About Indi-Em
Rank 35407
1,455 followers Joined September 2014
Dear Friends, As from October 23 I will no longer be a member of WA. I wish you all the best of luck. Emilie





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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hello. I need some suggestions. I went on the questions bar first so here I am with my question. My website is on books review so my keywords are the book title and author's nam

I could see the problem but not the answer. Will be watching this to see some of the answers you receive

Like booklover2 and kyle say, I have been using low hanging fruit, using titles and authors and doing a page on each genre and linking to/from posts. We will see how this goes.

Thanks Helen. I'm going to look at your site to see what you mean.

Isn't it grand when the owners show up to help out! :)

I know, right?


Your website is easy to follow and has very interesting content. I am a book lover but since joining WA I am grabbing time to read at night but end up falling asleep. I love all kinds of genre

Thank you Rich.

Love the site and left you a comment

Thank you Gary.

These types of keywords are completely fine, it comes down to the competition of the keywords. People tend to look for book "reviews" when they are doing their research as to whether or not they want to buy it, so you might want to target the review-type keywords quite often.

Here is some help on how to come up with low competition and the "low hanging fruit" type keywords.

Thank you, Kyle. I feel better now. I appreciate your feedback. I'm going to check the low hanging fruit training.

will research this.

Thanks my site is http://abookaddict.com/

Sooo many books and info, and not enough time.

Can you speed read?

I nee to come hang out with you.
My android kindle app could use some additions. Send me some scientific stuff.

I've had better luck putting them in their genres, like mystery, romance, paranormal or say historical fiction, classical, etc.

Thank you for answering. So do you mean that when you do a review you don't start with the title of the book?
I'm editing this comment because I went to look at your site. You have a store so this is why you start with the genre.
Have a look at mine and tell me what you think.

check out my blog page and you'll see what I mean http://fictionbooks4u.com/blog and I'll go look at yours now

you're on the right track, but you have to give your readers a reason to click your link, pique their curiosity with a title they'll want to explore, or something to grab their attention

I was able to do that with the Stephen King book 11.22.63, but I'm scratching my head with the others ;-) Thank you for your feedback. I love your site and left you a comment. I saw what you mean on the author of the month

it might help you to look at the headlines like at yahoo news and then rearrange them to suit your needs

Good idea :-)

Looks like Mark has you covered. Good luck with your website

Do you have any ideas for me Larry?

My only suggestions you have probably tried. Such as category keywords (Horror, Mystery, Fiction, Non Fiction, Auto Biography ....etc"

No, I have the categories listed as new releases and older books. I probably should think about creating subcategories. Thank you for your feedback.

No problem. Hope it helps

Hi Emilie,

If you do type in an author/book title, the top results will almost certainly be amazon, smashwords, goodreads, kobo and so on - so the competition would be high.

My better half runs a book review site - but to be honest, for that particular site we don't concentrate on keywords or SEO at all really.

She's built up a a really good network of authors and publishers etc on FB, and gets interaction through running blog takeovers etc.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't do SEO for your site - but there are loads of FB groups you can join to get authors and readers to your site.

I hope that helps?

All the best, Mark

Thanks for the good advice. I will do that once I've got more content on my site.

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Site is book reviews. keywords are book titles. not good?

Site is book reviews. keywords are book titles. not good?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hello. I need some suggestions. I went on the questions bar first so here I am with my question. My website is on books review so my keywords are the book title and author's nam

I could see the problem but not the answer. Will be watching this to see some of the answers you receive

Like booklover2 and kyle say, I have been using low hanging fruit, using titles and authors and doing a page on each genre and linking to/from posts. We will see how this goes.

Thanks Helen. I'm going to look at your site to see what you mean.

Isn't it grand when the owners show up to help out! :)

I know, right?


Your website is easy to follow and has very interesting content. I am a book lover but since joining WA I am grabbing time to read at night but end up falling asleep. I love all kinds of genre

Thank you Rich.

Love the site and left you a comment

Thank you Gary.

These types of keywords are completely fine, it comes down to the competition of the keywords. People tend to look for book "reviews" when they are doing their research as to whether or not they want to buy it, so you might want to target the review-type keywords quite often.

Here is some help on how to come up with low competition and the "low hanging fruit" type keywords.

