Author LynneHuy
Rank 1683

Pinterest has turned into an amazing source of traffic for my blog and using Tailwind to schedule my pins and to add pins to Tailwind Tribes has made a massive difference to my Pinterest traffic and following.

This video shares all I know about using Tailwind for Pinterest. You can also use Tailwind for Instagram but I haven't quite figured out how to use Instagram yet so that will have to wait for another time so I can master it first!

Here's all the related training I have created for Pinterest:

How To Find and Join Pinterest Tribes

How To Set Up A Pinterest Business Account

How To Verify Your Website On Pinterest

How To Download And Use The Pin It Button

How To Create Boards On Pinterest

How To Create Pinnable Images

How To Pin Images To Pinterest

How to Pin An Image From Your PC To Pinterest

How To Pin Affiliate Links To Pinterest

How To Pin A Youtube Video To Pinterest

How To Join Pinterest Group Boards

How To Gain Pinterest Followers By Opening Group Boards For Collaborators

My Pinterest Routine From Start To Finish

How To Add Sections To Pinterest Boards

And a new training video:

Pinterest Keyword Research

If you have any questions please leave a comment :)

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ChrisShouse Premium
Thanks, Lynne, I had to bookmark for right now but will get to it soon. Do you have more than one Pinterest account? I know of people who have an account for each niche.
LynneHuy Premium
I currently have 4 Pinterest accounts :) 1 business account for each of my main websites and 1 personal account. I run almost everything from my personal account though, if you go through my Pinterest training you will understand how I do this.
ChrisShouse Premium
Thank you for the answer I will get to the training soon.
GinaGo Premium
Thanks so much Lynne. I have been curious about this one.:)
LynneHuy Premium
I am happy to help, just check the pricing for Tailwind, they do charge a pretty penny for their services but well with sometimes 600+ visitors a day to my site I find it an investment.
wendyg53 Premium
Thanks for all your great training Lynne. I'm bookmarking it like crazy. I know I'm going to need it.
LynneHuy Premium
I'm glad you are enjoying it Wendy :)
Tirolith Premium
It looks difficult for this old bugger but small steps at a time I will get there.
LynneHuy Premium
Tom it was tricky for me when I first started - I had no clue what I was doing. Everything is hard before it is easy!
Happy2Learn Premium
Thanks Lynne very informative