About haroda
Rank 808
1,517 followers Joined July 2017
Hello Amazing WA community! My name is Hà and I am a proud Vietnamese - American living in Maitland, Florida. I teach, demonstrate, and share how





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asked in
Getting Started


I am creating a tutorial for FB Live. I can't seem to create more than two pages. I kept adding pages but it never showed up. What am I doing wrong? Please advise.

Hey Hà,

I did wonder when I saw your training published yesterday.

Go back to your tutorial and click on the gear icon shown in the screen print below... where you can choose Edit This Page.

You need to be sure to READ the choices before clicking.

Publish means that you have completed what you wanted to do. and now want the membership to know that your training is available.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it. This is my first time doing the tutorial.

I have added 5 pages of content and made sure to save them each time. Then I submitted assuming that the pages have been saved. I submitted reading the choices. I noticed that I could see only page 1 and page 2 so I thought that the other pages were there but cannot be seen until I submit. I went ahead and submit and only 1 & 2 showed up.

I did what you mentioned. I went to setup choosing #1 & #2 as in your picture edited and edited my pages once more hoping that perhaps, I missed something the first time. Once again submitted and page 3 still did not show up. I did multiple times and still no luck. I then submitted the question on WA and also submitted it to SiteSupport. I then went back to edit and tried to add again this time using a different browser hoping maybe there was an option that I may have missed.

SiteSupport sent a message last night that they are looking in it. I have not received any messages from them yet this morning. I am at a loss.

I typed the steps so many times that I think I memorized what I wrote. I decided to type them all in Word so all I have to do is cut and paste the next time instead of re-typing multiple times.

If you have any other suggestions, please pass them my way. Thank you so much!!!

Are you clicking on Save and Continue once you've complete page 3?

I always create my content in Word docs and then copy and paste, even for my website. It gets far to frustrating when using forms online if you don't.

Are you using a desktop or laptop computer?
Firefox or Chrome for your browser?

Yes, save and continue.

I am using a desktop. I initially used firefox. I also tried chrome as well.

Hey Hà,

Just created a test tutorial by creating 2 pages only and clicking on Save. Then went back in by Editing... and added 3 more pages (filler text of course) and it worked fine.

I'm working on a desktop computer with Windows10 + Firefox.

Site support is still looking into it at the moment.

I'll try it again once I get home. Thank you for testing it out.

You're very welcome. Keep me posted, please?

I didn't try since last night. Thank you again.

Ok. I added and saved just page 3. It saved and then I did a refresh and it disappeared. I wonder where it went. It still remembers the name I have name the title of the page. I named it "title" 4.

Currently, my tutorial is under uncategorized. Would that make a difference. I also have window 10 and I am using firefox browser.

Ok. I created a brand new tutorial with a slightly different name. It happened again. Only allow me to have 2 pages. I wonder if it has to do with images.

I am now going to create a new tutorial again and use only text with no images. I'll keep you posted.

Trish -

I am so excited. I think I found my problem. My images are the problem. I setup a brand new tutorial. This time I only had text and then submitted. All my pages appeared. Then I went back into the tutorial and added the images. Everything shows up now.

It is a work around but at least it works. I am going to let support know as well. Thank for your help.

Are your images too big maybe????
Odd indeed!
Thank you for letting me know that you were able to find a workaround. :-)

The images were small in size 60k -80k. I was able to load and save them after the pages were created. However, I was not able to create new pages with them. Odd indeed. Thank you for your help. I learned a lot from this experience.

Thank you 😊

Do let SiteSupport know what you discovered, as this will help them track down the scripts that may be causing this so that they can fix it.

Done. Thank you.

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Creating a tutorial and cannot get more than 2 pages. what am I doing wrong?

Creating a tutorial and cannot get more than 2 pages. what am I doing wrong?

asked in
Getting Started


I am creating a tutorial for FB Live. I can't seem to create more than two pages. I kept adding pages but it never showed up. What am I doing wrong? Please advise.

Hey Hà,

I did wonder when I saw your training published yesterday.

Go back to your tutorial and click on the gear icon shown in the screen print below... where you can choose Edit This Page.

You need to be sure to READ the choices before clicking.

Publish means that you have completed what you wanted to do. and now want the membership to know that your training is available.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it. This is my first time doing the tutorial.

I have added 5 pages of content and made sure to save them each time. Then I submitted assuming that the pages have been saved. I submitted reading the choices. I noticed that I could see only page 1 and page 2 so I thought that the other pages were there but cannot be seen until I submit. I went ahead and submit and only 1 & 2 showed up.

I did what you mentioned. I went to setup choosing #1 & #2 as in your picture edited and edited my pages once more hoping that perhaps, I missed something the first time. Once again submitted and page 3 still did not show up. I did multiple times and still no luck. I then submitted the question on WA and also submitted it to SiteSupport. I then went back to edit and tried to add again this time using a different browser hoping maybe there was an option that I may have missed.

SiteSupport sent a message last night that they are looking in it. I have not received any messages from them yet this morning. I am at a loss.

I typed the steps so many times that I think I memorized what I wrote. I decided to type them all in Word so all I have to do is cut and paste the next time instead of re-typing multiple times.

If you have any other suggestions, please pass them my way. Thank you so much!!!

Are you clicking on Save and Continue once you've complete page 3?

I always create my content in Word docs and then copy and paste, even for my website. It gets far to frustrating when using forms online if you don't.

Are you using a desktop or laptop computer?
Firefox or Chrome for your browser?

Yes, save and continue.

I am using a desktop. I initially used firefox. I also tried chrome as well.

Hey Hà,

Just created a test tutorial by creating 2 pages only and clicking on Save. Then went back in by Editing... and added 3 more pages (filler text of course) and it worked fine.

I'm working on a desktop computer with Windows10 + Firefox.

Site support is still looking into it at the moment.

I'll try it again once I get home. Thank you for testing it out.

You're very welcome. Keep me posted, please?

I didn't try since last night. Thank you again.

Ok. I added and saved just page 3. It saved and then I did a refresh and it disappeared. I wonder where it went. It still remembers the name I have name the title of the page. I named it "title" 4.

Currently, my tutorial is under uncategorized. Would that make a difference. I also have window 10 and I am using firefox browser.

Ok. I created a brand new tutorial with a slightly different name. It happened again. Only allow me to have 2 pages. I wonder if it has to do with images.

I am now going to create a new tutorial again and use only text with no images. I'll keep you posted.

Trish -

I am so excited. I think I found my problem. My images are the problem. I setup a brand new tutorial. This time I only had text and then submitted. All my pages appeared. Then I went back into the tutorial and added the images. Everything shows up now.

It is a work around but at least it works. I am going to let support know as well. Thank for your help.

Are your images too big maybe????
Odd indeed!
Thank you for letting me know that you were able to find a workaround. :-)

The images were small in size 60k -80k. I was able to load and save them after the pages were created. However, I was not able to create new pages with them. Odd indeed. Thank you for your help. I learned a lot from this experience.

Thank you 😊

Do let SiteSupport know what you discovered, as this will help them track down the scripts that may be causing this so that they can fix it.

Done. Thank you.

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