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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I created a "parent" menu for across the top of my website. Today I wrote a post (submenu?) to go under the parent menu. The only way I could find to move the post under the me

The post that MarionBlack posted really helped me understand the drop down menu part much better.

This will help with your main menu Then you can simply remove the sidebar widget/menu

Thank you Marion. I will definitely check that out.

I use a combination of menus in the appearance tab and in my WP editor to make this work. When you are editing your page, look to the right and see if you have a "Page Attributes" area. In there is a "parent" link that allows you to choose the menu listing you want it under.

When I have four or five I then use the "order" number to organize them the way I want them.

Depending on your theme you may also have to use the "Appearance" section on the left of your WP editor to make additions to the "Menu" section of your website.

Try that and let me know if that helps!

Thank you! I will definitely go try that!

Let me know! I struggled with this too.

I would have two browser tabs open, one for my website and the other for WordPress. I would make changes, update, and then jump over to my website, refresh the page and see if I succeeded.

I see the page attributes on the "add new" in WP but it's not showing up on a post I've already published. Trying to google help on it but not having much luck.

Do you see this in your WordPress page that you are trying to hide under the parent link?

I see that on the parent page. Maybe I'm doing it wrong......

My goal is to have a menu item across the top then have a drop down listing all the posts associated with the menu topic. Maybe there's a better way to accomplish this?

Yes, this is how I did that. Have you also checked your menus in the appearance section of your Wordpress editor to see what it shows?

It shows the post in the sidebar under the Navigation menu & under the "parent". I wasn't sure how else to get it under the parent menu across the top.

Try getting rid of the sidebar widget and see if the original setup as I have suggested works.

will do. thanks for your help!

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How do I hide submenu posts on my sidebar?

How do I hide submenu posts on my sidebar?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I created a "parent" menu for across the top of my website. Today I wrote a post (submenu?) to go under the parent menu. The only way I could find to move the post under the me

The post that MarionBlack posted really helped me understand the drop down menu part much better.

This will help with your main menu Then you can simply remove the sidebar widget/menu

Thank you Marion. I will definitely check that out.

I use a combination of menus in the appearance tab and in my WP editor to make this work. When you are editing your page, look to the right and see if you have a "Page Attributes" area. In there is a "parent" link that allows you to choose the menu listing you want it under.

When I have four or five I then use the "order" number to organize them the way I want them.

Depending on your theme you may also have to use the "Appearance" section on the left of your WP editor to make additions to the "Menu" section of your website.

Try that and let me know if that helps!

Thank you! I will definitely go try that!

Let me know! I struggled with this too.

I would have two browser tabs open, one for my website and the other for WordPress. I would make changes, update, and then jump over to my website, refresh the page and see if I succeeded.

I see the page attributes on the "add new" in WP but it's not showing up on a post I've already published. Trying to google help on it but not having much luck.

Do you see this in your WordPress page that you are trying to hide under the parent link?

I see that on the parent page. Maybe I'm doing it wrong......

My goal is to have a menu item across the top then have a drop down listing all the posts associated with the menu topic. Maybe there's a better way to accomplish this?

Yes, this is how I did that. Have you also checked your menus in the appearance section of your Wordpress editor to see what it shows?

It shows the post in the sidebar under the Navigation menu & under the "parent". I wasn't sure how else to get it under the parent menu across the top.

Try getting rid of the sidebar widget and see if the original setup as I have suggested works.

will do. thanks for your help!

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I just switched from the All In One SEO to Yoast and written my 2nd article using Yoast. I'm getting these messages:
*You have not used the focus keyword in any subheading (

If you have three images and one does not have alt attribute surely it will comment on it.
The focus keyword must be exact as it is written in the title or you might be having different title from the permalink and what it recognizes as keyword is what is in the permalink.

Yoast likes reiteration of the the keywords in the paragraphs. As if it is saying you have to stress in every time your keyword in your discussion.

I am not using YOAST anymore because I need another plugins that it occupies and I know All-In-One SEO is enough to do the work.

What other plugin did you need? Yoast is pretty much all-inclusive, the only better plugin in the minds of SEO is the paid version of Squirly which has more focus on content than even Yoast and helps with things like LSI keywords around your main.

