Author LynneHuy
Rank 1675

This is way easy to do, simply go into a board on Pinterest and click on the plus button on the left that says “Save a Pin”.

Then you will get two options coming up, on the left is save from the web and the right is from your device. Choose from your device.

Search for your image on your device and add it. Then write in a description and include some hashtags.

Then choose which board you want to pin it to. Once it has been pinned go to edit that image and add in the URL for the image.

You can pin any image you like even if it is not showing on your website so you can get really creative and make some cool ads, images and infographics for your posts.

Remember that you can now also pin affiliate links, so you can add your affiliate link in here instead of your own URL’s.

I hope you enjoyed this training, if you did please give it a thumbs up!

Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions or if there is more training you would like me to publish!

Here are some new training videos I have added for Pinterest Marketing:

How To Set Up A Pinterest Business Account

How To Verify Your Website On Pinterest

How To Download And Use The Pin It Button

How To Create Boards On Pinterest

How To Create Pinnable Images

How To Pin Affiliate Links To Pinterest

How To Pin Wealthy Affiliate Links To Pinterest

How To Pin A Youtube Video To Pinterest

How To Pin Images To Pinterest

And a new training video:

Pinterest Keyword Research

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swhittington Premium
Thanks for this.. What is the reason to add the #'s ? I know they use them on twitter, and I am not sure how or why to use them there .. possible training?
LynneHuy Premium
Hashtags are ways for people to search for your content :) So Hashtag your keywords. It really is as simple as that!

I am sure Jay did some awesome training on hashtags, maybe check that out. Username Magistudios in case you don't know him, you have to check out his training.
Cynthiah1 Premium
Thanks so much! I needed to know this.
LynneHuy Premium
Hi Cynthia :) I am so glad this could help you!
Mike-Writes Premium
Thanks, Lynne. Excellent tutorial.
LynneHuy Premium
It is a pleasure Mike :)
AlexEvans Premium Plus
Thank you Lynne, we can pin AF links Christmas has come early. Great tutorial.
LynneHuy Premium
Yes, but who knows how long this festive season will last with Pinterest changing their minds so often.
Dreamer56 Premium
You are going to turn me into a King Pin :))
Thanks for the training Lynne
LynneHuy Premium
LOL You must be a King Pin... I've got some more where that came from :)