Thank you, Kyle. I feel better now. I appreciate your feedback. I'm going to check the low hanging fruit training.

will research this.

Thanks my site is http://abookaddict.com/

Sooo many books and info, and not enough time.

Can you speed read?

I nee to come hang out with you.
My android kindle app could use some additions. Send me some scientific stuff.

I've had better luck putting them in their genres, like mystery, romance, paranormal or say historical fiction, classical, etc.

Thank you for answering. So do you mean that when you do a review you don't start with the title of the book?
I'm editing this comment because I went to look at your site. You have a store so this is why you start with the genre.
Have a look at mine and tell me what you think.

check out my blog page and you'll see what I mean http://fictionbooks4u.com/blog and I'll go look at yours now

you're on the right track, but you have to give your readers a reason to click your link, pique their curiosity with a title they'll want to explore, or something to grab their attention

I was able to do that with the Stephen King book 11.22.63, but I'm scratching my head with the others ;-) Thank you for your feedback. I love your site and left you a comment. I saw what you mean on the author of the month

it might help you to look at the headlines like at yahoo news and then rearrange them to suit your needs

Good idea :-)

Looks like Mark has you covered. Good luck with your website

Do you have any ideas for me Larry?

My only suggestions you have probably tried. Such as category keywords (Horror, Mystery, Fiction, Non Fiction, Auto Biography ....etc"

No, I have the categories listed as new releases and older books. I probably should think about creating subcategories. Thank you for your feedback.

No problem. Hope it helps

Hi Emilie,

If you do type in an author/book title, the top results will almost certainly be amazon, smashwords, goodreads, kobo and so on - so the competition would be high.

My better half runs a book review site - but to be honest, for that particular site we don't concentrate on keywords or SEO at all really.

She's built up a a really good network of authors and publishers etc on FB, and gets interaction through running blog takeovers etc.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't do SEO for your site - but there are loads of FB groups you can join to get authors and readers to your site.

I hope that helps?

All the best, Mark

Thanks for the good advice. I will do that once I've got more content on my site.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I went on my site while logged and noticed the following box

Teacup that is good to know. Thanks

Hi Emilie,
It seems as if you have been given the solution.
Hope it worked out fine for you.

Thank you.

Looks like Shawn is giving you the right advice, good luck with your website

Thank you.

..then again,did you check with the plug-ins that produces that RSS thingy?

Thank you for answering but it's fixed now.

can you do a print screen, "prt scr" on keyboard.. of what you see?
I am trying to figure what is going on with you.

The best Support on the Internet today. Is WA awesome oh what? Glad you got it fix Indiem.

The reason that these links took you inside is because you were logged in. If you were logged out it would have brought up your login page. I prefer to remove the meta from my sites. You can do that by going into the widget area where they are and moving the box to the inactive area. Take care.

Thank you for answering. I wasn't logged in. Catherine gave me the solution though so it's all fixed.

Is this the same reason why I am getting emails from Wordpress notifying me of new registered users? I still cant understand why and how this is happening and whether its a good thing or not.

It is not good. Go into settings, general and uncheck where it says anyone can register.

Hi there.
Remove it

Thank you for answering Shawn. Great tutorial. Catherine had already helped me with the same info so I had solved the problem.

Remove the widget by going to the widget area and pulling the login box out of the widget

It is work come back and ask again

Thank you. I'm going to do it now.

Thank you Catherine it's fixed. You are going in my Gratitude Journal :-)

The very fact that you would even think that put your mind first thing in the morning

Well I already put it in :-). I didn't wait for the morning :-)

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Problem with my website. help please?

Problem with my website. help please?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I went on my site while logged and noticed the following box

Teacup that is good to know. Thanks

Hi Emilie,
It seems as if you have been given the solution.
Hope it worked out fine for you.

Thank you.

Looks like Shawn is giving you the right advice, good luck with your website

Thank you.

..then again,did you check with the plug-ins that produces that RSS thingy?

Thank you for answering but it's fixed now.

can you do a print screen, "prt scr" on keyboard.. of what you see?
I am trying to figure what is going on with you.

The best Support on the Internet today. Is WA awesome oh what? Glad you got it fix Indiem.

