Author LynneHuy
Rank 1683

Now while you can any image that you find online, or offline, you really want to make your images as appealing as possible for people to click on.

When I first started using Pinterest I would just pin my featured image and any other images on my website to Pinterest.

Then I started learning a little more about Pinterest and I started creating special images for Pinterest marketing. This is one of the things I have done that made a marked difference to the amount of traffic that I receive from Pinterest. It also improved my Pinterest bounce rate since visitors knew exactly what to expect from my content.

Creating images the right size and in the right way for Pinterest is actually quick and easy to do and it costs you nothing. I highly recommend that if you are going to get serious about Pinterest marketing that you create special images for your Pinterest marketing!

This training just explains the importance of the Pinnable image and how I make it look. If you have not used Canva before and I went too fast for you then please check out this training I did for Canva and designing images:

Designing Images for Dummies

Here is previous training I have done for Pinterest that you may find helpful:

How To Set Up A Pinterest Business Account

How To Verify Your Website On Pinterest

How To Download And Use The Pin It Button

How To Create Boards On Pinterest

How to Pin An Image From Your PC To Pinterest

How To Pin Affiliate Links To Pinterest

How To Pin A Youtube Video To Pinterest

How To Pin Images To Pinterest

And a new training video:

Pinterest Keyword Research

If you have any questions about Pinterest please let me know in the comments and I will try my best to help you.

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Triblu Premium
Great video tutorial Lynne!
drcmaint Premium
Thanks for this.
Cynthiah1 Premium
F198 Premium
Thanks, l will try.

DennisD1 Premium
Thanks Lynn, very helpful.
LynneHuy Premium
I am glad that you found it useful Dennis.