I just cannot manage my time. I get overwhelmed. I don't know where to start and then I get sidetracked, reading blogs. I have been here one month and 7 days. I have started on my website but I am working on the "About Me page", paralyzed with self doubt. I have always been a procrastinator because of self doubt.
I am going to follow your advice.

You are most welcome! I am so glad to help. I have a suggestion for you...check out my abundance series of posts. Follow along each day and take the affirmations into your mind. Day 9 is about getting rid of fear. Day 11 is about having confidence. Day 6 is about taking purposeful action. It all fits together to help you overcome the blocks that we all face from time to time.

P.S. Don't stress over your about page. A good About page is about what the reader can expect to find in your site. Keep most of the focus on the reader and a couple of paragraphs about yourself. Here is a wonderful post from my friend and WA mentor, Beverley to get you started.

Thank you. OK I will check your blogs and Beverly's.

You are such an inspiration

Thanks, Beth. I enjoy helping people prosper however I can.!

This is on my fav list! love it! Thank you so much Rebecca!

You are most welcome, Marcie. Thanks for your comment.

Wonderful yet again. Thank you for pushing me tonight. A reminder is all it takes in cases.

Thanks for commenting, Damien Get some rest...tomorrow will be great for you!

Well, I actually get up often intentionally since I have so many physical problems. I go cook, clean or run to the store and pick up my son. Go outside, well when it was nice anyways.

Today for tasks didn't go well, I would pick one and it didn't work out well and then again and again..I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

Did get some corn (off the cob) stored and in the freezer though.

Thanks for the post.
Kim :))

Some days you get to a point where your mind needs a good rest. Sounds like you have a good routine. Thanks for your comment, Kim.

This is great pointers and it will really be of help not just for the procrastination but in helping focus in a positive way. Steve Covey's book is great started reading it again.. thank you for these insights

Covey' s book is an all-time favorite of mine as well. Thanks for your comment.

Ah yes, here I was, "checking" email which led to "hanging out" at WA. My way to knock this off? Out the door for a brisk ten minute walk. No planning required. Just slide on my shoes. Come back to my laptop with a clear mind, an energized body, a clear plan.
Here I go! (yup, I promise)

Wow! I have to do that too. Truthfully, I'm guilty of sitting too long at my writing tasks. Thank you, Diane. What a productive idea...and healthy too!

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