Pinning images was something that took me a while to figure out, and sometimes I could get it to work but at other times I had problems getting it right.
There are 3 ways you can pin images to Pinterest:
- Using the Pin It Button
- From Pinterest adding images from your computer
- From Pinterest adding images from a URL
The way that I always favor is pinning my images from my computer since I usually create special images for Pinterest that are not usually on my website.
I also Pin Youtube videos and affiliate links. Take note that for affiliate links you usually have to add the image first from your computer and then add the link afterwards. Take note that there are a lot of websites that are blocked from being pinned to Pinterest, both affiliate links and also any other links too. Unfortunately Wealthy Affiliate is blocked from being added to Pinterest, as is Facebook!
If you want to pin a Youtube video you can use option 2 or option 3 which is shown in the video for you!
Here is some other relevant training for Pinterest that you may find helpful:
How To Set Up A Pinterest Business Account
How To Verify Your Website On Pinterest
How To Download And Use The Pin It Button
How To Create Boards On Pinterest
How to Pin An Image From Your PC To Pinterest
How To Pin Affiliate Links To Pinterest
How To Pin A Youtube Video To Pinterest
And a new training video:
Pinterest Keyword Research
If you have any questions please let me know and I will do my best to answer..... the last thing that I will be wanting to share with you about Pinterest is how to find and join big Pinterest Boards.
I hope to have that published soon!