About Linda-777
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830 followers Joined October 2015


Hi, I'm Linda I have a few websites, but joined Wealthy Affiliate, because I'm not making enough money from them. I think I'm going about the





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

If I have a text widget in my sidebar that I would like to link to one of the pages on my site, is it possible to add a link to that page (inside the sidebar text) and how?

Thanks for the question Linda! Are we not fortunate to be here/

Thanks Linda--that was on my list. How did you know??
Thanks Marion. Dick

Yes, go into a post or page editor, when there hit text, enter your information, don't for get to highlight link you want to use and click the link icon.
go back and Highlight all the information you just entered , (you do not want to save the post) next go click "appearance" than
"widget", than look for the "text" category box and drag it or click it so you can place it into your header, footer, right or left sidebar..once you have placed it where you want it to go, hit edit and paste the information into the box, click save and than preview

With one little different. Enter your text in visual mode, format as you wish (fonts, center or not), then highlight and click the link button.

THEN go to text mode and copy the whole shmeer


right, forgot to tell her about making sure it translated properly in the visual mode..

Great thanks - this also works with photos

Well you already got an answer but yeah you can use the text widget for ALL html links and you can use the image widet to link an image.

This is what I love about WA, within 5 minutes of asking for help, I received it and I linked the page I wanted to.
I love you people, you are amazing

Thank you that was quick responses.
And doing it was quick and easy.
Blessings over the Christmas time I hope you will take some time off too.
Blessings in abundance

This is the way I do it

I have a training about open affiliate link in new tab
that pratically the same you have to follow, only not just click the box, but also add the link.

Here is a training for links in the sidebar, the same will be to link to a page, it is just another link:

Yes it is possible. You can use the widget "customized menu". And create a menu with every pages you want to link

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Can I add a link to a text widget?

Can I add a link to a text widget?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

If I have a text widget in my sidebar that I would like to link to one of the pages on my site, is it possible to add a link to that page (inside the sidebar text) and how?

Thanks for the question Linda! Are we not fortunate to be here/

Thanks Linda--that was on my list. How did you know??
Thanks Marion. Dick

Yes, go into a post or page editor, when there hit text, enter your information, don't for get to highlight link you want to use and click the link icon.
go back and Highlight all the information you just entered , (you do not want to save the post) next go click "appearance" than
"widget", than look for the "text" category box and drag it or click it so you can place it into your header, footer, right or left sidebar..once you have placed it where you want it to go, hit edit and paste the information into the box, click save and than preview

With one little different. Enter your text in visual mode, format as you wish (fonts, center or not), then highlight and click the link button.

THEN go to text mode and copy the whole shmeer


right, forgot to tell her about making sure it translated properly in the visual mode..

Great thanks - this also works with photos

Well you already got an answer but yeah you can use the text widget for ALL html links and you can use the image widet to link an image.

This is what I love about WA, within 5 minutes of asking for help, I received it and I linked the page I wanted to.
I love you people, you are amazing

Thank you that was quick responses.
And doing it was quick and easy.
Blessings over the Christmas time I hope you will take some time off too.
Blessings in abundance

This is the way I do it

I have a training about open affiliate link in new tab
that pratically the same you have to follow, only not just click the box, but also add the link.

Here is a training for links in the sidebar, the same will be to link to a page, it is just another link:

Yes it is possible. You can use the widget "customized menu". And create a menu with every pages you want to link

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I am not using FTP for any of my websites.
Is this a problem or could it become a bigger problem in the future?
I'm not using it, because I don't understand it.

With WordPress and WA Hosting All you need to know how to do is push "publish." FTP is a pain. It is going by the wayside like high bitton shoes because almost ALL good website hosting offers One click WordPress and Viola! Instant site. So, not to worry Linda and have a Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much, just what I needed.
Thank you, you have a very Merry Christmas too.
Blessings in abundance

Marion has the right answer for you.

Hi Linda,
Being of simple mind and liking simple tools , I like Marion's middle choice, full backup with a plugin, "BackWPup. "Neat, clean, works.

Interesting, just after asking this question this morning, I received an email from Wordfence talking about FTP.... and other things, just thought I'd share, because it is important.

Most of the time you'll have no need for FTP (File Transfer Protocol). It's just a way of transferring files from your computer to your website or from your website to your computer.

You can backup your content (pages, posts, comments etc.) using Tools==> Export but this doesn't back up your themes, plugins and images.

You can use a plugin to backup your entire website Or you can use FTP to back up I never rely on anyone else to do something as important as backing up my sites. And because I like to be sure of everything I back up using all three ways.

But then, I am a little paranoid when it comes to the important things.

Hi Marion, thank you for answering my question with links to all the useful information.
I do realize that having backups is crucial, I would cry for days if I were to loose any of my hard work.
Are your sites hosted with WA? (The ones you do backups off?)
Thank you so much, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this.
I'll go through them in detail and definitely use 2 of them and save the FTP one for last.

