JUST RELEASED: Get Insights Into Keyword Potential for Each Post Topic!


Hey everyone,

Got some exciting news for you! We have just rolled out an update to the Hubs environment, and it now includes keyword summary data associated with every keyword. This update will give you more power and efficiency when doing your research and deciding on which topics and keywords to target.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what’s new:

Key Takeaways:

  1. Access to Keyword Data in Hubs:
    • If you want to follow along, head into one of your hubs by smashing the Hubs button at the top. Once you’re in your hub, you’ll notice a Jaaxy icon next to potential post topics. This funky "J" icon will give you access to valuable keyword data for each topic.
  2. How It Works:
    • When you click on the Jaaxy icon, you’ll get a list of primary keywords and LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords for that specific post. These keywords represent terms you can realistically rank for in search engines. For example, in a hub about keto recipes, a post like "Ten Quick Keto Breakfasts for Weekday Mornings" will reveal related keywords that you can target within that topic.
  3. Seamless Integration with Jaaxy:
    • After clicking on a post’s Jaaxy icon, all related keywords will be preloaded into Jaaxy. This allows you to quickly see how much traffic, competition, and ranking potential those keywords have, making the research process even smoother.
  4. Available for Premium & Premium Plus Members:

We are really excited for you to try out this new feature, as it makes keyword research faster and more efficient. After testing it out, please feel free to drop your feedback and thoughts in the comments below. I’d love to hear how it’s helping you with your content and research process.

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This is great. In the past when clicking on jaaxy not all of the listed keywords made sense to use with my post. However, with this upgrade you did all of the listed keywords will be applicable and I will be able to choose the keywords I want to use more quickly. Thanks for the upgrade

No problem, this provides you with much more insight. the problem before is that people were doing research ONLY on the content idea (phrase) and of course those have no competition, but typically very little traffic as well.

The reality is you are targeting all the internalized keywords and the LSI keywords naturally when you create content around those keywords.


I am going to use this to find better keywords for some of my already published posts and make some modifications to include better keywords and I am hoping for more traffic.

Super Kyle, you're creating the writer's perfect environment! I couldn't ask for much more, really! I really look forward to using all our new toys with each post. I'm sure writing used to be a chore for many members, but now, well, it's easy as pie.

The next thing is content strategy, which I'm really into currently.

While I'm here, does anyone recommend a particular app or software for content planning? Tello? Google Sheets? Etc. I need to choose one and be able to add 4 or 5 different campaigns each month to it.

So, Kyle, I wonder if there's anything in the pipeline for content strategy. It's so easy to forget which post is on which site. Does Wordpress have a composite list of all posts for each site, anyone?

I'm writing so many different things at the moment. I need a calendar to collate everything so I have a clear overview.

This is also a great reminder to check for keywords!

Thanks so much always. 🌺

Thanks Linden, that is the ultimate goal. To provide the perfect environment for content creation, but also business management in every respect.

You are going to see it continuing to evolve and we are on board with the idea of a calendar to coordinate tasks, and publication schedules. That is something that we are going to be focused on with a future and iterative update. Great idea!

OOOoh! Excellent. I just can't find one that suits me as a writer so I'm sure you can create one!! I've got so many streams of thought going on I need a calendar to keep them flowing - something I can visit everyday and mark off the days of campaigns, projects, etc. !!

Splendid! I'm looking forward to that!

Speak soon! 🙏🏼

Yeah, we want to be able to bulk write, edit, and then schedule. Imagine if you could get 15-20 posts in a day or two in place (and scheduled), and then you could focus on other activities in your business. That is the goal!

WOW! Perfect! Can't wait! And so wonderful to have everything under one roof! Our strong yet flexible WA Terra Cotta!


A content planner sounds great, Kyle (and Linden)!


Hi Kyle,
What a great improvement to have, that way to speed up our time for the post.
A quick question, now that we can see all the extra keywords with just 1 click away, do we use those keywords as a title for the post or can we include all of them in our articles?

Yeah, with one click, the Jaaxy app will display the metrics for the keywords shown. Then, you choose the keyword with the right metrics. For example, "earning money with print on demand" has a qsr of 16; you'd check the competition in Google Page 1 to see if you can outrank better before settling on your keyword.

Your found target keywords will then go in the title of your post and again in the first or second paragraph. Then, write freely. Some include them towards a conclusion if it conveys a message. I'd also make sure they are grammatically correct.

So, in effect, you do not use the rest of the keywords in your post, but you will naturally rank for other keywords within.

I hope this helps. And that's at least my understanding.


Thanks for a speedy reply and a golden nugget as usual :)

No problem! Also, if there's a purpose, you can always set the keyword in the URL and then change the title to make it more punchy and attractive.

That also works well; if the title includes a year, you can set the URL without it and then change the title to reflect the following years and with a newer content update to the post.


Good to know Abie+. This is great! So convenient.

Yes, I also think a grammar check is essential. We get tired, so involved in what we're writing, etc., that it's easy to miss typos and grammar agreements. Grammarly is free and nowadays superb. Using it regularly can make your writing tip-top.