The reason that these links took you inside is because you were logged in. If you were logged out it would have brought up your login page. I prefer to remove the meta from my sites. You can do that by going into the widget area where they are and moving the box to the inactive area. Take care.

Thank you for answering. I wasn't logged in. Catherine gave me the solution though so it's all fixed.

Is this the same reason why I am getting emails from Wordpress notifying me of new registered users? I still cant understand why and how this is happening and whether its a good thing or not.

It is not good. Go into settings, general and uncheck where it says anyone can register.

Hi there.
Remove it

Thank you for answering Shawn. Great tutorial. Catherine had already helped me with the same info so I had solved the problem.

Remove the widget by going to the widget area and pulling the login box out of the widget

It is work come back and ask again

Thank you. I'm going to do it now.

Thank you Catherine it's fixed. You are going in my Gratitude Journal :-)

The very fact that you would even think that put your mind first thing in the morning

Well I already put it in :-). I didn't wait for the morning :-)

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

My site is about

Hi Emile,
Thank you for the question.You opened up some good dialog

You are welcome. i'm glad it was helpful.

Leo to the rescue again!. Have bookmarked this answer for ref. Glyn

Leo has you covered! Its amazing to me how people do not think about Youtube?

I was gonna ask pretty well the exact same question but figured i'd do a search first..... and look what i found :) thanks for asking it first.

Good question, great support to the rescue,, learning something new each day.

Looks like the good folks from WA have you covered

Tagged and thanks for asking this question.

You are welcome. I'm glad the answers helped you as well.

was wondering the same thing. thanks!

Emilie, I use the plugin Convert Post Types, it's very simple.

Categories: Also simple.


Create a category: Reviews

Then go to Appearance > Widgets

Drag the Category widget on to your sidebar and place where you want it. There are 3 choices what to display, you will see what they are

Posts in edit mode shows on the right side the Categories you created. Check the appropriate box for the post

View your website and then you see the the Category Reviews
If you want to show the number of posts in each category, check that box in the widget.

Check out my set up


Thank you John. I will look at your site.

clear instructions. thank you!

You have a very nice site John. So your home page is a blogroll. I saw what you meant about categories and all the posts. You also have 3 static pages besides the About Me page. So you don't change the content on those?

No, I have not changed any of the static pages. I believe they are a thing from the past. People want to see THE NEW not the old.

Too true :-)

You can't change a page into a post.

You would need to copy the content from the page and then create a new post - and then create a 301 re-direct for your old page not delete it.

You want to do the re-direct so you don't get a 404 errors or page not found. Your page has been indexed and you want to avoid these errors.

Also if someone has linked to your page from their site they will now get re-directed to your new post and not get those errors either.

I did a training video on how to create categories I also did a training video on how to create a drop-down menu using a review tab Hope this helps

Yes, thank you very much for the details. How do I create a 301 re-direct?

I recommend if you're not comfortable using code to make the 301 re-direct. The easiest way is using a plugin from wordpress called Simple 301 Re-directs https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-301-redirects/

Perfect Leo. I'm off to do all that now. Thank you so much for all your help.

Leo, I made I all the changes. I created categories, posts, review menu tab and downloaded the Simple 301 Re-directs. I don't know what the next step is for the redirect. I notice that the pages that I had, have disappeared without me touching them. Does that mean it's fixed now?

Also why don't the comments appear on the side bar?

Thank you in advance for your help.


I can't look at your website as I don't have the link so I can't see what you referring to.

So for the plugin - after you install it - you'll find it listed under Setting in your dashboard - click on it - all you do is place the URL from the request page (old page) and then place the URL as the destination page (new page)

OK I will do that. Thanks

I went to settings but I didn't find find the plugin there

Have you activated the plug in? I went to your site and I see the review tab - and all the drop down tabs, everything works fine - I also see recent comments in your side bar

Yes the recent comments are all on my static page. The ones left on the other pages are now at the end of the posts but not on side bar. Does it matter?
Oh yes my plugin is activated. Should I delete and reinstall?

No that does not matter, you'll find all comments come below your page or post, the widget is just a short cut to comments.