Some of my sites are here at WA and some are elsewhere. I back up all of them.

Ok, I just did the full backup with a plugin on one of my sites and will quickly do the others. That was easy thanks to your video. I watched it first to see what I'm going to have to do and then I did it with the video pausing and continuing as I went on. Thank you again. I didn't have a dropbox either, although I saw allot of people use it, I was afraid my private things would be available to everybody, but I see it should be safe.
Blessings in abundance

FTP is only required if you are giving permission others to upload contents to your website or you are uploading complete website after creating it on your desktop otherwise it is optional.

Thank you, I'm so glad to hear that.
I was beginning to think that I must use it. Seeing I have a choice, I'd rather continue without it.
Thank you very much
Blessings in abundance

Hi Linda,

I do not use FTP either as if I need to transfer or upload something to the server I just access the CPanel for that website directly instead of using an FTP Client like FileZilla. I do manage my blog on my own server as I just like having that control.

I do not like using the FTP Client either but there are plenty of videos on YouTube that go over this process in depth for whichever FTP Client you are using.

Thank you so much. I'm glad that it is not something that is compulsory because I'd rather not use it.
I downloaded Filezilla many years ago when I just started out, but I struggled to understand what I'm actually doing and decided to rather stay away, but thank you for telling me that I can find allot on YouTube about it, if in the future I do decide that I want to use it, then I'll definitely go search there.
Thank you
Blessings in abundance

I'm not sure, I see everybody talking and asking about FTP and how to do things with it (one of which is backing up before updating - which is probably very important), but if I want to upload plugins or themes I do it directly inside the WP dashboard.
So I don't really have to use FTP?
It started to sound to me like something we must have or do to maintain and protect our websites?
Thank you

You would need FTP to backup your files to your local PC. But doesn't WA backup all the sites daily?? If you need to backup your entire site to your home computer so that you have a copy, then you would need FTP. But I fail to see the effectiveness of that because you can't back up the WordPress database which is integral to your WordPress website..

Can anyone tell me if WA backs up all the sites on their server?? Because if they do, I don't see the need for anyone to be backing up anything.

I also understand WA does daily backups, but apparently some people lost some things with the latest update of WP and then all the tutorials started on how to backup with FTP. But you know what, I never asked any of them if they are hosting at WA or elsewhere. Maybe that is the difference.

In a regular website, I backup my files all the time. But it's a bit different with a WordPress website because almost every action you do updates a database. Heck, a significant amount is stored in the database. For instance, when you create a post, the content you type in is stored in the database, not in the web pages. So I don't even see the point of even backing up the pages.

This is the first time I've heard of this, and it sounds terrible. I have to say this -- WA has to take responsibility for this. They have to backup all websites regularly and be able to restore anyone's website on demand at any time should something go wrong. This is really their responsibility.

So in answer to your question, I see no point of you using FTP to backup anything because you'll never capture everything about your site.

I like to backup using ftp and wp-dbmanager.
Wp-dbmanager backs up your database and lots more besides.

It places the backup in wp-content folder, and then I ftp the site down to my computer. In this way I always have a complete local backup.

That's good to know. I normally backup my MySQL database (which is what WordPress uses) through MySQL's dump utility. Given how restrictive WA is in allowing us to access our database, I'm glad to hear there is a plugin for that purpose.

Yes it uses MySql dump. After I download httpdocs folder, if all I have changed on the site is content, I just do a backup and re-download wp-content folder, then I am always up to date.

It is quick and painless:)

They do have backups, but it is always good to have your own too.

FTP is just something that allows you to transfer from your PC to your website, and vice versa. That's all it is.

So I'm not understanding why you're asking your question. Do you see a need to transfer files back and forth?

File Transfer Protocol.
Is a client software, that allows you to transfer all your HTML, CSS, ASP, JSP, Jquerry, etc, al lfiles that your INDEX.html file, you created on your own computer, with your Html editor. from your site folder to the "root " folder of your domain located on your ISP. .'

If you bought a domain and installed wordpress, Jumela, etc... directly on the domain and you have access to the CPanel.. and you can login and out of your dashboard, then you do not need to use ftp. Only upload from your text editor window in wordpress.

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Should I use ftp for my websites?

Should I use ftp for my websites?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I am not using FTP for any of my websites.
Is this a problem or could it become a bigger problem in the future?
I'm not using it, because I don't understand it.

With WordPress and WA Hosting All you need to know how to do is push "publish." FTP is a pain. It is going by the wayside like high bitton shoes because almost ALL good website hosting offers One click WordPress and Viola! Instant site. So, not to worry Linda and have a Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much, just what I needed.
Thank you, you have a very Merry Christmas too.
Blessings in abundance

Marion has the right answer for you.

Hi Linda,
Being of simple mind and liking simple tools , I like Marion's middle choice, full backup with a plugin, "BackWPup. "Neat, clean, works.

Interesting, just after asking this question this morning, I received an email from Wordfence talking about FTP.... and other things, just thought I'd share, because it is important.