Yes, anyone can use, it's free and as of the moment I'm not using any paid plugins.

Yay! glad to see you got it figured out. I am familiar with Yoast so I don't know if I can do much on my end.

Make sure you didn't add an extra space in the keyword when you added it to Yoast as that can cause a false negative.

Thank you--I had a slight misspelling. Duh.....

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Yoast seems to be confused?

Yoast seems to be confused?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I just switched from the All In One SEO to Yoast and written my 2nd article using Yoast. I'm getting these messages:
*You have not used the focus keyword in any subheading (

If you have three images and one does not have alt attribute surely it will comment on it.
The focus keyword must be exact as it is written in the title or you might be having different title from the permalink and what it recognizes as keyword is what is in the permalink.

Yoast likes reiteration of the the keywords in the paragraphs. As if it is saying you have to stress in every time your keyword in your discussion.

I am not using YOAST anymore because I need another plugins that it occupies and I know All-In-One SEO is enough to do the work.

What other plugin did you need? Yoast is pretty much all-inclusive, the only better plugin in the minds of SEO is the paid version of Squirly which has more focus on content than even Yoast and helps with things like LSI keywords around your main.

Yes, anyone can use, it's free and as of the moment I'm not using any paid plugins.

Yay! glad to see you got it figured out. I am familiar with Yoast so I don't know if I can do much on my end.

Make sure you didn't add an extra space in the keyword when you added it to Yoast as that can cause a false negative.

Thank you--I had a slight misspelling. Duh.....

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Morning all! I woke up to 2 emails from Google.... One for each of my websites. I'm guessing they are based on either my privacy policy page or my affiliate disclosure page. Sh

Hey, by all means take care of the issue! One day Google says and the next day something else!

i had the same issue and I was wondering about it just like you.

No worries, I have the same warning. Just ask google to revalidate the issues.

I have the same thing too..

No worries. Nothing to be alarmed.

Here's the solution for you.


If you need any further assistance, let us know.


I got the same email from Google regarding one of my sites.
They were curious about 3 pages that were noindex.

I followed the link in the mail into Search Console and confirmed that noindex is the correct setting for the 3.

Then Search Console immediately started spinning to verify my confirmation.

As I see it, Google was just after confirmation that these pages were supposed to be noindex and gave me a chance to correct it if it was wrong.

If I remember correctly from Kyle's training, he told us to mark those pages as noindex. I'm going back to verify that. If not I will do like you mentioned. Thanks!

Hi Lisa

I don't have an answer but I have a similar issue. My URL is an image issue.

I think I deleted an URL which was indexed previously.
I am waiting to see if it will disappear eventually.

I will be interested to see what advice some of the more knowledgeable members have to contribute.

Good luck!

never had the problem but sounds like something you should fix. make sure you didn't check "noindex "in the All in One SEO Pack at the bottom of the post. See screen capture below.

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Google doesn't like my no index?

Google doesn't like my no index?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Morning all! I woke up to 2 emails from Google.... One for each of my websites. I'm guessing they are based on either my privacy policy page or my affiliate disclosure page. Sh

Hey, by all means take care of the issue! One day Google says and the next day something else!

i had the same issue and I was wondering about it just like you.

No worries, I have the same warning. Just ask google to revalidate the issues.

I have the same thing too..

No worries. Nothing to be alarmed.

Here's the solution for you.


If you need any further assistance, let us know.


I got the same email from Google regarding one of my sites.
They were curious about 3 pages that were noindex.

I followed the link in the mail into Search Console and confirmed that noindex is the correct setting for the 3.

Then Search Console immediately started spinning to verify my confirmation.

As I see it, Google was just after confirmation that these pages were supposed to be noindex and gave me a chance to correct it if it was wrong.

If I remember correctly from Kyle's training, he told us to mark those pages as noindex. I'm going back to verify that. If not I will do like you mentioned. Thanks!

Hi Lisa

I don't have an answer but I have a similar issue. My URL is an image issue.

I think I deleted an URL which was indexed previously.
I am waiting to see if it will disappear eventually.

I will be interested to see what advice some of the more knowledgeable members have to contribute.

Good luck!

never had the problem but sounds like something you should fix. make sure you didn't check "noindex "in the All in One SEO Pack at the bottom of the post. See screen capture below.

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