Get More Traffic - Pinterest
If you want to get more traffic Pinterest is an awesome way to do it. Yes it will take a little bit of time in the beginning to get going, but once you have the basics set up you will find that Pinterest brings in a steady stream of traffic with you hardly needing to do anything at all.
I have been making a concerted effort with my Pinterest account the last few months and I have managed to grow my Pinterest traffic beautifully.
Looking at a 3 month period from 01 March 2016 to 31 May 2016 you can see that the most visitors I ever had in one day was a grand total of 6.
This year looking at the same three month period you can see that my Pinterest Traffic is climbing steadily. Starting off on the 01 March 2017 with just 11 visitors and the peak at the end on 31 May 2017 was 61 visitors.
And if you look at this month you will see that I have constant traffic from Pinterest and I only pin my latest blog posts. Today I have already had 45 visitors from Pinterest and it is only 9am here! Now I don't consider myself an expert at all on Pinterest but I have spent a bit of time and effort trying to figure it out and as you can see it has been very much worth it for me. I am now averaging 40 - 60 Pinterest visitors daily.
This traffic has been building steadily for me since I put the work in and I believe that if I continue to implement what I have learned that Pinterest will be a massive source of traffic for me in the future.
I wanted to create a course with a video on each page like Kyle does but for some reason I either can't figure out how to do that or it can't be done. Maybe someone can clarify that for me?
I made a series of new training videos for Pinterest in the last week, and I also have some old training videos that I did a while back.
If you want to duplicate what I have done, then here is everything I have learned about Pinterest so far:
How To Set Up A Pinterest Business Account
How To Verify Your Website On Pinterest
How To Download And Use The Pin It Button
How To Create Boards On Pinterest
How To Pin Images To Pinterest
How to Pin An Image From Your PC To Pinterest
Pinning Affiliate Links To Pinterest in 2019
How To Pin Wealthy Affiliate Links To Pinterest
How To Pin A Youtube Video To Pinterest
How To Join Pinterest Group Boards
How To Gain Pinterest Followers By Opening Group Boards For Collaborators
My Pinterest Routine From Start To Finish
How To Add Sections To Pinterest Boards
How To Use Tailwind For Pinterest To Explode Your Pinterest Traffic
How To Find and Join Pinterest Tribes
And a new training video:
Pinterest Keyword Research
I really hope that you find this helpful. If you have any questions please let me know in the comments and I will try my best to help you!
Recent Comments
Thank you for the info. I agree my Pinterest is all over the place. This helps clarify a goal for me.
Thanks for sharing your experience with Pinterest. I have dabbled with it but found myself facing a brick wall. Your information will change that.
Just what I need, given that my Pinterest is a a total hodgepodge that is presently going no where.
A hodgepodge? LOL yeah mine was too. It took me a long time to get my head around Pinterest - about 4 years to be more precise!
I kick myself for not starting sooner though!
Thanks Lynn, this sums it up for me. Been thinking of Pinterest for a while, since my niche fits well with it! I will definitely apply every advice you posted here. Thanks again!
Great :) I am sure you will find this works really well Denis!
Let me know if you have any questions.
I'll have to check out your training. I get a few visitors from Pinterest but haven't developed a strategy yet. It is definitely worth it. Better get started. :-)
Thanks for sharing your knowledge, Lynne.
~ Anke
It is a pleasure Anke :) So far as you can see this strategy works really well for me. Honestly I have no idea what other people do..... this is what I have figure out for myself.
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Fantastic training. Thanks!
I'm glad you found it helpful! If you need to know anything about creating board please just shout :)