Most of the time you'll have no need for FTP (File Transfer Protocol). It's just a way of transferring files from your computer to your website or from your website to your computer.

You can backup your content (pages, posts, comments etc.) using Tools==> Export but this doesn't back up your themes, plugins and images.

You can use a plugin to backup your entire website Or you can use FTP to back up I never rely on anyone else to do something as important as backing up my sites. And because I like to be sure of everything I back up using all three ways.

But then, I am a little paranoid when it comes to the important things.

Hi Marion, thank you for answering my question with links to all the useful information.
I do realize that having backups is crucial, I would cry for days if I were to loose any of my hard work.
Are your sites hosted with WA? (The ones you do backups off?)
Thank you so much, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this.
I'll go through them in detail and definitely use 2 of them and save the FTP one for last.

Some of my sites are here at WA and some are elsewhere. I back up all of them.

Ok, I just did the full backup with a plugin on one of my sites and will quickly do the others. That was easy thanks to your video. I watched it first to see what I'm going to have to do and then I did it with the video pausing and continuing as I went on. Thank you again. I didn't have a dropbox either, although I saw allot of people use it, I was afraid my private things would be available to everybody, but I see it should be safe.
Blessings in abundance

FTP is only required if you are giving permission others to upload contents to your website or you are uploading complete website after creating it on your desktop otherwise it is optional.

Thank you, I'm so glad to hear that.
I was beginning to think that I must use it. Seeing I have a choice, I'd rather continue without it.
Thank you very much
Blessings in abundance

Hi Linda,

I do not use FTP either as if I need to transfer or upload something to the server I just access the CPanel for that website directly instead of using an FTP Client like FileZilla. I do manage my blog on my own server as I just like having that control.

I do not like using the FTP Client either but there are plenty of videos on YouTube that go over this process in depth for whichever FTP Client you are using.

Thank you so much. I'm glad that it is not something that is compulsory because I'd rather not use it.
I downloaded Filezilla many years ago when I just started out, but I struggled to understand what I'm actually doing and decided to rather stay away, but thank you for telling me that I can find allot on YouTube about it, if in the future I do decide that I want to use it, then I'll definitely go search there.
Thank you
Blessings in abundance

I'm not sure, I see everybody talking and asking about FTP and how to do things with it (one of which is backing up before updating - which is probably very important), but if I want to upload plugins or themes I do it directly inside the WP dashboard.
So I don't really have to use FTP?
It started to sound to me like something we must have or do to maintain and protect our websites?
Thank you

You would need FTP to backup your files to your local PC. But doesn't WA backup all the sites daily?? If you need to backup your entire site to your home computer so that you have a copy, then you would need FTP. But I fail to see the effectiveness of that because you can't back up the WordPress database which is integral to your WordPress website..

Can anyone tell me if WA backs up all the sites on their server?? Because if they do, I don't see the need for anyone to be backing up anything.

I also understand WA does daily backups, but apparently some people lost some things with the latest update of WP and then all the tutorials started on how to backup with FTP. But you know what, I never asked any of them if they are hosting at WA or elsewhere. Maybe that is the difference.

In a regular website, I backup my files all the time. But it's a bit different with a WordPress website because almost every action you do updates a database. Heck, a significant amount is stored in the database. For instance, when you create a post, the content you type in is stored in the database, not in the web pages. So I don't even see the point of even backing up the pages.

This is the first time I've heard of this, and it sounds terrible. I have to say this -- WA has to take responsibility for this. They have to backup all websites regularly and be able to restore anyone's website on demand at any time should something go wrong. This is really their responsibility.

So in answer to your question, I see no point of you using FTP to backup anything because you'll never capture everything about your site.

I like to backup using ftp and wp-dbmanager.
Wp-dbmanager backs up your database and lots more besides.

It places the backup in wp-content folder, and then I ftp the site down to my computer. In this way I always have a complete local backup.

That's good to know. I normally backup my MySQL database (which is what WordPress uses) through MySQL's dump utility. Given how restrictive WA is in allowing us to access our database, I'm glad to hear there is a plugin for that purpose.

Yes it uses MySql dump. After I download httpdocs folder, if all I have changed on the site is content, I just do a backup and re-download wp-content folder, then I am always up to date.

It is quick and painless:)

They do have backups, but it is always good to have your own too.

FTP is just something that allows you to transfer from your PC to your website, and vice versa. That's all it is.

So I'm not understanding why you're asking your question. Do you see a need to transfer files back and forth?

File Transfer Protocol.
Is a client software, that allows you to transfer all your HTML, CSS, ASP, JSP, Jquerry, etc, al lfiles that your INDEX.html file, you created on your own computer, with your Html editor. from your site folder to the "root " folder of your domain located on your ISP. .'

If you bought a domain and installed wordpress, Jumela, etc... directly on the domain and you have access to the CPanel.. and you can login and out of your dashboard, then you do not need to use ftp. Only upload from your text editor window in wordpress.

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