Yeah uninstall and then re-install. If it's not under settings, look under tools in the sidebar of your dashboard or it may even display within the sidebar on it's own

OK. I'll go do that. Thanks

No worries - have a great day

Well, it's 9pm here ;-) but you have a great day :-)

OK so I reinstalled the plugin and it worked. I hope you are not too tired of my questions Leo, feeling sheepish here :-(. I have one more thing. I'm not moving one page to another. I am changing pages to posts. I had 3 static pages name New Releases, Older Books and Book of the Week. Now I have a menu tab called Review with a drop down menu of 3 categories called New Releases, Older Books and Book of the Week. So how do I redirect with the URL. I put the URL of the Old page on the first box and what URL do I put on the second box? See the screen capture.

Please don't worry Leo. You have been such a help, giving up your precious time for me. I went ahead to do what you said. I deleted the 301 Redirect and went to add the Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin and I got
An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WordPress.org or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.
Try again

So I went to Wordpress support and they sent me to a page telling me how to add a new page! Plus some more info which confuse me. LOL well, not funny. Feeling frustrated actually. So I sent a ticket to WA technical support and see what they say. I suppose they are asleep as are you. I'm in Switzerland and chomping at the bit.

I'm going to work on my content since my website needs it desperately.

Talk to you later. Maybe by then I might have solved the problem depending who gets to me first you or WA technical support ;-)



No worries - I'm on my phone and I accedently deleted my last reply

Let's start from the beginning - first off deactivate that plugin in fact remove it

Have you created the new posts using the content from your page?

If not do that first doing it the way I explained -

And since all we are doing is creating a redirect I see no reason not to use the 301 plugin a redirect is a redirect 301 just means permanent

when you create the posts make sure to change the title - this way you create a new permalink and URL

Now in the 301 plugin put the URL of the old page in the first spot and put the new URL of the new post in the second spot - and you're good to go

I'll be back home later to catch up with you

OK. First of all, Wordpress was able to let me add again so I could reinstall the Simple 301 Direct.

Second, I had already copy pasted the content from my pages to posts. My posts are under their own categories.

Leaving Time is under New Releases
11.23.1963 is under Older Books
Moby Dick is under Book of the Week ( I just created that post. I don't have much content. I just needed the URL. It's saved in draft) I hope it's ok.

I did the redirect putting the old pages URL in the left-hand boxes and the posts URL in the right-hand boxes.

Cool - then your good to go

Thank you. :-). How would I know if anything was wrong. Would google let me know, or could I check myself?

You can check in your webmaster tools - any 404 errors will be listed

Great. Well, I think the saga is over ;-). Have a great weekend.

See easy peezie - lol

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Could I convert pages into blog rolls?

Could I convert pages into blog rolls?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

My site is about

Hi Emile,
Thank you for the question.You opened up some good dialog

You are welcome. i'm glad it was helpful.

Leo to the rescue again!. Have bookmarked this answer for ref. Glyn

Leo has you covered! Its amazing to me how people do not think about Youtube?

I was gonna ask pretty well the exact same question but figured i'd do a search first..... and look what i found :) thanks for asking it first.

Good question, great support to the rescue,, learning something new each day.

Looks like the good folks from WA have you covered

Tagged and thanks for asking this question.

You are welcome. I'm glad the answers helped you as well.

was wondering the same thing. thanks!

Emilie, I use the plugin Convert Post Types, it's very simple.

Categories: Also simple.


Create a category: Reviews

Then go to Appearance > Widgets

Drag the Category widget on to your sidebar and place where you want it. There are 3 choices what to display, you will see what they are

Posts in edit mode shows on the right side the Categories you created. Check the appropriate box for the post

View your website and then you see the the Category Reviews
If you want to show the number of posts in each category, check that box in the widget.

Check out my set up


Thank you John. I will look at your site.

clear instructions. thank you!

You have a very nice site John. So your home page is a blogroll. I saw what you meant about categories and all the posts. You also have 3 static pages besides the About Me page. So you don't change the content on those?

No, I have not changed any of the static pages. I believe they are a thing from the past. People want to see THE NEW not the old.

Too true :-)

You can't change a page into a post.

You would need to copy the content from the page and then create a new post - and then create a 301 re-direct for your old page not delete it.

You want to do the re-direct so you don't get a 404 errors or page not found. Your page has been indexed and you want to avoid these errors.