Gosh! We've got so few excuses now not to be rolling out fabulous and frequent posts and articles now, have we?

Happy Posting! 🎇

Hi Kyle

That's another great addition to Hubs! 👍 💯

As an aside, as you continue to work on integrating images into the WA AI writer output, I think it should support the WebP image format. WA community posts don't currently support it and it is one of the lightweight image formats preferred by search engines. It would also save a lot of space on your servers. AI graphic generators such as DALL-E 3 are frequently rendering images in WebP.

Frank 🎸

WebP is still a bit of a tricky one, as many browsers still don't support them (lots of people are running versions that don't), but images are definitely a focus for the output of articles. WE are definitely aware of WebP, but there is complexities and it can represent some technical issues for websites.

So we are going to consider all of this moving forward, and you are more than likely to see updates pertaining to this. We just ran a significant caching update yesterday which is leading to even more website performance.

Sounds good, Kyle. 👍

Have a great weekend! 🥳
Frank 🎸

Nice! Now with Google understanding more and more the overall intention of an article it feels we don't have to spend so much time rewording our titles, etc. to find that perfect magic keyword, but can instead focus on the content itself. This feature allows us to see just how many great keywords and related keywords we can potentially rank for with these great topic ideas. This is great!

Yeah, exactly. They have a very good understanding of like keywords (LSI), and will often times rank articles from something that is very close in terms of it's language, but it doesn't need to be exact. Glad you like this update, it further advances the features and functionality accessible directly within a Hub.

More like we were doing 15 years ago.

I absolutely agree with your ever-bright and optimistic perspective, Eric. Being able to focus so much more on content is a real luxury. And the supply of keywords is a bottomless Jaaxy well.

We're all set!! The sky's the limit!! 🎇🚀

Excellent tool, Kyle. Looks great.

Glad you like it John!

WHAT! What did you guys just do! Like, you guys just made my life easier, again.

You heard that phrase ICANT you know when someone does something unhinged and people say ICANT.

Well this I can't means I can't wait to you use this new feature. LOL.

Thanks again for being the kings you guys are and making our lives more easier. Cheers!

That is the goal! haha

We are going to continue to make your life easier, and streamline processes that used to take a lot of time. Like research. Like content creation. Like building out websites. Like communication. etc

Lots to look forward as we continue to march forward with new platforms, and innovations. :)

Awesome Evelyn - I'm glad you like this update and thanks for your message :)

Very convenient, brilliant!

Yes, convenience and efficiency. That is what we are all about. ;)

Thanks Kyle sounds awesome and makes it much easier for all to see based on their niche topic.

Then from that list given people can get stuck into deeper research as well. Even come up with other topics ideas as well

Yeah, exactly. The content ideas are great, but it is hard to understand that until you see the potential keywords that any of the topics can rank under. This now offers that level of clarity. We are glad to get this update (one of many coming to Hubs) in your hands. :)

Looking forward to more coming through
Thanks 👍


Thank you both once more👍😎

It just keeps getting better. Thanks Kyle.

Just wondering, how updated is jaaxy data to show us the traffic and competition? Is it like a weekly, daily or monthly data pull? Thank you!

Jaaxy data is constantly losing for new traffic estimates, but the data returned is based on Bing/Google, it's likely updated monthly. But Search term data is not going to fluctuate much from month to month unless there are seasonal events or special events that happen in certain months of the year. The traffic estimates that you are seeing in Jaaxy are on the LOW side, you can expect more.

Some terms that we do not have enough data on and say <10, may in fact get far more traffic.

Hopefully this tool gives you some insight though - If an article gets just 1-2 clicks a month, and you are publishing regularly, that adds up very quickly over the course of months. SEO takes time - but you need the CORE of your business and relevant content.

Seo is just one of MANY ways to generate traffic - so keep in mind that you have opportunities to promote your posts in Social, on Youtube with relevant videos, via Pay-per-click, via UGC and forum marketing etc. There are so many great traffic sources out there once you have content that you can point traffic to. Multiple streams of traffic - that's the ultimate goal here.

Thank you Carson. Appreciate your response very much. I usually have a tougher time finding keywords because jaaxy shows me quite many <10.

I still use jaaxy all the time as a process taught to me here at WA (since it is all integrated here), but didnt really get much useful insights from it to the point that I just write what I believe is meaningful for my audience.

Yet to really try using the Hub because I'm more used to writing in WordPress block editor.

You are going to see how much traffic potential an article has now using this new feature, it will give you data across all of the keywords that a content idea can potentially rank for.

And you should definitely be leveraging the hubs, it has the done for you research and ties directly into the AI Design, and Author platforms where you can bulk write content. You could write TEN 1,000 word articles in 2 minutes if you wanted to. :)

Ok, I will do it. :) Thanks to you, Carson and the team for designing all these!

I wanted to ask too, does it mean that publishing still needs to be done out of Hubs? In the past, I dropped out of SiteContent because there seems to be more control over how we can format the article (like adding buttons, images, etc) in the block editor.

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