Also if someone has linked to your page from their site they will now get re-directed to your new post and not get those errors either.

I did a training video on how to create categories I also did a training video on how to create a drop-down menu using a review tab Hope this helps

Yes, thank you very much for the details. How do I create a 301 re-direct?

I recommend if you're not comfortable using code to make the 301 re-direct. The easiest way is using a plugin from wordpress called Simple 301 Re-directs https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-301-redirects/

Perfect Leo. I'm off to do all that now. Thank you so much for all your help.

Leo, I made I all the changes. I created categories, posts, review menu tab and downloaded the Simple 301 Re-directs. I don't know what the next step is for the redirect. I notice that the pages that I had, have disappeared without me touching them. Does that mean it's fixed now?

Also why don't the comments appear on the side bar?

Thank you in advance for your help.


I can't look at your website as I don't have the link so I can't see what you referring to.

So for the plugin - after you install it - you'll find it listed under Setting in your dashboard - click on it - all you do is place the URL from the request page (old page) and then place the URL as the destination page (new page)

OK I will do that. Thanks

I went to settings but I didn't find find the plugin there

Have you activated the plug in? I went to your site and I see the review tab - and all the drop down tabs, everything works fine - I also see recent comments in your side bar

Yes the recent comments are all on my static page. The ones left on the other pages are now at the end of the posts but not on side bar. Does it matter?
Oh yes my plugin is activated. Should I delete and reinstall?

No that does not matter, you'll find all comments come below your page or post, the widget is just a short cut to comments.

Yeah uninstall and then re-install. If it's not under settings, look under tools in the sidebar of your dashboard or it may even display within the sidebar on it's own

OK. I'll go do that. Thanks

No worries - have a great day

Well, it's 9pm here ;-) but you have a great day :-)

OK so I reinstalled the plugin and it worked. I hope you are not too tired of my questions Leo, feeling sheepish here :-(. I have one more thing. I'm not moving one page to another. I am changing pages to posts. I had 3 static pages name New Releases, Older Books and Book of the Week. Now I have a menu tab called Review with a drop down menu of 3 categories called New Releases, Older Books and Book of the Week. So how do I redirect with the URL. I put the URL of the Old page on the first box and what URL do I put on the second box? See the screen capture.

Please don't worry Leo. You have been such a help, giving up your precious time for me. I went ahead to do what you said. I deleted the 301 Redirect and went to add the Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin and I got
An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with WordPress.org or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.
Try again

So I went to Wordpress support and they sent me to a page telling me how to add a new page! Plus some more info which confuse me. LOL well, not funny. Feeling frustrated actually. So I sent a ticket to WA technical support and see what they say. I suppose they are asleep as are you. I'm in Switzerland and chomping at the bit.

I'm going to work on my content since my website needs it desperately.

Talk to you later. Maybe by then I might have solved the problem depending who gets to me first you or WA technical support ;-)



No worries - I'm on my phone and I accedently deleted my last reply

Let's start from the beginning - first off deactivate that plugin in fact remove it

Have you created the new posts using the content from your page?

If not do that first doing it the way I explained -

And since all we are doing is creating a redirect I see no reason not to use the 301 plugin a redirect is a redirect 301 just means permanent

when you create the posts make sure to change the title - this way you create a new permalink and URL

Now in the 301 plugin put the URL of the old page in the first spot and put the new URL of the new post in the second spot - and you're good to go

I'll be back home later to catch up with you

OK. First of all, Wordpress was able to let me add again so I could reinstall the Simple 301 Direct.

Second, I had already copy pasted the content from my pages to posts. My posts are under their own categories.

Leaving Time is under New Releases
11.23.1963 is under Older Books
Moby Dick is under Book of the Week ( I just created that post. I don't have much content. I just needed the URL. It's saved in draft) I hope it's ok.

I did the redirect putting the old pages URL in the left-hand boxes and the posts URL in the right-hand boxes.

Cool - then your good to go

Thank you. :-). How would I know if anything was wrong. Would google let me know, or could I check myself?

You can check in your webmaster tools - any 404 errors will be listed

Great. Well, I think the saga is over ;-). Have a great weekend.

See easy peezie - lol

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